St Helens

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    • Dag 1 991

      St Helens/Bay of Fires

      5. november 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      We awoke to glorious sunshine and warmer temperatures than we have been used to in Tasmania - it actually was shorts and T shorts weather. Great!! After breakfast we set off to drive along the Bay of Fires as far as the road allowed. We ended up in a place called The Gardens, which consisted of a few houses next to the sea. We walked along the coast partly along the white fine sandy beach and at times traversing rocky boulders. All very beautiful. We turned back and retraced our steps after 30 minutes or so, although could have walked a lot further. We then drove onto a local vineyard called Priory Ridge - about 3km outside of St Helens. We sat in the sunshine tasting 4 different wines made on site - 2 white and 2 reds. There were other groups there, mostly picnicking whilst drinking wine from the vineyard. We ate cheese and biscuits whilst drinking wine and chatting to the owners. Our favourite wine was the sauvignon blanc (quite different to the NZ Marlborough wines which Karen loves to drink). At 40 dollars a bottle much more expensive than wines we generally drink - but we bought some to take away.
      We then carried on until we reached gravel tracks which would take us through Mt William National Park eventually ending up at Eddystone Point lighthouse. As we drove we passed through temperate rainforest along about 50km of gravel track before reaching the lighthouse. Once there we walked along pathways through rocks and were greeted with the most amazing sight of red rocks and pools of seawater. Absolutely stunning!!
      We carried on driving along gravel tracks to Gladstone returning to base via a twisty road passing through the forested hill sides. At one point a very large white tailed eagle flew across our path into the trees, but we were not able to capture it on camera. We stopped off to have a quick look at the blue lake which gains its colour from the result of mine working in the area. Tin mining in particular.
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    • Dag 1 990

      St Helens

      4. november 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Saturday morning is market day in St Helens, so we ambled along in the morning to have a look at it and to investigate the crafty shops in the town. Some wonderful stuff in the patchwork shop - Annies Crafts. Karen resisted buying anything on this occasion.
      After that we returned to the site to pick up the car and drove along to Binalong Bay and onto Skeleton Point. The coast line here is part of the Bay of Fires, named as such in the 1770s by a sailor who noticed the original inhabitants' fires on shore as they passed along the bay. They have since been moved on, although everybody here apparently acknowledges their custodianship of the land and pays respect to the elders past and present .
      We completed a walk along the coast passing through the bush to Grant's Point and Dora's Head- orange lichen on the rocks give the landscape its current fiery theme.
      The boulders intersperse clear sandy stretches of beach which have a backdrop of the temperate rain forest. We enjoyed a thoroughly good day. We even saw an Echnida alive and well trying to cross the road in front of us at one point - it scurried off into the bush unharmed. We felt weary upon returning to the car, but had walked a total of 10 miles - so not really surprised. Back on site we moved up to the camp kitchen, ready to cook our evening meal. The kitchen was extremely busy with groups preparing meals and many outside at the wood- burning pizza oven. There was a large group of 40 plus people who had organised a pizza making competition. The pizzas produced looked pretty amazing with so many varieties - even saw some with marshmallows on top!! A judge was tasting each pizza, and results were announced at the end of the evening. A very noisy evening - but we managed to play one game of scrabble during the activities.
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    • Dag 32

      BIG4 St Helens Holiday Park

      14. november 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Heute Zelten wir im St Helens Holiday Park. Es ist sehr windig doch sonnig. Der Park ist gut ausgestattet. Cool ist der Spielplatz mit großem Sprungtuch. Am späteren Abend schauen wir uns etwas in St Helens um - ein kleiner Ort an der Beauty Bay gelegen. Nach dem Abendessen gibt es ein Lagerfeuer in größerer Runde.Les mer

    • Dag 103

      Bay of Fires & Bicheno

      10. januar 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Der Tag begann mit einem vergessenen Zimmerschlüssel. Zum Glück standen wir gerade am Café um die Ecke, um uns mit einem Flat White oder ähnlichem zu versorgen, als die Frage “Guys, nobody of you has a room key with you, aren’t you?” Verdammt! Das Wort “key” hat gereicht und ich wusste, was sich in meiner rechten Hosentasche befand. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Mit einem mehrmaligen „Sorry“ übergab ich Keygan den Schlüssel und er brachte ihn fix zurück, während wir den Kaffee organisierten.

