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    • Day 5

      Eis im Prater Park

      August 23 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Aufgrund von 31°C und doch ordentlicher Menschenmenge, ging es für Mausberg zum nächsten See im Prater Park. Leider Stand ein riesiger Schwan an der einzigen Stelle wo Mausberg in den Tümpel springen konte. Zum Glück gab es am Zufluss eine Brücke die nicht abgesperrt war, wo sich Mausberg entsprechend abkühlen konnte. Für ins ging es dann entlang des Prater Park Richtung Stadion. Dort fanden wir ein Eiscafe, somit gab es auch für uns eine Abkühlung.Read more

    • Day 1

      Das Konzert

      August 23, 2019 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      So viele Fress und Saufbuden vor einem Stadion haben wir noch nie gesehen drinnen gibt es einige wie bei uns im Olympiastadion im Innenraum, wenige Buffets in den oberen Rängen,wir sitzen ziemlich wei oben haben ne tolle freie Sicht,wir sind gespanntRead more

    • Day 2


      July 27, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Normalerweise widme ich der Unterkunft meiner Reisen ja kein eigenes Kapitel, in diesem Fall mache ich eine Ausnahme. Wir waren im „Hilton Vienna Danube Waterfront“ (…) untergebracht. Das Hotel liegt wenig zentral, dafür direkt an der Donau und nur gut 10min. Fußweg vom Stadion entfernt. Ein Komfort, den auch die Rammstein-Crew zu schätzen wusste und daher ebenfalls hier einquartiert war. Die Buchung übernahm ein Kumpel. Zugegeben, der Zimmerpreis war aufgrund des Rammsteinkonzert etwas durch die Decke gegangen. Jedoch hatten wir Glück im (finanziellen) Unglück, da die Buchung durch einen Vielreisenden erfolgte, der auch Honor-Status Inhaber bei Hilton ist und somit ein paar Zusatzleistungen bekam, welche den Zimmerpreis schon fast wieder rechtfertigten. Dazu zählten ein kostenloses BBQ sowie die Nutzung der Executive Lounge inkl. Snacks am Abend und Getränke über den ganzen Tag. On top dazu eine sehr bemerkenswerte Aussicht inkl. Blick aufs Stadion. Leider schloss die Lounge um 21:00 Uhr, so dass wir am zweiten Abend nur den Konzertbeginn von dort aus sahen, anschließend aber zum Stadion marschierten und die Show ein zweites Mal erleben konnten. Die Soundkulisse vor dem Stadion ist zwar nicht ganz so brachial wie drinnen, aber dafür, dass es kostenlos ist, schon recht beeindruckend. Und da wir am Vorabend ja im Stadion waren konnten wir die ganze Show quasi nochmals durchleben. Am nächsten Tag schaffte ich es sogar noch, kurz in den Pool zu springen. Jedoch war es an den Tagen unseres Wienaufenthalts etwas zu kühl für einen längeres Verweilen dort. Auch, da der Poolbereich am Nachmittag leider im Schatten lag. Beim Frühstücksbuffet sah ich dann etwas, was ich so noch nicht gesehen hatte: eine kompletter Imker-Holzrahmen mit Honigwaben zum rauslöffeln des Honigs. Ja, der Aufenthalt wird noch eine Weil in Erinnerung bleiben.Read more

    • Day 2

      Da muss man unbedingt hin.

      July 9, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Zum Abschluß gehen wir noch in den Prater eine Runde im Riesenrad drehen. In 60m Höhe haben wir einen sehr schönen Ausblick über Wien und den Prater. Beeindruckend sind die vielen Fahrgeschäfte, die wir jedoch nach dem reichhaltigen Essen lieber auslassen.Read more

