Flemish Brabant Province

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    • Day 120

      124ème étape ~ Bruxelles (jour 2)

      November 30, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Deuxième journée dans la capitale belge.
      Nous commençons par la visite d’un musée gratuit sur Marc Sleen que nous enchaînons avec le centre belge de la bande dessinée. C’était super intéressant de voir comment elles étaient créées.
      Ensuite nous allons manger au Wolf Market, c’est un grand espace avec des tables et chaises au centre et pleins de restaurants sur le tour. Chacun peut choisir ce qu’il mange et être quand même tous ensemble. 🥰
      Ensuite nous allons voir la Jeanneken pis et le Manneken pis. Ce dernier est déguisé en l’honneur du 90e anniversaire de l’union professionnelle des architectes. Nous repassons 4 fois devant pour finalement le voir tout nu ! 🥳
      Nous découvrons les arcades du parc du cinquantenaire quand il fait déjà nuit. L’avantage c’est qu’il n’y avait plus de touristes et que l’endroit illuminé était incroyable.
      Nous ne pouvions pas quitter Bruxelles sans aller goûter au mètre de bière chez Délirium.
      Nous tombons à pic pour un show de lumière et musique sur la Grand-Place, principalement sur l’hôtel de ville mais tous les bâtiments répondaient au lumière.
      Nous finissons la journée dans un bar un peu spécial, son nom est le cercueil et je vous laisse découvrir sa particularité. 😘
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    • Day 6

      Day 6. Brussels

      February 10 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today we headed to Brussels, we headed down to the train station and managed to miss the first train as we thought it was going in the wrong direction. We had to wait 30 mins for the next one, but this meant we only got into Brussels 5 minutes later than what the first one would of, so not all lost.

      We first headed to the Mont des Arts park which lead us to "Palace de Bruxelles". This was very pretty and the Palace was lovely. Afterwards we headed to the European Parliament, home to the European Union, this was cool to see despite now not being part of it... We headed back to the centre, stopped for a baguette and Belgium Waffle (which James managed to drop on the table...) we luckily saved most of it, they were both delicious.

      Brussels wouldn't be worth going to if you didn't taste the chocolate and Beer. So we headed to a super posh chocolatier called Neuhaus, they were madly expensive at £2.70 each for little chocolates, but the shop threw in some samples so this made it slightly more affordable. We headed to Grand-Place, we can see how this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world, every building was so stunning and lots of gold was on show. We were super impressed by the square. Our last stop was a statue called Manneken Pis, which is basically a baby going for a wee as a fountain.. who famously put out a fuse which ultimately stopped the city from burning down, quite the saviour. He was dressed in Chinese outfits and had quite the crowd.

      Last stop was a belgian beer enroute to the station, we stopped at this quirky little bar and they were loving feeding Maddy crisps. Maddy had alot of attention today and coped well and like always, trooped it all the way to the end. 2 trains to get back and quick easy pizza for tea. Ready to chill as tomorrow we are off to Antwerp.
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    • Day 11

      De pasada en 📍Bruselas

      May 31, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Hoy fue en día de pasada en Bruselas. Nos despertamos y directamente salimos a recorrer, pero como siempre, con paradas técnicas para comprar cositas dulces para comer🍩🍭🍡🍫. No saque muchas fotos, pero nos encanto la ciudad.
      Almorzamos en el departamento y nos dormimos una sienta porque no dábamos más. Nos levantamos un poco tarde pero salimos a pasear igual. Cenamos afuera y de postre compré un súper waffle riquísimo 🧇
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    • Day 2

      Brussels Day 1

      December 2, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Our night was amazing - we are LOVING Brussels!!

      1.) Saw the famous Mannaken Pis statue (dressed up for Christmas which is so fun)

      2.) Had dinner at “NuetnigEnough” - i had the puff pasty pie and classic “Brussels Frites (fries).” Such a cute small restaurant, only ~8 tables, very friendly staff and delicious food :)

      3.) Then had Belgian beer at La Port Noir which used to be the kitchen for a monestary! Such a cool place and loved my cherry sour beer.

