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    • Tag 421–429

      Buenos Aires

      2. März in Argentinien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Milei is like Kennedy, He is providing a new wind a vision of change. When you see the change he is bringing to the country its amazing. It provides hope for the future.

      Apart from that had I had a great day meeting my jazz musician friends.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 15

      או-טו-טו חוזרים לארץ הקודש

      1. Juli 2023 in Argentinien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      זוכרים "סידורים, דיבורים, ואוכל"?
      עכשיו, משתמו הסידורים, נשארו רק הדיבורים והאוכל, וכמו שטבעו של כל חלל להתמלא, נראה שהשניים שנותרו תפחו למימדים גדולים עוד יותר!

      אני שוכבת לי פה במיטה, מפוצצת מרוב אוכל ומחוסר תנועה, מנסה לעכל... את האוכל, ואת השיגרה.

      בשבוע האחרון הוספתי לעצמי עליה וירידה במדרגות - לקומה העשירית במלון בו היינו ברוסריו, ולקומה התשיעית ב"ארמון" בו אנחנו מתארחות. השוער בכניסה לבניין לא מבין מהיכן נפלה לכאן הזקנה המשוגעת הזו, שעולה ויורדת במדרגות השירות 😂.

      אתמול ניצלתי רגע שאניטה יצאה לפגוש את האחיינית של חוסה, ויצאתי קצת לתור את הסביבה. חיפשתי ומצאתי חנות יד שנייה נחמדה, במרחק של כשני ק"מ מהבית. המחירים של הפריטים היו ממש יקרים, ושום בגד לא הצדיק את המחיר. משם המשכתי לבית מרקחת, לקנות קצת תרופות שטלי ביקש. זה המקום לספר, שהוא ודליה ניזונים מעשרות כדורים של תוספי מזון - ביום!

      אחר הצהרים "אירגנתי" לנו גיחה קצרה לחנות יד-שנייה של ולריה, בת של אחד מבני הדודים. הגענו לשם שלושתינו - אניטה, דליה, ואני - וקנינו קצת, רק בשביל לעשות טוב על הלב לקרובת משפחה, כי המחירים היו ממש גבוהים! קניתי שתי חולצות ב-28 דולר 😲, כמעט כמו מחיר של בגדים חדשים בארץ!

      משם המשכנו לבית קפה נחמד, ל"ערב בנות". נפגשנו עם בנות-הדודות של אניטה, ובנותיהן. היה נחמד, מרגש ו... מפוצץ! העוגות והקינוחים פה ממש טעימים, ובאמת שאני כבר לא יכולה לחשוב על אוכל!

      היום יצאנו עם טלי ודליה לבקר באתר ההנצחה שהקימו ליד בניין שגרירות ישראל בבואנוס איירס. אניטה, שעבדה כגזברית של הסוכנות, והמשרד שלה היה בשגרירות, היא מניצולי הפיגוע.
      הפיגוע התרחש ב - 17 במרץ 1992. מכונית תופת, נהוגה בידי מחבל מתאבד, התפוצצה ליד שער בניין שגרירות ישראל. בפיגוע נהרגו 29 אנשים. הפיגוע בוצע ככל הנראה על ידי חיזבאללה ואיראן.

      אחר כך נסענו לאזור שנקרא רקולטה. הסתובבנו ביריד סוף שבוע - שדומה לנחלת בנימין, ביקרנו בכנסיה מפוארת, והתיישבנו במסעדת חומוס פלאפל טבעונית!

      בעוד 24 שעות מתחילות להתארגן לתזוזה חזרה - חייבת כבר את התזונה שלי, עוד מעט אני מתפוצצת 😜

    • Tag 50

      Buenos Aires

      20. Juni 2023 in Argentinien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Getting to Buenos Aires was a significant challenge. We originally were planning on bussing but after a short bus ride to a connecting town took 12 hours instead of 4, we opted to fly instead. Argentina is the most expensive country we have been in and thus, we decided to only spend a few days in Buenos Aires.

      These few days were lovely. We didn't do much other than walk and explore the city and try lots of bakeries and food. Buenos Aires is the city that felt most similar to Canada and we both agreed it would be such a nice city to live in. I loved our few days here and feel as though we only got a taste of what this city has to offer. When planning this trip, Chile and Argentina were places that we decided were more expensive and very long (longer bus rides) and consequently we decided to save them for a later trip. Having said that we had to go through Argentina to get to Brazil so we got a few days in Buenos Aires. I'm glad we got to see a bit of the city even though I know that I want to come back for more!

    • Tag 17

      Arrivée a Buenos aires

      27. November 2022 in Argentinien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Après 10h de bus me voila arrivée a Buenos aires!

      J’ai retrouvé Sarah et Romane, on est allées se promener au quartier chinois et on a mangé dans un resto super.

