Çek Cumhuriyeti
Staroměstské náměstí

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    • Gün 1

      Altstädter Rathaus

      14 Haziran 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Dieses Rathaus bietet viele schöne Sachen vereint:
      Eine astronomische Uhr aus dem 15. Jh, mit einem feinen beweglichen Glockenspiel zu jeder vollen Stunde und auf dem Turm kann man, analog der Dresdner Frauenkirche, einen tollen Blick über die historische Innenstadt genießen.
      Wir haben uns ein wenig an den tollen Blick über den Neumarkt erinnert gefühlt.😉
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 6

      Sightseeing in Prag

      19 Haziran 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nach einer erstaunlich ruhigen Nacht in Prag, sind wir in die Stadt gelaufen. Wir haben einen super Stellplatz für 20€/24h direkt am Letna Park gehabt.

      Wir sind aber direkt nochmal umgedreht und haben noch den Regenschirm eingepackt. Den haben wir später dann leider auch gebraucht.

      Erster Stop war am Metronom in Park. Dann sind wir ganz gemütlich in die Stadt gelaufen. Über die Karlsbrücke mit Zwischenstopps in den Souvenirläden, um einen Magneten und einen Sticker zu kaufen. Beim Rathausplatz hat es dann etwas geregnet und wir haben unseren Schirm ausgepackt. Einen Baumstriezel haben wir uns auch gegönnt.

      Wir sind dann durch die Stadt geschlendert, bis wir Hunger bekamen. Dann sind wir Essen gegangen. Wir hatten uns vorab das rein vegane Restaurant Střecha rausgesucht, um die traditionelle tschechische Küche zu probieren. Es gab für Pia veganes Biergulasch mit Böhmischen Knödeln und Felix hat vegane Rippchen mit Gewürzbrot, Schmelzzwiebeln und Dip gehabt. Beides war sehr, sehr lecker.

      Danach sind wir auf dem Rückweg zum Auto noch beim Schloss vorbei gelaufen. In der Mittagshitze war das ganz schön anstrengend. Dann waren wir auch wirklich platt.

      Sind aber noch schnell Einkaufen gelaufen in einen kleinen Biomarkt und weil wir nicht alles bekommen haben, noch etwas weiter zum Lidl. Die vegane Auswahl fanden wir in beiden Läden recht gut.

      Den Stellplatz mussten wir dann auch noch verlassen, weil wir sonst nochmal bezahlen hätten müssen. Es ging dann noch ca. 15 Minuten raus aus Prag an die Moldau. Der erste angesteuerte Platz war leider voll, beim zweiten hatten wir Glück und konnten dort übernachten.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 23

      Bad Schandau - Prague

      19 Ağustos 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Par Olivier,

      Départ de l'étape à 14h avec Armand depuis la magnifique ville coup de cœur Bad Schandau, à la frontière Allemande/tchèque.
      C'est les retrouvailles sur le vélo avec Armand depuis l'été dernier et pour fêter cela quoi de mieux que 34° dès le départ ?
      On passe très vite la frontière, sans panneau malheureusement. Ensuite, la république tchèque nous séduit d'entrée avec des beaux petits villages dans la vallée et notamment une high line de plusieurs centaines de mètres qui traverse la vallée depuis un sommet jusqu'au clocher d'une église. On traverse également une course organisée au bord de la rivière avec une bonne ambiance qui nous donne envie de nous arrêter, mais nous avons 120 km à faire dans l'après midi...

      Un petit col de 300 m de D+ signe ensuite la première montée depuis le début du parcours pour moi, montrant à quel point tout a été plat jusqu'à maintenant.
      Après la descente on a un bateau à prendre et nous arrivons pile à temps pour monter dedans. 1 minutes de traversée et nous voilà de l'autre côté de la rivière. On comprend à ce moment là que ce n'est pas l'euro en République tchèque, mais le chauffeur est sympa, il accepte les euros.
      Nous faisons une pause à l'arrivée dans un restaurant dont la gérante ne parle pas un mot d'anglais et nous parvenons après avoir appelé sa fille à faire une commande et payer en euro.
      On repart sous une chaleur toujours plus forte pour traversée des plaines tchèques. À ce moment là, on ne rêve que d'une chose: la bière de fin. On envoie donc un message à Valentin qui est sur place avec sa copine pour lui dire qu'on peut se retrouver directement autour d'une bière. Il nous donne un endroit et nous voilà en route, tout proche de Prague, sur une magnifique piste cyclable et enfin de la fraîcheur avec le coucher du soleil et l'eau.
      Toutefois, il n'y a pas de pont et nous devons prendre un autre bateau qui mettra du temps à arriver et nos espoirs de bière avant 20h s'envolent.

