Antigua and Barbuda

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    • Day 4


      January 17 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      We had the car until 3pm today. This morning we woke up, had our coffee and breakfast, and I put more things away as Brian wrote. We then headed for the car around 10am. Driving during the daylight was much better!
      We went to Woods Radiology to get a mammogram (cost $180 Canadian) as mine was scheduled for March in Moncton but I wouldn’t be there and although I could reschedule…. I wasn’t sure what times I would be in Moncton. You walk in, show past reports, pay and have it done all under we 45 minutes. Results arrive the same day and all is clear!
      Next was Harper’s to exchange the mouse Brian bought so it will work with both Mac and Surface Pro…. As I forgot mine at home.
      Then to food stalls along the road for fruit and Epicurean for groceries. We bought 3 big bags and headed back to Falmouth, gassed up and dropped off the car. Then took groceries to the dingy and back to the boat.
      We were invited out to dinner by Brian’s friends Babs and Tim. There were two other couples (Diane and Jeremy on Lema and Susan and Steve on Thursdays Child). We went to a pizza place and had a lamb pizza.
      Back to the boat and off to bed.
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    • Day 39

      Sushi and Dancing

      December 9, 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Today we started to prepare for what we anticipated to be a nasty trip, instead ….. a lot of fun! The winds were steady at 20-24knots but we only used the stay sail and with it zipped along at 7-8knots. It was only a 10-12mile trek so we arrived quickly.
      We again had difficulty anchoring, although only tried once, we slid back 1000ft over the course of the afternoon. Eventually, we let out another 100ft and seemed to have set the anchor (mantis/ plow).
      When we arrived, we noticed that we were beside Always (Tim Sanders) who had Ilse aboard. She was Brian’s crew for the delivery and he was hopping to see her. They were leaving for Jolly Harbour and then Panama. She filmed us but didn’t say much…. Brian later learned that they are headed to Australia together— might be a tough passage for someone who gets seasick.
      I did some work, called Leanne to chat and listened to Brian play guitar. We then headed to AYC to try Sushi again (it was great) and have some fun dancing untill the floor became too crowded with people (including Jill, who we meant the first time) and smokers. Back to the boat to relax for the rest of the evening.
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    • Day 10

      Middle Ground

      January 23 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Work in the morning and move in the afternoon! At 3pm we went to Blue Magic to fetch Maria (Rolander) and go for a hike to Middle ground (great views and lots of small goats). It has been awhile since I moved my legs…. It’s felt good!
      We went to Coventry Gardens and go three bags of groceries, it cost $350 CND, which is what I paid back in December at home.
      Later in the evening we went over to Blue Magic and had super - brought some turkey sausages and okra for everyone, Nicholas and Maria added chicken, salad and a veggie dish. After the meal we learned how to play Mahjong. It was lots of fun, I actually won the first round (East Wind) of four.
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    • Day 9

      Nautical Namaste

      January 22 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Had some work calls in the morning and Brian went off to do a pastel. One of my calls was delayed by an hour so I ended up filming my first little yoga video and put it on Instagram.
      Even though I am usually up by 6:30am, the days seem to fly by and I do not get all the things done that I need too. However, I am still on pace with doing Yoga with Adrienne every day…. Just not with producing my own classes or videos.
      We went for a swim in the late afternoon and met the boat beside us (Mermaid). Mike and Robin are the owners and it is the same boat designer as Lorena. They are the organizers of the Antigua Classic (a regatta I dreamed about racing in, in my 30’s). They recommended a person in Jolly Harbour who could potentially help with the boat leaks.
      **Also made muffins… an epic failure! Half burnt. I didn’t keep them in as long and only dialed to 350, but there is no thermometer in the gas oven. I’ll try again.
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    • Day 7

