Dubrovnik Cathedral

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    • Dag 6


      23. mai, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Corfu was lovely. Went for a 10km hike through old olive groves and villages. Had a traditional snack and kept going until finishing at a beach with a swim and a beer. A perfect day out, the weather is sunny and warm and the sea is flat, couldn’t ask for more.Les mer

    • Dag 148

      Dubrovnik, Croatia

      3. oktober 2022, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      The inevitable charm and beauty of today’s Dubrovnik lies in its long and rich history. Over the many centuries of its existence, Dubrovnik has established itself as an independent, powerful and influential city. Its specific geographic position helped in the development of successful merchandising and maritime tradition. Dubrovnik has always been valued as a safe harbour, shielded by the group of islands rising in front of it, but also being intersection of the important maritime and trading routes.

      It is believed that Dubrovnik was founded in the 7th century when Croatian tribes expanded to the area in attempt to hide from the barbarians. They formed a number of small settlements that gradually, over the centuries, merged together, forming a single city shielded by the today famous ramparts.

      Dubrovnik soon established itself as a prosperous trading and maritime center at the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea. Despite turbulent historical circumstances, Dubrovnik fought to preserve its trading autonomy and valued independence in dark medieval times, even under the Venetian reign.

      The era of true prosperity of Dubrovnik begins with the foundation of the Republic of Ragusa or the Dubrovnik Republic in the 15th century. It was an independent aristocratic republic, with its own authorities (the Rector and the counsellors), currency and flag with an image of St. Blaise, the city patron. The Republic of Ragusa was the first European country to abolish slavery. The age of prosperity and well-being reached its culmination in the 16th century with the development of the maritime trade and the local merchant navy, placing Dubrovnik among the most valued trading contractors in the world. The era of financial security and development helped in the formation of a specific lifestyle in the city. A circle of humanists supported the blooming creativity resulting in magnificent artistic achievements in architecture, urbanism, poetry, literature and science. Some of the most famous buildings from that period include the Church of St. Blaise, The Dubrovnik Cathedral and  the Rector’s Palace. However, the era of prosperity was replaced with the deep political and economical crisis in the 17th century culminating with the great earthquake in the 1667, which almost destroyed the city. Balancing between the wars against the Turkish Empire and the Venetians and struggling with the ongoing crisis, the Dubrovnik Republic ceased to exist in the 18th century as a result of Napoleon’s decision. It became a part of the Dalmatia, a region at the south of the Croatian coastline, sharing its political and historical destiny to the present day.

      In the late 20th century, Croatia declared its independence followed by the Serbian aggression on Croatian territory. Dubrovnik was among the first cities to be attacked in 1991, suffering brutal destruction and significant losses. Most of the destroyed parts of the city are today restored, preserving the priceless beauty of Dubrovnik and once again establishing it as one of the most beloved Croatian summer destinations. It is now made more popular from HBOs Game of Throwns TV series which used old town dubrovnik as the filming location for Kings Landing.
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    • Dag 11


      2. mai, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Der Rektorenpalast, der vom 14. Jahrhundert bis 1808 als Sitz des Rektors der Republik Ragusa diente, war auch Sitz des Kleinen Rates und der Staatsverwaltung. Außerdem beherbergte es eine Waffenkammer, das Pulvermagazin, das Wachhaus und ein Gefängnis.
      Der Palast musste im Laufe der Jahre immer wieder neu aufgebaut werden, da es durch mehrere Erdbeben, Pulverexplosionen, Feuer und Blitzeinschlag zerstört wurde.
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    • Dag 9


