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    • Dia 7


      11 de agosto de 1998, Áustria ⋅ 24 °C

      Vienna mi ha conquistato. Dopo averla vista per molti anni, cioè prima di vedere Londra, è stata la mia città preferita, superare Roma e Parigi e vorrei rivederla a tanti anni di distanza per confermare o smentire questa mia impressione.
      Ne sono rimasta entusiasta. La piazza del municipio durante la nostra vacanza era un luogo di feste e cibo da tutto il mondo e ci andavamo quasi ogni sera.
      Abbiamo visitato tutto quello che si potesse visitare. La bellezza della biblioteca nazionale austriaca ma tutto tutto bellissimo! Sfogliando le fotografi siamo andati veramente ovunque. Anche al castello Belvedere.

      Questo amore per Vienna non è stato scalfito dal posto in cui dormivamo che è stato il posto peggiore in cui siamo stati in tutta la nostra vita. Sporco, ma abbiamo pulito e puzzolente che era impossibile dormire con la testa girata sul cuscino. Inoltre era sopra un locale che faceva musica fino a tarda notte. Siamo andati via disperati. Fosse oggi avremmo cambiato posto e ci saremmo fermati a Vienna ancora un po'.
      Quindi se Vienna ha passato questo test... Devo tornarci!!!!
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    • Dia 1


      8 de dezembro de 2018, Áustria ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Partenza da Milano Malpensa alle 8..55 con volo Austrian Airlines attraverso le Alpi e arrivo a Vienna alle 10.20 .Transfert per l'Hotel Terminus, il tempo di appoggiare le valigie e subito a visitare la città piena di mercatini di Natale tra le bellezze architettoniche tra cui la chiesa di Karlskirche con la cupola che richiama quella di San Pietro a Roma. Pranzo a base di Gulasch e patate .Dopo pranzo visita al Belvedere tra i meravigliosi giardini e i magnifici dipinti di Gustav Klimt tra cui il tanto sognato :"IL bacio".Il dipinto rappresenta due innamorati che si stringono e si abbandonanano ad un bacio intenso;la luce di questo dipinto è emanata non dall’esterno, ma arriva direttamente dalla coppia, fulcro di tutta l’opera. Le tinte sono calde e luminose, con l’eccezione del verde del prato più freddo che esalta il contrasto con l’amore appassionato dei due giovani.La separazione tra i due sessi viene superata dall’aurea dorata che racchiude le due figure, in un trionfo assoluto dell’eros, rappresentato però in modo molto elegante entro uno stile formale incredibilmente armonico, che fanno del Bacio un’opera unica e simbolo di un tempo che stava rapidamente scomparendo, a favore di una maggiore violenza e drammaticità, causata dallo scoppio della prima guerra mondiale. Una scultura molto bella che si trova sempre qui è Amore e Psiche 1882 marmo di Theodor Friedl ,che rappresenta una delle leggende d'amore più belle .
      E per cena si cambia un po' cultura e si sceglie per un ristorante Vietnamita .
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    • Dia 20

      Vienna, Austria

      4 de julho de 2016, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today we first did a bus tour around Vienna, then a walking tour ending with some free time. While acknowledging some great architecture, we were disappointed in the large amount of modern shopping areas which took away some of the old world charm. Tonight we are going to a Mozart concert which hopefully will be representative of the period. The concert turned out to be great. It was held in a beautiful old building which used to be the stock exchange that has great acoustics. There were 10 musicians, two singers, and two ballet type dancers. They performed shortened versions of famous pieces which kept everyones attention. We then went back to the ship after a brief night tour of Vienna to see the lights for a after concert buffet. It featured a goulash type soup which was delicious. More food😄!Leia mais

