Dominikaaninen tasavalta
La Barbacoa

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    • Päivä 12

      Sleeping under the stars

      6. kesäkuuta 2022, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After a spectacular deep dive at 9am in the morning, another urchin monitoring dive followed. Unfortunately we barely found urchins which were still alive, but also only descovered two skeletons of dead ones. We were diving in a place with huge rocks with caves and lots of fish. I was particularly interested in one cave since I was quite sure I could see light at the other end. So I looked at it more carefully and figured that I could actually dive through it. As I was swimming through the tunnel I started realizing that it was way tighter than I had expected and that I couldnt turn around, so I had to get to the other end anyways. Suddenly in the middle of the cave, I saw something moving in front of me. A lionfish. Oh Oh.. not good.. not good at all.. i thought. Lionfish are not agressive but they‘ll harm you if you get too close to them. They are poisonous and dangerous to humans if they sting you. So i put my hands to the sides of the cave and slowly tried to push me backwards out of it. I made it out safe but was quite under a shock afterwards. In the afternoon it was my turn to fill up the tanks. Unfortunately today, due to our double dives, we had used 10 tanks total so it took me about 3 hours until I was done. Then I went to playa anclon with the others where we got stung by so many sandflies, it was crazy. In the evening Theresa and I prepared food and brought it up to the rooftop where we met all the others for dinner. We tried to cool plantains like they do it here but it turned out to be an epic fail, it was almost inedible. Even though we didnt go to the club nor stayed at a bar, it was my absolute favourite evening so far. We sat at the table for hours, listened to music, sang along, discussed and laughed. At some point, when there were only René, Rio, Mirjam, Nina and me left, I said that I was so tired but that I didnt want this evening to end so I wouldnt go downstairs to my room. Then suddenly René suggested that we could just sleep up here. We all laughed (at the joke) at first but then looked at eachother and then I knew, yes, we were crazy enough to do it. Half an hour later we had brought up all oir matrasses, brushed our teeth and were laying on the rooftop under our blankets, admiring the stars. We went on talking for a long time and even downloaded an app to figure out which star- constellations we could see. Apart from the obvious big dipper, We saw the scorpion, the swan and the harp. Time flew while we were stargazing and eventually we fell asleep.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 210

      Bye bye with a BANG

      7. huhtikuuta 2023, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Las Terrenas

      Las Terrenas entpuppt sich wirklich als ein kleines Paradies. Alles ist ein bisschen ruhiger als in Cabarete, es gibt eine schöne Strandpromenade und superschöne feine Sandstrände mit unglaublich türkisem Wasser. Überall, sowohl an den Stränden als auch im Inland ranken Palmen. Noch nie haben wir so viele Palmen gesehen wie hier.
      Wir schauen auf Windguru und suchen direkt die nächste Kiteschule im Dorf auf, denn es sind perfekte Kite-Bedingungen vor Ort. Der Kiteshop-Leiter führt uns aber zu unserer Verwunderung nicht an den Strand in Las Terrenas, sondern wir hopsen beide hinten auf sein Motorrad und fahren zu dem 15 min abgelegenen Strand „El Portillo“. Dort sehen wir auch direkt die Kites in der Luft. Es ist ein traumhafter Ort zum Kiten (türkises Wasser und weißer Palmenstrand), allerdings gibt es hier sehr viel flaches gefährliches Riff. Den Drachen sollte man also gut unter Kontrolle haben. Wir haben Riesenspaß in der Session und kommen auch die nächsten Tage wieder her.
      Mit dem Roller erkunden wir auch einige Male die Umgebung von Las Terrenas, wie z. B. Playa Bonita und Playa Calolima sowie den sehr schönen Wasserfall El Limón, welcher aber leider voll von Touristen ist. Am besten gefällt uns aber tatsächlich der Strand, an dem wir auch kiten gehen: El Portillo.
      In unseren Tagen hier werden wir immer wieder gewarnt, dass bald die Semana Santa anfängt und hier die Hölle los ist. Wir denken uns nicht viel dabei, dann sind hier eben bald ein paar mehr Touristen… so what. Little did we know, denn hier herrscht ab Donnerstag absoluter Ausnahmezustand! Las Terrenas verwandelt sich von einem ruhigen Strandparadies in eine laute stinkende Partyhölle.
      Gefühlt tummeln sich hier für 4 Tage alle Einwohner der Dominikanischen Republik auf diesem kleinen Fleck Erde, fahren tagein tagaus laut ratternd und in schrillen bunten hauch-von-nichts Outfits mit ihren Motorrädern durch die komplett überquellenden Straßen und feiern laut die ganze Nacht durch zu immer gleich klingenden lateinamerikanischen Beats.
      Wir kommen kaum noch durch die Stadt, denn alles ist komplett überfüllt. Die Straßen können den Menschenmassen kaum standhalten und entsprechend rollen die Motorräder sogar am Strand entlang. Wir beobachten das Spektakel und ziehen uns in unserer Wohnung zurück, auch wenn sich nirgends die laute Musik und Auspuffgeräusche hier überhören lassen. Eigentlich haben wir uns unsere letzten Tage so hier nicht vorgestellt, aber eins steht fest: Wir verabschieden uns von unserer Weltreise mit einem lauten BANG.
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    • Päivä 16

