Rosenborg Slot

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    • Jour 13

      Letzte Tage in Kopenhagen 🥰

      7 janvier, Danemark ⋅ ⛅ -4 °C

      Auf der Heimreise legten wir noch einen letzten (mal abgesehen von einem sehr unspektakulären Spaziergang durch das mit Baustellen vollgepflasterte Göteborg) Zwischenhalt ein - nach unserem wunderbaren ersten Morgen hier wollten wir die entspannte Stimmung hier in Kopenhagen nochmals geniessen.
      Nach ein paar letzten Strapazen der Schwedischen Bahn kamen wir doch noch in der dänischen Hauptstadt an und bezogen unser Hotelzimmer. Es folgten zahlreiche Stunden zu Fuss durch die Stadt - mal schlendernd und shoppend in der beeindruckenden Altstadt, mal schwitzend im Gewächshaus des botanischen Gartens, mal staunend beim Sightseeing am Schloss Rosenborg, mal zitternd im eisig kalten Wind auf dem Heimweg vom feinen Nachtessen und, und, und...
      Wir genossen die Zeit hier und liessen unsere Ferien nochmals Revue passieren. Auch wenn nicht alles so geklappt hatte wie geplant sind wir doch dankbar für die tolle Reise und die wunderbaren Erlebnisse, Abenteuer und Eindrücke hier im hohen Norden!🥰
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    • Jour 52

      Exploring Copenhagen

      20 octobre 2019, Danemark ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today is Sunday. Much quieter than Saturday, though when we went out for coffee this morning there was quite a lot of evidence of post Saturday night debris. This was in contrast to Norway (but we didn’t inspect on Sunday morning is Oslo) but there was litter, broken glass and vomit...not the perfect behaviour of such people so conscious of planet, sustainability and happiness!!

      We have had a good day, and quite busy. First we walked along the water to the Opera House. A huge and very fine building right on the water. Quite a long walk, obviously you can drive there as there was parking, and I think you can get a ferry. Then Amr navigated us to the Danish Design Museum which was a highlight for him. It was fun, and we saw many chairs by famous designers - Hans Wegner and Arne Jacobsen to name 2 I remember and liked. Besides chairs there was a lot of Bauhaus stuff (which we had seen a lot of in Germany). Anyway, we enjoyed that and then we went to see some nearby churches - a Russian orthodox with very Russian domes (and where I had to put my scarf over my head), and the Marble Church, very important looking and rather beautiful which we found is Church of Denmark - the national religion, evangelical Lutheran.

      Stopped for a shared sandwich and coffee then walked to the little mermaid just because it is a thing to see here. Many people taking photos etc, and busloads of Asians, but it was a very nice walk through parks. We have sorted out the royal residence situation! Found another Slot - the Amelienborg (I think that’s right) which is an octagonal ring of palaces where all the royals live in various buildings. We even happened to be there when they were changing the guard, all marching round in busbies (?sp) like at Buckingham Palace. The one yesterday - Christiansborg -I think is used as the parliament (that’s what the informative man at the Amelienborg said) and there is yet another castle - the Rosenborg which has Crown Jewels, thrones etc) and we going to look at those 2 tomorrow. We found this on our way to have a walk in the botanical gardens which was beautiful with autumn colours.

      On our way back, we stopped for a drink outside by a heater, watching the passing parade, then Amr dragged me into another department store but this one was really fun. It was purely a Danish design store - and we had such fun in the 2 floors of furniture- these beautiful chairs that we had seen in the museum we could now sit on and try - they were so comfortable and attractive (mostly) and it was actually more fun than the museum. They shut at 6 so we went back to the hotel (which has these style of chairs in the foyer) before setting out again for dinner. Found a perfect place where I had soup and mussels, and Amr had salad and herring. All happy.
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    • Jour 53

      Last day in Copenhagen, and in Europe

      21 octobre 2019, Danemark ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Today was good, but not quite as we had planned. First we went for breakfast at a Hartley recommended place - called Sonny, like our Sonny! - and it was very good. Excellent coffee, fresh seedy bread, tasty cheese, soft boiled egg! And a great juice - green colour with apple, ginger, tumeric and something whose name I didn’t know ...anyway, it was tangy and delicious. So that was a good start, and then we set off to go to the National Museum with the Viking exhibition. We had seen it was open every day, but hadn’t read the next line which said from October to May open Tuesday to Sunday...so again we missed the Vikings!! But we had heard quite a lot in Norway, so we cut our losses and headed for the royal palaces.

      First to the Rosenborg palace, which houses the thrones, crown jewels, and exhibits the rooms of the palace as lived in by Christian IV (I think, there are many Christians and Frederiks)...and that was excellent. Spent quite a while there, and then moved on to the Marienborg which is where the residence of the current royals is, but there are several palaces round in an octagon, and one is on show. Also excellent, furniture as lived in by Christian IX who was the “father-in-law of Europe” as most of his children married royalty - one being Alexandra who married Edward VII of Great Britain.

