Exploring the world trying to find my place in this life. Read more
  • Day 77

    Visit from home

    December 13, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Look at that! I drove all the way down to Auckland airport safely and my dad actually made it to New Zealand! What can I wish for more?! Absolutely happy!
    First day we just went checking out queenstreet and the skyline as those are the must-have-seens of auckland and finished the day with a glass of kiwi-wine! Cheers!Read more

  • Day 76

    My new car

    December 12, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    May I present you: MY NEW CAR!!
    Phuu so today was a really exhausting day as my car just came back from the mechanist and so I had to get everything done in one day! (Cleaning, sewing, cutting, organising, etc.) But in the end I made it! And I am super happy and super excited!

    Tomorrow I have a looooong way to drive! 5h to Auckland to pick up my dad! One big yay for my dad who made this long journey to NZ to see me!!
    And so I have to catch some sleep to be ready for tomorrow!

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  • Day 72

    Tour around the farm Vol. II

    December 8, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Hunter, Honey and Nidhi showed me around the cottages of the farm that were once built to have sleepovers and now are ruins with tons of memories left... its huge and it has so many fields and forests and rivers, but this is to just give you some impression on what it looks like around the farm 🚜Read more

  • Day 72

    Tour around the farm

    December 8, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    After all this crafting and baking and everything Nidhi and I needed a break and so Honey and Hunter came over, both about 10 years old and also living in one of the houses on the farm and we went walking. I took this oportunity to make some pictures to give you some kind of idea about what it looks like here!

    As I mentioned before its a huuuugeee farm! And theres so many things going on (like kindergarten, timber- & cheesefactory, etc.) and on this farm lives the whole family Bermann. Which basically means, there are about 10 houses on this farm, every family somehow related to each other, and I have no clue which one belongs to which family and is whose grandchild, but it kind of works for all of them - and thats what is important! 🙈

    First picture is the driveway from kindy to the house I live.
    Second is the house Im currently staying at, the window on the first floor on the left is my room.
    Third one is the view from the kitchen onto the garden and the fields.
    Fourth is the house next to us, which belongs to one of Annas sons. In front of the house is a bus, Tim actually lived in this bus with hid girlfrienf for abour 1.5 years while they built the house!
    Fifth are the horses I go visit everyday, they are lovely and waaaay more friendly than the cows.
    Sixth is the quickest way bcl home from the cheesefactory: crossing a field. These stones seperate the fields and have been here for decades - and theyre still here despite all the earthquakes!

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  • Day 72

    Being creative at its best

    December 8, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    So today electricity went off completely in the whole town. Meaning there was nothing to do as everything was shut down and it was raining outsidd. So I decided to make the best out of this day and be creative!

    Not only have I baked an apple roulade (yes, with a manual shaker and yes, it took me forever and a day), Ive also started sewing curtains for my car and decoration stuff to make it a bit comfy! (Yes, I also drilled holes into seashells with a manual driller and it was a real patience-challenge as it took me an eternity!)

    About my car, theres news! So atm it looks like I can buy the car from one of the sons of the family and hes even gonna build it into a campervan! Yes, Ive struggled finding the right car from up here as most cars are being sold in Auckland. But Im really excited and happy it worked out in the end and I got some great support from the family here, as they know waaay more about cars than I do... the only thing currently missing is one mirror, and once that one is on, everything should turn out to be great! Fingers crossed! 🚗
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  • Day 70

    Christmas is coming?

    December 6, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Soo, its december! Wow, it feels so weird! Theres christmas carols in every shop, ads on tv about christmas and people having a barbeque on christmas eve, employees are forced to wear a red santa hat and you see plastic christmas trees everywhere. But a christmas feeling? No way!
    When I think of christmas time I think of christmas markets, lots of biscuits, gingerbread, the cold rainy weather with grey clouds everywhere and hot teas next to a fire covered in a woolen blanket - but not of 25 degrees, sunburns and barbeques!?

    So luckily the woman in charge at the kindy is german and so she organises stuff at the kindergarten like saint nicholas bringing sweets amd fruits on the 6th and christmas carols and she even created this annual small christmas market! So Im getting a bit closer to my christmas feeling, by helping selling waffles at the market, crafting dwarfs and magical boxes, baking gingerbread and packing saint nicholas' gifts for the kids 🎅
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  • Day 67

    Surfing at Taupo Bay

    December 3, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    On this farm, but one house next to me, is another wwoofer, Johannes, from Germany! Now I met Johannes once at a family dinner; we started talking and he tells me, hes a passionate surfer travelling the island, staying wherever he can surf. As I have never been surfing before, I couldnt really understand this kind of devotion and so he simply invited me to experience it on my own!

    So we went to Taupo bay, about an hour away from the farm, and I got my first surfing lesson! Apart from having sore muscels and drinking about 10 litres of salt water, I have to admit: its so much fun!! 🏄
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  • Day 58


    November 24, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Yup thats it! I made something soo many new zealand folks havent done yet: I SAW A KIWI! And I even touched it!

    The thing is, it wasnt a wild one... the kindergarten organises this event every year and I was lucky enough to actually be there at that time! There is a Kiwi rescue station about 1 hour from here and this guy who looks after the animals comes omce a year to the kindergarten so the kids know this famous animal. And he even brought a friend along: the other black small bird is a tui, also very famous for its sounds and rarely seen.

    And I mean, Ive seen pictures of Kiwis, I knew how they looked like, but I always imagined them to be those little tiny birds, maybe as big as a rabbit. But they are actually as big as maybe a pug! And they have feathers, but theyre really soft and it feels more like a fur than feathers... I sat there for at least half an hour, me and about 30 other small kids magnetised and absolutely fascinated by this fluffy bird!
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  • Day 57

    Spirits Bay

    November 23, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    So after the trip to cape reinga we decided to stay to days at spirits bay, which was a perfect decision! Spirits bay is the bay where the soul leaves the island and goes to heaven, as the maoris believe... and it truly is a magical place! There were majestic wild horses running around next to the campground and ducks actually sleeping next to my tent! And the beach was not covered with sand, but with tousands of little seashells that were washed in the salty water for decades to make them smooth! It was a beautiful trip.

    And as the boys I camped with were from France and werent really the best students in english, I was able to speak french for four days staight! So that language is refreshed as well! (Point exclamation)
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  • Day 55

    Cape Reinga - King of the North

    November 21, 2016 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    So I drove all the way up to the top of the top of the island, the northernest point of New Zealand: Cape Reinga.
    Its a really cool place, as you drive up there and suddenly you find yourself surrounded by sanddunes and youre asking yourself how the heck you ended up in the desert? And you keep driving and eventually you reach cape reinga, all green again, ocean on one side, hills on the other! So a really diverse but beautiful spot!

    And yes, of course I had to take one of these famous pictures with those signs around the world - couldnt resist! But to be honest I didnt find it that special and I was surrounded by tons of tourists that wanted to do the same so we left pretty quickly again...

    Oh and yes, I do look like a red tomato as I got a horrible sunburn on matai beach as I forgot my suncream at home and here in New Zealand you cant really leave the house without it! 🔥
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