São Luís

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Top 10 Travel Destinations São Luís
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    • Day 82

      São Luís

      February 17, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Chegámos a São Luís por volta das 15h. Uma greve de ónibus complicou um pouco as coisas. Os ubers não chegavam ao aeroporto, tivemos que apanhar um táxi - que é quase o dobro - e muitos museus estavam fechadas porque as pessoas não tinham como vir trabalhar.

      É uma cidade ainda com uma forte presença da arquitetura da época colonial e principalmente a influência portuguesa com os seus azulejos.

      Almoçámos já tarde no Cafofinho da Tia Dica e depois de um passeio pela cidade jantámos no Flor de Vinagreira. Para terminar o dia, fomos parar ao ButiKin Recanto da Música, um bar relativamente grande com uma roda de samba. O único problema é que éramos os únicos clientes. Quando fomos embora, quase que me senti mal, por deixá-los a tocar sozinhos.
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    • Day 306

      São Luis

      October 31, 2020 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      São Luis is the Capital city of Marnhão. It has a lovely old town and the people are nice and cheerful. My plan was to take a flight from São Luis to Manaus and skipping Belém as well as Santarém to safe time for a slow boat trip to Iquitos and for Peru itself.

      Time is always running faster in the end of the year. 😋
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    • Day 83

      São Luis Walking tour

      February 18, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Aproveitámos a manhã para fazer um city tour com o Darlan. Esta cidade é cheia de histórias, mitos e uma cultura forte.

      Devido à localização geográfica, é um ponto privilegiado de chegada ao Brasil vindo da Europa. Pelos vistos os ventos e as correntes traziam os barcos nos tempos de colonização diretamente para aqui em 27 dias, ao invés dos 3 meses "tradicionais".

      Este estado recebeu uma enorme quantidade de escravos para trabalhar nos campos de algodão, a maior indústria do Maranhão no século XIX. Uma das maiores empresárias era uma mulher, Ana Jansen, com uma grande influência na cidade. Ela ficou conhecida pela sua crueldade com os escravos. Inclusive abusava sexualmente dos mesmos. Mas também como poder feminino, por ter chegado tão longe como mulher naquela época, depois de um início de vida nada aceite pela sociedade. Diz-se que os loucos da cidade levaram com a vela da Ana Jansen.

      Muitas das lendas estão ligadas à grande presença de escravos negros na altura colonial. A festa Bumba meu boi é uma festa que celebra o milagre da ressuscitação de um boi. Uma mulher negra grávida estava com desejo de comer a língua do boi mais querido do fazendeiro. O pai da criança acabou por cortar a língua do animal para ela comer. O boi foi encontrado quase morto e foi ressuscitado por um curandeiro indígena.

      Depois de almoçar no mercado ainda passámos no museu gastronómico, onde é bastante evidenciado a influência dos 3 povos principais do Maranhão: indígenas, negros e europeus.

      Ssguimos para Barreirinhas de transfer. 6h de viagem.
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    • Day 184

      São Luís

      April 22, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Musique et décrépitude

    • Day 408

      Casa Frankie

      February 2, 2017 in Brazil ⋅ 🌫 26 °C

      Wieder haben die "Engel auf Reisen" Glück...
      Wir bezahlen BRL 100 zu dritt und nächtigen im Prinzessinnen-Zimmer der Casa Frankie.
      Ein Däne hat vor ein paar Jahren ein altes Haus gekauft und wunderschön restauriert.
      Geheimtipp mitten in der Altstadt!!!
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    • Day 408

      São Luis - Hauptstadt des Reggae

      February 2, 2017 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Ich hatte vorher schon im Gefühl, dass mir São Luis gefallen würde.
      Die Hauptstadt des Reggae mit ihren super-relaxten Bewohnern und ihrer hübschen, etwas morbiden Altstadt erobert in nur einem Tag mein Herz...Read more