      4.) Ended the night with a (surprise) lightshow in Grand Place, followed by “Gluhwein” (mulled red wine) and the Christmas Market right by our cute AirBnb ✨
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    • Day 14

      Kathedrale Saint Michel et Saint Gudula

      June 14, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Am Eingang der Kathedrale traf ich auf einen jungen Mann aus Algerien der hier lebt. Wir kamen ins Gespräch und er warnte mich eindrücklich vor Nordafrika.. Die Leute seien größtenteils nicht gut sagte er. Ich versprach ihm aufzupassen und während ich die Kathedrale besichtigt habe hat er auf mein Bike aufgepasst.Read more

    • Day 7–9

      Endstation Brüssel

      May 16 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nachere verrägnete Areis wartet die strahlend Sunne in Brüssel uf eus.
      Nach em Check in im Craves Hotel starte mir e ersti Entdeckigstour.
      Sie führt via Mont des Arts, verbi an hübsche Gebäude, bis zum Schloss. Zur Stärkig sueche mir die besti Pommesbude in Brüssel uf : Maison Antoine. Classisch esse mir Pommes us de Spitztüte und e Bierli dezue.
      Stärkt erkunde mir witer d Altstadt.
      Uf euser Route chöme mir au verbi an eim vo de Wahrzeiche vo Brüssel: Mannekin Pis. E 61cm grossi, pinkelndi, Brunnefiguer. De Mannekin Pis bsitzt e eigeni Garderobe und wird regelmässig umzoge.
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    • Day 5

      Tagesausflug De Haan und Brügge

      May 14 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Am Morge näme mir s Tram nach De Haan und mache e chli e Strandspatziergang und gniesse de "no" verschlofeni Ort.
      Mit em Tram zrug nach Blankenberge und denn mit em Zug uf Brügge.
      Brügge empfangt eus mit em schöne Minnewaterpark. E Spatziergang führt eus dure Park, zum Sashuis und Ten Wijngaerde Begijnhof. Das isch e Wohnalag für Nonne und Begine.
      Nach me erste kulturelle Spatziergang witme mir eus mol wieder em kulturelle Part vom Bier trinke.
      Dies mol im Bier Atelier mit me Degustationsbrätt a 12 Bier.
      S Bier Atelier erinneret Eus biz an d Schluggstube vo Basel, denn es isch usschmückt mit BH's, Bier Deckel und Geldnote us aller Wält. Gestärkt gots witter durch Brügge.
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    • Day 6


      February 6, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

      Arrived in Brussels super early and super fast only 1.5 hours to get here from Paris and it feels like a different world.

      Just been round the sights of the centre before checking into the hostel.

      It's pretty special I must admit.
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    • Day 7

      Last day in Brussels

      February 7, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      So that's my last day in Brussels before I head of tomorrow onwards to Bruges. It was spent walking around and enjoying the relaxed vibe of the city.

      Not really sure what to say about Brussels it's super different to anywhere I have been. One minute your in the most incredible old traditional square surrounded by tourists, gold plated buildings and chocolate shops the next your in the metropolitan shopping street surrounded by new and high rise buildings and development.

      It's a super cool place to be and I loved having a night out last night, met some cool people, practiced my Spanish a bit and got by great however the Belgian beer was a tad strong and I slept until like 11am 😂😂.

      People are lovely and friendly as well and the trams are pretty cool to be fair. Also so many Irish bars!!

      All round a lovely place to see and spend time. Looking forward to meeting a friend tomorrow
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    • Day 58


      October 31, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today we left beautiful rainy Paris on a 5 hour bus trip to a beautiful and rainy Brussels.

      Once we arrived we dropped our bags off at our hostel and made our way downtown. We enjoyed some Belgium waffles, and then some hot chips - which they are apparently known for. Both foods were incredible.

      We strolled and explored some more before we came across a barber, and Phill decided to go in for a hair cut as his was getting long - little did we know he would have to wait 50 minutes (longer than any of the Disney rides!?) As the barber gave facials and liked to smoke in-between clients. All worked out, as the cut was worth it.

      We then spent the remainder of the night doing boring things in the common area like budgeting the rest of our trip as we're pretty much half way through!

      Step count;
      Bec - 18.6k
      Phill - 13.4k
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincie Vlaams-Brabant, Provinz Flämisch-Brabant, Flemish Brabant Province, Brabante Flamenco, Brabant-Flamand, Brabante Flamengo

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