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    • Dag 65

      Kangaroo Valley avec Gaelle !

      19. august 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Voici un peu de mes nouvelles.
      Tout d’abord je vais bien! Le temps est venteux ici mais le soleil est revenu donc on profite !
      Aujourd’hui on part dans la campagne australienne, visiter une vieille ville datant de la conquête de l’Australie par les anglais : Kangaroo Valley.
      C’est a 1:30 de chez moi, donc je vais chercher Gaelle à la gare et c’est parti!
      On découvre des belles cascades, mais aussi de mignons petits animaux, un wombat et un bébé kangourou!
      Ensuite, affamées on cherche un supermarché mais mission impossible.
      Donc on finit juste par se balader dans une ville au bord de la mer que j’avais déjà visité avec Soso.
      Bref une belle journée, il est 20:30 je vais clairement me coucher 🤣
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    • Dag 16

      Ein Tag im Busch

      5. desember 2018, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Den heutigen Tag haben wir wortwörtlich im australischen Busch verbracht. Mit Boutique Wildlife haben wir eine Buschtour gemacht.
      Nach einer kleinen Teatime mit einem typisch, australischen Lamington, ging es mit einer kleinen Gruppe und einem 4x4-OffRoad-Sprinter südwestlich von Sydney in den Busch.
      Auf dem Weg in einen Eukalyptuswald entdeckten wir neben Kängurus, Wallabys, eine Eule, Emus und verschiedene Papageien sowie Kakadus.
      Nach ausgiebigen Stopps im Eukalyptuswald mit langen Spaziergängen konnten wir heute leider keine Koalas erspähen. Dafür sahen wir Termitenhügel, welche unsere Körpergröße weit überstieg.
      Auf dem Rückweg hat unser Guide nochmal alles versucht Koalas zu finden und hat den Allradwagen an seine Grenzen gebracht!
      Als wir auf dem Weg zu einem Bachlauf waren, sahen wir am Straßenrand ein Echidna (Ameisenigel), welches gerade auf dem Weg zurück in seinen Bau war. Obwohl der Guide alles versuchte, den Echnida aus seinem Bau zu locken, verteilte dieser nur Stachel an den Guide und blieb in seinem Bau.
      Am Bachlauf angekommen hatten wir das große Glück ein Platypus (seltenes Schnabeltier) in seiner realen Umgebung zu sehen.
      Das anschließende Abendessen verbrachten wir in einem kleinen, urigen Pub. Bevor wir uns zurück auf den Weg nach Sydney machten, fuhren wir noch durch die Nacht und fanden neben Wombats und Füchsen auch Possums.
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    • Dag 11

      Robertson Lookout

      25. oktober 2000, Australia

      Heute verspricht es schön zu werden. Onkel Hans fährt mit mir zuerst zum Mount Kembla. Von dort möchte er die Verbindungsstraße zum Mount Keira nehmen, die aber leider gesperrt ist. So fahren wir deh Harry Graham Drive entlang zum Robertson Lookout, von dem man eine herrliche Aussicht auf die Umgebung und die beiden Berge hat.Les mer

    • Dag 69

      Kangaroo Valley

      11. februar 2022, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      A wonderful chance to meet up with Amanda, Leon, Flynn and Sophie while we are all travelling. Kangaroo Valley is sucha beautiful place with spacious campsites, a lovely river for kayaking, wombats and kangaroos aplenty and lots of sights to see in the area. The drive in was a bit hairy coming down the range from Bowral and we really had to crawl down and look after the brakes. I wasn't looking forward to the trip back up. We spent a fantastic few days with the kids exploring, kayaking, wombating and cooking. Lucky to have the opportunity to meet as they head south and we head north. It was hard to say goodbye.Les mer

    • Dag 14

      skydive center - arriving

      30. september 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

      Today I had to check out of the hostel. It was to bad. I thought it was nice with all the friends on the room.

      I went to the skydiving center with train an cab, it took like 3 hours. Pff I'm happy when I finally have my car. I never ever did so less on a whole day as today. After arriving @ the dropzone I met some local people who lived there. What a mess! All old caravans and old buildings. But the people here are very cool. I walked around and every time I saw someone new. And I did completely nothing whole time from 2 pm.

      I already have my wingsuite for tomorrow :-D. (wingsuite is for people above 300 jumps). Now early to bed because tomorrow we start at 6:45.
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    • Dag 13

      Day 2 in the Highlands

      2. mai 2022, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Geoff and Clare took us and the dogs for a drive to Berrima where we stopped and had morning tea at Gumnut Patisserie and had a walk around the village; on the way home we visited Julia, Clare's sister. It was a beautiful day, the weather was glorious. Clare cooked a delicious fish curry for dinner.Les mer

    • Dag 36

      4wd track

      22. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      There was a lot of lightning and rain last night. I stayed pretty long in My car. I tried to find the earplugs for the thunder. But couldn't find them. I searched the hole car and still couldn't find it. So I went back to surfcamp and couldn't find it there either. So that was a good start of my day (not)... But no worries nobody died.

