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    • Día 34

      Chiloe Island

      2 de febrero de 2023, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We arrived to Chiloe Island via Ruta 5 with a quick car ferry across the chacao channel.

      We initially explored a overcast and gloomy Ancud before driving west in search of a wild camping spot at Mar Brava. We got so lucky here, initially spotting lots of dolphins and a sealion which encouraged us to walk further down the beach where we were able to see a humpback whale from a rocky look out. We met Andrés, a local from Ancud who caught the footage on his drone and shared it with us on his instagram.

      The next morning we woke up to a beach full of wandering cows and horses. We drove on to puñihuil where we were able to jump on a small tour boat to see Humboldt and Magellanic penguins on the nearby rocky islets.

      We then headed along some back roads to Chepu where we stayed at la Maison bleu campsite owned by a lovely French Chilean family. Their little girls loved exploring inside the van. We also met their American workaway volunteers Willow and Mike.

      The next morning we set our alarm for 5:50am and met Miguel at chepu pier to rent a kayak for sunrise. The weather was perfect and we had the river to ourselves to explore the sunken forest. This eery scenery was caused by an earthquake in 1960 where vast tracks of forest became submerged and the rivers became inundated with salt water killing the trees.

      After a cup of tea, we headed on to Linao in search for a rodeo that Sarah found on a Chilean rodeo association website. At first the rodeo was nowhere to be found so we stopped at the local shop owned by a man from Santiago who spoke perfect english and sent us on the way!

      The rodeo turned out to be on a private farm and we enjoyed watching the competition as the only tourists there although we were very confused by the judicating and points system. Joe met one of the competitiors when he needed help with translation while buying empanadas who kindly explained the rules.

      Later on, the man's wife Mane came and introduced herself and her daughter Trinny and nephew Alfoso and invited us into the family farm to see the horses and river as well as later introducing us to her parents who owned the rodeo ring and farm. They were delighted to have some tourists visit to see their national sport and gave us a leaving gift of a rodeo book! Following Manes tips we went on to visit the local beach and arrived to Dalcahue tired, staying the night at Entre Rios campsite.

      We picked up our first hitchhikers, a local mom and her baby, on the way into town the next day. We were lucky to be in Dalcahue on a Sunday to explore the weekly tourist market and also got the chance to try curanto, a local cuisine as well as see their UNESCO world heritage church.

      We then drove on to Castro, the islands capital to look at traditional plafitos ( houses on stilts) and another UNESCO world heritage church. Heading back north, we finished up the evening with a charcuterie board and wine overlooking sunset at condor beach.

      Sunrise kayak to see the sunken forest in Chepu
      La Maison blue campsite
      Feria Artesanal Dalcahue
      Cocineria Dalcahue- try curanto at stall 7 Carlitas
      Lemon pie at kunge restobar in Castro
      Wild camp spots at Condor Beach and Mar Brava
      Cucao to Cole Cole beach trek 2 days (we didn't have time to do this)

      02/02 - 06/02
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    • Día 9

      Isla Chiloé

      20 de febrero, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Letzter Abend mit Bier, Wein und kleinem Desserts nach dem Essen. 🤗🤗

    • Día 42


      12 de marzo de 2018, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Von Bariloche fuhren wir mit dem Bus nach Puerto Montt, die Stadt vor der Insel Chiloé. Spontan beschlossen wir keine Zeit zu verlieren und gleich auf die Insel überzusetzen, auf der man Wale und Pinguine sehen kann. Gestern also haben wir unsere erste volltouristisch organisierte Tour gemacht und endlich(!) Pinguine gesehen. Es waren kaum noch welche da, die Brutzeit ist vorbei, die Jungtiere sind schon "abgereist". Es war trotzdem toll. Auf kleinen Inseln vor Chiloé gibt es Magellan- und Humboldtpinguine, zum Teil in gemischten Kolonien, was angeblich einmalig ist. Unser Fahrer erzählte, dass sie sich zum Teil gemischt paaren, die Nachkommen dann aber unfruchtbar sind, wie Mulis. Ob das stimmt, wissen wir nicht. Vorstellbar ist es. Die beiden Arten sehen sich auch verdammt ähnlich. Und ich meine, eine von beiden haben wir im Leipziger Zoo. Bloß welche...?Leer más

    • Día 94

      Happy New Year!!

