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    • Dia 27

      Von Iquique nach Arica

      19 de janeiro, Pimentão ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Wir fahren nach Arica, unserer letzten Station in Chile, bevor es weiter nach Peru geht. Obwohl Arica genau wie Iquique am Meer liegt, verläuft die Straße nicht an der Küste, sondern über die Hochebene. Also - wieder auf 2.000 Meter rauf, aus dem Fenster nichts als Wüste und dann 2.000 Meter wieder runter. Soviel kann ich gar nicht gähnen, um den Ohrendruck auszugleichen 😳 In Arica haben wir ein schönes Appartment direkt an der Plaza, diesmal mit Blick auf die Kirche ⛪ Und auf die Baustelle direkt vor uns, zum Glück ist Wochenende 😎Leia mais

    • Dia 39


      13 de fevereiro de 2023, Pimentão ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nous arrivons à Arica à 07h00, le jour n’est pas encore levé . Un très grand nombre de chalutier à l’ancre dans le port.
      Excursion MSC prévue pour 08h30, les bus sont prêts à partir.
      Nous sommes au cœur du désert d’acatama, ici il ne pleut jamais, la dernière pluie date de 1997. Arica est nommée la ville de l’éternel printemps.
      Nous faisons une première halte au Morro ( colline fortifiée), avant de nous rendre dans la vallée d’Azapa, un oasis de cultures, où se trouvent de nombreux géoglyphes, réalisés entre l’an 800 et 1600, merveilleusement bien conservés dans ce climat sec et aride. Les geoglyphes servaient à donner des informations aux voyageurs.
      Nous nous rendons ensuite dans un village artisanal qui est une réplique du village de Parinacota de l’alto Plano Chilien à 4400 m d’altitude. Nous terminons notre visite par une ballade dans le centre ville, très jolie cathédrale construite par Eiffel suite au tremblement de terre qui détruisit la ville en 1868.
      La ville ne présente pas un grand intérêt au delà de sa situation géographique et de son environnement particulier.
      Retour au bateau en début d’après midi.
      Le chef Peruvien qui doit nous préparer un bon repas demain soir étant en retard nous quitterons le quai vers 19h00 , cap sur Callao.
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    • Dia 23

      Iqueque, Chile (2nd time)

      5 de fevereiro de 2023, Pimentão

      This is our second visit to Iquegue. The first one was in 2018 when we went paragliding. Still remember this experience!

      Today we took a 9:00am required shuttle and in 10min were in the centre of the city at Plaza Arturo Prat with clock tower in the middle.
      We started to walk on pedestrian street toward the ocean, but then decided to turn around an go to highly rated Esmeralda Corvetta museum.

      This museum is a replica of the Esmeralda Corvette, which after 23 years of service sank in the Naval Combat of Iquique on May 21, 1879. It is a pride and the main attraction of Iquique.

      We came to this museum about 10 minutes before opening time, but they opened the gates for us and let us go in. We purchased tickets and audio guide in English.

      The original boat was build in England for Chilean navy. It is a sail boat with a steam engine. It was equipped with 9 cannons, which had a fire ring range of 3km.
      In this replica of the boat you could see how the officers and sailors lived, eat, worked and spent free time at the time in the sea.
      We spent about 45 min in the museum and walked back to the big plaza, stopping at the fish market. It is always interesting to see how locals live and shop.
      We walked back to pedestrian street and continued toward the ocean.
      At that time most of the businesses were closed. Probably due to the early hours or because it is Sunday.
      The waterfront walk was very pleasant.
      We walked pretty far, passing beautiful long beach. By noon there were lots of locals on the beach, but not many swimmers. The water was pretty rough and as we understood quite cold. There were many 🏄‍♀️.
      By 12:30 pm we turned around and decided to go back, but found a nice looking cafe with wonderful people. It was a small vegan restaurant. We ordered one vegetarian pizza. Delicious.
      The service was very slow, but we had nowhere to rush and had a nice conversation with a couple from our ship.
      We walked back to the shuttle and were on the ship by 2:30pm.
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    • Dia 223