    • Day 41


      October 24, 2018 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      We got a taxi to the Dubrovnik airport and listened to young driver, formerly from Zagreb, explain about the local real estate prices and rentals. To us it did not seem too outlandish but his salary is quite small he said so it is all relative. Dubrovnik airport is very small and we were shuttled to the plane on a bus. In less than 90 minutes we had landed in Vienna. Vienna only become a destination because China Airlines flew out of its airport. Rather than catch the shuttle into town we caught a fixed price taxi. The hotel is not too bad, a small private hotel, the person next door to us is a permanent resident. We settled in and went to a local shop for milk and other supplies. The cold weather had arrived. It was overcast and very windy. Our 1 month prepaid sim had expired today so we were relying on Google Maps with no directions.
      The next morning we went down to the breakfast room for an organic breakfast, whatever that was going to be. I had organic corn flakes which were made of cardboard whilst MDW had two pots of tea. We then did as the locals were doing and ate freshly made cake. Not a bad idea as it tasted very nice. Brought back memories of my youth when we would sometimes have chocolate biscuits or cake for breakfast, must have been Dad’s European influence. The underground was a minute away, we bought a two day unlimited ticket, validated it at the train station and we were off. We arrived at the centre plaza where the main church was. Absolutely beyond belief. It was so tastefully done yet ornate at the same time. Great sculptures, art work and decorations. Mass was being said when we walked in to have a look but that did not seem to disturb the priest and the two ladies in the front pew. We spent the remainder of the day walking around admiring the architecture. It’s hard to put in words how tasteful yet magnificent it is. This has become our favourite destination these holidays although MDW still has a soft spot for Florence. The wind had really picked up and it was raining. MDW wanted to go to her favourite shop which is usually located in the suburbs around high density low cost housing, get the picture. And it was dark with lots of shadowy alley ways and shady looking characters. The street lighting was minimal but on we marched. The wind had destroyed my $5 umbrella so I had no protection from the wind or rain. Suddenly we were there, well almost because we followed the sign on the building which took us past people possibly doing drug deals and a dead end. MDW was getting frustrated but we walked back a little and found MDW’s planned destination. In we walked but shock, horror, what MDW wanted to buy was not in the store. See MDW has fallen in love with honey cashews and peanuts at LIDL. She was not happy but fortunately I found them in another isle. MDW was happy but now we had to get back. I suggested the tram but had no idea what direction or where to catch it. MDW just asked a couple of girls who happily told us what we had to do to get to the city. We took tram to the underground and now it was about 7pm. The train we needed to catch was packed but we squeezed in along with many others. People would just shove you out of the way as they were exiting which resulted in us shoving other people. We arrived at the centre and headed off for a long desired schnitzel at Figlmuller. There was a queue of people out the door waiting for a table so we joined them in the rain until we eventually were shown a table for two. The schnitzels arrived, bigger than the dinner plate but I managed to eat all of mine whilst MDW did her best but left about half on her plate. We asked for the bill and the eftpos machine was put in front of me and the waiter said I just need to put how much I want to tip. Well my tip is if you are going to charge that much for a schnitzel you should not expect a tip. I indicated I just wanted to pay the amount which did not make the waiter happy, “well no tip then” and his jovial nature had disappeared. Back to the underground, full tummy’s we hopped on full trains and back to our hotel. The wind was so strong someone had their takeaway meal blown out of their hand. The horse and buggy’s had given up with only the hardiest of tourists out and about.
      The next day we decided to get some culture but we tried to wait out the wind and rain. The weather app was saying it felt like 1 degree outside. So after lunch we headed to the museum quarter and spent several hours walking around the museum of natural history. So many exhibits from the smallest to the largest. We possibly saw almost every animal past and present that has inhabited this planet. The buildings in the quarter were also amazing. As we are flying home tomorrow morning MDW did a final bag repack and I weighed them in at under 23kgs.
      Together we saw so much, encountered different cultures, drove on the other side of the road, had a lot of laughs, a few worrying moments and lots of precious memories. The planning went pretty well although we would have changed the length of time we stayed in some of our destinations.
      Thank you for the comments and likes, hopefully it wasn’t too long winded, look forward to catching up with you in the near future when we can show you our 3000 photos.
      P.S. MDW doesn’t know but I am starting to plan our next holiday.. 🤣🤣🤣
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    • Day 15

      Travel to Ship

      July 2, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Yesterday (July 1) we had breakfast in Prague, Czech Republic—lunch in Bratislava, Slovakia—and dinner in Vienna, Austria. All capital cities! After lunch we went on a walking tour of Bratislava
      There is a problem onboard with sending photos so that is why I posted a test post of our dessert last night I may be able to only post one picture-
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    • Day 15

      Exploring Vienna, Austria

      July 2, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Famous Saint Stephen’s Catholic Church
      A choir was singing.
      Apparently the Austrians are really tired of being confused with Australia because there are lots of shirts in souvenir shops that say
      Austria-No kangaroos here
      Tonight we are going to a Mozart concert at the Opera House — will post more later…
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    • Day 50

      Wiener Prater

      June 28, 2015 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Tonight we went to Wiener Prater where we had schnitzel for dinner! I couldn't help but have a couple beers as well. We went on our two free rides that were included in our package after we had to pay for our rides.
      I paid for a ride called 'Extasy' and I immediately regretted it, it instantly made me want to vomit. I had my eyes closed and was fighting the urge not to vomit the whole time, it felt like the longest ride ever! I got off the ride and walked straight to the bathroom, normally I whinge about having to pay 50c to use public toilets but not this time, I vomited my guts up and they deserved the 50c haha. Apart from getting sick on that one ride, it was a great night!
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    • Day 12

      Comiendo al estilo alemán

      August 23, 2015 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Una cosa que hemos notado en Viena es que no parece otro país diferente a Alemania. Sus costumbres son bastante similares, su gastronomía y además hablan el mismo idioma.

      Yendo hacia el Prater, el parque de atracciones mas antiguo del mundo y justo a la entrada nos hemos parado en un lugar perfecto para comer. Nos hemos pedido dos platos de Bratwurst y uno de patatas que hemos aderezado con varias salsas muy ricas y un par de cervezas.Read more

    • Day 12

      El Prater

      August 23, 2015 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Espectacular. Probablemente el parque mas extenso que haya visitado nunca. Está a un salto del centro de la ciudad y es donde los austriacos creemos que invierten gran parte de su tiempo libre.

      Aquí puedes practicar una gran variedad de deportes porque hay pistas de todos los colores. Tienes el estadio donde juega la selección austriaca sus partidos de fútbol, un frondoso bosque y muchas zonas para hacer picnics, tomar el sol o que los niños jueguen.

      Muchos prefieren coger las bicis, otros correr y otros pasear. Nosotros nos hemos recorrido gran parte y hemos invertido hora y media. Obviamente nos hemos tumbado a tomar el solecito durante un rato.

      De lo que mas nos ha gustado de Viena.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Prater, Wiener Prater, Prater de Vienne

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