Cook Shire

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    • Gün 82

      De Cairns a Darwin

      28 Mart 2023 ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Nous suivrons un cap Nord-nord ouest dans une navigation de 1278 Mn vers Darwin . Le 28 au matin vers 09h30 sous un soleil de plomb et une chaleur tropicale nous entrons, assisté par un pilote Australien, dans la barrière de corail. Un instant magique.
      La journée a été très chaude…. Cette nuit nous reculerons nos montres d’une heure.

      29 Mars au matin, nous sommes dans le détroit de Torres, entre la Papouasie et l’Australie au large de l’île d’Hammond.
      Nous quittons les eaux de la grande barrière pour rentrer dans la mer d’Arafura ou nous suivrons un cap à l’ouest en direction de Darwin. Nous naviguons par 10 deg de latitude sud, la chaleur sur le pont est accablante .
      Cet après midi c’était Master Chef @ sea
      Ce soir pus avons eu un superbe buffet Thaï

      30 Mars, ce matin mer belle, ciel couvert. Nous poursuivons notre route plein ouest vers Darwin, après être passé au large du cap Wessel au petit matin , nous passerons au large des îles New Year et Crocker en début de soirée avant d’atteindre notre destination demain matin.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 44

      Great Barrierreef • Eastside

      23 Mayıs 2023, Coral Sea ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Wir verlassen die Watsons Bay auf Lizzard Island und segeln nach Norden.

      Das Barriereriff lassen wir am Heeks Reef hinter uns liegen und Segeln mit 7kt bei starkem Wind innerhalb der australischen Hoheitsgewässer an der Ostseite des Riffs Kurs Nordwest vorbei an Cape Melville. Mit dem verlassen der seichten Gewässer schiebt jetzt zusätzlich die Welle von hinten nach und das Schiff surft mehrmals mit bis zu 11,4kt Fahrt über Grund im über 2000m tiefen Ozean.

      Nachts nehmen wir Fahrt aus dem Schiff, um nicht zu zeitig an der Einfahrt nördlich des Cat Reef anzukommen. Bei Tageslicht sind die engen Durchfahrten durch das Barriereriff sicherer, da Seezeichen und Wasserfarben zusätzlich zu den GPS-Karten als Hilfsmittel genutzt werden können.

      Mit dem Sonnenuntergang schlägt Karl seine Schleppangel an und das Abendessen wird sofort abgeändert. Der Fang diesmal ist eine 70cm große Golddorade auch Mahi Mahi genannt und besticht durch seine außerordentliche Färbung von Gold bis ins Türkisgrüne und hervorragendem Geschmack.

      Es wird Nacht und erste Wärmegewitter schütten wie aus Kübeln Wasser vom Himmel, ich habe Nachtwache ab 02:00 Uhr und hoffe trocken durchzukommen.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 31

      Cairns, Australia

      2 Şubat ⋅ 🌬 84 °F

      As soon as we arrived in Cairns at 8:00AM, I walked to the city center and tried to find a hair salon. After stopping at 4 salons with no results….cant take without appointment, I found one. Nice haircut.

      I returned to the ship to get ready for our afternoon tour of the city. This is our third time in Cairns. First time we went snorkeling in Great Barrier Reef, second visit in 2020 weeks took a cable car to Kuranda.
      This time we are touring the city.

      Our first stop was St. Monica’s Cathedral This Heritage Listed cathedral, dedicated as a memorial to the Battle of the Coral Sea, houses 24 unique stained-glass windows depicting the creation story. They are reputably the largest themed stained-glass windows in the world.

      Our second stop was Cairns Museum. Offering a snapshot of region and its people,

      Then to botanical garden. The Cairns Botanic Gardens is a tropical paradise, renowned for having one of the best exhibitions of tropical plants in Australia.

      We spent 30-40 min in the garden. Definitely not enough. Next stop is a coffee shop for refreshments and scones, then overlook point.
      Back on the ship by 4:00PM.
      Quick shower after hot and humid day and dinner with cruise director.

      We have few days to rest before next port.
      Next port is Komodo Island. We are not planning to go ashore since we have seen dragons before.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17

      Itinerary Change #4: No Cooktown For Us!