      19 de janeiro, Pimentão ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      First city in Chile and it already seems better then Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Panama and Mexico. On a side note the ocean water all along South America is a green gray color, it is not blue. There is an ocean current that runs from Antarctica to the equator that brings lots of nutrients. So I think the ocean water is full of plankton.Leia mais

    • Dia 72

      Immer wieder das Wetter

      9 de fevereiro de 2019, Pimentão ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Eigentlich möchte ich weiter nach La Paz. Eigentlich.
      Das sind 500 km ohne Tankstelle dafür mit Grenze. Die Straße dorthin führt durch die Lauca Region, am Sajama vorbei mit vielen Straßenschäden. Also früh losfahren.
      Aber dann am Freitagmorgen Regen. Überall wird das Wasser aufgewischt, das Haus hat kein durchgängiges Dach. Hier regnet es ja eigentlich nie. Eigentlich.
      Also warte ich mal einen Tag, schau mir die Stadt an.
      Am Abend treffe ich zwei Franzosen, die mir erzählen, die Straße Richtung La Paz sei für PKW nicht befahrbar.
      Am Samstagmorgen regnet es in Strömen, alle sind mit Wasser aufwischen beschäftigt, Frühstück auf der Dachterrasse fällt aus. Die Fahrt nach La Paz wohl auch, genauso wie der Strom ausgefallen ist, ich brauche mal wieder die Taschenlampe.
      Das ist großer Mist. Guter Rat teuer. Mir wird wohl nichts anderes übrig bleiben als nach Peru an der Küste entlang weiter zu fahren. Falls nicht auch diese Straße blockiert ist.
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    • Dia 39


      13 de fevereiro de 2023, Pimentão ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute mal wieder ein nicht ganz so gelungener Ausflug.
      Zum Teil zuviel Zeit an einigen Stellen und zum Abschluss ein Handwerkerdorf, wo kaum was war.
      Die Zeit, die wir in Santiago zu wenig hatten, hatten wir hier zu viel.Leia mais

    • Dia 64

      Never ending bus ride to Chile 🇨🇱

      8 de março de 2023, Pimentão ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      5 in the morning we started our next bus journey to Chile. Our destination was city Arica, the northernmost point of Chile just 8 km away from Peru. The city is known for desert landscapes, beaches, and never ending summer. We went to Arica mainly due to the border to Peru but decided to chill few days by the pool and beach before going home next week already 🥲. We booked a really nice hotel with 3 pools right on the beach and we are looking forward just to do nothing 😆. The landscapes from the bus were amazing. Unfortunately I collapsed in the immigration building in Chile due to high altitude and had to sit on a wheel chair for a while. I am fine now but super exhausted and also looking forward for some rest 😉

      FUN FACT: when I collapsed the locals were spraying alcohol on my hands and asked me to breath it deeply. Then I felt awake again 😂
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    • Dia 65

      Relax in Arica

      9 de março de 2023, Pimentão ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      After some long days it was so good to have finally time to chill by the pool and do nothing. It was surprising that nobody was using the pool and we had it all for ourselves. In the evening we went by bus to the city center for dinner and to see the town. It’s a small town with cute center. There are lot of shops and bars and market with cheap stuff. Arica is probably not the nicest beach town in the world but we are really happy that we ended up here and can relax a bit.Leia mais