      19. april 2023, Kroatia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Den heutigen Vormittag verbrachten wir natürlich wieder mit Auto fahren. Warum hieße das auch sonst Roadtrip? Aber ich bin ja schon geeicht, macht mir fast gar nix.
      Wir parkten ein paar Kilometer hinter Dubrovnik und fuhren dann mit dem Boot direkt in den alten Hafen. Das ging super gut. Die Seemänner haben mich mit meinem Antoniomobil an Bord gehievt, ganz vorsichtig.
      Ich blieb auch in der Situation cool. Und überhaupt war ich heute wieder ein wahrer Engel - kein Gebelle oder Ziehen. Frauchen war so stolz auf mich, dass ich sogar den Rest von ihrem Eis aufschlecken durfte.
      So spazierten ( ich durfte beides, laufen und fahren) wir lange durch das schöne, aber ziemlich volle Städtchen.
      Als wir auf dem Pier auf das Boot für den Rückweg warteten, trafen wir eine kleine Bolonka Hündin mit ihrem Personal. Aber die war nur am schlottern vor Angst, hatte gar keine Lust auf meine Avancen. Nicht mal das Leckerli von meinem Frauchen wollte sie. Wer nicht will hat schon gehabt, dachte ich mir. Also hab ich es mir in meinem Gefährt gemütlich gemacht und die Rückfahrt mit dem Boot komplett verpennt. Danach waren wir noch ein Weilchen auf der Suche nach einem Übernachtungsplatz. Heute ist wieder pennen im Auto angesagt. Ein schöner Platz im letzten Winkel von Kroatien...
      morgen geht's über die Grenze nach Montenegro.
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    • Dag 146

      Game of Thrones - Dubrovnik, Croatia

      1. oktober 2022, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Kings Landing in the Game of Thrones was filmed in Dubrovnik. Originally season 1 was filmed in Malta but the government there did not like the film crew so they moved the set to Dubrovnik starting in season 2. You may recognize some of these images of Dubrovnik old town from the HBO TV series.Les mer

    • Dag 6

      🇭🇷 Dubrovnik - Dinner in the port

      11. april, Kroatia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The Italian influence on the region is also evident in the local cuisine.

      I had an excellent pasta with seafood, eaten in a restaurant in the city port with an incredible view of the sea and the mountains.

      At night, after the sunset, the temperature drops a lot, but with a sweater it is really pleasant to walk aroud the city and also eat a very good italian style gelato!
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    • Dag 6

      🇭🇷 Dubrovnik - The Pearl of t Adriatic

      11. april, Kroatia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      The city center is truly beautiful, with its narrow streets and the large central street that divides the town in two.
      The city is full of Northern European and British tourists, who come here to enjoy a weekend between sun and sea. Among the cities visited so far, it is certainly the most popular destination among Europeans.

      The city attracts above all high-level tourism (we can consider it as the Taormina of Croatia), as demonstrated by the relatively elegantly dressed tourists and the quite high prices.

      The city and the port are dominated by the fortress of San Lorenzo that has defended the city for centuries.

      Dubrovnik has a very long history but it is famous in particular for the prosperous Maritime Republic of Ragusa.

      In 1991 this city was also hit by Balkan war when Serbian/Montenegrin forces bombed the historic center causing enormous damages and then put the city under siege.

      The city today develops climbing the mountains around the famous city center and the port. For this reason, to reach our apartment in the higher part of the city, we had to face a long and steep staircase.
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    • Dag 5

      Last evening - the sun came out

      24. april, Kroatia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      So many places to choose from, on Stradun just behind or up above, decided near to home a good choice - varied choice and lovely setting. Settled in chicken teriyaki - amazing. Back to a bar I found last night which has live piano /bass playing, very chilled....Les mer

    • Dag 12

      Dubrovnik, la ciudad amurallada

      25. september 2019, Kroatia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Dubrovnik, a través el los siglos, ha sido República independiente o parte de distintos países o imperios. Hasta allí llegaba el imperio Austro-húngaro en el siglo XIX. Fue parte de la antigua Yugoslavia desde comienzos del siglo XX. Sufrió un brutal bombardeo desde la montaña en la guerra de 1991-1995 por parte de Serbia y Montenegro, que incendió buena parte de las edificaciones centenarias. Desde nuestro apartamento se ven los techos nuevos, tal vez el 70% de ellos. La arquitectura se mantiene en su mayoría, hay calles amplias con comercio y algunas otras angostas con buenos restaurantes y mesas en las calles.Les mer

