Cullen Park

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    • Day 62

      Coral Bay to Exmouth

      June 14, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      It was only a 1 & 1/2 hour trip so we took our time packing up at Coral Bay. We really wanted a morning swim before we left because the snorkelling was so good but the wind had picked up and it was quite fresh so we decided against it.

      Road was quite flat again and like when we entered Coral Bay, there were so many termite mounds so we had to get some pics.

      After setting up at Exmouth the kids were straight in the pool. It was warm and lovely day & not windy as Exmouth sits off the coast a little.

      Later we explored the town centre which has some nice shops and is quite touristy, totally focussed on the whale shark tours, diving and snorkelling.

      Dinner was at Whalebone Brewing Co. which had a nice chilled vibe, very rustic feel, great food, excellent areas for kids to play and, last but not least, the biggest and best beer paddle I’ve had on the whole trip 😍🍻
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    • Day 65

      Happy birthday Sidney! 😘

      June 17, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      It was an early rise as some people were excited 😃 Sid opened his pressies and spent the morning building Lego before we headed to the Ningaloo Aquarium & Discovery Centre. We all had a great time looking at the displays of local sealife, wildlife and historic items which gave a great picture of life and the environment in Exmouth.

      Later for lunch, Sid chose Froth Craft Brewery in the town centre to eat (dad wasn’t disappointed), the kids and I walked home from the shops and they had a swim in the caravan park.

      We finished the day with dinner at the Italian restaurant at the caravan park, which had great big dishes so we returned to the van very full and with plenty of leftovers.
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    • Day 16

      Farewell Exmouth

      April 21, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Today is our last day in Exmouth and sadly represents the turnaround point in our journey.
      It has been great to relive parts of our honeymoon and to be able to share it with our kids and best friends, the McDermotts. It is also a part of the celebration for Daniel and Macca’s 50th year.
      We have seen parts of Exmouth that haven’t changed (VLF towers, red dirt, the dry heat, the Navy Pier, Stalag 20, Turquoise Beach) and some that have (no emus in the Main Street, the “crowds”, no kangaroos and few reptiles, a lot more shops).
      We spent our last day at the beaches - first we tried Oyster Stacks, supposedly one of the better snorkelling spots but we found there to be les diversity in corals and aquatic life. The entry and exit are also terrible with razor sharp rocks that cut up many.
      After an hour we moved onto Turquoise Beach. We were lucky to jag one of the last parking spots with the help of the Parks & Conservation staff.
      Returning to what I think has to be the best beach in Australia, we snorkeled for over an hour, finding all kinds of aquatic life, including white tip reef sharks, turtles, the big grouper of Turquoise Beach, anemone fish and an octopus. Michael found the sharks and turtles and was very pleased with himself.
      We spent around 3 hours At Turquoise Beach. A nice end to our time here in Exmouth.
      Again there was a concert at the oval opposite the caravan park. We headed over that way to get a group photo in our tour t-shirts.
      A very early start tomorrow to drive to Coral Bay to be on a boat for manta rays.
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    • Day 15

      Total Solar Eclipse

      April 20, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Photographing a solar eclipse is a rare opportunity and it needs special equipment so not to burn out the camera - the lens is essentially a big magnifier glass and remember what happens when you focus the sun on a piece a paper. Well the same will happen with the camera sensor if not done right.
      A special lens filter is required that blocks essentially all of the light except for the sun. The glass lenses cost a lot. A simpler solution is special astronomy film and to make your own lens cover.
      With the eclipse fast approaching, Daniel made up a filter for his lens, finishing with just ten minutes to spare before the moon began its journey across the face of the sun at 10:05am.
      We sat adjacent our van in the caravan park - there were other places to go and watch the eclipse, but we had a good view of the path of the sun and the luxury of having our food and wine handy!
      Covered from head to toe (literally), Daniel sat in the sun with his camera on a tripod and manually took photos of the eclipse every 2 minutes, getting some amazing photos - in some you can see the solar flares shooting out from the sun and during totality the corona can be seen.
      At the moment of totality the light dimmed dramatically - like twilight (not complete darkness), a roar of cheers erupted from across the caravan park and the town.
      Special protective glasses and the special filter could be removed for the 50 odd seconds of totality. The birds flew around as if it were dusk.
      And in a very short amount of time the sun’s rays started to come back around the top of the moon as it continued its journey across the sun.
      By 1:05 pm it was all over.
      Heading down to the pool we came across a professional photographer who had even more amazing shots - it was his 15th eclipse and he had a lot more expensive camera gear!
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    • Exmouth