    • Dia 96

      Retour vers Arica

      27 de dezembro de 2022, Pimentão

      Par Bernard

      Après un copieux petit-déjeuner, comme toujours, nous préparons notre départ : rangement, plein de réservoir de la voiture avec les jerricans que nous avons amenés d'Arica. Anne et Alban vont retirer de l'argent et payer notre dette à Julia pour les petits souvenirs en alpaga achetés et nous faisons une photo souvenir avec nos hôtes. Retour vers Arica en passant par la vallée d'Azapa car nous souhaitons visiter le musée archéologique de San-Miguel-de-Azapa. En arrivant dans la vallée, nous découvrons de grandes serres de toile qui protègent les plantations maraichères et autres du soleil et limitent l'évaporation trop rapide de l'eau d'irrigation. Nous découvrons également de grandes plantations d'oliviers, introduits par les Espagnols en 1560, qui sont une des richesses anciennes de cette vallée. Après un petit en-cas, nous visitons le musée qui présente l'histoire du peuplement de la région et qui recèle des trésors : des momies chinchorros datant de 5 000 ans avant J.-C., soit 2 000 ans avant les Égyptiens. Autres trésors, des tissus et habits en fibres végétales ou laine d'alpaga, des poteries, divers outils, bijoux, objets de cultes... 7 000 ans d'histoire jusqu'aux Incas qui n'arriveront qu'en 1470 et seront chassés 60 ans plus tard par les conquistadores espagnols. Une autre partie du musée présente la vie en altitude des indiens Aymaras que nous avons pu percevoir lors de notre court séjour sur l'Altiplano. Dans une dernière salle, un énorme pressoir espagnol est exposé, relatant l'histoire de l'exploitation de l'olive.
      Puis nous repartons vers Arica pour rendre la voiture, passer à la banque et acheter nos billets de bus pour les trajets jusqu'à Santiago. Le soir, PL nous offre le restaurant pour nous remercier de le supporter... (Je rigole... C'est un plaisir que de partager ces quelques jours avec lui.) Nous nous restaurons de délicieux plats de poissons.
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    • Dia 1

      Arica Walk

      1 de abril de 2023, Pimentão ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      We’d never visited Arica, Chile before so we decided to simply wander through town with our fabulous Romanian friends, Constantin and Maria.

      Like Cape Town, a large mountain stands watch over Arica and helps keep your bearings. I tend to anthropomorphize such geological features. To me, they impart a certain feeling to a town. Like trees, they are silent witnesses to all the follies of us shortsighted humans.

      We had three items on our “to see” list, but only managed two due to the heat and steep inclines. Ah, well.

      Some of the sidewalks around Arica feature the same geoglyph designs as can we seen from the air in the nearby Arica desert.

      While that desert is one of the most arid places in the world, I swear it was rather humid as we wandered town. (Hey, it’s a port, and had rained recently.)

      Townsfolk were quite friendly. Many of them greeted us with smiles and hellos, and were happy to give us directions when needed. Neither Constantin nor Maria know Spanish, so I had fun translating their questions for shopkeepers.

      After seeing the cathedral and museum we started off towards the cemetery, but never made it. The heat made us woozy, so we stopped at a cafe for cold drinks and before we knew it, it was time to head back to the ship.

      The photo of the llama on the phone makes me laugh because it’s a visual pun. “Llamar” means “to call” so the llama is making a “llama.” Hehe!

      Constantin and Maria started calling Larry “ombra” which means “shadow” in Romanian. I tried to say he was the “hombre de ombras” but it didn’t work in their language.

      By then end of the day, Maria and I also earned nicknames. She’s “caffea” due to her sun loving nature, and I’m “mozzarella” due to my pale hue.

      We still need to come up with a good nickname for Constantin! (Update: his nickname is “lămâie” which means “lemon” in Romanian. He puts lemon on everything at dinner!)

      We had such a fun day with our sweet Romanian friends! We’re so comfortable with Constantin and Maria now. We’re sure gonna miss them when this trip ends.

      Constantin and I have already agreed to become pen pals. He’ll write in English and I’ll reply in Romanian. I hope they visit us in Texas, but it doesn’t seem too likely.

      There may be a trip to Romania in our future, however!

      ps I don’t know what those pigeons are standing on, though I suspect it’s a pile of grain. I’ve never seen so many pigeons in one place before!
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