      1 de enero de 2018, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      At exactly 30 sec to 12 am, the countdown started on the big screen. The whole stadium roared after each count. Then at exactly 12, the fireworks started at the hill behind the stadium. It was an awesome sight. The weather had played along at the right time. After 3 days of rain, it was a clear starry night and the fireworks looked beautiful. The show lasted for about 10 min, after which, the live music started again.Leer más

    • Día 90


      7 de marzo de 2019, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Ein Marktbesuch und ein Spaziergang durch den malerischen Ort Dalcahue stand heute am Programm.
      Dalcahue, ein malerisches kleines Hafenstädtchen auf der Insel Chiloé
      Morgen verlasse ich die Insel und es geht weiter nach Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas und dann in Richtung Pucón am Lago Villarrica...Leer más

    • Día 94

      Dancing in the new year

      1 de enero de 2018, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      After the fireworks, we decided to go down and join the dancing crowd near the stage. The music was good, the mood joyful and we danced our way into the new year. We were there till almost 1:30 am. Then we drove back to the cabaña and slept.Leer más

    • Día 14

      Für Fußballfans

      12 de enero, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Welches Stadion? Welcher Verein welche Liga?

    • Día 93

      New Year celebrations

      31 de diciembre de 2017, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We drove back to Ancud and decided to stay at Hotel Isla Magica again. We reached back around 10:30 pm and got the same cabaña. We didn't have any food items with us to cook and the landlady informed that all the restaurants would be closed by now. She tried calling the restaurants she thought might be open but they were all closed. For the new year celebrations, she too recommended going to the stadium for the fireworks.
      We decided to drive around the town and see if anything was open. The whole town felt like a ghost town. Nothing was open and there was no one around. One smallest shop selling alcoholic drinks was open. We bought some cookies, chips and drinks from there. Then we drove towards the stadium. On the way, Hristo bought a pack of sausages. That all basically constituted our last dinner of the year 2107. 😁😁
      At the stadium, we managed to park our car quite near the entrance. We couldn't see any ticket counter near the gates but there were people giving away neon bands and some police inspecting all the bags etc. We decided to walk in and see if we needed any tickets or reservations. We found out that the event was organised by the local municipality and was free for everyone. There was a concert stage in the middle where some local bands played peppy Spanish music to keep the crowds occupied. We settled down in the middle of stadium seating and had our food stuff while enjoying the music. Everyone around was dressed up in costumes and wearing props. It was a total festive atmosphere.
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    • Día 87


      4 de marzo de 2019, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Vor 3 Tagen hab ich die Anden mit Schiff u Bus von Bariloche nach Chile überquert. Heut mit der Fähre den Kanal auf die Insel Chiloe übersetzt.
      Die Isla Chiloé ist die zweitgrößte Insel Chiles.Sie liegt im chilenischen Teil Patagoniens an der Küste im Süden des Landes. Diese Insel hat eine Ausdehnung von 200x50 km und erinnert durch das saftige Grün an europäische Gegenden. Es regnet viel in Chiloe, das Wetter wechselt ständig, auf Sonne folgt Regen u wieder Sonne, man sollte dafür alle Klamotten bei sich haben. Heute in Ancud,auf der Insel Chiloe angekommen, machte ich mich gleich auf den Weg zu den Pinguinen nach Punihuil, wo es 2 Pinguinkolonien gibt. Der einzige Platz auf der Welt, an dem man gleich zwei Pinguinarten nebeneinander beobachten kann. Nur hier treffen sie zusammen. Die Magellan und Humboldtpinguine sind hier auf einer vorgelagerten Vulkaninsel von November bis März mit der Aufzucht Ihres Nachwuchses beschäftigt. Die Inseln selber mit den Brutplätzen der Pinguine dürfen natürlich nicht betreten werden.Leer más

    • Día 68

      Excursions in Chiloé: Towns and Churches

      11 de mayo de 2019, Chile ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      During my two-week stay in Castro, I took a few excursions around the island. The small towns are lovely, the wooden churches are certainly amazing, and the bus rides there and back passed through countryside that looked a great deal like England. (A few English visitors concurred.)

      My first trip was to Dalcahue and its church, town, and waterfront, and another day I went south of there to Achao, with similar sights. One day I went to meet my friend Omar in the northern part of the island to Ancud to visit the Historic Churches Museum and eat THE local food, “curanto.” And lastly, I went from Dalcahue east with two guides I became friends with. I was their model “extranjera,” foreigner, to appear in photos advertising a tour the historian brother was preparing for the next tourist year. We visited six churches, and had a jolly time.

      Again, I let the pictures tell a bit more...
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Ancud, أنكود, Ankuñ, Ανκούδ, انکاد, ZUD, 앙쿠드, Ankudas, Анкуд, 安庫德

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