      So that took us through to about 3 o’clock when we had a coffee break, and I have a slight complaint. We cannot find what we call Danish pastries. It is like looking for what we call Sicilian olives in Sicily. They don’t exist. I just love the pastries with vanilla cream inside, with fruit, almond croissants, pain au raisins etc, and thought this would be the home of them, and the very best. We find them in France, Italy, Spain, Sydney...but here every bakery just has croissants, and nice bread, and cake things rather like muffins, and cinnamon rolls. Anyway, our hunt was fruitless. We did finally see some more like what we were looking for when later we came to the markets where there was a French chain - Brioche d’Orée - but in France we would never go there as there are so many better ones.

      As usual we took umbrellas as it threatened to rain, but never actually did! It does rain at night, as it was wet each morning. Anyway again lucky as it is miserable to walk squelching along and getting dripping, and we did a fair bit of walking. These palaces, and the museum are quite a ways apart.

      We had planned to go to a restaurant for dinner that we had seen. Amr had spied the bouillabaisse and it looked good...but when wandering later, after drifting into yet more furniture stores and sitting on their chairs and sofas, we found the market. Lovely market, you can buy things to take home and cook, and you can eat and drink at some stalls, and we found a tapas bar which just beckoned us. So we ate there instead. It had all our favourite food, and it all felt right, and it was so good just to order what you wanted as you ate it...I think we have had so many meals that it makes you lose your appetite. Anyway, this was just lovely, and we got back quite early and have packed up as much as possible and will set off tomorrow morning. First the flight to London, then connecting to the air New Zealand flight to Los Angeles. This is the thing - will we and the bags make the connection successfully as they are non related tickets! Hopefully all will work out. We stay and draw breath at LAX hotel for 2 nights before taking the flight to Sydney.
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    • Jour 4

      Schloss Rosenborg 🏰

      2 juin, Danemark ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Wir sind an dem Schloss Rosenborg vorbeigefahren, bis wir den richtigen Eingang entdeckt haben der nicht militärisch bewacht wurde.😂
      Das Schloss war erstaunlich „klein“ in Relation zu manch anderen die wir bisher gesehen haben. Aber trotz allem ist es ein wunderschönes Gebäude!En savoir plus

    • Jour 58

      Letzter Tag außerhalb Deutschlands

      11 juin 2023, Danemark ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern nach der Fahrt doch relativ müde waren, haben wir uns heute morgen erstmal ein Frühstück im Supermarkt besorgt und dann gemütlich im Park vom Schloss Rosenborg gefrühstückt. Danach wollen wir noch ein bißchen was von Kopenhagen sehen und schlendern gemütlich durch die Stadt, überall an den Straßen blühen Blumen und die ganze Stadt ist im Sommermodus. Wir laufen noch einmal am Nyhaven vorbei, zur Festung ("Kastelet"), und danach zu einem (Vegi-) Hotdogstand fürs Mittagessen. Danach bummeln wir noch weiter herum und laufen an der Uferpromenade entlang. Es ist relativ Warm heute und an jedem Fleckchen, das sich eignet sonnen sich Leute in Badeklamotten (obwohl hier schon ein ziemlich kalter Wind weht). So ein bisle melancholisch sind wir zwei schon, weil das heute der letzte Tag der Reise ist, den wir außerhalb Deutschlands verbringen. Aber zum Glück rettet uns ein Eis vor dem Ende-der-Reise-Blues... Morgen geht's dann für uns zurück nach Deutschland nach Berlin - die letzte Hauptstadt auf unserer Liste.En savoir plus

    • Jour 18

      Rest Day: Copenhagen

      13 juillet 2022, Danemark ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      A well earned rest day in Copenhagen today, a chance to rest our bums, wear our ‘normal’ clothes and get our tourist nerd on. We made the most of it with a lie in before grabbing the metro into the centre of the city.

      First job was to get some admin done; Chez needed some new black trousers and I needed to send some stuff home ready for the hotter weather in the south. That done we hit the tourist spots: coffee and smaugbread thingie at The Coffee Collective, a walk up The Round Tower, hiding in the shade of The Botanical Garden and 16,000 steps of mooching around the various streets.

      Not a restful day per say but fun nonetheless and nice to be off the bike for a change. We both got back to the Airbnb at about 5.30 and promptly fell asleep! It’s now 9.30 and I’m looking forward to getting my new book out and falling asleep again. We’re heading into Germany tomorrow via a ferry, new day, new country, new adventure!

