David and Sean’s Camino

June - July 2023
David and Sean will fly to Paris, France on June 2, 2023 to begin their Camino de Santiago adventure--a walking trek of approximately 500 miles. Read more
  • 98footprints
  • 4countries
  • 52days
  • 218photos
  • 13videos
  • 17.9kmiles
  • 15.1kmiles
  • Day 11


    June 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    We have heard a lot of bells on our Camino.

    First it was mostly on animals: cows, sheep, and even some horses.

    Then it seemed like we always passed through a small village at the top of the hour and it was church bells.

    And lastly, Sean wears his two metal water bottles tied to a scarf so they hang down from his neck, and when they clang together they sound like the cow bells! (I’m certain there’s a great joke there, but I’m too tired to see it.)

    Looking forward to a few days in one place, dialysis a couple of times, and enjoying a hotel room with a great shower, a phone, and even a TV.

    p.s. Nancy, remember how surprised we were to discover that the first floor is “zero” and that the next floor up is “one”?!
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  • Day 11


    June 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    I have sometimes felt embarrassed and disappointed in myself on this Camino.

    Taking a cab to finish the climb over the Pyrenees on our first day. Taking a cab to get from one side of Pamplona to the hospital on the other side. Taking both a taxi and a bus today.

    However, while walking today (deliberately in the wrong direction) we passed our good friends Carlo and Luigi! We explained our situation and in very halting and careful English, Luigi explained how much respect he had for us doing what we are doing.

    Very kind.

    And Luigi has military background (something that he and Sean have discussed at some length), so his salute to me was especially meaningful.

    Very gracious.
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  • Day 11

    Thunder or Door?

    June 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Some of the doors here at Hotel Logrono close with such difficulty that they are hard to distinguish from the thunder outside. Hint: the doors make a louder, shorter sound, while the thunder makes a softer, longer rumbling sound.

    We have seen and heard many thunderstorms, but not been caught unprotected in any. A few raindrops here and there but usually gone by the time I can get my raincoat on and my rain cover over my backpack.

    Last night I was having difficulty getting to sleep. Very hot and humid. Then God sent a thunderstorm and it got considerably cooler and less humid. Thank you God!
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  • Day 12

    Somewhere in between…

    June 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    According to the stages that we have completed on the Camino, solely walking, we have walked 46.4 miles so far, plus a bit more for partial stages.

    According to my FitBit we have walked 81.93 miles so far.

    The truth lies somewhere in between.

    I have realized that the FitBit doesn’t really count distance—it counts steps and converts every 2,000 steps into 1 mile. The “miscalculation” becomes the much smaller steps that I am often taking: uphill, downhill on unsure footing, and even flat terrain when I am tired.

    It will be interesting to see what difference these upcoming dialysis sessions will make and how much further we will be able to go.
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  • Day 13

    Dizzy as a Loon

    June 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    Dialysis went well yesterday, particularly considering the language barrier. Everyone was very kind—doctor, nurses, technicians, and even patients. The other patients were very interested in where I was from and I was somewhat of a celebrity.

    Needless to say, I didn’t “fit right in” as you can see from the picture! Back home they put a stool out in front of my chair so that my feet can rest on it, rather than hanging for four hours. But here there is a foot stop, so my knees were bent for that time. I don’t think they get many patients this tall!

    Some medication they gave me caused me to be as dizzy as I’ve ever been, and for over 12 hours after. We won’t do that again on Friday!

    My weight gain was NOT bad considering that I hadn’t had dialysis in over a week—in fact, I’ve sometimes had more weight gain during my 3-day weekends at home.

    All is good. Sean and I are spoiled, but it will be good to be back on the Camino at the end of the week.
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  • Day 14


    June 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    Cousin Russ wrote that he thought he was gaining weight reading about our food experiences. Well, it’s a good thing we’re walking so much!

    What I’d read: meager breakfast, big meal at noon, pilgrim dinner (lower quality, lesser choices).

    Our experience: fresh-squeezed orange juice along with a fresh-baked, French-quality croissant, often with Spanish ham and cheese. Meager? Yeah, right! We’ll often grab a sandwich for lunch since we’re still walking and don’t want to fill up, but even then it’s Spanish ham and cheese on a French baguette. Ooh la la! And dinners! Three courses and the first course (often a salad for me) is usually as much as I would eat for an entire dinner at home. I feel bad leaving half of a course, but I simply can’t eat all of it!

    Again, it’s a good thing we’re walking!
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  • Day 14

    On the road again…

    June 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Nancy and I will frequently sing that phrase (we don’t know the rest of the words) whenever we start out on a trip—whether a road trip, a short journey to visit one of the boys, or one of our grand adventures.

    Tomorrow morning I will have my final dialysis session here in Logrono and then Sean and I will be “on the road again.” The next part of the Camino is a bit of a climb to Najera, so we’ll tackle the first part in the afternoon, hoping to reach Navarette by nightfall and have that much less of a climb on Saturday.

    Got to venture into “pinchos territory” this evening. Tapas are called pinchos in this region. Had a bit of success, after first wandering on the wrong street for a bit. LOTS of pinchos places in the old town. Have posted a couple of pics. We also enjoyed gelato, but too fast to take a picture!

    The last picture was prob our favorite: a quail egg on some meat mixture on a fluffy bun with a slice of roasted red pepper. Yum!
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  • Day 15


    June 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

    Just a quickie. Walked after dialysis to get part of tomorrow’s climb out of the way. Stopped in Navarrete—a lovely little village. I’ve attached pictures of the church here as well as the BEST dinner we’ve enjoyed on the Camino, which is saying quite a bit! We enjoyed paella along with a number of finger foods (I went slightly crazy picking out a bunch of things from the display case with no.idea of what many were!).

    Taking a breakfast break as I write this then on to Najera, after an early start to the day.
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  • Day 16


    June 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌩️ 64 °F

    We got an early start today and thought we would be in Najera by lunch, the maybe go further and take some distance off tomorrow’s trek. However, we took a wrong turn somewhere (or missed a turn) and got off course. Settled into a delightful old albergue on the outskirts of Najera just in time to shelter from a tremendous thunderstorm! Lights have gone out once or twice.

    Spotted a bar/cafe that offers a delightful selection of paellas so we’re headed there for dinner in a bit. And I’m hoping to pick up a walking stick before dinner. Left my trekking poles at home, never used them enough to understand their value, but will benefit from at least one for balance sake.

    Here’s a few pictures from today.
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  • Day 16


    June 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌩️ 82 °F

    Silly thing. I became obsessed with the color purple during my preparations for the Camino. Purple iPhone, can opener, towel, collapsible cup, and so forth. Don’t know why. It’s just become my favorite color—although I am still very partial to green.

    Anyway, we are seeing a LOT of purple along the way, mostly in the way of wild flowers by the side of the trail. I’ve attached a pic here, but there seems to be an endless and delightfully never ending variety!

    Thank you God for purple. (And those other colors too.)
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