Dominican Republic
La Barbacoa

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    • Day 14

      17.08 - Las Terrenas No. 2

      August 17, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Nach einem sehr kühlen und entspannten Schlaf in unserer „Suite“, ging es zu dem wohl berühmtesten Wasserfall des Landes. El Salto Limon. Und das mit vielen Verkehrsmitteln. Zuerst nahmen wir ein Guagua ca 15km in die Stadt El Limon. Dabei bleibt die Tür natürlich, um schneller ein und aussteigen zu können, offen. In der Stadt angekommen, nahmen wir ein Mototaxi für 50 pesos - 1€ zum Eingang des Nationalparks. Und ab hier ging es mit dem Caballero, mit dem Pferd ganz nah an den Wasserfall ran. Dabei ging es steil hoch und runter, durch das ein oder andere Flussbett und durch viel Schlamm!
      Am Ende hat sich das alles jedoch sehr gelohnt.
      Der Wasserfall ist über 50m hoch und stellt das Wahrzeichen der Halbinsel da. Umschlossen von einem grünen, tropischen Gürtel.
      Nach der Rückkehr in die Stadt El Limon, erholten wir und unsere Hintern uns in einem lokalen Bistro. Zu essen gab es ganz klassisch: Pollo con Arros. Also Hühnchen mit Reis. Dazu Bohnen und Salat.
      Auf der Pritsche einen umgebauten PickUps machten wir uns dann wieder auf, in Richtung Hotel. Kurz frischgemacht, liefen wir einmal die ganze Bucht entlang, um an einem nahen Riff Schnorcheln zu gehen. Ein paar Tauchgänge später ließen wir die Sonne bei einem Piña Colada am Strand untergehen. Morgen geht es ins Hostel einer alten Bekannten aus Santo Domingo. Es geht nach El Valle. Mitten ins nichts. Mitten in die Abgeschiedenheit.
      ¡Hasta mañana!
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    • Day 9

      I sing in the rain

      March 16 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Pioggia,pioggia e ancora pioggia! Tutto il giorno! Alle sei del mattino squilla il telefono di Franco:"Ciao Franco dormivi? posso prenotare un campo? dice la voce al telefono e Franco risponde:" si dormivo perché mi trovo ai Caraibi " e quello tranquillamente risponde:" ah vabbè sei ai Caraibi posso prenotare il campo? Secondo me non aveva capito niente. Comunque , ci alziamo e prepariamo il caffè, c'era sul tavolo della cucina un pacchetto di carta stagnola con dentro un po' di cocco ed io mi sono accorta che faceva rumore e si muoveva , non sapendo che cosa ci fosse dentro Franco prende due cucchiai e solleva il pacchetto esce una cucaracha. Dovevamo sconfiggere il nemico , ma come? Dico a Franco di afferrarla con un tovagliolo e lui mi risponde:"matu si pazza!" Avevamo solo un arma in mano... il cucchiaio! Franco comincia a dare colpi di cucchiaio come se non ci fosse un domani. Finalmente il nemico era sconfitto e potevamo goderci il nostro caffè. Comunque la giornata è iniziata all'insegna della pioggia, è piovuto tutto il giorno perciò siamo rimasti a casa , peccato ci siamo persi una bella giornata di mare. Recuperemo! Per la cena ci siamo visti con i nostri amici milandominicani e abbiamo passato l'ultima sera a Las Terrenas con loro, lasciandoci con la promessa di vederci non solo in Repubblica Dominicana. La pioggia non rovina la bellezza di questo posto ma lo rende più magico.Read more

    • Day 13

      Las Terrenas - Playa las Ballenas

      January 11, 2023 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Second day of 'Las Terrenas'. After another night with heavy rainfall today it's pure sunshine 😎🌞
      Lunch we had in a very small family run restaurant. Daddy is the cook, mommy is doing the bar and after school the daughters help to run the service. Every meal is made fresh, with fresh fish of the day. Every flowers used for decorating is picked by hand in the own garden.

