B&T Europe 2017

setembro - outubro 2017
Uma 23aventura de um dia na Brooke and Tyler Leia mais
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  • Dia 2

    Flight to Frankfurt

    16 de setembro de 2017, Canadá ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

    After months and months of planning, we finally departed for our trip to Europe. After a lovely "Uber" drive to the airport from Kelly (thanks Dad!), we got through security like a breeze and made a couple of quick calls to our mothers to say goodbye (Love you both!).

    Right before boarding we were a bit peckish, so we grabbed a butter chicken poutine (sounds great right?). Scarfed that down while waiting to board and then we were getting settled in our premium economy seats. Very spacious with lots of leg room and wide seats, amazing! Now even before taking off, I started to notice some heartburn, probably from the butter chicken poutine. That proceeded to last the whole flight. And we haven't even had any German food or beer yet!

    Now I have really been looking forward for this flight for awhile, primarily because I brought along my Nintendo Switch game console (can go from TV to portable mode), which meant I got to play a lot of Zelda on the flight!

    Dinner was a chicken and rice pilaf, with salad and chocolate cake. The wife of the couple beside us dumped her whole beef tenderloin onto her husbands plate and he demolished both (also looked like he does that regularly)

    Shortly after dinner service, Brooke's game plan was to start getting in the sleeping mode. But first we played this cooperative cooking video game that we both really got into. Afterwards Brooke got cozied up for a long nap (and I kept playing Zelda). Brooke was restless and could not drift off to sleep. I suggested putting on a movie to doze off to. She selected Good Will Hunting (I'm still playing Zelda). A while ago we had actually watched that movie with Gail, but Brooke fell asleep in the first 10 minutes. Now on the flight, she remembers that and is now actually getting into it. At that point we realized that we forgot something in Calgary, Brooke's super power of falling asleep anywhere. Finally I suggested she watch me play Zelda for a bit, and then she was out in 15 minutes (not that it's a boring game, she loves it).

    Brooke was finally fully out, and I was having a great time playing Zelda (also was doing a bit of a different game as well). Sometime when we were between Iceland and U.K., I decided that maybe I should try to get some sleep since there was only 2.5 hours left in the flight. It was great, I got a solid 20 minutes! (I was actually woken up by the breakfast service, which I did not expect). After the light breakfast, I could tell that I wast going to fall back asleep, so what did I do.........read a book........NOT.......played Metroid! (Brooke was able to get another solid hour nap in).

    We landed in Frankfurt and hustled our way through customs (no issue). Then found the security line which was incredibly slow. Really made the new international terminal at YYC look amazing. Got through security and made it to our gate with enough time for a quick washroom break, and then they were ready to board.

    Taxing on the runway now. Munich, here we come!

    Tyler & Brooke
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  • Dia 2

    Munich Shopping

    16 de setembro de 2017, Alemanha ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    Our flight to Munich seemed to start descending just after we got in the air. A quick flight with a kit kart bar and a cup of coffee (which I proceeded to spill in my lap during a minor bit of turbulence).

    We arrived and made it through the huge airport to get our luggage. The S1 subway train took us downtown to our hotel (something like taking the train during stampede ... very busy... except the Bavarian outfits are so much classier than the typical Nashville North apparel).

    We checked in at Hotel Metropol. Lovely location and helpful staff. We quickly got settled before going shopping at Angermaier. They have beautiful traditional clothing... the dirndls range from €100-1000. I did try on the €1000 one upon Tyler's suggestion... what a bad influence! Tyler and I both agreed it wasn't what I was going for. After close to two hours in the busy store, I came out with a beautiful dirndl in a light green color at a much more moderate price (photos tomorrow) and Tyler added an extra shirt and nifty pair of socks to his Brier lederhosen outfit. We finished there at 6 pm (living on only that kitkat bar since noon). Time to eat!!!

    We stopped at Augustiner beer haus for supper... two pork knuckles!!! Delicious and crispy!

    Now the jet lag is settling in as we go to bed at 9 pm before our first full day tomorrow!
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  • Dia 3


    17 de setembro de 2017, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    We've been busy and didn't have time to post yesterday so we will recap both days today!

    On Sunday morning we woke up bright and early, and by that I mean 5 AM. Our plan was to go really early to get in line at Oktoberfest. From previous research we had read that you had to be in line by 5 or 6 AM to get a spot in the tent without a weekend reservation. We got all dressed up in our lederhosen and dirndl and headed downstairs shortly after 6. The hotel breakfast started at 6:30 so we made the smart choice to wait around and have a solid meal. Breakfast consisted of an endless array of meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, freshly baked bread, countless jams, and some hot proteins. There was also actual honeycomb that we could spread onto our bread, delicious!

