Phnum Sâmpŏu

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    • Päivä 177

      Killing cave & auch was nettes

      12. tammikuuta 2018, Kambodza ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Die Khmer Rouge Geschichte zieht sich durch Kambodscha und natürlich gibt es auch rund um Battambang schreckliche Sehenswürdigkeiten.

      Die "Killing Cave" bekam ihren Namen durch die brutalen Tötungen der Khmer Rouge. Die Leichen wurden dann durch das Oberlicht ins innere der Höhle geworfen.

      Zum Glück hab ich aber auch hübsche Tempel, die Blumenhöhle und eine fantastische Aussicht geboten bekommen.
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    • Päivä 48

      Battambang 3 - Teil 2

      16. maaliskuuta 2019, Kambodza ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Auf dem Gipfel des Sompov Mountain befindet sich auch noch eine Tempelanlage. Von dort oben hat man einen tollen Blick auf die Landschaft um Battambang. Leider war es heute etwas wolkig und diesig, so dass wir nicht ganz so weit gucken konnten. Besonders schön fand ich allerdings die Höhle unter dem Tempel, die hatte etwas Mystisches.
      Nachdem wir den Berg wieder runter gelaufen sind, ging es mit dem Tuk Tuk auf die andere Seite des Berges zu einer Batcave (Fledermaushöhle), dem eigentlichen Highlight des Tages.
      Auf der anderen Seite sind wir wieder ein paar Meter nach oben geklettert, haben uns einen guten Platz gesucht und auf den Sonnenuntergang gewartet. Aufgrund des Wetters fiel der natürlich nicht so spektakulär aus aber kaum hat die Dämmerung eingesetzt, strömten plötzlich tausende Fledermäuse aus dem Höhleneingang oberhalb von uns.
      Das Spektakel ging über eine halbe Stunde. Wahrscheinlich waren es eher Millionen Fledermäuse. So etwas habe ich noch nie gesehen.
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    • Päivä 8

      Battambang Tour: Phnom Sampean II

      5. joulukuuta 2010, Kambodza

      Von der Spitze des Berges, hat man eine tolle Aussicht - wenn es klar ist ;-). Ein paar Treppen - ca. 300 - führen noch in eine schöne Schlucht. Danach geht es wieder mit dem Motorrad zurück zum Tuk-Tuk Fahrer.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 88

      Histoire, temples et chauve-souris

      6. huhtikuuta 2018, Kambodza ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Notre journée avec Nicky s'est terminée dans la commune de Phnom Sampeau où nous avons eu la chance de rendre nos hommages aux victimes du génocide cambodgien perpétré par le régime des Khmer rouges entre 1975 et 1979.

      En effet, à Phnom Sampeau se trouvent les « Killing Caves », une série de grottes où d'inombrables exécutions ont eu lieu. Traditionnellement utilisée comme temples bouddhistes, ces grottes ont aujourd'hui retrouvé leur vocation initiale, en plus de laisser place à un mémorial érigé pour les victimes des Khmer rouges.

      La montagne de Phnom Sampeau offre aussi un spectacle naturel incroyable quand, à la tombée du soleil, les millions de chauve-souris qu'elle abrite sortent chasser en masse. Pendant un bon 20 minutes, nous avons pu les voir sortir de leur cachette et se disperser un peu plus loin pour aller chercher de quoi manger.

      Une finale totalement renversante à une journée fort mémorable en bordure de Battambang!
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    • Päivä 34