      Dishes in order:
      - Empanada with Choriza and Mushrooms, Beef and Cheese, Chicken, cheese and bell pepper
      - Ceviche with fresh Mahi Mahi and Octopus (the Mahi Mahi got brought by Motorbike Minutes before we ordered)
      - Fish fingers with Soy sauce mixed with honey and coconut milk
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    • Day 25

      Las Terrenas - Dominikanische Republik

      August 22, 2023 in Dominican Republic ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Leider ist das Glück in der Dominikanischen Republik nicht auf unserer Seite.
      Als wir mit unserem "Bus" in Las Terrenas ankamen fing es sehr schnell an zu regnen. Außerdem wurde vom Präsidenten angeordnet, dass aufgrund des kommenden Tropensturms Franklin die nächsten 1,5 Tage niemand arbeiten muss.
      Nachdem wir uns einen leckeren Crepes und ein paar Cocktails gegönnt haben (wir konnten ja sonst nicht machen und die Cocktails waren super günstig) ließ der Regen nach und wir konnten endlich doch noch an Strand und ins Meer.

      So gut der eine Tag geendet hatte so schlecht begann der Nächste. Es regnete weiterhin, sodass wir weder zum Wassfall El Limón noch zu einem anderen Strand konnten (weshalb wir überhaupt nach Las Terrenas kamen). Außerdem fuhren keine Busse nach Bayahibe, da der Präsident wie bereits erwähnt einen arbeitsfreien Tag ausgerufen hatte - schöne scheiße.

      Ein bisschen verzweifelt haben wir uns dann überlegt was wir machen und sind zu den Entschluss gekommen, dass wir mit einem privaten Fahrer nach Bayahibe fahren. Der Besitzer unserer Unterkunft hat uns hierbei sehr geholfen und bei seinem Kumpel angefragt, ob er uns fährt. Und als ob das nicht schon nett genug wäre, ist er sogar selbst mitgefahren. Etwas schräg, aber auch mega nett. Das Ganze war zwar nicht günstig, aber da wir nicht wussten ob am nächsten Tag wieder Busse fahren, war es unsere beste Option.
      Allgemein war die Unterkunft sehr ruhig und familiär. Uns hat es gut gefallen.

      Daumen drücken, dass das Wetter wieder besser wird und wir die letzten zwei Tage noch genießen können.
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    • Day 10

      Las Galeras

      March 17 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Dopo aver fatto colazione ci spostiamo alla volta di Las Galeras. Attraversando un paesaggio folto di vegetazione e passando per piccoli villaggi che si snodano lungo la strada , arriviamo a Las Galeras. La struttura che ci accoglie si chiama Sol Azul, una meraviglia di colori e di verde ma soprattutto orchidee di tantissimi tipi e colori, anche mai viste, che crescevano direttamente sugli alberi, con radici pendule che arrivavano al terreno e radici aeree incredibili. Mi sentivo una bambina in un negozio di giocattoli a Natale. Posati i bagagli andiamo a pranzare in un ristorante al mare. Arrivati lì mi è sembrato che avessero aperto le porte del paradiso, sabbia bianca e morbida,mare turchese, una natura selvaggia che faceva da cornice, insomma una meraviglia della natura. Lì abbiamo conosciuto Miguel che ci ha servito un ottimo pranzo e ci ha preparato le sdraio all'ombra. Adesso toccava un bagno . Immergersi in quell'acqua azzurra sembrava di voluttuare e librarsi in aria. Meraviglia! Stabilito con Miguel l'itinerario del giorno dopo ,andare a vedere le balene,ci godiamo un tramonto stupendo sorseggiando una piña colada. Ceniamo in una baracca sulla strada dove abbiamo mangiato benissimo, torniamo in stanza e comincia l'avventura...entrati mi cadono gli occhi su una cosa scura in un angolo , era un grosso ragno peloso simile ad una tarantola: panico!!! Franco si prende di coraggio e comincia a colpire ripetutamente, questo scappa e si nasconde dietro la porta dei bagno dove finalmente, dopo scarpate varie ed eventuali viene ucciso. La prima cosa che abbiamo detto è stata:' e stanotti cu dormi?".Comunque ci siamo messi a letto vedremo come andrà la nottata forse ci toccherà fare i turni di guardia. Buona notte.Read more