    • Day 250

      Sao Luis

      April 15, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Leider (oder vielleicht auch zum Glück) habe ich am Tag der Abreise von Barreirihnas den Virus von Paula bekommen. Am Morgen stand ich auf, und musste erst einmal ausgiebig kotzen. Ich hätte jetzt auch "erbrechen" oder "übergeben" schreiben können, doch das wäre der Sache nicht gerecht geworden.
      Dazu gesellte sich ausgiebiger Durchfall, der (Spoilerwarnung) dann auch 2 Wochen nicht mehr weg wollte.
      Ich quälte mich also hinten ins Auto und versuchte meine Löcher bis nach Sao Luis dicht zu halten. Dort buchten wir noch kurz einen bus und checkten in ein Hotel ein und das ist dann auch schon alles, was ich von der Stadt sah. Ich versuchte an diesem Abend einfach nicht zu sterben.
      Die anderen brachten das Auto zurück und niemand von der Vermietung sagte etwas, obwohl das Auto wirklich auf beiden Seiten völlig zerkratzt war. Glück für uns.
      Danach holten sie sich noch Sushi. Am nächsten Tag verabschiedeten wir uns von Gregory und Paula. Unsere Wege trennten sich hier. Rebecca und ich stiegen in den Bus nach Belem.
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    • Day 183

      Beautiful Belem

      May 29, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      We wake up shortly after 5 and we are still a little way out, but i am so glad as we are able to see the sunrise whilst still on the Amazon. As much as i was dreading this part of the trip due to my alergy to mosquito bites i can honestly say ive thouroughly enjoyed it, but relieved we didnt stick with the plan of the full 12 days . The port is a major export point for the soya beans in Brazil and altough this area is quite rough there has definitely been a major investment in the end further along, its very similar to the Albert dock with Brasseries and shops selling high end artisan. We have decided to not stay here as we have the full day to explore the city and we can catch a night bus tonight to be able to catch up on our sleep. so we drop our bags into Guardo volume and grab a quick coffee and a map, to make the most of our time here. The one place i really want to go is the botanical gardens as they have the worlds biggest water lillies here, so we make this our first point of call . Armed with our map we start to walk, and even though it looks close we walk for nearly an hour and were not even half way there, but we persevere constantly on the look out for a bank that will actually accept our card. This has been a little bit of a problem since arriving back in Brazil as none of the big banks take visa, but as were walking down the back streets i spot a 24 hour cash point advertised inside a pharmacy of all places. When i go to the door the woman say they will open in an hour, and we start to walk off. thinking it cant be in here , but after furter exploring we go back and i ask about the 24 hour cash point and she lets me in to use it. AT LAST IM NOT Skint!!Armed with our dinheiros we continue our journey looking for somewhere to grab a bit of breakfast but with it being Sunday everywhere is closed apart from a few places that are selling whole cooked chickens and to be honest i couldnt eat that at 8 in the morning. After much perservearance and nearly 2and a half hours walking we arrive at the botanical gardens. The entrance fee is just 2 reals 20p and we enter in, although there are no maps we literally just wander round aimlessly and can not find the water lillies anywhere. Even still the park is beautiful , full of huge trees monkeys and birds . We continue getting lost in here for another couple of hours before leaving to make our way to the terminal to buy our ticket for tonight. Its another good hours walk and eventually we arrive and do a little shopping around before finding the cheapest booth and reserving our seat. The station had air conditioning and was such a relief from the heat outside, it must be at least 40 degrees . When we come to pay for the tickets he told us that they were 130 each so i give him 260 and he gives me 55 change , dont know how that worked out, so when i checked the tickets to make sure everything was legit they had 100 reals each written on them, so i shut my mouth and made my way to the exit. Outside we asked directions for the bus to centro and were directed down a little side street, we jumped on the bus and i asked the ticket lady to tell us when we arrived ,which she kindly did. People in Brazil are definitely the kindess and even total strangers are always willing to help. We get off the bus, and were not far fron the boat terminal , and we casually stroll around the fort , through the market and around the historic ortal town. The cobbled streets colonial buildings and tranquil atmosphere make this place really special. Down on the harbour there are hundred of vultures all vying for the remnats of the fishing boats, and a little further along are old vintage cars . We spend a couple of hours exploring the little back streets before making a short walk to collect our bags. Even though its still early we have agreed that with the station being air conditioned it wont be a bad place to grab a bite to eat and awai our night bus. We jump a taxi to the station as Marks feet have given up on him,( its so hard travelling with an old man)
      When we arrive at the station, the air conditioning is no longer working , but we pay a quid and get a shower in the toilets ther, they even give us a towel. Freshly dressed we sit out the few hours enjoying a couple of beers and watching the football, with the occasional time out on candy crush. While we are sat here, Mark gets onto a young lad eyeing up my phone and tells me to put it away as hes definitely on the rob, so with everything packed up we head to the platform to catch the bus.
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    • Day 185