      28 Aralık 2023, Coral Sea ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Day 1 of 3 days at sea.

      Instead of visiting Cooktown on the Cape York Peninsula of Far North Queensland today, we are having a sea day … cruising the Coral Sea … weaving in and out of the Great Barrier Reef as we make on our way to Darwin.

      We are 0 for 2 where Cooktown is concerned.

      The first time Cooktown was canceled was on our 2017 world cruise. On that occasion, the culprit was the weather. Insignia got as far as lowering its tenders to transport pier-side paraphernalia to prepare for the arrival of passengers. The tenders turned back before they ever got ashore. The seas were just too rough; the rain was coming down in sheets.

      The weather is the culprit for this cancelation as well. Not the weather at present however, as we are having a sunny day today … with calm seas and light winds. Rather, the weather in question this time is ex Cyclone Jasper.

      The first named storm of the 2023-2024 Cyclone Season for Australia, Jasper formed on 2 December, became a Category 4 severe tropical cyclone at its peak on 8 December, and finally dissipated on 18 December. Long-lived definitely, it brought disastrous, drenching rain … dropping some 88.5+ inches in places … with sustained winds in the range of 120-140 mph.

      Having watched the news coverage of the storm while we were in Sydney, we were pleasantly surprised that we were able to dock in Cairns yesterday. We kept our fingers crossed for Cooktown. But when we found the cancelation letter from GM Dimitris in the cabin upon departure from Townsville on the 26th, we were not surprised.

      Last night, Captain Giulio further explained the reasoning for the cancelation. The Australian Government has designated the Far North QLD as a natural disaster area. The military has been activated to help with the clean-up. Communities remain cut off. And contaminated water carries bacteria that can lead to some serious illness. IMHO … all good reasons for us to not venture into the area.

      Our thoughts are with all the people affected by the disaster. Hopefully the area will have recovered by the time we drive back up this way on our overland. Perhaps third time will be the charm for Cooktown.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 65

      New Itinerary.

      24 Şubat, Coral Sea ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Well, the cat is finally out of the bag so to speak. We are not going through the Red Sea and into the Suez Canal as originally planned. Instead we will go around the Horn of Africa. The activities in the new ports look great for those of us interested in wildlife. Others may choose to fly home and receive appropriate compensation.

      Meanwhile we continue to sail through the Coral Sea toward Thursday Island and Torres Strait. Because the Coral Sea is full of coral reefs (hence the name) we have a reef pilot who has extensive knowledge of the Great Barrier Reef system on board. We are also seeing more dolphins, turtles and gulls. Unfortunately I have not been quick enough to catch them on film.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 67

      Meet Shai & Gede. This crew vignette is long over due. Our room stewards are the first line of contact on a daily basis with us to the rest of the VIking experience. Shai and Gede both great us in the morning with smiles, asking if we had a nice sleep, and did there was anything we needed. We wander off to breakfast and magically when we return our stateroom is clean, fresh towels, clean mirrors, our bed is made, the mini-fridge is restocked. I am pretty sure they have a lot to do with this daily feat of magic.

      In the evening our beds are turned down and they always ask us if there is anything we need throughout the day. We can’t thank them enough for watching over us each and every day. Let me share with you what we know about Shai & Gede.

      Shai we will be leaving us on March 2nd, we will miss her, the end of her 7th six month contract with Viking. She is from the Philippines, is the oldest of three girls in her family. She graduated in Hospitality Management with plans to stay with the ship life for 3 to 5 more years - holding a vision of starting her own business in the future. When asked what does she like to do when she is home - Sleep and rest was her first answer. I think we can all agree it is a well deserved rest. From there she likes spending time at the beach and on restaurant outings with her family.

      As we talk with many of the crew while they like their jobs here on the Neptune and with us their Neptune family; As Dorothy says, “There’s no place like home.”

      Gede, is from Indonesia and lives in a small village where a crystal clear river runs through it. Gede and his family visit this river often. As he talked about this place, I saw it in his eyes and with his smile - it must be wonderful to give him this much happiness as he talks about it to us. Their culture is different from ours - his father has four wives, and Gede is the fourth child - of four total. His other older siblings have passed, He is provider for his family and you can see he has a deep commitment to them. He has graduated from Hotel Management, plans on doing more ship contracts in the near future.

