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    • Dzień 117

      Parque Nacional Chiloe

      26 lipca 2023, Chili ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Haben uns dann heute raus getraut und sind zum Nationalpark gefahren. Es war etwas nieselig, aber wir sind ja nicht aus Zucker ;D

      Leider waren nur 2 kleine Wanderwege auf, aber die waren sehr schön. Abgesehen von dem Schlammhindernisslauf bei dem ersten haha :D

      Haben trotzdem insgesamt 6.5km zurück gelegt. Reicht auch ;) zurück in Castro dann noch ein Milcao zur Stärkung, packen und ab ins Bett!
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    • Dzień 32

      Chiloé, tour des églises

      14 stycznia 2018, Chili ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Après une matinée au parc national de Chiloé (plusieurs sentiers avec des arbres et des fleurs endémiques), nous avons fait un tour des villages et églises en bois. On a même pu monter dans les toitures et le clocher. Seb a dû se retenir de tirer sur la corde de la cloche. Petits marchés d'artisanat sympathiques en prime, Chiloé est vraiment l'endroit idéal pour flâner. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 48

      Day 48: Where is the entrance?

      24 lutego 2016, Chili ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Yesterday we explored Castro. This colorful town with a busy fishmarket and a lot of eateries was fun to see. Nino lost his bank card to an ATM. He had to come back today to get it back. We were planning on going to the national park. A short 50 km ride away we found a campsite and tried to get some information. But trying in our best spannish we couldn't get any information on the start off the hike. So we drove around on our bike on the beach for a while. seeing the Passific for the first time this trip. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 25

      Nationalpark Chiloé

      11 września 2016, Chili ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Es regnete auch am heutigen Tag. Doch wer uns kennt, weiss, dass wir bei solch nass-kaltem Wetter auf keinen Fall lieber auf dem Sofa liegen und fernsehen würden. Also packten wir unsere wenigen Wandersachen zusammen und fuhren mit dem Minibus die eine Stunde bis zum Eingang des Nationalparkes Chiloé, welcher sich fast über die ganze Insel erstreckt. Auf den Wanderpfaden waren wir nahezu alleine und konnten die einzigartige Landschaft sogar mit einigen Aufhellungen am Himmel geniessen. Uns wurde ein Wechselspiel zwischen dickem Wald mit wunderschönem Moosboden, dornigen Buschlandschaften und weichen, sandigen Hügeln geboten. Kurz nachdem wir vom verwilderten Strand, auf welchen Kühe weideten und wir uns darum nicht ans Wasser wagten (jährlich sterben mehr Menschen bei einem Angriff einer Kuh, als bei einer Haiattacke), zurückgekehrt waren, begann es wieder, in Ströhmen zu regnen.
      Wunderschön ist der Park aber trotzdem und mit etwas Glück, das uns leider verwehrt blieb, können sogar interessante Tiere beobachtet werden.
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    • Dzień 95

      Cucao Nature park

      2 stycznia 2018, Chili ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We reached Cucao around 3:30 pm and drove past the town to the nature reserve. We missed it completely. There were no boards or entrance marked anywhere. We made a u turn and drove back hoping to see it as marked on Just where there was a trekking trail marked on the map, we saw a small wooden gate. It was closed but not locked. We parked our car on the side of the road and started the walk. There were lovely wooden walkways and thick green foliage around. After a while Hristo and Maria went a bit ahead of us. Its then that a guy running behind us caught up with us. He told us that we needed to move our car to the proper parking and that we needed to buy the entry tickets. He explained where the parking and the reception was.
      We were getting late since we needed to catch the mainland ferry at Chacao about 160 kms away and then drive another 60 kms to Puerto Montt to return the car by 7 pm. We had less than 3.5 hrs to do this. If I went back, moved the car and then came back, it would take me about 30 min, so I told the guy that the car keys were with my friends and we'll catch up with them and then move the car. We continued further into the reserve. The dunes viewpoint was just about 400 mts from where we were.
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    • Dzień 95