    • Dia 11


      11 de junho de 2016, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We got up for breakfast at around 8.15am, and then Jo dropped us into the city for a guided walking tour with Tamara. Vienna has some beautiful statues, monuments and buildings, and of course history. Amongst other things, we stood in a courtyard area where Hitler gave one of his speeches stating Austria would be joining Germany in WWII. Bit surreal imagining that we were standing in the same spot as supporters, imagining all the nazi flags and chanting, wondering if there were also people in disbelief at what was actually happening.
      We ended our tour at the main Swarovski store in Vienna, where we had a 5 minute talk about the crystals and how the company came about, as it began in a small town just outside of Vienna.
      T and I waited outside for Charli and Jess, as the plan was to head to St. Stephens Cathedral, then for some traditional Vienese chocolate cake, Sacher Tout.
      We arrived at the Cathedral, walked inside, and I got a bit lost in its beauty, I nearly cried. Being the first Catholic cathedral/church I'd been to in Europe, I started thinking about my Nan, and a few other personal things that had happened just before (and at the beginning) of my trip, and it was all a little overwhelming.
      I went a lit a candle, then the 4 of us headed up one of the towers to get a view of the city.
      Incredible views. A lot of these cities we are going to don't have towering skylines, as they're so old, which makes the views even prettier.
      We probably stayed up there for about 20 minutes, before coming back down and exiting the Cathedral.
      Somehow T and I lost Charli and Jess, but we knew they were both headed for a pharmacy so we headed in the direction of Hotel Sacher.
      We got a little table for two, and ordered our cake and drinks.
      Free wifi at the cafe, so I got to call Dad and have a quick chat to him, the first since I'd been away!
      Our cake came along, and I'll be completely honest, it was kind of disappointing... I think it had been talked up too much, so whilst it was good, it wasn't the best I've had... It was no 'OMG Cake' like we've had for Specsavers birthdays! The hot chocolate, however, probably was the best I've had. It was silky smooth and perfect!
      From there we decided to head for a birthday drink at an Australian pub we'd passed earlier. It was packed with people watching the rugby. We found Tamara, Arwen and Craig there, so grabbed a drink and sat with them. The bartender was Australian, so when I tried to just order midi's of cider, he gave me a whole lot of crap and pretty well forced me to get schooners instead. Typical Aussie peer pressure!
      We stayed there probably just under an hour, before walking back to the pick up point with Arwen and Craig.
      We got to the bus and it was time for our first goodbye. Tareisha was leaving, off to work for Sail Croatia for the next 3 months. That was pretty devastating, I gave her a massive hug, thanked her for spoiling me on my birthday (she bought me Swarovski earrings, a rose, and paid for my birthday cake!), and got a little teary - but we were all planning to head out later, so it was see you soon, not goodbye.
      We jumped on the bus and were taken to an Old Vienna Schnapps Museum.
      We learnt all about the company, how to make Schnapps, and of course got to have a few tastings! I tried butterscotch, cherry liqueur, and chocolate hazelnut, my favourite!
      A few people made some purchases, then we jumped back on the bus to head to Maria Theresa's summer palace.
      The building itself was pretty impressive, with approximately 2000 rooms, but we didn't get to go inside, so it was the gardens that were most impressive. They were so vast, you could spend a good couple of hours exploring, a lot more than our 45 minutes.
      We jumped back on the coach, back to our hostel, where we had about an hour and a half to relax/get organised for our included dinner.
      We headed a little outside of the city for a tradtional Austrian dinner - a beef soup with stips of pancakes in it, and chicken schnitzel and chips, pretty tasty!
      We headed back to the hostel, where we were struggled to decide on whether we wanted to head out or not. We knew we were heading to Auschwitz the following day, so noone wanted to be hungover, but we still wanted to have a birthday drink. A couple of us ended up finding a little bar around the corner from our hostel, where they barely spoke any english. We had a few drinks and played a game of pool. I had my birthday Sash on and the lady behind the bar gave me a free Jaeger shot!
      As we were heading out, we realised there was a group of people who had a dog with them. He was HUGE and so so beautiful, I couldn't even tell you what breed he was. Apparently his name was Jango, but he didn't speak any english, only Serbian!
      We left around midnight and headed back to the bar at the hostel. I only lasted about 5 minutes - it was like a box of cigarette smoke.
      I'm really struggling to deal with the fact EVERYONE seems to smoke here, and you can smoke everywhere. It makes me super grateful for our smoking laws back home, because I'd never be able to go out - my asthma has been playing up massively, when I normally never get it back home.
      I called Mum, and possibly woke her up because of the time difference, and then went up to bed.
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    • Dia 30

      Vienna, day 2

      10 de outubro de 2019, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      The Hapsburg family ruled the Austro Hungarian Empire for nearly 650 years, which is one of the longest of any dynasty. It certainly gave them plenty of time to build palaces and other major structures. One of these is the Schönbrunn Palace just outside Vienna which they used as their summer retreat . The best-known inhabitant was Maria Theresa who spent her later years in seclusion there following the death of her husband.
      Today it is one of Vienna's major tourist attractions. Crowd numbers are strictly controlled and we were given a precise time slot when we had to be there. Our very informative and chatty guide from the previous day, Wolfgang was our guide this time too. Broadly speaking Schönbrunn is built in the style of Versailles with its palace and gardens though it is on a somewhat smaller scale. The place was one of the busiest we'd been to, though evidently this was nothing compared to what it is like in the height of the season.
      Both the palace and the gardens are impressive, and it would have been good to have wandered round for a bit longer but we were on a tight schedule.
      On the way back a few of us elected to be dropped off in the city and to find our own way back. By then it was about 1 o'clock and with the ship due to sail at 3.45pm we had no time to do anything too ambitious. In the end the two of us wandered round town for a bit, grabbed some coffee and cake then headed back to the ship via the Metro. The consequences of missing the boat don't bear thinking about and we didn't want to leave anything to chance.
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    • Dia 29

      Good morning, Vienna

      9 de outubro de 2019, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Shortly after breakfast we headed off, initially by bus, for an introduction to the city of Vienna. Our guide warned us that we'd be madly turning our heads left and right as though we were at a tennis match, and he was right. We took the ring road which basically circles the inner city and were quickly overwhelmed by the sight of the beautifully presented buildings, the statues, the gardens and all the other features that were continuously coming into view on both sides of us.
      The bus then dropped us off near the Town Hall and our guide took us for a walking tour of an hour or so where he pointed out many of the key features of the inner city. It was quite overwhelming, being surrounded by so many beautiful things. Rather than take the tour bus back to the ship we decided to explore the inner city for ourselves then take the Metro back to base. We wandered around in a leisurely fashion taking it all in and getting plenty of photos.