    Afterwards we headed out towards the festival grounds and it was just getting light out. When we got to the edge of the grounds it started to look like our research was incorrect. All we could see was the clean up crew from the night before. We decided to continue walking and seeing if we could find anyone else waiting. After a short walk we did find a small-ish group (~50 ppl) waiting outside the entrance, this was probably shortly after 7 AM. It was pretty chilly out, but not quite as cold as Signal Hill in St. John's (since I was in lederhosen again). We didn't know what time they would start letting people in, our guess was that they would open the grounds at 8 and then people would queue up at the tents until 9. We were incorrect again.....we ended up waiting close to 2 hours outside in the brisk morning air. I was starting to get quite cold (still not as bad as Signal Hill) and Brooke seemed ok because she has brought her shawl. By the end of it there were probably 300 - 500 people waiting in line (not sure quite how many, we couldn't see the back of the line).

    Finally 9:00 rolled around and as soon as they started to let people in it became a massive dash of Germans running towards the beer tents. We took off as well and eventually found the tent we wanted to go to first, Hacker Festzelt. This tent was beautifully decorated with pretty murals of Munich and Oktoberfest. Overall there was plenty of room to sit wherever we wanted to, especially for the first couple of hours. As a couple, we could have easily shown up at 10:00 AM and still found a seat. We agreed that if you were a group of 4 people of more, it would be much more challenging and that is where it is preferred to get there early.

    We enjoyed our first Oktoberfest beer (only sold by 1L steins) with a fresh baked pretzel (brezn). Throughout the morning it definitely got busier and more of a party atmosphere. The live music kicked off and we quickly caught on to the traditional drinking song "Ein Prosit"! This literally plays every 15 minutes or less and everyone joins in, lifts their mugs, and toasts each other.

    There was one guy at the table across from us who decided early on to stand up and get everyone to cheer for him as he chugged his whole litre of beer. As he proceeded to do this the whole tent erupted in applause and then security was on him like a hawk! After a short interchange he was allowed to stay, but we couldn't really understand which part got him in trouble. Throughout the rest of the day, this man continued to stand up and chug litre after litre, but he actually didn't drink that much of it since he would spill nearly half of it onto his shirt and pants! Literally he was soaked through in the middle of his chest all the way to the crotch of his leather pants.

    In the afternoon we enjoyed talking with a very friendly girl from Frankfurt, shared a standard half roast chicken, and sang and danced with everyone around us. After leaving the tent, we headed out towards old Munich and the Hofbrauhaus for dinner. Along the way we stopped to enjoy Marienplatz. Our dinner at Hofbrauhaus was a delicious couple of bratwurst, red cabbage, and spaetzle. At one point one tourist couple stopped and asked if they could take our picture, maybe we look a little local?

    The next day (Monday) we decided to start the morning with a more leisurely breakfast at the hotel. From there we decided to go back to Angermaier and do a bit more shopping. I had seen some of the locals the day before wearing fancy vests with their lederhosen and wanted to try some on. I ended up being successful and purchased a sharp, sleek looking vest to go with my lederhosen! We then looked through the dresses again with Brooke and she found a more country/village looking dirndl.

    Back at the hotel we got suited up in our new outfits and headed out to the Oktoberfest grounds. We had lunch at the Ochsenbraterei tent and enjoyed the Spaten beer with their speciality ox meal with potatoes. They had an amazing brass band in the center of the tent with a beautiful trumpeter. We then walked over to the Braurosl tent. There was still plenty of space available so we found a table to sit down at by ourselves. After a short while, another group showed up, sat down nearby and invited us to join them. There were people from Germany, New York and LA. We also started chatting with a couple of funny guys from Ireland who again mistook us for locals I think, since we knew more about the Ein Prosit song.

    In the evening we spent a lot of time walking the grounds, watching the rides, taking in the lights, and sampling the wonderful midway snacks (bratwurst, chocolate covered strawberries, and warm candied almonds). We tried to get into one tent, Hofbräu Festzelt, but it was way too busy and we couldn't find anywhere to sit down. We chose to go over to the Augustiner tent and were able to squeeze into one table to enjoy the late night atmosphere. We shared an obatzda, which is a typical German cheese dish with bread.