      I wanted to get some stuff for my car and get some food. I got stuck with fitzroy falls. I hiked over there to see some waterfalls, it was pretty cool. Especially the waterfall on the cave! When I was hiking I saw an 4wd road. I went back to my car and took that road (movie is coming). The woman from the information desk sad I might have to turn around at the end because of the rain last night. I drove all the way to the end without any troubles, it was a lot of fun.

      A Kilometer further an other 4wd track appears, I took the track. This was a bit more difficult than the one before. I used a piece of wood to see how deep the puddle of water was. And mostly it was not so deep. One puddle was just as deep as the bottom of the car completely touched the water. And unfortunately I hesitatet with one puddle to drive trough it. I wished I haven't done it. Unfortunately I got stuck. So tried some things to get out but got no luck. So I started walking and running back. Went to a few houses and finally after 45 minutes(35 minutes walking and running on the track) I found a house where somebody was home. I asked her if she could help me. But she hadn't an rope or chain to pull me out. She called pete (an neighbor) and asked if he got an rope or chain. And he wanted to pull me out with his tractor. She drove me to his shed and there Pete was getting some stuff to dig me out if it was necessary. I sad on the tractor and when we got @ the car. It was only a few seconds and I was out of the puddle. I thanked Pete for his help. The people are so nice and helpful here.

      I drove back to the road and headed to an village with the aldi!. In between I stopped. When I would head off I tried to start the motor and heard a bang, than screaming sound and a lot of smoke coming from the hood. I thought nooooo you got to be kidding me. So I turned off the motor and tried again. Then I went looking under the hood and found a broken vbelt of the power steering. So I removed It and started the motor again. So now car driving is a workout for my arms. I'm gonna fix it next week. I think all the shopping centers for those things are closed.

      So afterall I had a perfect day! It was raining, lost my ear plugs, got stuck with my car and v-belt of power steering has broken. Pff, but it was an good story for this blog.
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    • Dag 13

      Kangaroo Valley

      27. oktober 2000, Australia ⋅ 22 °C

      Unsere nächste Station ist Kangaroo Valley. Hier sehen wir die Hampton Bridge, die von Strafgefangenen erbaut wurde.
      Weiters besichtigen wir ein Freilichtmuseum mit Häusern im Kolonialstil. Die Anlage liegt mitten im Regenwald, sodass auch ein Spaziergang Freude macht.
      Am Abend sind wir wieder im Deutschen Klub essen.
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    • Dag 16

      skydiving center - day 2

      2. oktober 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Today my first day of skydiving!

      TAF STAGE 1
      I had to put on an suit, goggles and alti. I was going with a tandem jump so like everyone else, but now I had to do also the routine of AFF STAGE 1. It went very well and we landed on our butt. I was a bit disappointed because I expected more from skydiving. But it was fun.

      After doing the TAF 1 I had to do the AFF 1. But it was so busy that I had to wait till 12:30.

      AFF STAGE 1
      I was briefed by the JM's and they took me through the dive and did a practice dirt dive (same as in the sky but om the ground). We went up in the plane and I jumped out of the plane. Got stabilized with 2 JM's attached to me. Checking my alti and looking around. @ 9000ft did an practice throw. Again check alti and looking around. @ 5500ft throw my first Parachute and it had line twists. So I had to turn to get rid of the twisted lines and grab the toggles (that's for steering the Parachute). Then look down to locate the dropzone. And find the arrow that the TA (target assistant) pointed. I had to follow exactly the way the arrow was pointing. After I was almost at the ground I had to follow the instructions of the TA for landing my Parachute. My landing was perfect. On 2 legs and only 2 passes walking. Jumping alone was so much more exiting than tandem jump! up to stage 2!

      AFF STAGE 2
      Also briefed by my JM's. This jump I had to do and practice throw immediately after I stabilized. After that moving forward with my arms behind me. Than boxing position (the more relaxed position in free fall). After that Turning left. A guy asked if he could jump with us, he had an camera and filmed my jump for free!. I'll share the link for YouTube as soon if I got it on YouTube. When I jumped I forgot to do a practice throw and we didn't have time for an turn. I should opend my Parachute @ 5000 ft but was a bit to late @ 4500ft. Also reasonable opening of the Parachute, had to do a practice flare (brake) and Parachute was perfect. Also on directions of TA and landing was perfect! Up to stage 3!

      I got briefed and everything, got on the plane but we couldn't get any higher than 8500ft (to many aircrafts in the sky). And for stage 3 we needed at least 9000ft. So had to land with the plane. Tomorrow next try for stage 3.

      The weather today was perfect, not to much wind and 26 degrees. Just lovely!

      Again sorry for letting you down on pictures guy's!. Movie is coming soon!

      Movie is below. Enjoy
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    • Dag 14

      Day 3 in the Highlands

      3. mai 2022, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Another surprisingly beautiful day in the Highlands. We left Clare and Geoff's and visited Harris Farm Market and then moved on to Terry and Annette's in Mittagong. Terry had made his delicious scones with jam and cream. In the afternoon we were going to visit Melanie and Graham but they were not home. At 4:30 we headed off to Tim and Lucy's for the evening. We visited our old house in Colo Vale with the new owner. We walked through the house and gardens.

      Tim, Lucy, Angus and Eden were great. It was really lovely seeing them again. Whilst at Tim and Lucy's we accepted an offer on our house and sold it.
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