      Vienna is full of museums and galleries, so our greatest challenge came in deciding which one to visit. In the end we opted for the Albertina, and that was quite something. Much of their display area is given over to the works of Albrecht Dürer. There are something like 140 of his original paintings, sketches and engravings on display. But that's far from everything. Just about every well-known artist is represented there from Renoir to Manet to Klee to Picasso and many others. After a couple of hours at the gallery we were suffering from information overload so decided to head back to the ship.
      As we'd been told, the subway was very easy to navigate and we then had an easy ten minute walk back to our ship.
      Our first day in Vienna wasn't over yet. After a light dinner we hopped on the buses for what should have been a 20 minute trip to the Lichtenstein Palace for a Viennese concert. Things started badly with the trip taking twice as long as it should have. Evidently there was a street protest taking place and one of the major roads was closed. It was raining and this caused Brian to get into a row with an officious young lady from the Palace. We'd been invited to deposit our brollies in a receptacle just inside the front door, after which we walked up the 64 steps of the grand staircase to the room where they were serving drinks and the room where the concert was to be held. One of the attendants then told Brian that brollies, including our small folding one, weren't allowed and that he'd have to trek down the stairs to leave it at the entrance. A couple of others were caught out similarly. Honour was restored when our guide found us a secret hiding place on the 2nd floor.
      What about the event and the venue? The Palace is in the rococo style which means that everything is over the top in terms of ceilings, murals, chandeliers and so on. It has been spectacularly well restored. The concert too was quite enjoyable, including pieces by Johann Strauss, Mozart and Lehar. It ran for about an hour and the orchestra was accompanied at various times by three boy sopranos, a tenor and a female soprano. Towards the end the room was starting to get uncomfortably hot so we were quite pleased that it finished when it did.
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    • Dia 4

      Schatzkammer, Augustiner Kirche, Skydive

      9 de maio de 2019, Áustria ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Heute sind wir zu erst in die Schatzkammer gegangen, dies hatten wir eigentlich schon für Dienstag geplant, an diesem Tag war diese jedoch geschlossen. Die Schätze in der Kammer sind sehr prunkvoll und schön anzusehen.

      Danach waren wir im kleinen Café und haben Kaffee getrunken und ein Stück Torte gegessen. Das Café ist urig eingerichtet und ist sehr gemütlich.

      Da war an der Augustiner Kirche vorbei gegangen sind, haben wir uns diese von innen angeschaut, die sehr schön ist.

      Von dort sind wir noch einmal zu Prater gefahren, erst haben wir eine Rundfahrt über den Prater mit der Eisenbahn gemacht und anschließend habe ich im Windobona Skydiving gemacht. Das war eine richtig tolle Erfahrung. Ich bin zwei mal eine Minute geflogen und ich hatte viel Spaß dabei. Auf dem Prater haben wir im Gösser Eck noch etwas gegessen und sind anschließend in die Ferienwohnung gegangen.
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    • Dia 3

      Hard Rock Cafe, Schloss Schönbrunn uvm.

      8 de maio de 2019, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Wir haben heute morgen im Hard Rock Café Vienna gefrühstückt und uns die verschiedenen Instrumente und Kleidungen der Rockszene angesehen.

      Danach sind wir zum Schloss Schönbrunn gefahren, dieses hat einen beeindruckenden Innenhof. Das Museum war ebenfalls schön. Anschließend sind wir noch in den schönen Schlossgarten gegangen und konnten von der Gloriette Wien von oben sehen.

      Wieder zurück in der Altstadt haben wir Wiener Schnitzel gegessen und haben Souvenirs einkauft.

      Abends sind wir nochmal über den Prater geschlendert.
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    • Dia 1

      Hundertwasserhaus und Prater

      6 de maio de 2019, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Nach einer siebenstündigen Zugfahrt in wir in Wien in unserer Ferienwohnung angekommen. Kurz die Sachen abgestellt und schon sind wir zum Hundertwasserhaus gegangen, das ist nur fünf Minuten entfernt von der Ferienwohnung. Es sah dort sehr schön aus.

      Danach sind wir zum Wiener Prater gegangen. Bis auf die Geisterbahn und das Riesenrad haben wir uns nur die Fahrgeschäfte angesehen. Die Fahrt auf dem Riesenrad war echt klasse. Wir hatten einen wunderschönes Blick über Wien.

      Gegessen haben wir anschließend in einem Rollercoaster Restaurant in Wien. Das war sehr lustig, denn das Essen kam auf Schienen zum Tisch gefahren.
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