      Le marin utilise son klaxon durant toute la traversée pour arriver vers nous et nous comprenons après que nous n'avions pas le droit d'attendre le bateau sur le quai.
      Ce chauffeur là ne veut pas que nous le payons en euro et nous devons faire de la monnaie avec un passager à bord pour pouvoir payer.
      Ensuite, nous traversons Prague et sommes conquis dès les premiers hectomètres. C'est vivant dans tous les parcs, puis nous arrivons par un point de vu permettant d'avoir un aperçu de l'architecture. Seul bémol: les étroites rues en pavés ne facilitent pas la circulation en vélo.
      Nous finissons par arriver à l'île où Valentin nous a donné RDV puis c'est parti pour un débrief autour d'une, puis deux, puis trois pilsner. Il faut dire que c'est la meilleure bière possible avec cette chaleur et des kilomètres de vélo dans les jambes.

      Après avoir posé nos affaires à l'auberge, nous repartons directement en ville pour visiter les rues et faire une soirée par la même occasion. Les kilomètres avec Armand avaient manqués puisque nous finirons à 8h30 le lendemain matin, nous permettant d'assister au réveil de Prague.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 29

      In Love with Prague

      9 Eylül 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      sbohem Praho vrátíme se

      Prague is amazing. It's such a beautiful bohemian historic city. Old Town Square took my breath away. We loved the cobblestone streets, the soaring spires, the old fashioned trams, and the fairytale castles.Spent Saturday roaming the city on a hop on- hop off bus and river cruise. Such a welcoming and friendly place. A definite place on our "ever growing returning too" list. Another bucket list item checked off when we watched the Astronomical Clock chime into 8pm on Saturday night (with about 50,000 other people) also great to wake up on Saturday morning after the Broncos won over the Storm in the first game of the 2023 Finals series.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 8

      Tour de la Cerveza

      21 Eylül 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      En nuestra ruta visitaremos algunas de las cervecerías más famosas de Praga. En ellas seremos testigos del fervor de los checos por la cerveza o “pivo”, que desde el año 2008 cuenta con una Denominación de Origen Protegida.

      Degustaremos diferentes tipos de cerveza checa para distinguir sus características y propiedades. Y es que no todas se elaboran de la misma manera. Dentro de las marcas de cerveza checa, la más popular es la Pilsner Urquell. Su principal planta de producción se encuentra en la ciudad de Pilsen, en Bohemia. Probaremos el sabor tan característico de esta cerveza, que viene dado por las maltas de Moravia y también por el lúpulo de Bohemia.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 9

      Escultura de la Metamorfosis de Kafka

      22 Eylül 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      La figura, realizada íntegramente en bronce, con casi 4 metros de altura y unos 800 kilos de peso, se inspira en un pasaje de uno de los cuentos de Kafka, concretamente en Descripción de una lucha, donde relata cómo un hombre se enfrenta al absurdo de su entorno:

      «Y ahora -con un floreo, como si no fuera la primera vez- salté sobre los hombros de mi conocido, y clavando mis puños en su espalda lo empujé en un trote. Pero ya que se adelantó con cierta reticencia y a veces incluso se detuvo, le pateé varias veces en el vientre con mis botas, para hacerlo más vivo. Funcionó y llegamos lo suficientemente rápido en el interior de un vasto pero todavía sin terminar el paisaje”.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 220

      Explored the christmas markets

      13 Aralık 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Today we went for a big walk around prague old town. The first thing we saw was the lennon wall which is a big wall covered in vibrant graffiti next to a john lennon themed Cafe, it was pretty busy so we didn't stay long but it was quite cool. Now that I'm getting out more I've started to notice lots of cool statues of people doing random things around the city. Today I saw one hanging from a power line and another one fishing from a water wheel, it reminded me of the ones in Kalgoorlie! Most of the day was spent exploring a few of the Christmas markets, we were roaming around for ages but only ended up buying some mulled wine (worst we've had so far) the atmosphere at the markets was super fun and festive but the stuff they were selling was all pretty avg. We had Chinese again for dinner (at 3:30pm) and then went back to the apartment. Spencer went on a date late at night and I didn't feel like sitting around by myself so I went for a big walk to the Charles Bridge to see the old timey lanterns at night, it was a lovely walk but I forgot to get pictures of the bridge lol.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1–3

      Golden rainy city Praha

      26 Ocak, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      Taking a long weekend with my mum, as she never saw Prag and I only went there 2x for new years evening for party.
      Driving by car was ok, but due to a construction site it took us nearly one hour longer 🤷🏼‍♀️.
      We are staying at NH Collection Prague Carlo IV hotel - which is pure luxury comparing to my last backpacking-trip 😂