      Danach machten wir uns auf den Weg in Richtung Ostküste. Unterwegs stoppten wir kurz an einem Kriegsdenkmal in Legerwood, das zu Ehren der im 1. Weltkrieg gefallenen jungen Soldaten errichtet wurde. Mit Kettensägen hat hier ein Künstler an alten Baumstämmen ein kleines Kunstwerk vollbracht. Später passierten wir eine Opiumfabrik, in der wohl 3/4 des medizinisch benötigten Betäubungsmittels hergestellt wird, und hielten einige Zeit später für eine Käseverkostung bei einer Rinderfarm in Pyengana. Den Nachmittag verbrachten wir später in der Bay of Fires und genossen das gute Wetter. Der Strand soll mit zu den schönsten Stränden der Welt gehören. Das Wasser war zwar ordentlich frisch, quasi Ostseetemperatur im Sommer, aber in das glasklare Nass mussten wir einfach reinspringen. 😄 Gegen 16:00 Uhr hieß es dann wieder alle in den Bus und ab nach Bicheno.

      In unserer Unterkunft eingecheckt, splittete sich unsere Gruppe kurz für das Abendessen, um wenig später zusammen am Strand von Bicheno die Ankunft der kleinen Pinguine zu beobachten. 🤗 Nicht ganz einfach, da die kleinen Kerle erst bei Dunkelheit aus dem Wasser an Land gehen und somit schwer zu sehen sind, aber ein paar konnten wir doch entdecken. Später saßen wir, wie die anderen Tage auch, noch bei einem kleinen Getränk und einigen Spielen zusammen.
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    • Dag 14

      St Helens to Bicheno

      24. april 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Lovely drive down to Bicheno today calling into lots of lovely beaches, even talked to some fishermen surf casting. One caught a decent sized ocean trout whilst we were there. Visited Coles Bay and the Freycinet National Park, along with Cape Tourville. Such amazing beaches and scenery.
      Had Lobster lunch at Bicheno, wow, so yummy. Because we had a big lunch we called into an oyster farm (there are many, I am in seventh heaven) and bought a dozen each for our dinner. Lovely, along with ocean trout an cheese & Bikkies. I am now so full.
      Saw lots and did lots, having so much fun with Jeanette, she is a wonderful travelling mate.
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    • Dag 13

      Leaving Launceston

      23. april 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Left our luxury accommodation to head up the eastern side of the Tamar River to Georgetown and Low Head lighthouse. Delightful historic place with old maritime cottages for rent. We thought this side much nicer than the west side. We even had to cross over the Tamar on the Batman Bridge just to say we had done it.
      Headed to St Helen’s via Bridport for a scallop pie for lunch on the foreshore. Yum.
      To Scottsdale, Derby and then Pyongyang’s to the cheese factory - ended up buying cheese and a chilly bag to hold it all!!! Then on to the Pub in a Paddock where Priscilla the pig likes a pint or two. A kiwi publican running this unorthodox pub in the middle of nowhere, so funny.
      Lots of beautiful countryside before we hit St Helens and our two bedroom cabin, very nice. Took off again for the Bay of Fires north of St Helens on the coast. Wow, just beautiful. Then dinner at a very new restaurant on the waterfront, seafood pasta, Yummy.
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    • St Helens

      26. desember 2022, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      St Helens caravan park ended up just being 1 night. Caught up on a weeks worth of washing. Did a bit of fishing on the rock wall and caught a few fish. Susie, Roger and Mischa did the big tree walk nearby while Philo and Luca watched the cricket.Les mer

    • Dag 154

      Wineglass-Bay und viele Wallabys

      1. mars 2017, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute stand eines der Highlights in Tasmanien auf dem Programm. Wir wanderten im Freycinet-Nationalpark zur berühmten Wineglass-Bay.
      Nach einem kurzen Anstieg vom Parkplatz aus, hat man den Postkartenblick über die Bucht. Anschliessend führt der Weg steil hinunter und man erreicht schon bald den Strand. Leider hatte es sehr hohe Wellen, weshalb wir hier nicht baden wollten. Wir entschieden uns, die längere Variante der Wanderung zu machen und um die ganze Halbinsel herum zu wandern. So erreichten wir bald den Hazard-Strand, welcher mindestens so schön ist und das Wasser war total ruhig, türkisfarben und warm genug für einen kurzen Schwumm im Meer.
      Der Rest der Wanderung führt dann der Küste entlang zurück zum Parkplatz, wobei man immer wieder schöne Aussichten aufs Meer und einsame Strände hat.

      Über den ganzen Tag verteilt sahen wir 5 Wallabys (jene bemitleidenswerten überfahrenen am Strassenrand nicht mitgezählt). Zuerst eines am Rand der Strasse, dann beim Aussichtspunkt mit Nachwuchs und noch zweimal im Wald und am Strand während der Wanderung.
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    • Dag 34


      13. desember 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

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    St Helens, HLS, Сент-Хеленс

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