      Back to Puerto Montt

      2 stycznia 2018, Chili ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We reached the sand dunes viewpoint bit didn't see any sand dunes. Whatever dunes that must have been there were gone now. It was a normal view of the Pacific Ocean and the beach. We quickly walked back to the entrance and drove off towards Chacao.
      We managed to get on to the 6 pm ferry but realized that we would be a few minutes late to return the car. We called them up but were told that they close at 7 pm and we could instead return the car at the airport office where they are open late. We reached Puerto Montt at 7:15 pm so we had to drop the car at the airport.
      We dropped off the girls at our hostel and drove to the airport. There we didn't have any problem with the return. The guys at West rental were very friendly and helpful.
      Since the buses further south are very infrequent and we were at the airport, we decided to check out the car rental options for the next few days. We wanted to rent the vehicle here and drop it off at Coyhaique from where I could catch a flight back to Santiago to fetch my new passport. We checked all the car rentals at the airport but the good ones were all fully booked. Some of the local ones had vehicles available but the cost of returning the car at Coyhaique was more than double the cost of the rental. The rental for pickup amd drop at Puerto Montt was quite reasonable but we would then have to drive 700 kms back which didn't make sense. By the time we were done checking with the last of the car rentals, the collective buses to the town had all left. We went around the airport to find an alternative but found only the private transfer van available. The cost of the collective van was 2500 CLP per person and the private one was quoted at 5000 CLP per person. We didn't believe that there were no collectives anymore so we went to the information desk and asked. There we were told that there would be another collective at 11 pm. It was already 10:30 pm so we decided to wait. Weirdly, the ticket booking for the collective was inside the flight exit area. We weren't allowed inside and were told to wait till the next flight when they would open the gates. By this time, the news of 2 foreigners looking for a ride back had been radioed all over so the main manager of the collective company (Turistour) came over again to sell us a private transfer. He told us that the next collective bus is at 1 am. When we asked about how the people arriving at 11 pm would reach the town, he said that there were no flights at 11 pm. We figured the guy was trying to fool us and told him we'll wait till 1 am. Eventually, another guy came wjo seemed to be a friend of theirs. He had a car which he was taking back to town and wanted to make some quick money. He agreed to drop us at a total cost of 5000 CLP. We agreed and got a ride in a nice Mercedes at the cost of a collective transfer. Interestingly, when we paid, he gave us a receipt of the amount and with Turistour as the agency. We didn't get what was going on but we had made it back safely at no extra cost.
      By this time, all the restaurants in the town were closed. Even the place where the girls were eating had closed and were not serving anymore. We found a bar opposite that was still open and ready to take one last order. We ate there and reached back the hostel at around 2 am.
      The owner was still up and complained that we had just wanted to go to return the car and had not shown up till 2 am. On top of that, the price he was quoting was different than the one we had got at The same issue again. The price we had got was in USD and their machine didn't allow transfer in USD and the conversion rate he was using was way higher than the market rate. On top of that, he wanted to charge us 19% VAT which we knew was for locals and foreigners staying more than 59 days in the country. We told him we'll pay him in the morning and that I would contact to resolve this issue. We were told that the checkout time was 10 am and that a late checkout would be charged as an extra day. I wrote to about the issue and asked their opinion on what to do. After that we slept.
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    • Dzień 40


      10 stycznia 2023, Chili ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Chiloé, ein Archipel im Süden von Puerto Montt, ist unser erstes Ziel im Süden von Chile.

    • Dzień 29

      Chilóe Nacional park

      1 lutego 2018, Chili ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Today we’ve spent the day going to Muelle de las Armas and the national park.

      We spent so much time at Muelle de las armas that we only had a couple of hours for the national park, and only got to walk some of the short routes that are very touristy. I wish we had the time to do some hiking there.

      The walk to Muelle de las Armas was beautiful! The muelle itself was super crowded, a long line of people taking photos at the muelle. We didn’t bother to.

      It was a long, but beautiful day!
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    • Dzień 10

      Castro y Parque nacional Chiloé

      23 kwietnia 2022, Chili ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Encore l'impression d'avoir fait deux journées en une 😄

      La journée a commencé par une visite de Castro, la ville où nous nous sommes installés pour les prochains jours. Nous avons découvert le climat de Chiloé : petit crachin, suivi d'une grosse averse, puis grand soleil, en 5min d'intervalle 🌦️ La météo a été plus clémente que la veille ☀️
      Castro est une très jolie ville, avec ses maisons colorées, et sur pilotis le long de la mer, et son petit marché artisanal.

      La journée continue à Cucao, sur la côte ouest de l'île. Nous avons visité le Parque Nacional de Chiloé, enfin une partie seulement, puisque le parc est immeeeeense. Le parc recense de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux (dont des perruches et des colibris), et des visons, mais nous n'en avons vu aucun (peut-être que la pluie les a fait fuir). Finalement, cette petite rando s'est résumé à une promenade dans la boue et sous la pluie.
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    • Dzień 9

      Fiesta de la Murta

      8 maja 2022, Chili ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

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