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    • Gün 2

      Wir werden platziert

      14 Aralık 2019, Avusturya ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Der heutige Tag begann wieder mit Kultur. Wir besuchten die Nationalbibliothek, genauer gesagt, deren Prunksaal aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. Der ist schon sehr beeindruckend. Die Wände sind voller uralter Bücher und die 20 m hohe Decke ist kunstvoll bemalt.

      Da wir noch frisch und ausgeruht waren, besuchten wir auch noch die Augustinerkirche nebenan.

      Der Naschmarkt darf bei einem Wienbesuch natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Auf dem Weg dorthin kehrten wir in Landtmanns Museum Cafe ein. Unterwegs waren wir schon am Cafe Mozart vorbeigekommen, vor dem eine Menschenschlange darauf wartete, von einem Ober in Grüppchen hereingerufen zu werden, wenn mal wieder ein Tisch frei wurde. Und auch wir im Museum Cafe wurden von einem jungen Mann in Empfang genommen und platziert. So ist das halt in Wien.

      Auf dem Naschmarkt war es voll, bunt, und es duftete nach Obst, Gewürzen, Gebäck und auch Fisch. Außerdem nach Glühwein, der dann selbstverständlich getestet wurde.

      Nach dem obligatorischen Abstecher zum Hardrock Cafe ging es zum Weihnachtsmarkt am Karlsplatz. Dort gab es dann einen sündhaft teuren Hut für mich. Superschick. 😁

      Wir streiften noch kurz den Donaukanal und pausierten bei Bier und G'spritztem im "Zattl", bis es Zeit wurde für unser Abendessen im "Melker Stiftskeller". Auch dort wurden wir platziert.

      Das Gute dort ist, dass man das Essen schon wieder abtrainiert hat, wenn man die hundert Stufen zum WC absolviert.

      Es war ein rundum schöner Tag, und die Füße tun sogar weniger weh als Gestern.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Hofburg - Imperial Impressions

      30 Haziran 2022, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Ehemalige Residenz der Habsburger: sehr prunkvoll (zumindest von Außen).
      Hier ist unter anderem das Museum zur berühmten Kaiserin Sissi und die Nationalbibliothek besichtigen. 👸 Auf dem dorthin gab es noch das Kunsthistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Museum.

      Former residence of the Habsburgs: very magnificent (at least from the outside).
      Among other things, the museum of the famous Empress Sissi and the National Library can be visited here. 💎 On the way there was the Art History and Natural Science Museum. 🎨
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 27

      Vienna Museums

      18 Aralık 2023, Avusturya ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      We had a delightful few days exploring Vienna. It truly is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. But haven't seen them all yet, so we'll see.

      Today we paid a visit to some of the many museums around Vienna... here's some more photos.

      More photos to come...
      Okumaya devam et

    • December 7 - Arrival in Vienna

      7 Aralık 2022, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      We were a rather bleary-eyed group and not very chatty at breakfast this morning at 6:30 a.m. At least there were no crowds around the coffee machine or the buffet. We hustled into two taxis at 7:30 a.m. that I had ordered the day before at reception. It wasn’t far, as the crow flies, to the train station, but it would have been a chore with suitcases and all our shopping loot over cobblestones. Vicky wisely invested in a second suitcase last night for her shopping acquisitions. Some of us may rent space in that bag as the days go on.

      The Prague train station (the main one – not the outlier one we arrived at on Sunday) is huge and has little or no useful signage. We eventually found the right train, the right car and the right seats and settled in for a 5-hour journey to Vienna. We seem to end up with only a few forward-facing seats. Sue and Vicky get the first two, and we duke it out for the rest of them. Only two on this ride, so I’m getting very little view of the scenery.

      The sun is actually out today for the first time since we arrived in Europe a week ago. We have all had to dig out our sunglasses and have had to pull down the window blind on the train car. You’d have to have a high tolerance for cloudy, overcast days from November to April to live in this part of the world.

      Vienna is the capital, largest city, and one of nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's most populous city and its primate city, with about two million inhabitants (2.9 million within the metropolitan area, nearly one third of the country's population), and its cultural, economic, and political center. It is the 6th-largest city proper by population in the European Union and the largest of all cities on the Danube river.

