Departamento de Las Heras

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Departamento de Las Heras
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    • Day 85

      Cycling Wine Tour

      May 15 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      The Mendoza area is would renowned for its wine production so we had to give it a go! You can hire a bike and cycle from vineyard to vineyard.

      Fair play to Dan on this one as he can't ride a bike and doesn't like wine, but he was happy to go along with it regardless.

      Whilst not quite mastering how to ride a bike, Dan gave it a good go. Although we did end up just walking our bikes from vineyard to vineyard. We tried a number of different wines (all red or rose) as well as a few olive oils. We established that red wine isn't my favourite, and Dan doesn't like it at all but hey we tried!
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    • Day 86

      Alta Montana Tour - Potrerillos

      May 16 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      This morning we were up bright and early for a tour through the Andes! It was the absolute perfect day for it as there wasn't a single cloud in the sky, it was however still quite cold. First stop being this lovely viewpoint over the lake and mountain ranges!Read more

    • Day 87

      Leaving Mendoza

      May 17 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      This morning was another early start as we left Mendoza to head to Cordoba. The 11 hour journey was helped somewhat by the fact that we had the seats on the very back row of the bus, so we were able to recline to our hearts content as we filled our minds with Duolingo, podcasts, documentaries and Football Manager.Read more

    • Day 84

      Liverpool Bar & Drinks

      May 14 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      This afternoon was Tottenham v Man City, a crucial game in the Premier League title race. We therefore settled down in none other than 'Liverpool Bar' to enjoy the game. We then went for a few more drinks including a bar with some darts! There was also a bar offering two Aperol spritz for about £3.30 so I was loving life.Read more

    • Day 84

      Exploring Mendoza

      May 14 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      This morning we had a couple of admin tasks to do to kick-start our time in Argentina. First of all we had to get our hands on some cash.

      Argentina is in a very complex economic situation due to hyperinflation. In 2023 the inflation rate of the country was over 200% and is still at around 10% inflation per month!

      Due to the Argentina peso being effectively worthless, foreign currencies are extremely valuable, particularly since the Argentinian government has placed restrictions on its citizens changing pesos to foreign currency.

      Whilst the official exchange rate from GBP to ARS is around 1:1,100, the unofficial 'blue dollar' exchange rate is around 1:1,347. This rate is available on the street and most importantly at Western Union!

      We'd therefore placed an order for some cash a few days before and went to collect it today. The only issue being that the largest note you can get you hands on in Argentina is the 1,000 Peso note, which is worth around 74p. So we no joke had to take a rucksack to collect our cash as it was just under 1,000 notes. Paying for anything here is a nightmare as you have to count out so many notes to pay for anything!

      A 2,000 Peso note does exist (still not really worth anything) but nobody seems to have ever seen one. And it's not like they can print more money either as that will only make the situation worse!

      After collecting our cash we bought a SIM card and dropped our cash off back at the hostel.

      We then took a stroll through the city all the way up to the park at the far end.
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    • Day 86

      Mt Aconcagua Viewpoint

      May 16 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ -5 °C

      The furthest (and highest) point of the trip was at the viewpoint towards Mt Aconcagua. Standing at 6,961m, the mountain is the highest point in the Americas, the highest point outside of Asia and the highest point in the southern and western hemispheres. We were some way off the top but it was still freezing, enough so for Dan to hit me with a snowball. This is also officially the coldest footprint I've ever posted at -5 degrees!

      After this we began a long trip back which included a stop off for some lunch. The views were spectacular once again!
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    • Day 83

      Arriving in Argentina

      May 13 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ -4 °C

      We crossed the Argentina border with no problems and the views continued to shine! We even passed Mount Aconcagua (South America's highest peak) although I didn't manage to get a picture of it. We arrived into Mendoza just after 5:30pm and headed immediately to the nearby McDonalds. We then took an Uber to our hostel and had a quick evening of relaxation.Read more

    • Day 161

      Fine Dining

      April 27 in Argentina ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Irgendwie komisch ohne dem MAN. Wir spazieren durch die Stadt und finden wieder die vielen Graffitis. Ich finde Mendoza ist eine schöne grüne Stadt. Hier kann ich mich schon wohl fühlen, wenn auch der Anlass nervt 😠.

