Ottawa's Rest Day

I've had the two most lovely days staying with Lisa, her folks Brian and Mary, and baby Reese in Ottawa - they've kindly opened their doors to me based on the weird friends of friends ofRead more
I've had the two most lovely days staying with Lisa, her folks Brian and Mary, and baby Reese in Ottawa - they've kindly opened their doors to me based on the weird friends of friends ofRead more
Um uns einen Überblick über die Stadt zu verschaffen haben wir eine Hop on Tour gebucht. Off gehoppt sind wir dann aber nicht, da Konsti keine Lust hatte und es zudem mit 32* unheimlich warm war.Read more
Nach unserem kurzem Stopp in Montréal erreichten wir am Abend Ottawa, die Hauptstadt.
Joanna & Michael aus Ontario hatten uns ein nettes kleines Restaurant direkt am Wasserkanal der Stadt empfohlen.Read more
Despertamos con la calma, sin prisa y aprovechando para congeniar con los gatos poco a poco. Preparamos un buen desayuno “mediterráneo”: tostadas con aceite, ajo rayado y tomate, dos huevos a laRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Patterson Creek East Park
Traveler Glad to see your still on the road; hope your enjoying your adventure so far.
Traveler Cheers Thom...tricky parts not so far away - eeeek
Traveler Seems like ur enjoying ur trip. Here's to more of the same.🤞Really liked Niagars on the Lake. Xx