      May 23, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      The next bucket list item is to swim with a whale shark. ✅. We swam with two sharks one about 7mtrs and one slightly larger. The day started with a reef snorkel. The array of fish was stunning. When you entered the water you were greeted by a large school of brilliant little blue fish, then the reef unfolded with large clams, green parrots complete with cleaner fish, angel, clown and even a little leopard shark. After the swim we headed out side the reef to find the whale sharks. The swells were big at 3mtrs but we continued.

      When a whale shark was spotted you exited off the back of the boat and waited for the whale shark to swim past. The rules were to stay at least 3mths from the shark be behind its petrel fin as you swam with it. They forgot to tell the shark. As you scramble to get out of its way. I can confirm they are tawny coloured with spots have big mouths and have lots of little fish swimming in their faces. They are AWESOME. But swim to fast for me to keep up. You are then picked up by the boat again and redeposited back in the sharks path. We went with the Three Island tour and would highly recommend.

      Exmouth North West Cape where the Indian Ocean meets the pacific. And waves crash over the reef, stunning coastline. The grounding of the SS Mildura and the loss of 500 head of cattle brought about the construction of the lighthouse in 1907. The lighthouse is now replaced with a light on tower 2 of the VLF (very low frequency) station.

      The VLF communication station containing 13 towers is named after Harold E Holt , for the communication with submarines. Originally build for the US the town still has a baseball diamond, a drive in movie theatre and American street names.

      Running along side is the Cape Range with George knife gorge and Shothole canyon.
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    • Day 76

      Day 2 Exmouth

      September 10, 2021 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      A quiet day for us. The temperature was lower than what we have been experiencing but the sun seemed really fierce and bright.We went in search of a bike trail and ended up driving to Vlamingh Head lighthouse and lookout. This gives a full view of the surfing and the coastal reefs that we will head to tomorrow. This was a defensive area during WW2 with a radar installed as early warning.

      Nearby is a 1000 acre site with 13 massive radio towers that were built during the cold war to provide very low frequency communications to the American nuclear submarines. The towers are very deceptive as they are up to 389 metres high. The area is still fenced and gated so I presume it's still active. Because of this site Exmouth town was born in 1967 to house the workers. This is yet another recently built township that we have visited on our travels. They are all very similar in their practical design and similar house builds.

      On the way back to the caravan Julie saw a bike trail sign. This track runs through scrub with no shade or any excitement. Due to the heat and the signs warning about dingoes we decided a pool swim would be more for us. So a relaxing couple of hours poolside reading and cooling off in the water. Decided against a restaurant meal out so a drink and meal in the caravan before we drive a short distance to the Ningaloo reef area tomorrow.
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    • Day 15


      August 24, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Day 15- So I had a bit of a walk into Guildford, and then drove out to Midland and did a little bit of shopping in Perth and then caught a taxi out to the airport in the early afternoon.

      Kim, headed out to the lighthouse and got chatting to some older ladies while they all tried to spot the migrating whales!

      He picked me up in the late afternoon, and we met up with one of Kim's workmates- Gary Backshaw at Whalebone Brewery for dinner!
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    • Day 16


      August 25, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Day 16-We've had a fantastic time here with lots of relaxing and heading. It's very uncommon for our holidays 🤣

      We've spent lots of hours sitting in different spots watching so many whales, breaching and blowing!

      We've done lots of tours and hikes here before, which helped make us think we weren't missing out by just sitting around!
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