      Saó Luis

      May 31, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      We are due to arrive in Saó Luis at 8am , but literally half an hour before reaching town the bus comes to an abrupt stop, it sounds like its run out of petrol, but the problem was a bit bigger than that, the fan belt had gone . We were stuck on the bus without any air conditioning on the side of a road where all the other lunatic drivers were flying past, a total recipe for disaster. The driver said that another bus would be out in an hour, but i had to remember we are on Brazilian time so it was very likely to be a lot longer. We asked to be let off the bus so at least we could have a cigarette to which the driver agreed. Even though we were stood in the sun it was still cooler than being on the bus. Just after 2 hours our bus finally arrved and we transferred all our stuff over to the other bus, it was so nice to have air conditioning again and even though on some buses it has been so cold today was different. We arrived at the hostel early afternoon and spoke with the woman on reception to book our trip to Lençois Maranhenses. Thinking all was confirmed she advised us the bus would pick us u at 4 in the morning so we did some hand washing and headed out to explore the city. The city here is beautiful with cobbled streets and old colonial buildings , some that are amazing and others that have just been left to rot and decay We were sadly dissapointed that everything we wanted to see was closed as it was Monday, and they work on a tuesday to Sunday basis here, we grabbed a bite to eat in a restaurant and i really fancied Pizza, but Pizza in Brazil is not the same as Italian Pizzaa and the attitude of the staff was really bad , so after a dissapointing lunch we made our way back to the hostel. On arrival, the lady on reception advised us that there was no space on the trip tomorrow so we would have to catch the local bus if we wanted to go. Today was turning out to be an absolute nightmare . I suggested to Mark that we take our bags and stay over and then catch the forwarding bus the day after from Barrinheas but he threw a fit saying that he was sick of moving on after a day and that this wasnt travelling just spending time on buses, so reluctantly we agreed that we would catch the bus in the morning and then return here that evening, and have the following day here before catching the night bus. With that agreed we headed out for a couple of beers, and as we went down to the square it was wonderful, a real buzzy atmoshere with families and people just sitting at various bars listening to live music. Mark refused to go back to the place wed been in the afternoon so we headed to one up the side streeet and ordered the same as the table next to us as it looked delicious. It was like tapas of sun dried meat dee fried with Salischaa which is a largeork sausage and fried onions and fried manioc. Wesat picking away at it with little cocktail sticks drinking ice cold beer people watching. A guy approached he bar making flowersss out of reeds , and Mark indulged me even though he moaned it would be brown in a few hours. The way this guy worked with a leaf was amazing and deserved every penny he earnt, In this part of Brazil here are too many people who just want to put their hand out and be given money, but everyone is capable of earning a crust. So after a wonderful end to a shitty day we head to bed to try and get some sleep before our long day tomorrow.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    São Luís, Sao Luis, _Maranh%C3%A3o

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