      Chain Hair

      January 20 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We are still trying to decide if we leave or stay. The last few nights have been really difficult to sleep as the boat was rolling so much. One of the concerns is all the growth on the chain and not being able to get it off, while lifting the anchor (and allowing the chain down the hospipe).
      I wish I had taken a before and after picture. It was dirty and difficult to remove, but after lots of scrubbing it came off. The growth was only on the first 30-40 feet of chain. We used the wash down pump to rinse and clean the chain, but later realized it was not connected properly and had flooded the V-berth. We also has a problem with the bilge pump coming on but not pumping water. Both were fixable.
      After washing the chain and moving the boat about 500ft closer to the channel, I had stuff all over me and biting, so I jumped into the water and Brian followed. We had a good swim and did our 7 laps.
      Then we lounged on the boat and decided that to head to shore. Brian was going to do a pastel and then we were heading to Sushi at AYC.
      Maria met us at AYC and we had some G&T and chatted for quite awhile while Nicolas was at TOT.
      We made plans to connect again for yoga in the morning.
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    • Day 81

      Good bye Antigua and hello Guadaloupe

      February 7, 2020 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Das ausklarieren in Antigua geht im Gegensatz zum einklarieren sehr fix. Um 8 Uhr öffnet das Ausklarierungsbüro in English Habour. Wir sind kurz nach 8 Uhr dort. Nach zirka 45 Minuten sind wir fertig. Wir treffen Matze am Supermarkt, der während dessen eingekauft hat und fahren mit dem Beiboot gemeinsam zurück zum Schiff. Vierzig Seemeilen liegen heute vor uns. Der Wind weht ziemlich stark, so dass wir die Segel reffen (verkleinern) werden. 7-8 Stunden wird die Überfahrt dauern. Das Frühstück fällt entsprechend knapp aus, denn wir wollen nicht zu spät lossegeln. Um 10 Uhr starten wir die holprige Überfahrt. Die Wellen kommen seitlich und schwappen immer mal wieder ins Cockpit. Regina, Bella und Matze haben vorsichtshalber eine Seekranktablette eingeworfen. Übelkeit gibt es daher zum Glück nicht an Bord. Als eine Regenfront vom Atlantik zu uns zieht, verlangsamen wir unsere Fahrt, um einem Sturm auszuweichen. Mitten auf dem Weg nach Guadaloupe kreuzt uns plötzlich eine Walschule. Acht Wale schwimmen vor unserem Boot und wir schauen begeistert zu. So schnell wie sie gekommen sind, sind sie auch wieder verschwunden. Ein Foto können wir deshalb leider nicht schießen. Nach 8 Stunden erreichen wir dann die ruhige Bucht von Deshaies auf Guadaloupe. Wir lassen unser Beiboot ins Wasser und setzen über zum kleinen Hafenort, um den Abend in einer Pizzeria ausklingen zu lassen. Regina hat die beste Thunfischpizza, die sie je gegessen hat, mit frischem Thunfisch und Basilikum. Hmmm, köstlich!Read more

    • Day 18

      Pigeon Beach

      November 18, 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      My throat is still scratchy but more than anything I am just really tired! I slept for awhile in the V berth in the morning. Brian had workers on the boat and was doing stuff. Then I listened to the rest of the shortened audio version of the Zen book I forgot in Montreal and decided to write about it.
      Later in the afternoon we decided to head out to the beach, Pigeon beach, and go for a swim. It was nice to walk barefoot and swim in warm water with Brian. We then walked back another route and stopped at the Yacht Club to get some sushi. It was an open air restaurant…. So I cautiously agreed. We had a great meal, although they didn’t have any GF soy sausage, they had eel sauce. Lilly was the server and she was great. A lady named Jill Edward’s came to the table (a lawyer) and complimented me on my hair 💕…. Beach hair nonetheless.
      Later they had a DJ and we danced on our way outside. Fun as we had the floor to ourselves and we both look like old fools with our dance moves.
      Back to the boat and fireworks started at the house on the hill. It was magical.
      The minute my head hit the pillow I was asleep!
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    • Day 40