    • Day 7


      March 14 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Viaggiare è vero che apre la mente e arricchisce lo spirito, specialmente quando vivi la quotidianità del posto in cui vai. Per noi questa è stata un'avventura iniziata già nel momento in cui l'abbiamo organizzata dalle serate passate con Francesco e Patrizia a guardare strutture, voli,macchine fino a quando , prenotato tutto, sognavamo il giorno in cui saremmo stati lì per toccare con mano tutto quello che avevamo visto solo in foto.
      I luoghi, i colori, i profumi, i sapori , l'incontro con persone belle e meno , fanno parte e hanno reso l'avventura ancora più accattivante. Noi siamo partiti in compagnia di due amici Francesco e Patrizia per la prima volta. Abbiamo condiviso con loro le sensazioni che provavamo , i problemi che si creavano, le risate per battute o situazioni, la rilassatezza e la spensieratezza di questi giorni. Il viaggio ci è servito per conoscrci meglio , per rafforzare questa amicizia che è ancora giovane ma che sarà duratura. È questione di feeling! Grazie ragazzi per essere stati con noi!
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    • Day 171

      Las Terrenas

      April 25, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Las Terrenas ist ein Urlaubsort an der Nordküste der Dominikanischen Republik. Hier soll man auch gut Kitesurfen können. Las Terrenas ist von einem Riff umgeben, was die Einfahrt in die Lagune nicht einfach macht. Jens steuert und Regina schaut mit Marie vom Deck aus auf mögliche Gefahrenzonen. Wir fahren ganz langsam. Aberwitzige nachdem das Tiefenlot nur noch 70 cm anzeigt, setzen wir kurz auf. Den Felsen haben wir nicht sehen können, da sich die Sonne im Wasser so spiegelt. Danach wurde es dann auch wieder tiefer und wir finden einen guten Ankerplatz. Jens taucht sofort, im sich den Schaden am Boot anzuschauen. Zum Glück sind nur leichte Kratzer an einer Metallpatte am Ruder. Das beruhigt uns. Da es schon später Nachmittag ist, genießen wir den Sonnenuntergang auf dem Boot und fahren erst am darauffolgenden Tag an Land. Nachdem wir in einem nahegelegenen Waschsalon unsere Wäsche gewaschen haben, fahren wir mit den Kitesachen zum Strand. Jens baut den 12er Kite direkt auf und geht aufs Wasser. Regina uns Marie haben ein schönes Schattenplätzchen eingerichtet. Als Jens wieder kommt, geht Regina mit dem 9er Kiteschirm aufs Wasser. als der Wind weniger wird, chillen wir drei noch etwas im Schatten am schönen Sandstrand, bevor wir die Rückfahrt zur Enjoy angehen. Am nächsten Tag flanieren wir die Uferpromenade entlang. Der Ort ist wirklich nett. Die Hotels sind Max. 2 Stockwerke hoch und fügen sich dadurch gut in die Natur ein. Am Meer gibt es Bars, die zum verweilen einladen, da man einen tollen Blick über die Bucht hat. Am Nachmittag Ankern wir in die nächste Bucht um.Read more

