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    • Dag 57


      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      About 30 kms from the junction near Chungará lake where we had turned South, we were driving on gravel road all the way. There were quite a few trucks going on the road. At one of the tiny village of about 5 huts called Ancuta, we saw 3 big trucks parked near the huts. We guessed that it could be a place where the truck drivers stop to eat food. We decided to stop and check it out.
      Its amazing, one of the 5 huts in the village was a restaurant. Of course, there were no boards or signs but the truck drivers just knew about it. We too stopped and had our meal there. I was able to get some rice, salad and eggs in the vegetarian version of the meal.
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    • Dag 57

      Refueling time

      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      By the time we finished our meal and started again, it was 7 pm, we were still 60 kms from the Salar Surire. The fuel light turned on. We were running on the last 5 L of fuel now. We decided to stop and refuel from the tanks we were carrying. We had 40L in the tanks and we had done our calculations that this would be enough to get us back to one of the towns where there was a fuel station. So, we emptied one of the tanks into the vehicle and started on the way again. The fuel gauge now showed slightly more than half a tank of fuel.Läs mer

    • Dag 122

      Hoch hinaus!

      5 mars 2015, Chile ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Liesbeth und Fabi sind da! :-)
      Zusammen haben wir uns ein Auto gemietet und sind 3 Tage in den Nationalpark „Parque Lauca“ gefahren. Diesmal besser vorbereitet. Mit dem richtigen (leichten) Essen, viiiiiiel Wasser (48l für 3 Tage), zahlreichen (Pinkel)Stops und ausreichend Coca-Blättern (in Deutschland verboten) haben wir die Tour auf 4.500m Höhe ohne Probleme überstanden.
      Das Wetter hat nicht immer mitgespielt, aber dennoch war die Landschaft auch hier wieder überragend! Wunderschöne Bergkulissen, der höchste Vulkansee der Welt, Lago Chungará, Lamas ohne Ende und kleine Andendörfer.
      Am letzten Tag wurden wir in einem dieser Dörfer zu einer Einweihungszeremonie eines Museums eingeladen. Sehr spannend, denn wir wurden komplett bei allem eingebunden: wir durften Pachamama (Mutter Erde) huldigen, indem wir Wein, Konfetti und Coca-Blätter verstreut haben, selbst mit den Einheimischen Wein trinken, unsere Reise wurde gesegnet und im Anschluss gab es noch einen Umtrunk mit einheimischen Spezialitäten. Tolles Erlebnis, für beide Seiten, denn wir sind mit Sicherheit auf einem Großteil der offiziellen Foto- und Filmaufnahmen zu sehen :-)

      Foto 1: Unsere Hostel-Bekanntschaften verabschieden uns...
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    • Dag 57

      Suris and vicuñas

      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      A few kms on our journey South, we saw Suris, also called Rheas or Ñandú, a flightless bird like the Ostrich. There were heards of Vicuñas also nearby. It seems they seem to enjoy a symbiotic relationship since we had never seen the Rheas without the vicuñas being in the vacinity. The route was quite scenic but we were a bit hungry as well. We had had biscuits and some juice but no proper lunch and it seemed that we might not get dinner as well since we had started late in the morning and wouldn't be able to make it to Colchane as planned.Läs mer

    • Dag 57

      South to Salar de Surire

      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Laguna Chungará is just 5 kms from the border of Bolivia. We managed to inch forward among the trucks and take the right exit to go South. We could see the queue of the trucks going all the way to Bolivia.
      We didn't have a booking for any place for that night amd there were major villages in this region. It was about 5 pm now, so we had about 3 hours of driving before it became too dark. The nearest town where we knew we could definitely find a place to stay was at Colchane, another border town about 200 kms away with the drive all the way through in the altiplano.
      We knew we would be quite late to reach there, so we decided to try staying at one of the Conaf (road and tourism authorities) place near Salar de Surire about 100 kms away. I had read about it in one of the blogs and we also found it on the gps. This would be perfect for us since we had Salar Surire as our next destination in the itinerary, so basically, we could just get up the next morning and drive around the Surire salt plains.
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    • Dag 57

      Cotacotani viewpoint

      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ 🌬 3 °C

      After all that drama, we tried to take some pictures of the reflection of the Parinacota volcano in the Cotacotani lake but it was quite windy and we couldn't see the reflection. After that, we drove back to the main road towards the viewpoint. Here, again, we had to join the queue off the trucks waiting for the road repair. Luckily, the queue started in a few minutes and then a km away, we were able to drive off the road for a few meters to the view point. The views were amazing. We spent a few minutes taking pictures and enjoying the view and then were able to get back to the end of the truck queue and continued further along the road.Läs mer