      In 2001, the city center was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In July 2017 it was moved to the list of World Heritage in Danger due a planned high-rise development in the city centre. Additionally, Vienna is known as the "City of Music" due to its musical legacy, as many famous classical musicians such as Beethoven and Mozart called Vienna home. Vienna is also said to be the "City of Dreams" because it was home to the world's first psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud.

      We got into the main train station (which is HUGE) just about 1:00 p.m. I hope we don’t all develop pneumonia because there were a lot of germs on that train, coupled with very sketch mask wearing techniques. We all wear our masks on the trains, except while eating. We found our way to street level and walked the few hundred meters to the hotel with no cobblestones in sight. The rooms weren’t ready yet, so we put our luggage in the secure lock up room and went out to find some lunch. This area has virtually nothing but apartment and office buildings. We finally found a little Italian place and had really good salads and pizza. Fed and watered, we went back to the hotel at 2:30 p.m. and found that our rooms were indeed ready.

      And the drama began again – just like in Dresden. Although the reservation had clearly stated that we needed twin/separate beds in all rooms, we got two mattresses pushed together on one frame in all three rooms. The dormitory/triple room also had a pull-out couch with a very thin foam mattress. The staff just sort of shrugged their shoulders and said there was nothing else available, and that we would have to put up with the arrangements. The double rooms are so small that there is no possibility of putting a cot/roller bed in them. There is a very slim chance that we might be able to move to a bigger room tomorrow. So, we are living pretty close to another for the night.

      Sheilagh and Mary Ann decided that they would like some quiet time, so they stayed back while the other five set out. We have cards that give us access to the metro/tram system, so we hopped on the metro and went a couple of stops to Stephansplatz which is the area around St. Stephen’s Cathedral. St. Stephen's Cathedral is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Viennaand the seat of the Archbishop of Vienna. The current Romanesque and Gothicform of the cathedral, seen today in the Stephansplatz, was largely initiated by Duke Rudolf IV (1339–1365) and stands on the ruins of two earlier churches, the first a parish church consecrated in 1147. The most important religious building in Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral has borne witness to many important events in Habsburg and Austrian history and has, with its multi-coloured tile roof (covered with 230,000 coloured tiles), become one of the city's most recognizable symbols. St. Stephen is generally considered to be the first martyr of Christianity. According to the Acts of the Apostles, he was a deacon in the early Church at Jerusalem who angered members of various synagogues by his teachings. Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him and was then stoned to death. Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul, a Pharisee and Roman citizen who would later become a Christian apostle, participated in Stephen's martyrdom.

      We went into the church while there was still some light as stained glass generally looks better in daylight. This church, oddly enough, doesn’t have a lot of stained glass. We couldn’t walk up the main aisle, but we could get a sense of the grandeur and magnificence of the building - all built without the benefit of power tools or computers. We lit a candle and said some prayers and headed back out.

      Christmas Market stalls are located on two of the four sides of the cathedral. We found the merchandise to be better quality than in Prague, but more expensive. We found some good items.

      The whole ambiance of the square changed between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. with dusk and then darkness. There are many streets that fan out from the square like the spokes of a wheel. Many of them are illuminated with elaborate overhead displays which look incredibly beautiful in the dark. We checked them out and ducked into interesting (mostly high end shops). I made a major purchase in the Läderach Chocolate Shop. We are going back tomorrow. Over the past two days, I have lost the right glove from both of the pairs of gloves that I brought, so I bought red gloves with fake rhinestones in the hope that they will be noticed if I drop them.

      Vicky suggested, that given our late lunch, that we pick up dinner fixings in a grocery store and have a picnic in the dormitory room. We took the metro back to the main station and found the grocery store and picked up sandwiches, fruit and wine. We had a grand old picnic with chunks of decadent chocolate for dessert, and mapped out tomorrow’s activities.

      Tomorrow, December 8th, is Lukas’s birthday – he is Angela’s oldest son, and he is turning 30 tomorrow. He is a bit under the weather. We have a lunch reservation at 1:00 p.m. at a lovely little café. Hopefully he’ll be able to join us. Angela will check in on him in the morning.