      Ce soir on retrouve peut-être quelques amis à elles dont Ugo un copain de prépa!

      Je reste ici pendant deux semaines et le 12 décembre on commence le voyage à Salta avec Romane.

    • Tag 453


      3. April in Argentinien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Just as my trip seemed to have passed by without any mayor set backs I got hit by Dengue. This whilst Elena is visiting me and so in stead of us enjoying Buenos Aires and Iguazu she has been nursing me. This virus took me out viciously, what seemed as a flu turned out quickly to be worse and after fainting a couple of times it was clear I had something more serious than the flu. So after hoapitalisation and confirmation that I have Dengue I was recommended to stay in bed for 7 days minimum taking paracetamol and 2.5ltr of water. I am starting to feel better, no fever any more. I think we are on tge recovery trajectory now.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      Impressionen der letzten Tage

      5. November 2023 in Argentinien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Wir sind immer noch in Buenos Aires. Das Schiff hat den Hafen Zarate schon wieder verlassen - unsere Wohnmobile stehen demnach im Zoll! Und sollen heute abgefertigt werden. Morgen früh um 7 Uhr ist Abfahrt im Hotel, dann geht es zum Hafen - und dann wissen wir mehr. Wir sind alle aufgeregt. Ein Teilnehmer hat gestern Abend die Mitteilung erhalten, das seine Wegfahrsperre nicht deaktiviert werden kann. Das Auto scheint trotzdem im Hafen zu sein! Wie haben sie das vom Schiff geschleppt? Ich glaube das wollen wir nicht wissen. Um uns abzulenken fahren Jürgen und ich mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in den Zoo und nach Chinatown. Am Abend erleben wir noch Demos und traurige Fussballfans. Wir haben uns aber überall sicher gefühlt.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2

      Welcome to Buenos Aires

      14. April in Argentinien ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Nach gut 12 Stunden Flug bin ich heute morgen in Buenos Aires gelandet. Ich konnte fast die ganze Zeit schlafen, daher bin ich auch sehr erholt angekommen.

      Mit dem Taxi wurde ich zu meiner Unterkunft gebracht. Da ich ab morgen in einer Sprachschule spanisch lerne, wohne ich während den nächsten drei Wochen bei Claudia. Ihre Wohnung ist mitten in der Stadt und sehr gross. Sie beherbergt hier jeweils mehrere Sprachschüler und Studierende. Ich bin gespannt wie das Leben hier sein wird.

      Nachmittags hat mich meine Mitbewohnerin mitgenommen in die Stadt und hat mir die Schule gezeigt und dafür gesorgt, dass ich eine Buskarte und eine SIM Karte erhalte. Nun bin ich doch sehr müde und freue mich auf das Abendessen und aufs Bett.

    • Tag 2–3

      Buenos Aires

      24. Juli in Argentinien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Yesterday morning, though it felt more like midday for my CET-routines, I arrived in Buenos Aires Zeizera.

      Leaving the international airport for the city centre was more difficult than expected, as I was reluctant to spend more money than necessary, and so I ended up asking people to share a cab. Also more difficult than expected, since the arrivals and departures share a waiting hall. I ended up talking for ages with an Argentinian musician who was going to travel to Italy, where he would join a Crouse Ship as a musician within its entertainment programme. Another acquaintance, a young German doctor who had just finished med school, reminded me of my brother - happy to treat oneself to a trip after years of structured studying, while also eager to start getting his hands on... people? sounds wrong, but well, the professional medical way XD
      I ended up asking two girls who looked comparably lost to how I felt, and implicitly invited myself to join their cab, since they had a free spot and were curious to connect. We talked during the trip, in a weird mixture of English, Spanish, and Italian (they were from Bologna), though as we all were tired, our conversation might not have been the most inspiring - a weird pressure to be under, wanting to have a meaningful conversation while also adjusting to the energy in the room/car, and just sharing a nice car ride can also be fine..

      We crawled out from the tiny car stuffed with stuff and people (making seatbelts not unnecessary but impossible) at the girls' address. With just a kind question to prolong the ride (though ofc with payment in cash/"efecto"), the driver then stored my suitcase again, and we left for my quarter - he refused payment though, saying I should take it as a warm welcome to Buenos Aires. We continued talking, and the driver, Pablo, shared some thoughts with me, on Milei, who to him seemed more like a ridicule, and the failure of socialist politics. He warned me to never enter two quarters - whose names I unfortunately forgot in the instance, and I sincerely hope the will be written in a sign to remind me when I enter accidentally.

