Euro 2.0

Mayıs - Haziran 2024
4.5 week trip through Europe including Ireland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, and France! Okumaya devam et
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  • 17ayak izleri
  • 6ülkeler
  • 31günler
  • 195fotoğraflar
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  • Gün 2


    13 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    On our first day in Dublin, we landed at 10:00AM and picked up our rental car. First time driving on the left hand side!! After we picked up our car we drove to our hotel dropped our bags and car. From there, we made our first pit stop at a pub close by called Doyle’s. We both had our first Guinness and loved them, very smooth and way different taste than at home. For lunch, we shared a curry and parsnip soup with soda bread (so good) and a massive fish and chips. We shared another beer called rock shore and Marlo found a new fav beer. After eating and having a beer, we were exhausted and jet lagged from not sleeping on the plane so went back to our place for a nap. After our nap, we went on an adventure to Dublin castle, temple bar, river walk, and just explored the streets of Dublin. We ended up having a drink in temple bar which was so busy. For dinner we stopped at a place called hairy lemon. I had the Guinness and beef stew and Marlo had coddle, which sausage, bacon, carrots, and potatoes in a soup style. Both were amazing! From there, we went to the George which is a gay bar from a drag show and had a drink. It was a cool experience to see drag queens in another country where the scene isn’t as big! After the show, we walked back to our hotel to plan our next day to Galway and get some sleep!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 3

    Trip to Galway

    14 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We woke up in the morning, walked for coffee and a healthy breakfast, picked up our bags at our hotel and walked to get the car. After getting in the car, we hit the road for Galway! Trip started off great and regan was feeling more comfortable driving on the left side of the road until we got off the highway and started driving on the”secondary roads.” We drove for over an hour and a half on these roads before we stopped and a gas station to try and find a new route because we couldn’t deal with the small lanes (roads essentially for one car) and stops and starts and swerving roads. At the gas station, we realized Marlos maps had “avoid highways on.” We were very happy to know there was a faster and easier way to get there. After hitting the motorway, it was smooth sailing to Galway. After finding parking, which took almost 20 minutes to figure out how to pay, we were on our way to our new hotel. We walked through famous Eyre square and made it to the place. We dropped our bags and headed out for a walk. We absolutely loved the vibe of Galway and the main area, the vibes were real! We stopped at taffee’s bar for a half pint of Guinness and listened to an amazing street band play. We wandered the streets, went to the Spanish arch and to the causeway before grabbing some ice cream at murphys which was unreal! We continued to wander more and stumbled upon Marlo’s heaven, a wine bar. We went for one glass, and as per usual ended up finishing the bottle and having olives and crackers to tide us over before dinner. It worked out well because it started pouring rain so why not stay for more wine! After getting a little drunk at the wine bar, we went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. We went to Oscar’s seafood for dinner which has won Michelin stars, #1 seafood restaurant in the area. The place was packed and reservations are needed but we sat and ate at the bar which was great. We had wine, rhubarb gin and tonic for drinks. For food we had deep fried potatoes and cheese, scallops in a crab bisque, and oysters: the best and biggest oysters we ever had. For dessert we had a trio of crème brûlée with coffee liqueur, rhubarb, and classic vanilla - was delicious. After Oscar’s we were tired but not enough to go to sleep so decided to go to a pub down the street called Monroe’s which turned out to be such a fun night. We were there till about midnight, drank beer, and listened to a live band with singing, acoustic guitar, and a violin playing cover songs, it was such a fun night. After Monroe’s we stopped to get the messiest kebab ever, went back to the hotel, ate and went to bed to get ready for a long day heading to Doolin and Cliffs of Moher!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 4

    Doolin & Cliffs of Moher

    15 Mayıs, İrlanda ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    We woke up and went for an Irish breakfast at a restaurant close to our hotel. We grabbed our bags and picked up the car and hit the road to Doolin. Doolin was a small, quaint town of 500 people. We parked the car and took a walk down to the water. It was a beautiful view of the Irish countryside and smaller cliffs. From there, we drove to the cliffs of moher which had the most stunning cliffs of some of the biggest cliffs in Ireland. After spending about 45 minutes wandering the cliff side we grabbed a coffee and headed to another small town called Gort for lunch. Marlo had a sandwich and rockshore and regan had a traditional Irish bacon and cabbage with potatoes and carrots with a Guinness. After lunch, we drove back to Dublin to check into our hotel. For dinner, we went to Pub Celt and had beers and bangers and mash. After dinner we walked a Main Street and checked out the Dublin-NYC portal which was unfortunately shut off. We went back to our place and packed and reorganized our bags to get ready for our flight to Frankfurt in the morning!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 5


    16 Mayıs, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We woke up, went to a cafe to get a coffee and yogurt and then packed up and drove to the airport. We flew to Frankfurt in the afternoon and when we landed, we were deciding on whether to take a taxi or train. We decided on train because it’s cheaper, however, regan took us in the wrong train. Thankfully at one point we realized it might not be the correct one and we asked or else we would have been on a regional train to the mines! After getting off at the main train station, we took a taxi to our hotel. Our hotel is a sports hotel had a free beer and snacks for on arrival! After showering and cleaning up we went to a restaurant and had schnitzel and kasespaetzel. After dinner we walked around Frankfurt and saw the cathedral and along the canal.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Frankfurt Full Day

