Skeleton Beach

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    • Hari 162

      WA - Manta Rochen und mehr

      23 Desember 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Heute ging es mal endlich wieder früh los. Der Wecker klingelte um kurz nach 5 Uhr damit wir gegen 6 Uhr im Auto nach Coral Bay waren.

      Und hier trennten wir uns das erste Mal auf unserer langen Reise für mehr als 6 Stunden!

      Für Anne ging es an den wunderschönen Strand um Sonne zu tanken und ein wenig zu lesen und für mich ging es raus aufs Wasser um zu tauchen und mit Mantas zu schnorcheln!

      Die Bilder sprechen für sich, doch leider muss auch der Verlust meiner GoPro protokolliert werden! Durch den herrschenden Druck unter Wasser ist wohl ein Riss im Gehäuse aufgegangen und das eindringende Wasser führte zum Funktionsverlust der GoPro.

      Nach dem Tauchgang entspannten Anne und ich, sowie mein Tauchpartner Dimitry am Strand von Coral Bay bei kühlen Bierchen und philosophierten ein wenig herum!

      Trotz der materiellen Verlustes ein super Tag!

      Fotoquelle: Fotograf Aaron Bull
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    • Hari 80

      Coral Bay

      17 Maret 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      In Coral Bay kijken we even rond voor Manta Ray tours maar het blijkt te duur te zijn en het is niet gegarandeerd dat je de Manta Rays gaat zien, dat besluiten we dus niet te doen. We krijgen wel een goede tip: ga snorkelen vanaf hier plek, zwem 100m het water in en daar begint het coole koraal, door de stroming kom je vanzelf terug op het strand. Dat doen we dus en het was hier supermooi! Het begin van het Ningaloo reef AKA the new great barrier reef.

      We zien bij de gratis douches (waar anders) een stel van de andere backpackers die we al eerder zagen en spreken af op de gratis camping opweg naar Exmouth om daar met z'n alle wat te drinken. Wij hebben bier, zij hebben Pastis. Goede deal.
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    • Hari 81

      Shark Sanctuary

      15 September 2021, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Today was a little cooler which made exercise easier for us. We did an early walk along the beach to the shark sanctuary. This is where reef sharks give birth and keep their pups safe. This happens from September onwards but we saw none today. We think because the tide was very low. But it still gave us a lovely 7km beach walk with a cooler breeze. Will try again tomorrow.

      After lunch we headed south a little and went snorkelling. Once again the tide wasn't high and a cool breeze gave us the whole beach and water to ourselves. The fish life was there but the coral is really impressive and so accessible. We could always stand up in this water and see amazing sealife.

      Our campsite is very sheltered so we could sit outside later in the day reading and a drink or two. We didn’t bother trying the camp pool today as being overrun by kids yesterday wasn't fun.
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    • Hari 334

      Brett’s Adventures - Manta Ray Swim

      15 Desember 2021, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Brett said “I am not paying $600 for a Manta Ray tour, I will put my boat in and find them myself”. Here we go I thought secretly wishing we would just pay for the tour.

      We got up at 5am, it was windy but still ok, we headed down the beach and worked out the best place to launch the boat. After a lot of procrastination and uming and aring ( about if we should go out) we were in the water by 9.

      I could not believe it when straight away Brett yells and points at two massive mantra rays right next to the boat. I started to grab my snorkel gear, but Brett let them get away. I was pissed. That felt like the end, we couldn’t manage to find any more.

      The tour boats started to come in with their fancy manta ray finding planes, so we moved out of the way. We sat patiently in the bay and stalked the tour boats seeing where they dropped snorkels to swim with rays. We were surprised when they sat in the one spot the whole time. As soon as they left we raced over to the channel where the tour boats had been and jumped in. Straight away of course Brett sees a shark 😮, it was just a reef shark. Then right beneath us a mantra ray 🤗🤗🤗🤗, I yell to Lachlan who was in the boat waiting and he jumps in. Then 2 more rays swim on over. It was truly amazing.

      Brax was a bit tedious about getting in, he has been fishing with Brett a lot and was worried about sharks, but he decided to get in and with some reassurance from Brett he swam with the rays too.

      We jumped back in the boat and drove back up for another drop and swim with the rays again. After that Brett was saying he had enough but Lachlan and I were keen for another swim as why wouldn’t you be, so we decided to head back up for one last drop.

      We jumped in and Brett looks at us and says back in the boat big shark! Well Lachlan and I were back in quick sticks, I have never been able to get back in the boat myself, but this time I managed 😂😂. As I look over to check on Brett he is yelling for the Go Pro, and then I saw ray after ray was swimming past under the boat! 9 of them. The shark was forgotten, in we got. The rays were swimming in a chain then formed a circle and were swimming around and around. It was mesmerising. It was like they were dancing they were going upside down and around in circles at one point I was right in the middle, their wings were touching me I was so close.

      We were all on such a high when we got back, it was better than we could have ever imagined. Seeing these large majestic creatures gliding through the water and being able to experience it in our own time and not rush was truely magical.

      Lachlan the fish, you couldn’t hold him back from getting in, and Brax we were so proud of you for getting in the water not once, but three times with these beautiful rays (especially, because he the one always telling us different facts about these amazing creatures).

      Another successful Brett’s Adventure. It was a big day but well worth it.
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    • Hari 70

      Homeward bound- stop Yardie & Coral Bay

      23 Juni 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      I can't lie...sailing into winter sucks 😔. It feels like we are ⛵️ uphill, going against the prevailing winds & the opposite diirection to annual migration of yachts & the transition from bathers to uggs has knobs on it. On the plus side the 🐋 🐳 are out in numbers and providing us daily entertainment. We have done a fair bit of motor sailing along the inside of reef - beautiful, avoids the
      ocean bumps & we have found a few new tracks/short cuts. This meant bombie watch and a couple of 😲 moments for me. We stayed a few days North of Pt Cloats to let a strong S/SE blow past. We were planning to dive on a nearby ship wreck but as neither of us were prepared to trade our warmies for a wetsuit we agreed it was a "next time" activity. We got into Coral Bay late yesterday through the North Passage...this was an emergency stop as we had run out of red 🍷. Our relaxing arvo (not) involved a 2 km walk into town, a beer at Bill's, quick wine shop, buy trolley (to carry wine), grab jerry of backup fuel and then a return hike to Marina. We are exiting via South Passage this morning, we have made it through reef and are now off to Warroorra. We are hoping to stay @ Pelican Pt for about a week so Teddles can get a 🌊 & we are told the diving is some of the best on Ningaloo coast 🤞 (if we can brave chilly water). Will hope for a weather window, anything not on our nose, to get to Red Bluff next weekend.
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