    Tyler & Brooke
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  • Dia 5

    Birthday celebration!

    19 de setembro de 2017, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    I'm 28 today! Starting the four days per year that Tyler and I are the same numeric age. The day started with a nice FaceTime chat with my mom followed by another hearty breakfast at the hotel.

    We decided to take in the Deutsche Museum. It did not disappoint! The walk would have been 30 minutes if we went directly but we chose to take a scenic route. We found an interesting square with outdoor market shops set up. Tyler bought me a small bunch of mini roses which I'm going to wear in my hair tonight. The produce and flowers looked so fresh and it was clear we stumbled into an area a bit less touristy and more authentic.

    We eventually got to the Deutsche museum and spent some time exploring the exhibits. The highlights were the interactive energy exhibit (according to the test Tyler has a social conscience and I believe in science), physics section and the pharmaceutical display.

    After the museum, we went back the way we came and stopped at Eataly (basically a big Italian marketplace). A glass of wine and pasta seemed like an excellent birthday lunch! "What is this red liquid drink that isn't beer? -caption for the photo of Tyler. We did a bit of souvenir shopping on our way through old Munich on our way back to the hotel.

    Now we are back at the hotel and going to go to Oktoberfest for our last evening in Munich!
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  • Dia 6

    A Real Cinderella Castle

    20 de setembro de 2017, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Today we left Munich bright and early for the Avis car rental depot. All went smoothly; however we were a little surprised to receive an Audi Q3 SUV instead of a Mercedes sedan. We left Munich during rush hour to head to Hohenschwangau. At the start, we had to learn the different road signs and try to decipher the speed limit.

    If you know me, it might be concerning that I am the main navigator while Tyler is driving on a road without a speed limit. We did pretty well. I only missed one exit which cost us about 5 minutes on the way. Unfortunately it was a rainy day but still a beautiful drive. We had a quick bratwurst and a wander through the town of Hohenschwangau before starting the 40 minute trek up the mountain to Neuschwanstein. The castle really is stunning ... we took lots of moments to pause and look at it even though it was between a drizzle and a solid rain the whole time.

    Guided tours are the only way to see the inside of the castle. The tour was very interesting. I did not know that Neuschwanstein was never actually used because it was the brain child of King Ludwig II and he died before it was completed. It was built in the mid-1800s as an homage to old German castles of the medieval ages. The interior of the castle consists of facades that represent different operas that he was into. There were also lots of swan decorations and some amazing carved wood details. After the tour, we walked a bit further to the main viewing point on Marienbruke. Again very stunning even though we were a bit soaked. The walk back down to the town was definitely a bit easier than the way up!

    Now I'm writing this as we finish up our drive to Rothenburg ob der Tauber. Most apropos song we have listened to on the drive is Ed Sheeran's Castle On The Hill. We ended up taking a bit of a longer route through a few towns on the hillside which was gorgeous.

    I know Tyler will want to recount his feelings on the autobahn once he has finished driving but that's all for now. Ciao!

    Brooke & Tyler
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  • Dia 6

    Driving the Autobahn

    20 de setembro de 2017, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    Today we had our first real experience of driving on the legendary Autobahn. For those who don't know, this is the highway system in Germany that has no speed limit. And let me tell you, it lives up to the expectations.

    We started off in Munich and picked up our rental car. We had pre booked a Mercedes Benz C class (or something similar apparently) but they ended up giving us an Audi Q3 SUV. I was probably a little disappointed at the start since I had my mind set on something already, but it worked out fine and the vehicle definitely really gave 'er.

    We quickly got out of Munich and got onto the highway. The speed limit signs slowly built up until finally we got to 120. We didn't really know if this was an actual posted speed limit or the open section that we had heard of, so I kept it to 120 to 130. After a short bit, we got onto a secondary highway where the limit ranged from 50 to 70 to 100 depending if we were going through any little towns. There were also numerous passing lanes where I was able to test out the vehicles acceleration and get a feel for it.

    After the short mix up where my navigator missed a turnoff, we began the approach to Neuschwanstein where it became very curvy and tight. The general feel of speed limit is that everyone knows that within little towns it is around 50. And then in between (which can be short stretches) it goes up to 100.