    • Dag 231

      Lauca Nationalpark

      3 juni 2017, Chile ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Nach dem Abschied von meinen Eltern hatten wir nur eine kurze Zeit zu zweit, bevor sich schon der nächste Besuch angekündigt hat: Catha, eine Freundin von mir, hat sich uns ganz im Norden Chiles angeschlossen und mit uns den Nationalpark Lauca erkundet. Getroffen haben wir uns in Arica und von dort sind wir mit einem Leihwagen in unsere 'Basis' Putre gefahren. Da der Nationalpark auf 4.000-5.000m Höhe gelegen ist, haben wir gelesen, dass man besser in Putre, einem 1000-Seelenort auf 3.500m Höhe, nächtigt, um sich an die Höhe zu gewöhnen. Da ich ja beim letzten Mal doch etwas Startschwierigkeiten mit der Höhe hatte und Catha ja noch gar nicht daran gewöhnt war, haben wir diesen Rat lieber befolgt. ;-) Von Putre aus haben wir dann Ausflüge zu einem Feuchtbiotop (Las Cuevas) und zu einem See (Lago Chungara) gemacht. Der Nationalpark ist vor allem für seine Tierwelt bekannt - so haben wir dort wieder unzählige Vicuñas, Lamas und Alpakas und Viscachas (m. E. Hasen mit Ringelschwänzen, aber wohl Verwandte der Chinchillas) gesehen. Außerdem gab es natürlich wieder wunderschöne Vulkan- und Berglandschaften zu sehen. Besonders an Lauca sind auch die Yareta/Llareta, [Sehr langsamwüchsige Wüstenpflanze, die aussieht wie Moos, aber sich nicht so anfühlt. Da sie häufig als Brennholz verwendet wurde, sind die Bestände in Chile stark zurückgegangen.]. Ansonsten haben wir uns einfach eine schöne Zeit zu dritt gemacht.

      Mit dem Abschied von Catha, hieß es dann auch Abschiednehmen von Chile, denn wir sind mit dem Bus von Arica nach Tacna in Peru gefahren.
      Chile hat uns sehr gut gefallen. Nach Neuseeland und Australien war es die willkommene Abwechslung, nach der wir beim Reisen suchen. Jetzt wo ich den Beitrag schreibe und wir schon einige Zeit in Peru verbracht haben, kann ich auch sagen, dass Chile ein guter, sanfter Einstieg in Südamerika war. Aber auch das es doch auch gerade am Ende seeeehr kalt war :D
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    • Dag 57

      Missed Cotacotani Lake

      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      On the way out of the Parinacota village we saw a forked road, both leading to the main road. There was a board indicating that the road to the right was for authorized personnel only and we realized that we had used that one when going towards the village. 😜😜😜 That made it twice in half a day when we had been driving on unauthorized roads. In any case no one had stopped us and neither of us had seen the no entry sign when going towards the village.
      Once back on the main road, Hristo set up the Cotacotani viewpoint on the gps and we continued on our journey. A few kms away, we saw a huge que of trucks on the road. We were not sure about the reason but presumed it to be the checkpoint for trucks on the Bolivia border with Chile. We drove past them and after driving 2-3 kms found out that the trucks had been stopped due to road repair work and the que would open on our side in about 10-15 min.
      After a few minutes, the road opened and we continued further along with the trucks. We saw some views of Cotacotani lake on the left of the road but continued driving to the point marked in the gps. After a few kms we could see the lake no more and Hristo realized that the gps had not been working properly and that we had missed the lake altogether.
      Just at that point, we saw a track going down to the left and back towards the lake's direction. We turned around there and started downwards on the rough gravel road.
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    • Dag 57

      Parinacota village

      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Our initial plan was to park at Parinacota village and then trek to the Cotacotani lake viewpoint. We were at a pretty high altitude now and climbing just a few steps to the viewpoint made us breathless. At the viewpoint, we realized that the distance to the lookout was about 4.5 kms. This would take us about 2.5 hrs to go and come back in the searing heat of the high altitude sun and with no trees or any shade anywhere. We came down into the village to ask around if we could take our 4x4 vehicle all the way. As usual in Bolivia, Peru and now in Chile, the tourist office was closed. We've not even once found any of them open at any hour in any of the 3 countries we have visited till now.
      The office was closed. The staff was sitting in a jeep outside but made no effort to indicate that they worked there. We actually thought they were some local tourists. We walked to the lake at the end of the village and it was only when we were returning we saw one of them go into the office. We managed to get a few seconds with him but we were told that the office was closed and that we could take our vehicle to the lookout point.
      We started the drive and had to use the 4x4 at a few places. At one point our gravel track ended and there were small sand hills formed by another gravel track running perpendicular to our road. There was a board indicating entry for authorized persons only. We had no where else to turn to so we drove on over these sand hills onto the other track and started driving in one of the directions which we felt was almost towards the direction we wanted to go to. After driving for a few seconds, we realized we were going perpendicular and away from our marked track on the map. There was no one else on this road and we ended up 2 kms away from the village with another board indicating that we had been in a forbidden zome again. (As with every trip of ours this has to happen 😉).
      We drove back to the village, now on the legal road amd decided to continue further on the main road to the roadside viewpoint of the same lake.
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    • Dag 57

      Parinacota & Pomerape

      25 november 2017, Chile ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      A bit further from the Las Cuevas stop, there are 3 viewpoints with descriptions about the mountains and the flora and fauna in the region. After we crossed a small ridge, we could see the majestic Parinacota and Pomerape volcanoes. Both the volcanoes are on the Chile - Bolivia border. Parinacota is 6348 mts high and in the shape of a perfect cone. It has a crater on the top. Pomirape is a bit smaller amd is 6282 mts high.Läs mer

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