      Abends gönnen wir uns dann ein Fine-Dining-Dinner. Seit kurzer Zeit werden in Südamerika auch Michelin Sterne vergeben. Das Restaurant auf dem Weingut Bodega Aleanna hat einen Stern ⭐️.
      Zuerst besichtigen wir die Bodega in Eigeninitiative, dann mit einem englischsprachigen Guide. Wir erfahren viel über den Weinanbau in der Wüstenlandschaft.
      Das Essen macht dann richtig Spaß. Den Michelin Stern ⭐️ muss man wohl ins Verhältnis Südamerika setzen. In Europa wäre noch viel Luft nach Oben. Bei einem 10-Gänge-Menü mit Weinbegleitung - auch 10 Weine - für umgerechnet 135,00 €, können wir nicht meckern. Zusätzlich können wir einen Wein aus Uspallata probieren, von einem der höchstgelegenen Weinregionen der Welt. Die Weinbegleitung wird dann noch mit einem ihrer beiden Top-Weine abgerundet, der mit 100 Parker Punkten bewertet ist.
      Es war tatsächlich viel Wein 🍷 ….

      Der doofe Uber-Fahrer versetzt uns dann bei der Abholung. Kein Problem, das Restaurant organisiert kurzfristig eine Limo 🚘, die uns zum Uber-Preis nach Mendoza (40 KM) zurückbringt.

      Morgen dann bestimmt keinen Alkohol ⛔️
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    • Day 70

      Salute desde Mendoza 🍷🏔️🌸

      April 18, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Hallo ihr Lieben,
      Nachdem wir die Ostertage in Puerto Madryn verbracht haben, melden wir uns aus der Weinregion Mendoza, ca. 1000km weiter nördlich zurück. Hier wird es auch langsam wieder wärmer und die Parks der Stadt werden von vielen großen, alten Bäumen und Palmen geschmückt. Mit dem Fahrrad haben wir einige Weingüter besucht und genossen die verschiedenen Geschmäcker. Gerne hätten wir die ein oder andere Flasche mitgenommen, was jedoch die Kapazität unseres Rucksacks nicht zuließ… auch das Fass konnte Anne leider nicht einpacken.
      Einen Tagesausflug haben wir in den bergigen Ort „Uspallata“ gemacht, wo wir die Stille und Natur genießen konnten 🏔️. Zwei der Riesen sahen aus wie schlafende Dinosaurier und der Cerro Siete Colores hat uns mit seinen bunten Farben überrascht. Außerdem haben hier schon die Inka in ferner Vergangenheit Bildchen gemalt. Ansonsten war es recht trocken aber sehr schön. Am nächsten Tag gab es dann wieder eine Weintour mit dem Fahrrad und dieses Mal hat das Wetter dann auch mitgespielt. Wir reisen nun weiter nach Cordoba. Ciao y hasta pronto!
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    • Day 42

      Cacheuta Thermal Spa

      December 13, 2019 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today we spent a day relaxing in the far out thermal waters of the Andes mountains, within one of valleys were different levels of Thermal pools, from cold to hot and with a lazy river on the bottom tier. We had to catch a bus here from the centre of Mendoza which took around an hour. We missed the first bus so had some waiting to do, so grabbed 2nd breakfast at a market cafe around the corner... It goes without saying cake was on the menu and we had it... Yes dulce de leche as always! (might have to go on a diet soon with all this cake).
      After we spent the day lazying around at the pools, we grabbed abit of something to eat at a BBQ place near the spa. As the guy assumed we spoke Spanish after zach asked briefly in Spanish about the menu offers, we had apparently ordered food and drinks! We weren't quite sure what we'd get though... 😂🤔🙄😳 But turns out we ordered fried eggs with chips, some spreadable cheese and topped with chopped warmed hotdogs! 😂 Ermmm yes healthy, they love all the beige foods here! Not to worry we had food back at the hostel too.
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