    After the castle tour we headed back out onto the highway towards Rothenburg. However since we had barely eaten we needed to stop for some food. Our first idea was to find a small little restaurant in the town below the castle (Fussen). When we were driving through, it looked like a beautiful little town, but I didn't want to deal with (or pay for) parking. Luckily, we saw a sign for......McDonald's! And we both instantly were sold. It's always interesting to see how the menu differs in other countries. Saw a couple of things I hadn't seen for a while (Big and Tasty, McRib) and a couple new things (Happy Fries, McFreezy, and spring rolls).

    While we were stopped I was looking at the map on my phone and suggested to Brooke that we take a short detour to see some of the country side. Shortly after leaving we got off of the main highway and headed towards a town called Wald. The countryside was absolutely beautiful and it was lovely to see all of the little German towns. The fields mostly consisted of corn crops and grazing meadows for livestock. The roads we were driving on were incredibly twisty and fairly tight turns. Apparently the speed limit was likely 100 here, but I was barely able to keep it up at 80. I was definitely holding up traffic at times.

    After the detour we took another secondary highway and then got onto the A7 highway. This was where it really opened up and we had entered on the no speed limit Autobahn. Some general thoughts / experiences
    -It is a double lane highway for the most part. I would say that the average is about 130 to 140. The semi trucks go about 100 in the right lane. And I'm sure I got passed by cars in the 180 to 200 speed range on the left.
    -You don't really shoulder check while driving, you more so check a football field behind you to make sure that no one is coming up on you really fast
    -You definitely need to only use the left lane for when passing, get back over after clearing the car
    -Passing a long string of semis I would stay in the left the entire way and not dart back and forth in between them
    -The hardest part was judging when to move into the left lane when approaching a semi. There were times when I missed an opportunity to pass a semi and then got stuck behind them, had to slow way down, and then took a while for an opportunity to merge back in
    -Initially I was averaging 130 to 140 comfortably. Later on I was between 140 to 150 at a comfortable rate
    -Did not even think of turning on cruise control once because my speed was constantly changing
    -The road system really makes it seem that it isn't too crazy. The lanes are wide and the road curves with very wide turns. Brooke even agreed that it was not as crazy as she had expected and that at times the QE2 back home is crazier at times, probably because people are dumber.
    -There was one time where a car was coming up behind me in the distance and I noticed him flashing his beams really fast telling me to get over. I wasn't sure what to do since I was passing a couple of semis, then another car darted out behind me in front of the approaching car. Gave me some time to get over to the right lane.
    -The most wildest part was shortly after one of the other main highways merged onto the A7. This brought the traffic level up much higher. Then they had a passing lane form on a double lane highway (which I have never seen before). I'm pretty sure it opened up to four lanes and it was quite crazy for a short bit of time.
    -You really need to drive with 100% alertness the entire time. I was constantly checking all my mirrors for what was coming behind me, watching my speed, and looking what was coming up ahead. I was quite drained by the end of it.
    -On the portions where I had an open and straight section of highway, I decided to see what the Audi could do. I believe I got 'er up to just before 170 before backing off.

    Finally we got off the highway onto the approach to Rothenburg. We missed the turn off into the walled part of the city and found our way in another way. The streets are tight cobblestone roads and it was like driving inside of a castle. Definitely got lost trying to find our hotel, and then it magically appeared. Glad to hear that the hotel will park our car for us, because I was not wanting to have to deal with that.

    Went and found some German food and a well deserved beer to finish off the day.

    Tyler and Brooke
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  • Dia 7

    Rothenburg ob der Tauber

    21 de setembro de 2017, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We woke up this morning in Rothenburg and took our time getting ready for the day. Had a excellent breakfast at the hotel consisting of some standard European fare, made to order eggs, and delightful waffles. I actually held off on completely stuffing myself for reasons to come very shortly.

    Stepping outside into the cobblestone streets, we found ourselves in a foggy crisp morning. We wandered off towards the main square to begin our day of exploring. There are many cute shops in the town and the first one we wandered into was a teddy bear shop, which had an impressive selection of teddy bears.

    Heading south, we saw a bakery that had the Rothenburg treat, schneeballe (snowball)! This consists of strips of pastry dough formed together into a ball. The outside is then traditionally coated with icing sugar or cinnamon/sugar (also less traditional options coated with chocolate). I had heard about these earlier and immediately got one to snack on. It was quite tasty, a little hard to bite through, and very messy at the end.

    Wandering along, we found the famous Christmas store featuring Kathy Wolfahrt ornaments. It was like walking into December! Brooke spent some time looking through the store, finding a handful of great Christmas ornaments (some for maybe our first Christmas tree?). Afterwards we meandered back to our hotel to drop them off.