      Today we ate a luxury lunch at Zvonice (a restaurant in an old bell tower) - 10 points out of 10 👌🏻👌🏻
      went to the old city of prague
      visited Banksy art exhibition
      and did so many funny photos at the museum of illusions

      Unfortunately it rained a little bit, but still we took nice touristphotos of the famous astronomical clock and other nice buildings.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Exploring the Old city square

      27 Aralık 2023, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      After exploring the Castle and it's surroundings, we wished to visit Charles Bridge. However, it was already dark, and there was a huge rush over there, with not much of lightings. So, we thought it wouldn't make much sense if we are unable to checkout the statues of Charles Bridge after going to Charles Bridge. Therefore, we decided to checkout other attractions around the Old city square - Starometska. We needed to board Tram 22 from the Castle's stop, and we got to see the Christmas celebration spirit of Prague in a tram that was lit up in a beautiful decoration in white lights. Unfortunately, it wouldn't have led to our destination, so we just enjoyed it's view.
      Then we boarded our tram and reached Starometska station.
      We visited the Rudolfinum, a Concert and gallery building situated right beside the main river of Prague - Vltava. There were thousands of lighted candles in front of this building, and got to know that this was in the mourning and honor of those 14-15 students who died in the Mass-shooting spree that happened in the Charles University just a few days back. There were some candles that were extinguished due to improper covering, which we duly lit and covered them to pay our respects. We went near the river bank to realize the beauty of Prague Castle from afar, with the colourful nightlights on the Castle. We enjoyed the view here, relaxing and smelling the fresh air blowing across the river, and headed off towards other attractions.
      We went ahead to visit the Jewish Quadrant and the Paris street, which is supposed to be the most expensive street in this city (by extension, in this country). All branded shops were available on this street, and we did what we do best in such areas - Window shopping! The prices mentioned for the items made it look like Euro is a joke. We concentrated our energy in enjoying the lit street with the decorations for Christmas and we ended up near the Old city square, where the Christmas market was at it's full flow! Various shops and items were lined up. We tried tasting all we could, and somethings were really tasty, like the Ratatouille dumpling, freshly fried potato chips and the Meade. We realized that the Astronomical tower is right near to us, and we decided to be in front of this tower at 20:00. When the time came, we got to witness one of the most amusing chimes and the cuckoo was replaced with human dolls doing strange things. We roamed around the Christmas market and around the Old city market area. After a while, we returned to the market and stood atop a pedestal, which gave a good view of the market from above. The Christmas tree that was erected was glittering brightly and we enjoyed it..
      While returning, we were feeling hungry again, after looking at a Burger place. We are the burger, and by far it was the worst we ever tasted. Cursing the owner, we made our way to retire for the night.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 26

      Czech Republic, Prague

      3 Temmuz 2017, Çek Cumhuriyeti ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Left Vienna bright and early for our journey to Prague. It was a pleasure driving through the city at 8.30 on a Sunday morning. We hit the autostrada and that was we stayed for the next 350 or so k's. Most of the driving was in the Czech Republic, we knew when we had reached the boarder as there were Casino's (not quite Vegas!), sex shops and a biker bar. Couldn't be further from Vienna if we'd tried!!! The driving was pretty horrendous, it would have to be the worst road surface I have ever driven on. A concrete panel road surface in really poor condition with road works for much of it, with rain for some of it. We arrived in Prague early afternoon and for those of you that know Prague our hotel was on the main square right opposite the astronomical clock. This is of course a huge pedestrian plaza that is incredibly busy. This small piece of detail was not known to our GPS. I ended driving driving right through this space, and had a very nice tour guide stop to tell me to drive out as quickly as possible before the police came. Managed to do just that, parked illegally and walked back to the hotel. I do all of the driving on our trips, Rogers not interested and I don't mind it. Once we had checked in, the Hotel staff went back to the car with Roge to move it to the hotel car park. Both Roger and I expected that that hotel,guy would drive. Not so. Roger had his very first European driving experience in Prague central. Needless to say he needed a drink. We had booked a private walking tour before leaving Vienna and we met our guide at 4pm for a 3 tour. Best money ever spent. Our guide was an amazing young American woman living and studying in Prague for the last five years - her speciality - Eastern European politics. This woman showed us and taught us things we would have had no idea about if we'd been on our own. At the beginning I was thinking that 3 hours might be too long but it sped by. We now thinking we'll see if we can do the same thing at our next two stops, Berlin and Amsterdam. She recommended a great place for dinner and that was where we finished the night, with Roge having the local speciality of Pork knuckle.Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Staroměstské náměstí, Staromestske namesti, Old Town Square, Piazza della Città Vecchia

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