      I have booked a walking tour for all of us - a group of four and a group of three - under two different names for 3:00 p.m. I am wise to the ways of the booking system now. The tour will finish at St. Stephen’s Cathedral at 5:00 p.m. when the lights will be so magical. Everyone will be able to enjoy them. We also downloaded a commentary to accompany a tram ride that circles the old part of the city. It will show us many of the main sights. We will know a little bit about the city before we start the walking tour.

      Breakfast will be at 8:30 a.m. That will feel better than this morning’s 6:30 a.m. meeting. We all need a bit of a sleep in. Travel days, we are finding, are quite tiring, especially when the hotel reservation isn’t correct.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 64–67


      20 Mayıs, Avusturya ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Nun war es also soweit. Der Moment, den wir nie haben wollten. Unsere letzte Station stand an: Wien. Mit Wehmut machten wir uns also auf den Weg vom Gesäuse nach Wien. Die Zugfahrt führte in der Schlucht entlang am Johnsbach durchs Gesäuse.
      Die Ankunft in Wien ließ unsere Wehmut schnell verfliegen, wir kamen wieder bei strahlendem Sonnenschein an und suchten uns direkt in der Nähe unserer Unterkunft ein Gasthaus am Wasser. Zufällig lag direkt ein großer Hundepark mit Strand daneben, den wir natürlich direkt ausnutzten. Abends ging es noch auf den Kahlenberg, von wo aus wir einen Überblick über Wien genießen konnten.
      Die nächsten beiden Tage erkundeten wir die Stadt: zuerst die obligatorischen Sightseeing Spots, danach wieder etwas alternativere Gegenden inklusive kleiner Geschäfte und Cafés. Angetan hat es uns der Bezirk Neubau mit seinen nachhaltigen Boutiques und hippen Cafés.
      Nun ja, einen letzten Drink im Lieblingscafe gönnten wir uns am Abend, bevor wir dann in Richtung Hauptbahnhof aufbrachen. Die letzte Nachtzugfahrt begann aufgrund verwirrender Abteilbeschriftung sehr aufregend, aber als wir nach einer Stunde endlich unser Privatabteil beziehen konnten, war dann die Routine wieder eingekehrt. Ungewohnt war die Ankunft in Berlin, aber spätestens nach 1 oder 2 Wochen wird doch ein Stück vom Alltag einkehren. Immer mit den Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen dieser sehr ereignisreichen 2,5 Monate im Hinterkopf.

      Liebe alle, wir hoffen, wir konnten euch mit diesem Blog gedanklich mit auf unsere Reise nehmen und haben uns immer sehr über eure Kommentare und Texte gefreut!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      The Hofburg Palace

      29 Ekim 2022, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The Hofburg is the former principal imperial palace of the Hapsburg dynasty. It was built in the 13th century and expanded several times afterward. It now consists of many museums and government offices and includes the Spanish Riding School.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 10

      Ausblicke und Genüsse

      8 Haziran 2022, Avusturya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      So eine Großstadt war uns nach den vielen Tagen auf dem Land fast zu wuselig, also wanderten wir in Nussdorf auf einen Weinberg und verschafften uns erstmal einen Überblick über die Stadt. Da wir ein Tagesticket hatten ging es auf die andere der Stadt zum teuersten Cappucino der Reise im Café Gloriette, aber ebenfalls mit schönem Ausblick. Abends musste es natürlich ein echtes Wiener Schnitzel im Glacis Beisel sein.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 16