    Aside - the fact that our hotel was quite central made it very effective to quickly go up to our room to drop off our bag, grab a coat, sit down for a bit. Loved it!

    While we were waiting in the hotel lobby and consulting the map, we overheard the hotel staff talking to another guest. She was asking where to find the best schneeballen, and the staff was very clear to not go to Diller since they are too much of a chain and the balls are like rocks. Looking down at my bag...we totally went to Diller. Darn! Guess we'll have to sample some more.

    Next we walked to the east side of the town and climbed up the steps to the town wall. You can actually walk along the entire town wall and take in the village that way. We found it very enjoyable! You can also see some of the homes/yards of the locals from up there. Walked all the way to the southern end and headed north back up the main road. We found ourselves in the most famous (and most popular) spot to take a picture in Rothenburg, the Plonlein/Siebers tower. It wasn't too hard to get some good pictures from the south side, but on the other side it was absolutely flooded with tourists, especially asians! They were everywhere and we chose to try and come back another time.

    We stopped quickly at the hotel to ask for a lunch recommendation since we wanted something that was not on the main road. He suggested a simple place called Spätzle Schwob, which was just around the corner. The sun was just starting to come out for the first time on our trip, so we chose to sit outside and loved it! Brooke had Roulade and I had schnitzel, both with Spätzle of course!

    When we were finishing up lunch, I asked the server where the best schneeballe in town would be. She gave us the recommendation of a little bakery called Beisbart which was over by the church. We found our way over there and I selected a hazelnut coated schneeballe. Both of us agreed that it was way better than the first one we had. The dough was soft yet still crunchy, however it still got really messy especially with the hazelnut outside.

    Walking north, we found our way actually out of the city walls. There was a path that we followed and later noticed that it was a trail that leads all around the outside of the city walls. We enjoyed the view of the valley (so lush with green forest all around) and also randomly played on a children's playground. Found our way back into the city and walked through Burggarten (garden area on the west side of the city), which had excellent views overlooking the cliff and valley that the town is built on.

    Heading back into the center of the town, we decided to go back to the main photo-op place (Plonlein/Siebers tower) and see if we could get a photo together. It was still really busy with other tourists and the sun was at a weird angle, casting shadows everywhere and almost directly into the camera. We were not successful (as in I gave up early because I didn't want to deal with crowds) and thought to come back later when the sun was behind the buildings. So instead we shopped around a bit and Brooke found a bottle of wine for a gift.

    Stopped off at the hotel to drop off the bottle of wine and take a moment to sit down. This turned into a short nap (even I closed my eyes for a bit, Brooke was out like a light). I also did some research about what we hadn't seen in Rothenburg yet. Doing so, I noticed that a lot of people commented that it is best to get the photo-op spot if you go really early in the morning before the tour buses show up. We agreed that that sounded like a good idea and decided to try tomorrow morning before we leave.

    After our rest we walked over to the main square to look at the town hall. We noticed that you could climb up to the top of the bell tower (for a small fee) and it looked like a great view. We started the climb up to the top and it was a moderate wide staircase at the start. Towards the end it became very tight and steep. The very last hurdle was a really steep ladder and a small hole you had to clamber through to reach the top. Once we were up there the view was incredible! We could see all edges of the town and all the German red hatched roof tops. It was totally worth the climb and admission! Since it was not overly crowded we ended up taking a lot of time to enjoy the view and take pictures.

    Once back down on street level we walked towards a portion of the town we hadn't seen yet. This included stopping to take pictures in front of a different tower since the sun was hitting it perfectly. We climbed back up onto the city wall and walked towards the north end of town. Our plan was to look for a place to eat in that area. This became quite an ordeal because we were both in an indecisive mood and couldn't agree on anything. We had been going hard all day and really needed to eat! Ended up walking pretty much all the way across town and eventually landed on a place called Roter Hahn. We shared a pork with spätzle and garlic cream sauce and some Nuremberg sausages with sauerkraut and potato pancakes, as well as a side of red cabbage and one beer. It was way too much food! Oops. I really had to step up to the plate and pack it in since our hotel did not have a mini fridge.

    After eating so much, another quick nap was in order (or more so, time to digest). Back to the hotel we went to lie down before our evening plans. We were wanting to go on the Night Watchmen tour which we had heard about and knew it was highly rated.

