Samba-Fieber in Rio
Einfach in den Bus nach Rio de Janeiro ohne Plan was mich dort erwartet...
Nur eines ist sicher: meine Freundin Camila ist in Rio und arbeitet in einem Hostel, wo gerade absolutes Chaos herrscht.Okumaya devam et
Einfach in den Bus nach Rio de Janeiro ohne Plan was mich dort erwartet...
Nur eines ist sicher: meine Freundin Camila ist in Rio und arbeitet in einem Hostel, wo gerade absolutes Chaos herrscht.Okumaya devam et
It's Friday and Carnaval kicked off in ernest. We spent the day at the beach fending off sellers left right and centre whilst enjoying the sun.
Back to the hostel and the atmosphere was great withOkumaya devam et
After over 17 hours of travelling we made it to Rio! It is a roasting 35 degrees and bets should be put on how long it takes me, one of the palest people in Wales to turn lobster red.
We are stayingOkumaya devam et
Die Catedral Metropolitana ist eine riesige, kegelfoermige Kirche aus dem Jahr 1976, die 4 grossen Buntglasfenster ragen 60m in die Hoehe. Unweit dieses Baus befindet sich eine Station einer altenOkumaya devam et
Island Boys and a compromised Graham! 🏝 🌞
Interesting neighborhood in Rio. Maybe best known for the tram that is built on the old aqueduct in the second pic. This was built using stacked arches on the Roman style. It had been built to bringOkumaya devam et
Cam slid down a rock and my neck seems to have disappeared?? 🤣🌊
The monkeys made it I’ll be honest
So, we went to see what these were all about!
Pineapple, mango, melon, caju-juice, coconut-yogurt 🤩
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Morro do Curvelo
Lieblingsfoto 😍