    • Day 33

      Pasolas and Karaoke

      June 27, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Second last day, still a couple of things left on my bucket list. One of them was eating breakfast at the beach, so I woke up with Theresa‘s alarm, prepared breakfast and took a motoconcho to punta poppy. I loved how calm this beach was during the morning anf enjoyed the time I had all by myself. We did a double dive that morning, one of them was a deep dive I had asked Daria if we could do while I was still here. At this point I really have to sayc I am so so so thankful to have had a diving instructor like Daria. She always did everything so we could dive as often as possible. Aldeas de Paz, the organisation actually only wanted us volunteers to do a max of 3 dives a week. Well with daria we had an average of 6 dives, counting in that weekends are always free). After diving I went to tropikbowl, one pf my favourite places to eat with Theresa because we wanted to plan our trip to Cabarete. In my last post I talked about these sandflies. Well, Theresa had an allergic reaction. Her legs were full of inflamed red dots, that were biting her the whole time, so she couldnt stop scratching her skin. The hospitals here are really bad so all they do when somebody has an ailment, is giving them painkillers, which didnt help her at all. In the restaurant she could handle it anymore, she was shaking, freezing and sweating at the same time, she started crying and I told her to go home. She stayed the whole afternoon in bed but couldnt sleep. I stayed a bit with her but there was nothing I could do except for getting her ice and trying to calm her down.
      Another thing on my bucketlist was to rent pasolas, motos, and drive around and go to some beaches. It took us some time to find a good rental place because some that we saw were really sketchy and we didnt feel comfortable. We found a really trustwothy one with good pasolas at the end. A day of rental including complete insurance costed 20 dollars. They wanted to see our drivinf licenses and I showed my car license. Guess that was enough because they didnt want futher documents, they simply asked if we knew how to drive and if we had driven before. I didnt lie. I had driven one before. For about a minute. After drinking some cocktails. With somebody behind me who took care. But hey, I had driven before. I know all the people reading this are not really proud of me at this point, (sorry mami)
      While we were still at the rental place they gave us each a pasola and explained the basics. Then my big moment came. I obviously had no idea what I had to do but it had to seem like i did. I sat on the pasola, and kicked in the stand. I didnt know a pasola was this heavy and it almost fell to the side. Luckily René was standing next to me and helped me. Then I tried to accellerate but I had forgotten to turn the key to turn on the engine. The guy at the rental looked at the others and asked them if I really knew what I was doing. It was really embarassing but eventually I did it and this stupid pasola started moving. I had some severe difficulties in the beginning especially because in las Terrenas these people drive like crazy but I got used to it fast. We drive to a lookout point which was really beautiful, then headed to Coson for a swim and afterwards drank a sundowner at Mosquito bar in El Portillo. At night there was karaoke at the Garage Bar. First I went to an ice cream place woth Micka and then we met the others at The bar. It was so nice to see how we europeans, usually so strict and controlled, just let ourselves go and sang to songs, danced and enjoyed the night fully as if we were locals.
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    • Day 9

      Wreck Dive

      June 3, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      In order to get our advanced divind license, today we had to dive to an old shipwreck. It was at abput 30metres unter the waters‘ surface and I think it was the deepest dive of my life as far as I can remember, but also one of the most exciting ones. I had gone early enough to sleep the night before, I was feeling very well and everything worked out perfectly. Oh, and I also had my mask again, so that I could see and breath. After diving the guy from the restaurant next to the diving offered me a frozen moca with oreo cookies and whipped cream on top of it (for free), because he knows that I love iced coffee, since I had ordered one a few days before. But unfortunately i‘m not really into whipped cream nor can I eat oreos, so I gave this coffee shake to mirjam and ordered an iced coffee for me:) Today it was our turn to fill up the tanks and we had a lot sp it took us about 2 hours in total, but we played some vard games and chatted and then walked home together. In the afternoon we went to the beach all together and in the evening Theresa and I cooked vegetable pasta:) we also went out but I came home earlier than the others, after I had fallen asleep on a chair at Etno because I was so tired.Read more

    • Day 2

      First Dive

      May 27, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      After Theresa and I ate breakfast together, I walked for 25 minutes (morning workout) to get to the diving school where I was welcomed by Daria, the Diving instructor and my fellow volunteers. While the others got ready Daria helped me to pick my wetsuit and diving equipment. I had forgotten how heavy these tanks are and I almost fell when I put it on the first time. When everybody was ready we discussed the plan: we would first count a special type of sea urchins, which unfortunately at the moment are threatened by a local disease, and later on pick up trash from the bottom of the sea. I stayed with Dario throughout the whole dive, who turned out to be italian by the way (so we switched from english, to spanish to italian) so that I could readjust myself and get used to diving.
      After the dive we had a quick talk about the results and then I walked home. Unfortunately on my way it started raining very very much, I needed to hide under a roof. Luckily some other volunteers with a car let me ride with them and drove me to our appartments where I had lunch with Theresa.
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