    The Night Watchmen tour runs every night at 8pm and starts from the town square where everyone meets. The tour guide is the last remaining Night Watchman of Rothenburg and he approached the crowd in full garb carrying his lantern and weapon. The tour consisted of the Watchman telling us stories of the history of Rothenburg, why the Night Watchmen existed, the dark Middle Ages, the prosperity of Rothenburg in the Renaissance and Reformation period, how the town fell into despair, and how the town was mostly spared during the 2nd world war. All throughout this he guided us through a few parts of Rothenburg. There were probably close to 200 people on the tour, but we were able to hear him quite well. It was very well done and we were quite pleased we went on the tour, highly recommend it!

    Afterwards we finished off the night at the Landwehr Bräu restaurant for a drink of the local beer, our new favourite. (we also realized on Brooke's Fitbit app that the day before at Neuschwanstein we were 2 flights of stairs off from getting the medal for 100 flights of stairs in a day, darn!)

    Tyler & Brooke
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  • Dia 8

    Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

    22 de setembro de 2017, Alemanha ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    We woke up in Rothenburg to a relatively clear morning. After a quicker hotel breakfast we power walked back over to the popular photo spot that we didn't get a good shot of yesterday. It was perfect timing... very few tourists around and the sun was in a good spot not to interfere with photos. After that, we purchased a box of Schneeballen to take as a treat for Tyler's family. We pulled away from Rothenburg reluctantly, but having enjoyed our time there immensely.

    Today was our main long driving day, which again meant lots of focus and energy from Tyler. I wasn't much of a help as I kept dozing off regularly during the drive. I think I'm coming down with a bit of a cold (I'm willing it not to get any worse).

    Our first stop was in Bamberg. We wandered around a couple of the main sights and stopped for lunch at a small cafe where we both had Turkish bread sandwiches and tea. I bought a lovely cashmere scarf as a memento (and extra warm article of clothing).

    We carried on with the long drive and got onto some serious Autobahn driving. Some comments from Tyler:
    -we drove the A70 between Bamberg and the A9. This was very curvy and twisty. It was quite challenging to keep up with the rest of the drivers. Kept around 130 and in the right lane.
    -when we got on the A9 that became a true super highway. 3 lanes of high speed traffic. The semi trailers stay mostly in the right lane. The middle lane goes around 140 to 150. And the left lane is cruising along 160+ (most of the time, unless someone is screwing up and slowing down traffic).
    -the A9 highway had a couple of portions of straight aways where it was actually clear and open. Along with everyone else I sped up to really give 'er. Going about 165 in the far right lane I was still getting passed by people zipping by
    -I topped out the day at 180 on a straight away

    As we approached the main highway turn off to Berlin (A9), all the signs for the Berlin exit were marked closed! Given our non-existent German language skills, we were worried we would be confused by the detour. Luckily, we could take the next exit to turn around which is what everyone seemed to be doing.

    We intended to take another break in Worlitzer park (at the suggestion of Rothenburg hotel staff). When we got there though, we couldn't find any parking that didn't require payment in coins and there wasn't anywhere to make change. We settled for just seeing the front of the park / stretching our legs before starting the last leg of our route to Berlin.

    The last 1.5 hrs was chalk full of construction much to our chagrin. We went back and forth on whether to drop our bags off at the hotel before or after returning the rental car. The decision was made for us when we ran into some road closures around the marathon route where we intended to drive (they're setting up early!)

    The hardest part of driving in Germany (and the driver agrees) was finding a gas station in the vicinity of the car rental drop off point. We felt a bit hopeless at times but eventually got on to the correct road. Tired and hungry and mixed up. We dropped off the car and caught a taxi to the hotel. Saw the holocaust memorial during the drive and we hope to go back there to see it again while we are here.

    We arrived at the hotel and checked in. We met up with Brett, Celeste and Kelly in the lobby and headed to a nearby Italian restaurant. Tyler had bolognese and I had tagliatelle with chanterelle and bacon sauce. We haven't yet seen Rae due to some travel hiccups that resulted from cancelled flights, lost luggage and long train rides.

    Tyler and I finished off the evening at the hotel pool (a pretty short visit to the pool once we realized the water was cold). Now it's earlyish to bed so that we can make use of our main sightseeing day in Berlin tomorrow!

    Brooke & Tyler

    The day included planes, trains, and automobiles for our group... Kelly, Celeste, and Brett arrived by plane as scheduled, Rae ended up grabbing a train from Düsseldorf due to some travel hiccups, and Tyler and I drove into Berlin in our fancy automobile.
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