      Vienna Full Day 2

      27 Mayıs, Avusturya ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      We woke up, had breakfast and coffee and then walked to the main parts of the innerstadt. We saw some beautiful statues, the nicest Louis Vitton store, the national library, hofburg palace, and a few museums. We tried to go into the library but unfortunately it was closed. We continued walking saw a the pretty view of the Rathaus and Parliament building in the distance. From there, we walked through the Gardens of the museums and headed to the metro so Regan could meet up with her old manager, Christian. We went to the 9th district to see him, he was working at a church that day for a funeral but there was a coffee shop across the road so we grabbed a coffee and had a quick visit. It was nice to see him. From there, we headed to Alte Donau to sit by the water and get some sun because we haven’t seen much of it. On the way we needed to use the bathroom and were a little hungry so we decided to stop and have a quick bite to eat. We each had a wine spritzer, shared an unreal homemade lemonade, halloumi salad, and traditional beef broth soup with pancake strips, a potato and meat mash and sauerkraut. We changed into our bathing suits and went to the water. The Danube was so clear, we saw a few massive fish. We relaxed, and read our books. It started getting cloudy and we were a little worried but it didn’t rain! Before we left, Marlo needed to pee so she got in the water right beside a Swan, she was a little worried! We went back to the innerstadt and around the ring to see Rathaus (which unfortunately couldn’t get a could picture of because of a festival they were taking down), parliament building, and by the university. We then got back on the subway and walked down to the canal at schwedenplatz and went to a bar along it to grab a drink. We walked back to our hotel and watched an episode of friends and clean up before heading to prater. We took the subway and both thought we would go on the drop of doom but after arriving and seeing it was 80m high we both chickened out. Obviously we’re getting old when we were just happy to watch all the rides. We walked around for awhile and then headed to the beer garden , Schweizerhaus for dinner. We had a beer and ordered plates to share. We had a sauerkraut salad with shaved cucumber, potato’s, and tomato, bratwurst, potato pancakes smothered in garlic and our favourite, “ravioli” which was more like a perogy but stuffed with sheep’s cheese and on a bed of sauerkraut with pieces of bacon. It was all so good! We had another beer and then headed toward a Ferris wheel. We went on the big, bright Ferris wheel and it was great for views of prater. After the Ferris wheel, we stopped and got churros for dessert and headed for the subway back to our place and head to bed!Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      Wenn das Leben dir Zitronen gibt

      12 Mart 2020, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      We arrived safe in Vienna!

      Then we found out almost all of the museums, including the Opera House, got closed down yesterday. And then we found out we can no longer get into the Czech Republic.

      So after trying to get a hold of Orbitz and learning it'd take 14 hours(!) for someone to get back to us, we bought new tickets to LAX for Monday. We figured we'd best have an exit plan before spending a full day getting a hold of them.

      For now, we're going to relax (there's a Jared-sized bathtub!) and enjoy the sights that we can still see. It's a bit of a bummer that everything is closed down, sure, but the bright side is that 1) the government is taking this seriously and working to limit the virus' spread, and 2) we have an excuse to come back! Also we get to see Cholula that much sooner!

      Tonight we took a trip to a local restaurant and had some goulash & schnitzel, paired with an Austrian beer and an Aperol spritz. Then we headed over to Hotel Sacher Wien for a Sachertorte and some strudel. Köstlich!

      We'll keep you posted as things do or don't change. We'll be sure to keep abreast of any developments and have the embassy on speed dial just in case.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1

      Sissi, Apfelstrudel und Sonne ☀️

      23 Haziran 2022, Avusturya ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Nach sechs Stunden Zugfahrt über Nürnberg und Passau kommen wir mittags in dem wunderschönen Wien an. Online wird schnell noch das 72h WienTicket gekauft (18€) und dann gehts mit der U-Bahn zu unserem Airbnb in der Mosergasse 3. Check in ist erst später, also kurze Sachen an und Gepäck ablegen und ab in die City. Zum Ankommen und Erfrischen gibt es erstmal einen Limoncello Spritz in der Lamée Rooftop Bar mit Blick auf den Stephansdom, gehts uns gut! :) Im Dom ist grad die Generalprobe für ein Haydn-Konzert, wir lauschen kurz, bestaunen den gotischen Bau und genießen dann noch die schöne Aussicht vom Nordturm. Bei schönstem Wetter machen wir einen kaiserlichen Spaziergang durch den Volksgarten, erfrischen uns mit Aperol und Bier und gehen weiter zur Hofburg und dem Burggarten, der damaligen Stadtresidenz des kaiserlichen Paars.Okumaya devam et

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