      Laundry Time

      December 10, 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Up to a beautiful sunrise. Unfortunately, Brian had a rough sleep with nightmares and a sleeping pill….. so he felt groggy, tired and off all day. I must say that I am really enjoying the early to rise and early to bed. Waking at dawn…. And sitting with my thoughts in silence, while sipping coffee (beside Brian) for an hour or more…. is so peaceful! We decided to gather all our laundry and head into Falmouth for a few hours. We dropped two big loads for wash only and it would be ready by 1pm. We went to the gas station and beside it was a fresh fruit place where we stocked up, and then to a little stand for passion fruit, bananas, sorrel (a dried flower that is only available from Nov- Jan and tastes like sour candy) and coffee. Brian did a little search (he calls them peewees). We also had a taste of Sugar Apple.
      We then when to Budget Marine (on our way to Gennie’s another grocery store that is supposed to be cheaper but wasn’t open). It was a long walk, but pretty. We brought the new gas tank and produce back to the tender and Brian tried to switch the tanks, but didn’t have a funnel.
      We headed to Covenant Garden grocery store — they seemed to have alot more this time, including GF bread and Greek yogurt. Back to get the laundry and then to dry it on the boat. We forgot to get extra clothes pin, so we had to be creative (using lines) to hang all the clothes. Once we got back, Tess and Hartmult invited us for lunch. I started to make French Toast (excited about the GF bread) and Nicholas and Marie invited us over. I had a conference call at 4pm (FTHS volunteer orientation) so it was an intense discussion about what to do…. I finished making the toast and we headed to Blue Magic for a quick visit. After my call we went to Cappy’s for a drink with Brian’s German friends. Finding the boat in the dark is always fun, but Brian seems to intuitively know where she is.
      We gathered the rest of the clothing on the boat, made the bed and put away clothing before sleep.
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    • Day 41


      December 11, 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Isabelle from La Brassarie come by the boat most mornings and Brian enjoys a croissant or three. He could eat all day, anything he wants and still not gain a pound! Luck for me, there is no Gluten Free to tempt me.
      Did some work in the morning (call with Lise at SJTC and Lisa about FTHS). Then we went for a swim at noon. I am still working on my diving. I’ve moved from the transom to the side of the boat, but haven’t got the guts for the topside yet.
      In the afternoon, we headed to the Yacht Club where Maria had reserved to do her Less Mills yearly yoga training. We did the workshop but had trouble with getting the Master Class to stream properly. Cindy (Steve) and Alex (Andy) were also with us. Brian had left to do a pastel at Nelson’s Dockyard and came back to work on it as we tried to do the class. Eventually we gave up. We had to get back to the boat and grab a bite to eat before I did another FTHS volunteer orientation.
      The winds have been strong all week and have prevented us from taking down the stay sail and Genoa, but there was a calm at sunset as we arrived back to the boat, so we made haste and decided to take down both sails to get fixed. It was still a challenge but we happily managed.
      It was a great day that was balanced with 4-5 hours of work and equal amount of play! I haven’t done yoga at all during my time on the boat and it felt good to practice.
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    • Day 33


      December 3, 2023 in Antigua and Barbuda ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We were up early again (normally day starts at 6:30) and got the dinghy hoisted and boat prepped for leaving. We had no troubles starting the engine this time, a nd began our 52 mile trek to Falmouth, Antigua. I try and do some work or reading on the passage, but it doesn’t work well for me and I start to feel queasy.
      The batten popped out of the sleeve and we had to keep a close eye on it, not to loose it as had happen before to Brian on the passage over. We also noticed a rip in the Jib that needs attention. I took some time to try and get the rust off the aft port stansions.
      Sushi at the Antigua Yacht Club, Clubhouse restaurant was on the menu. Once we arrived in Falmouth, we again struggled to anchor a finally settled on a spot, although it was getting dark and lots of boats around. We quickly gathered up garbage and headed to the dock. Once at the club we ran into Nicholas and Marie (and a whole crew of others), we switched seats and sat at a table of 10-12 people (including Steve and Cindy on Karuna - from Vermont). We had sushi but my evening was interrupted as the first bite I took had Tempura, so bathroom called most of the night). It is Super Yacht week in Antigua and there are MANY huge vessels in the bay and at dock (Loon, Chasing Daylight, Calex, Sea Owl, Twizzle, SuRi).
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