      Shai, Gede, and the many other room stewards onboard the Neptune - all take very good care of us - we can’t thank them enough.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 64

      Day 64: Academy of Mixology: Vodka (2:2)

      24 Şubat ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      I really love the pictures on this post - there are tons of candids of future Neptune Bartenders. They are really funny. Also, the video of Trish doing the “Hippy Hippy Shake” is worth watching.

      We can now add the Vodka family of drinks to the list of drinks we have been certified to mix -

      - Cosmopolitan
      - Lemon Drop Martini
      - Sex on the Beach

      I really do think Donna is hoping to get a part-time gig at the Explorer’s lounge filling in for Igor and Beka.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 49

      02.25.2024 Coral Sea

      24 Şubat ⋅ ☁️ 84 °F

      Africa here we come!!
      Today is a sea day. Diana slept in until 8:30 which is highly unusual.
      Because of the late start we had a later than normal start for breakfast.
      At 10:00 am they had us all gather and announced our new itinerary. We already had speculated that we would lose Egypt and Jordan since we are unable to traverse the Red Sea or Suez Canal. We will also lose most of Europe. Our 3rd try for Istanbul is a bust.
      We are excited about most of the changes and look forward to seeing parts of Africa. Viking is providing a safari as one of our included excursions.
      Attached is the map with the changes.
      For the rest of the day there were many conversations of who is staying on and who is leaving.
      Some will chose to leave the cruise in Singapore or Sri Lanka.
      It was extremely hot and humid so a few hours in the infinity pool was called for.
      A fun day overall. We had dinner just the two of us in the restaurant. A beautiful sunset serenaded us during dinner to end the day. The moon was pretty great as well.
      Tonight’s show was Guest Entertainer Daniel Thompson “Johnny Cash - the Man in Black.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Road trip starts: Wonga beach

      27 Eylül 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      So where to start? Left our lovely Palm Cove ‘static’ accommodation yesterday (Tues?) to begin a life ‘on the road’. Having had a motor home test run earlier in the year, I roughly knew what lay ahead - or did I?

      We had to juggle a car drop-off / camper pick-up scenario - both at the same times but different places in Cairns airport. Once the swop was completed, we were introduced to our Maui Ultima Plus: https://www.maui-rentals.com/nz/en/motorhome-hi…

      It’s small. Not the smallest, but still small….. I will need to engage my bestest organisational skills to get our modest luggage, packed away somehow. We also went to Coles (i.e. Tesco) so had bags of shopping to accommodate as well. We were surrounded by an overwhelming sea of bags, many of which still remain 😬

      So we rattled (literally) up the road from Cairns to our first camp stop Wonga beach, arriving late afternoon. Everyone else was in situ, and we felt their eyes on us as we manoeuvred noisily (reverse beep beeps etc) into our allocated space, with me flapping my arms in an effort to guide Col in.

      Then began the tortuous process of ‘finding places for things’. A work in progress…..

      We bought some beautiful local prawns to ‘stick on the barbie’, and somehow cobbled together dinner amongst the chaos!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 11

      The Daintree Rainforest, Cape Trib

      28 Eylül 2022, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Slow start today (Wed?) as neither of us slept well and we were all over the shop in terms of organisation. We eventually get our shit together and managed to check out the beach right next to our site. Stunning, we had heard every breaking wave whilst in the camper.

      We packed up (which for two newbies takes a while) and eventually ended up in a queue for a small ferry (like the Sandbanks one) to go across to Cape Tribulation. On the other side the road was very twisty turny for any vehicle, let alone ours. Great driving from Col - I closed my eyes several times when oncoming traffic looked bigger than the space available 😳

      Cape Trib is stunning. The beaches are pristine and empty - apart from people like us of course. It’s really out on a limb, takes some effort to get here but glad we did.

      We see a small shoal of tiny fishies in the shallow ocean, worm ‘spaghetti’, hear the exotic calls of unseen birds and the constant hum of insects, singing in unison.

      Once back on our site, we are just a teeny bit better organised than the night before, and manage dinner at a reasonable time!
      Okumaya devam et

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