      Krong Battambang

      17. heinäkuuta 2018, Kambodza ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Battambang is the second largest city in Cambodia and a quick 3 hour bus ride from Siem Reap. We got there around midday and had plenty of time to relax in the hotel pool (much needed after a filthy hostel in Siem Reap) and plan the next days.
      First thing in the morning we went to the Bamboo Train, a combined effort from French colonialists and the local people. The French build the tracks and used it with occasional trains... The rest of the times the locals build their own "trains" powered by hand with a long stick like the venetian gondoliers. Nowadays they use small motors mainly for tourist entertainment but also goods transportation. And there's still the trains which forced us to quickly hop off and disassemble the train 😁 A fun experience...
      Next stop on the tour with our private Tuktuk driver brought us to the "Killing Fields" next to a Buddhist monastery. This was our first contact with the terror that brought the Khmer Rouge over the country. Thousands of people were killed just in this place with overall millions disregarding age, gender, beliefs. Even many within the ranks fell victim to the regime. A sad chapter in the history of this beautiful country... In the afternoon we went to a scenic temple complex nearby with "Killing caves" and bat caves.
      It didn't get really clear how it got the name "Killing caves" but the Khmer Rouge definitely killed a lot of people here as well documented by many bones spread around the cave bottom. The temple itself was beautifully located and especially interesting because of a large monkey population that roam the premises... Just before dawn we sat down with a beer and waited for the millions of bats that come out every evening in search for food. They sometimes all come out at once within 15 minutes which creates an impressive black stream. We weren't so lucky as they took their time and it took more than half an hour before we left and they were still coming out.
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    • Päivä 8

      Battambang Tour: Phnom Sampean I

      5. joulukuuta 2010, Kambodza

      Danach geht es zum “Phnom Sampean”, der etwa 11 km südwestlich von Battambang entfernt liegt. Am Parkplatz lasse ich mich für 3 US$ von einem Motorbike den Berg hinauf fahren. Ist nicht weit, wäre auch gut zu Fuß gegangen. Zuerst geht es zu den “Killing Carves”, wo die Rouge Khmer damals ihre Widersacher umbrachten. In einem "Schrein" sieht man noch die Schädel der Getöteten.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 68

      Phnom Sampeau

      23. huhtikuuta 2016, Kambodza ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Phnom Sampeau held both the Killing Cave and the Bat Cave. A ride of emotions really, I saw the killing cave first which was where the Khmer Rouge used to throw bodies from from the surface of the mountain, down the gaping hole. There was a display of the human bones left on site as a reminder of the horror that had occurred there. We were told that the hole above from which the people were thrown was artificially widened because, when people had first discovered them years after the Khmer Rouge were out of power, the bodies were still heaped and rotting as the sun had not been able to degrade the tissue. As you can imagine I left the cave feeling rather sombre. We made our way down the mountain on the back of mopeds driving as though they were about to be swallowed by oblivion to the bat cave for 5pm. Around this time every evening a natural phenomenon occurs during which approx 2-3 million bats flee a crag in the side of the mountain to feed for the night. A constant mass of black streaming, rising and falling as though being blown by the wind. A 45 minute murmuration of bats. Incredible. By the time we went back home I had been shocked, disgusted, sad, shocked again, amazed and covered in guano. A ride indeed!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 72

      Bat cave of Phnom Sampov

      5. syyskuuta 2018, Kambodza

      Battambang has many different areas on the outskirts of town. This was one of our favourite things to do; exploring the countryside. Our first tour, involved taking a Tuk-Tuk to the Killing Caves of Phnom Sampeau mountain. The Killing caves were an execution site for the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970’s. We both felt an eerie and sad energy. But it was important for us to see a part of Cambodian history. Many memorials and statues of events that occurred during the Khmer Rouge regime could be viewed. After the caves, we walked up the mountain and visited various temples. Over our heads, we saw a family of monkeys playing in the trees and an aerial view of Battambang’s countryside. Our end goal of the day trip was the famous bat caves. It is hard to put it into words, but watching thousands upon thousands of bats leaving from a single crevice in the caves was an amazing sight. We left before all the bats had flown out of the cave, because it takes roughly one hour for 1 million bats to leave the cave. As we drove off, we saw bats flying in the sky as the sun was setting!
      Our second tour of the countryside involved a pit stop viewing fruit bats. These bats were much larger, and we enjoyed listening to them and watching them fly from branch to branch. Fun fact, they are active during the day and are called fruit bats, because they can be confused with fruits hanging in the trees. After watching the bats we visited the Banan temple on top of Phnom Banan mountain. This Ankor-era architecture was crafted in the 11th to 12th century. We were delighted with the different colour stones and engravings from hundreds of years past. On the way back to our hostel, we stopped at the roadside for grapefruit and oranges, sold by locals. Our driver also showed us a giant highway under construction. He explained that it will be a connection between Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam in a few years time. But during closed hours, locals were seen riding up and down the bumpy gravel road, and many just stood, enjoying the view of the setting sun.
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