      After Pablo had dropped me and my luggage off, I went to search for my AirBnb in "Barrio Chino", the Chinese quarter of Buenos Aires. Early as it was, few people were out and I would be surprised later to realise how touristy this quarter could actually become. None of this was to be perceived in the calm enclave I entered in Paula's flat. My host is a lady of maybe 30 years, and a truly kind soul. The first thing she did was to introduce me to her "mascotas", the cat Tango and her dog Oliver. She's got her priorities right I'd say!
      My priority: cats above all, except for checking for bed bugs - which luckily, do not seem to bully us here... *Knocking on wood it stays that way* Do cats eat bed bugs?

      Afterwards as I entered the room that I share with two girls, I was introduced to who would be the comfort of my day. Mafer from Venezuela, most extravert and with such a clear Spanish that even my unpracticed and little-rested ear will find it smooth to listen to her. With another Venezuelan guest, Marguerito, we spend the midday talking, about whatever ranging from Buenos Aires to movies to their families in Venezuela who struggle under the current political and economic insecurity. My political science soul started reflecting on their stories, thinking back to my conflicts course at uni, where we discussed the distinctions between and discourses on migrants, refugees, working migrants, expats. But most importantly, they were the kindest people and the best first amd friendly encounter with roomies. Marguerito prepared Venezuelan food for me (picture attached, it was such a warm comfort food!) and it was lovely to enter this friendly mood so comfortably as if I had not just arrived on the other side of the globe.

      After cuddling the cat, who turned out to be a (not surprisingly, but typically) arrogant being with the most fluffy hair and a high pitch of meowing, I waited for quite some while as Marguerito slept for a solid siesta - no, not a lunch break, a siesta! I can't sleep during the day and I'm trying to be culturally sensitive but it still does not make sense to me... He had kindly offered to accompany me to my first money exchange trip. It felt sketchy, walking with euros in my pocket to go exchange them in a semi-legal loophole office for Pesos. Thousand of pesos. Such an imbalance of value, how one Euro can buy more than a thousand Pesos.

      Discussing this, we entered an intriguing terrain of topics, as Marguerito explained how the recent policy of economic stabilisation made him approve of Milei. In the afternoon, when we went for another long walk to explore the quarter, I also raised topics of Milei's pushback against gender equality within the context of feminist emancipation. I understood that given the failure of more socialist policies, any strong economic hand that is not (or does not seem!) top-down in allocating wealth, but rather re-introduces meritocracy, seems more reliable than the hundreds of percent inflation Argentina has seen previously. A deep frustration shone through towards Politicians in Latin America as a whole. I am curious to learn more, to understand how the perception of a political class may be, similar to my studies on Western countries, filled with frustration though for different reasons. Or, if we think of how various political forced have mobilised in Germany, too, around rising costs of living, maybe the point of inflation and economic motives are actually not that different?

      The day ended with some dog-cuddling, an appropriate kick of oxytocin to let me fall asleep in the upper half of the bunk bed - best choices were left over voluntarily, unbelievably :)

    • Tag 49

      El Gordo Vegano

      24. Januar in Argentinien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Both of us have been dragging our butts for the last ten days or so because of one of those nasty summer colds.

      Feeling a little more human today, we ventured to Belgrano, a new part of town for us, to try out another highly rated vegan restaurant, El Gordo Vegano (The Fat Vegan). Not a Michelin Guide restaurant, but a cozy little place that serves us really good vegan versions of comfort food.

      Brenda had their spinach and mushroom omelet, and I had an enormous "Churrasquito" sandwich, a grilled slab of grilled seitan smothered in chimichurri, grilled peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, ranch dressing and crispy potato matchsticks. As if that wasn't enough, it came with a side of slaw and a heap of roast potatoes.

      At the end of the meal, our server tried to convince us to try one of their small croissants for dessert, but we cried uncle. We did, however, opt to bring two "little" croissants home to have with dinner. When the waiter handed me the bag they were in, I almost dropped it because they were so unexpectedly heavy. Each croissant filled a bread plate, was filled with pastry cream, and was topped with vanilla icing and diced almonds. There was no dinner tonight, only the croissant and a cup of tea.

      The Fat Vegan indeed!

    • Tag 430

      Invisible hand & Tango

      11. März in Argentinien ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      In Buenos Aires there is Tango dancing in open air at La Glorieta. Fantastic place to watch the pleople dance. I took one lesson, and understand this is one of the more challenging dances to learn. At least with Salsa you can hear the rythm of the music...with Tango you are drifting in an ocean of music.
      Apart from music visited the Museum of Bella Arte, which has quite a collection of Rodin and other art jewels. I think however that Rodin is probably one of my favourite artists. To round of my thoughts cannot help to add the "invisible hand" of Adam Smith that is gripping Argentina.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Belgrano, Белграно, ベルグラーノ, 벨그라노 동, Belgranas, Barrio Belgrano

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