      HIGHLIGHTS - Botanical Gardens, lying in the shade
      LOW POINTS - feeling hot, sticky and pretty tired
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    • Jour 6

      Copenhague- Château Rosenborg

      27 juillet 2022, Danemark ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Le château Rosenberg servit de résidence d'été aux rois de 1607 jusqu'en 1710, date à laquelle Frédéric IV fit construire le palais de Fredensborg.
      On peut notamment y voir une salle des glaces inspirée par Versailles, la chaise du couronnement des rois absolutistes et le trône des reines avec les 3 lions devant.
      Le château présente également des armes, des objets en ivoires et les trésors de la couronne danoise du XVI° au XIX°, dont justement des couronnes.
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    • Jour 19


      9 septembre 2022, Danemark ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Whew! What a whirlwind tour of Copenhagen and the area. We found a great apartment in the Vesterbro neighborhood of Copenhagen, across the street from the Meatpacking District. It's a trendy area with lots of restaurants and bars. But since we bought the 4-day Copenhagen card, we weren't much for nightlife. It allowed us free entry to almost all museums and castles in the area, along with free transportation. That meant we didn't need to rent a bike, which looked fun, but why pay double for transportation options? The card was an amazing deal and we were true Culture Vultures.

      We saw 3 castles, many interesting museums, and climbed the top of Our Savior Church for majestic views of the city. One of my favorites was the photography exhibit in Hamlet's castle (known by 3 names: Elsinor, Helsingborg, and Kronberg). The costumes used in the photo shoots were pretty amazing. The photogropher used models to recreate famous Danish royalty. Some of the castle exhibits were musty, and some were fascinating. Another favorite was the Viking Ship Museum in nearby Roskilde, where we got to row and sail in a re-creation of a Viking boat.

      We started off the first full day with a Canal boat tour and then hit the ground running. But on our arrival day, we made a late afternoon visit to the social experiment of Christiania, where hippies took over an abandoned military installation in the early 70's and never left. It's been about 50 years on now and it's still a thriving subculture.

      Bikes are everywhere. Even more so than anywhere else in Scandinavia, I think. The transportation system is good, but there are no trams and fewer buses than most places. There is a good metro system and regional trains, but since so many people use bikes, I think there is less of a network than similar sized cities like Helsinki. People can bring their bikes on trains and buses. There are whole sections of them for bikes. And since the area is flat, it's just a great way to get around.

      We thought we'd get an overnight train from Hamburg to Zurich, but it's sold out for the next month or so. And so we're adjusting by taking a day train from Copenhagen to Hamburg to Cologne in one day. In the morning we'll move on down to Bern, Switzerland . The Eurail pass makes plan B and C pretty easy. We really want to explore Hamburg, but we want to get to Switzerland while it's warm. We'll head back up to Germany later.

      Fun fact: St. Pauli Girl, an innocent looking German Fraulein is named after the St. Pauli district in Hamburg. That's the former red light district. So think about that the next time you see the beer label.

      More photos and videos are here. https://photos.app.goo.gl/5bZJ58NpPyJdnKfp6
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    • Jour 4

      Jardines y Castillo de Rosemborg 🏰

      9 décembre 2022, Danemark ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

      En nuestro camino de vuelta al centro, pasamos por los jardines reales que rodean al Castillo de Rosemborg 🏰

      Volvemos a ver capas de hielo en los canales y Papá se entretiene en molestar a unos patos que estaban descansando tranquilamente, seguramente enfadados por lo fría que está el agua 🦆😂

      Si bien no estamos en primavera y el bosque que hay alrededor está típico de invierno, hay mucha gente paseando. Nos sorprende el número de árboles, esculturas, rosales e incluso los militares que ensayan sus formaciones en la parte trasera del castillo 💂💂💂
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    • Jour 4

      Dai reali a Karen Blixen

      13 juillet 2023, Danemark ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Giornata intensa. Da Rosemborg con i gioielli della corona al cambio della guardia, per poi passare ai nuovi quartieri popolari con nuovi spazi urbani. In treno fino alla casa museo di Karen Blixen, luogo di fascino fra il verde ed il mare. Infine la Cisterna con le sue installazioni di luce e colore.En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Rosenborg Slot, Schloss Rosenborg, castle Rosenborg, Розенборг, Росенбор, রোসেনবরি দূর্গ, Palau de Rosenborg, Rosenborg, Κάστρο του Ρόζενμποργκ, Castillo de Rosenborg, Rosenborgi loss, Rosenborg jauregia, Rosenborgin linna, Château de Rosenborg, Rosenborg kastély, Rósenborgarhöll, Castello di Rosenborg, ローゼンボー城, Rosenborg slott, قلعہ روزنبرگ, Castelo Rosenborg, Rosenborgs slott, Lâu đài Rosenborg, 羅森堡城堡


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