    • Dag 8

      Dubrovnik City Walls

      12. juli 2023, Kroatia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Today, we had to change accommodations to be a bit closer to the actual old town of Dubrovnik and, therefore, closer to all the happenings of the city. It is getting seriously hot now in Europe, and as such, carrying our bags through the streets of Dubrovnik took all our energy. The city is littered with hundreds of steep and long sets of stairs that you have to traverse to get to most places. Our accommodation was at the top of one of the hills, but eventually, we did make it. We then had to rush to our kayaking tour so we could cool down in the water. We had booked a kayaking and snorkelling tour around the city to see it from the sea.

      Eventually, we were off to the first snorkelling location. It was a little hidden beach within a Cove that you can only access via kayak. That being said, there were still plenty of people there in other tours. There wasn't much to see in the water, a part from a duck that was diving probably 10m underwater to hunt for fish in between rocks. He would be underwater for 30 seconds at a time. I would watch and see if he would catch anything. He did multiple times. Other than that, the fish weren't that spectacular, so Jack and I found a rock jump of maybe 7m and just jumped off that before it was time to go. To help out a father and daughter, Jack and I then swapped to the individual kayaks. This made the journey much harder, but we were much more capable than them to do it, so we obliged and swapped. We then circled around the island of Otok Lokrum, and the tour guide explained the history of Dubrovnik and the island itself. Apparently, the island is cursed, and he explained some of the stories of the people who owned the island and their mysterious deaths. In an ironic (or perhaps spooky) coincidence, the last owner of the island was Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austro-Hungary. In which his assassination in 1914 led to the first world war, and subsequent second world war. This, therefore, may be the most deadly curse ever to be placed. The story of the island is very interesting, and I was entrigued to go and have a look. However, we ran out of time in our journey. Once we made our way around the island (which took bout 2 hours of paddling), we headed back to the beach and thus finished our journey.

      I wanted to tour the city walls of Dubrovnik, but it was quite expensive, so Jack decided against it. Luckily, our hotel host recommended the Dubrovnik pass, which was the same price as the walls but included many other attractions. The Canadians we had met in Hvar were also in Dubrovnik at the same time as us, and so one of them joined me for the journey. This was one of the highlights of my trip, we went in the afternoon so it wasn't as hot and the views of the old town were incredible. Walking all the way around was about 2km and had bars throughout it for pit stops and drinks. There were so many amazing viewing spots of the old town, the city of Dubrovnik, and the ocean and surrounding islands. It was the highlight of my time in Dubrovnik.

      This was supposed to be one of my last nights with Jack before he went to Spain, so we decided we had to hit the town. He was still quite sick, but I forced him into a solid night. We had looked around for a decent place to have some drinks, but after overpaying at a few different bars, we figured we may as well find the clubs. After wandering through some shit and empty clubs for a while, we texted our hotel host for any recommendations, and he told us to try out Revelin. We got free entry because it was before midnight, and the place was absolutely going off. It was one of the biggest and coolest nightclubs I'd ever been to. It was in like an old underground subway thing. It was strange but very cool and meant there was plenty of space to dance and move around. By pure coincidence, the Canadian girl I had spent part of the day with was also at the club (or I have a stalker). So we spent a bit more of the night with them before Jack went home for bed. He was still quite sick, and clubbing isn't really his scene, but I was glad he came out for a bit, at least. Not long after Jack, we all decided it was time to head home and try and get a reasonable night's sleep, but I'm glad we got to experience the Dubrovnik nightlife before we left.
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    Dubrovnik Cathedral, Cathédrale de l'Assomption de Dubrovnik

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