A small snippet of Salzburg

Again we’ve been a bit slow on the posts over the last few days. Probably not a bad thing as it must mean we are busy or too relaxed haha. Salzburg was lovely and I would definitely go back thereRead more
Again we’ve been a bit slow on the posts over the last few days. Probably not a bad thing as it must mean we are busy or too relaxed haha. Salzburg was lovely and I would definitely go back thereRead more
Passau to Salzburg was going to be a two day ride or one veeery long day if I went for it. It started off decently dry, but got more and more wet as I went. Wet, muddy and cold! I opted for a hotel inRead more
We were up and about early today, starting our walk where we left off yesterday, in Mirabell Gardens. First stop out the other end of the park was the first Mozart house of the day, the one where heRead more
Die SalzburgCard ermöglicht uns die Fahrt mit dem Aufzug zum Trail zur Festung. Hier wurde sehr gut museumspädagogisch gearbeitet, sodass wir viel wissenswertes erfahren und eine tolleRead more
heute morgen haben wir relativ spontan entschieden, doch noch die Festung Hohensalzburg im zentrum von Salzburg zu besichtigen. wir fuhren also mit öv in die innenstadt & mit dem standseilbähnli aufRead more
*Abendessen, Konzert und Burgspiele auf der Festung Hohensalzburg*
Nachdem der erste Hunger und Stress verflogen war, machten wir uns auf den Weg in den Mirabellgarten, wo wir von leuchtendenRead more
Es gab
Ritterschmalz, Kräutertopf und Brot
Garnierte Haussulze in Essig und Öl
Erdäpfelrahmsuppe mit Pilze
gebratener Spanferkelrücken
Rippele vom Schwein
WarmerRead more
After delicious Apfelstrudel and hot chocolate on this cold spring day, we took the fenicular up to Fortress Hohensalzburg. Views from the top are amazing, over the historic town, and to the southRead more
Next on the agenda for this morning was a visit to the Hohensalzburg Fortress. Hohensalzburg Castle looms over the Old City of Salzburg from its lofty position on top of Mount Festungsberg, and theRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Festung Hohensalzburg, Fortress Hohensalzburg, Zaltsburq qalası, Festung Hohnsoizburg, Pevnost Hohensalzburg, Κάστρο Χόχενσαλτσμπουργκ, Citadelo Hohensalzburg, Fortaleza de Hohensalzburg, Forteresse dHohensalzburg, טירת זלצבורג, Utvrda Hohensalzburg, Hohensalzburg vára, Fortezza di Salisburgo, ホーエンザルツブルク城, ჰოენზალცბურგი, 호엔잘츠부르크 성, Hohensalzburg, Twierdza Hohensalzburg, Castelul Hohensalzburg, Хоэнзальцбург, Хоенсалцбург, Фортеця Гогензальцбург, 萨尔茨堡要塞
Beautiful photo ❤️
Strong composition and soft atmospherics! Assume taken with the Nikon (I thought I had seen a photo of Ed with a Nikon but can't find it now - must have been a Canon!) , not the phone???