    17 Mayıs, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    We woke up and worked out at the hotel before heading off later in the day. It was raining on and off most of the day so we went to kleinmarkthall for awhile. We wandered the aisles and checked out the different stands. We ended up eating at an Italian restaurant having bolognese and burrata. After eating, we headed out and checked out a couple stores, stopped at a festival we stumbled upon and tried the popular apfelwein. We stopped for another beer before continuing to walk around. Aimlessly walking, we came across a gay parade and followed from behind checking out the sites before heading back to the main square and checking out some stores and then heading back to the market to get meats, etc for dinner at our hotel. We went back to Cheese and more to grab our cheese, wine, and jam and then headed back to our hotel to put our feet up as we were both very sore. We drank some wine and then got ready for dinner which we got from stores and markets. Bread, meat, cheese, fig jam, olives, stuffed pepperinici’s, figs. It was delicious. We decided to have a quiet night in and pack before heading to Munich!Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Train to Munich

    18 Mayıs, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We woke up in the morning, grabbed coffees and ate left over cheese, meats, and olives for breakfast before packing up and taking the tram to the train station. From Frankfurt to Munich was an easy train, we took the metro and then walked to our hotel. Hotel Mio was very nice and in a perfect location. We showered, changed, and then headed out on the town to wander. We ended up at the the Viktualienmarkt which was a massive area filled with all different types of stands, food, gifts, etc. we found the beer market and shared a litre beer and had a bratwurst and kasekrainer. So good. We then found a stand with massive pickles and they were so good. We walked around some more and saw some beautiful buildings, marienplatz, and St. Peter’s church. After walking around for awhile, we got dinner at Zum Steraubinger which was a recommendation for a good local place from Marlo’s friend Lisa! We shared a platter for two that hate potato dumplings, pork knuckle, bratwurst, duck, cabbage. The meal was incredible! We were so full after that we went back to the hotel to hang out.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Munich Full Day - Bier Garten!

    19 Mayıs, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We woke up in the morning and regan walked to get coffees and breakfast. The streets that were filled the day before were so quiet in the morning it was quite peaceful! It’s a public holiday so not a lot of stores or shops were open. After coffee and a little breakfast, we went on a 5K run around the city, stopping and taking pictures at the beautiful buildings! It’s a great way to see the city. After our run, we headed back to our hotel to shower and get ready to meet Marlos friend, Lisa. We met her at a beer garden called, Augustiner-Keller which is a massive beer garden in Munich. There were so many people when we arrived at 12:30 and it was nice because it’s out of the main city centre so less tourists! It was great for Marlo to see Lisa and catch up since they met each other 4 years ago in Thailand! Lisa had to go home but we stayed until around 6:30 PM! Marlo found her new fav drink, a Weißweinschorle sauer which is white wine and sparkling water. We definitely drank a fair share there. After we had enough we walked back to our hotel and ended up getting ice cream and relaxing in our room.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Munich Full Day - English Garten

    20 Mayıs, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    We woke up, Marlo went down the street to grab coffee and breakfast and then we headed for a walk to the English garden which is 910 acres of park - massive! There is a man made river flowing through with the clearest water! We wandered through the park, took pictures of the beautiful scenery and ended up at the beer garden called Biergarten am Chinesischen Turm which is inside the garden. We sat down and had Weißweinschorle sauer and sat in the sun as it was a beautiful day. We weren’t meeting Marlos friend Lisa till 8 so we decided we had time to go for a run. We took a tram back to our hotel, changed, grabbed a backpack and did a 4K run back to the English garden. On our stop, we found the area where they do surfing on the river, it’s pretty cool to watch! We ended our run at the beer garden of course and treated ourselves by sharing a litre of beer. We got a big pretzel, weißwurst for lunch! The weißwurst we needed to try as it’s very traditional but it’s a white sausage boiled and then it’s served in the water. It was interesting but good! After that, we headed down to be close to the river to lay for a bit as we were tired from our run, drinks, and sun! The areas near the river were absolutely packed with people. We dipped our feet in as it was pretty chilly, closed our eyes and then headed back to our place for a nap and shower before meeting Lisa. We walked to the main river and grabbed beers and sat down by the water like the locals do, it was so cool to see everyone out and about! We were there for about 20 mins before heading to dinner at a place called soul kitchen which is a local Italian restaurant as Munich is known as the north of Italy! We had a cocktail and shared pizza and chatted all night! After dinner, we walked around town, Lisa showed us some places we hadn’t see, took us to the university where she studied and the main attraction the womens cathedral which is the tallest building in Munich and it’s a law that no other building can be that tall! It’s so nice walking at night when all the tourist are gone home! We are thankful to Lisa and all the information and things she showed! We said our goodbyes and headed back to our hotel.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 10

    Train to Salzburg

    21 Mayıs, Almanya ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    We woke up in the morning, had breakfast and coffee and then headed back to the Viktualienmarkt for one last Bavarian experience. We got our last German beer and pretzel and picked up pickles to take with us to Salzburg. After a couple stops around the area, we headed back to our hotel to grab our bags and then to the metro headed to the train station. The train to Salzburg wasn’t that long and got in at the perfect time to check in. After showering and getting ready, we hit the town by foot and first made a stop for kebab which was so good! We saw the small streets of Salzburg, residenzplatz, the beautiful views of both sides of Salzburg, especially with the fortress in the back! We went to mirabell gardens (where part of sound of music was filmed). We went to a wine store and then headed back to our apartment which was nice because it started pouring. We also got some much needed laundry done!Okumaya devam et