      Bachata Night

      10. kesäkuuta 2022, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      A big part of the Dominican culture is dancing, especially Bachata and Salsa. That‘s why a couple of days ago I visited a Salsa/Bachata class in order to learn the basics. It was really fun, we were about the same amount of women as of men, so we could actually try out the steps and moves with partners. They were mostly between 40 and 60 year old retired, rich, french people livong in Las Terrenas, but it was cool anyways. The teachers were young dominicans and you could tell dancing is in their blood. So on Friday we had a double dive and we were 8 People, accordingly we had to fill up 16 tanks!!! We knew this would take forever, especially because with this immense heat, the compressor would need at least 5 breaks and maybe even a piña colada to cool down, so we decided to stay at the diving all together instead of one person staying there and doing it. We ate bananas, drank Santo Libre (Rum-Sprite), Lime-Tonics and played card games. In the evening we watched the sunset and I took a Motoconcho to get home. This dude was really crazy, he drove so fast that i had to hold myself onto him instead of only to the moto. He didnt even care about the speed boosters and bumps on the road, we basically just jumped over them. I was glad to still be alive when I arrived at the ayuntamiento next to our appartment and cooked dinner. Our dancing instructors had invited us to a bar-restaurant, where there would be dancing at night. We went and were amazed by what we saw. There were many locals, includind a youg dominican dancing teacher I had met at the beach once and I had already danced with, dancing bachata and salsa in the middle of the room with guests, people walking by, waiters and with each other. I was happy I could try out the new steps I learned and didnt feel too lost after all. We stayed for a long time and enjoyed the atmosphere & the delicious sangrías;)Lue lisää

    • Päivä 13

      16.08 - Las Terrenas

      16. elokuuta 2022, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Nach einem sehr entspannten Vormittag in unserem Dschungelhostel in Cabarete, ging es um 13:40 mit dem einzigen Guagua, einem privaten Minibus, an diesem Tag, direkt auf die sagenumwobene Halbinsel Samana, genauergesagt nach Las Terrenas!
      Gute 4 Stunden dauerte die Fahrt. Inklusive mehrerer Tankpausen und DriveThrough-Momenten. Um kurz vor 6 waren wir endlich in Las Terrenas. Auf der Fahrt nach Las Terrenas ging es gefühlt durch das Auenland und gleichzeitig auch durch einen kleinen, aber intensiven Schauer. Angekommen im unserem Hotel war das Staunen groß. Nicht nur hatte es eine 1a Lage direkt am Strand, sondern haben wir auch ein Upgrade bekommen. Vom gebuchten, normalen Standardzimmer, ging es dann doch ins zwei-etagige Superiorzimmer mit Terrase, Küchenecke und Flatscreen. Beschweren wollten wir uns da nicht und rein sprachlich kann ich es auch garnicht :)
      Kurz frischgemacht, liefen wir die Strandpromenade herunter um etwas leckeres zu essen zu finden.
      Ein OrangeChicken später ging es uns bestens. Mit einem Bier genossen wir den anstrengenden Tag auf unserer ersten „eigenen“ Terrasse auf dieser Reise.
      Morgen geht es zum berühmten Salto Limon - dem berühmtesten Wasserfalls der Republik.
      ¡Hasta la proxima!
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    • Päivä 9

      Wreck Dive

      3. kesäkuuta 2022, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      In order to get our advanced divind license, today we had to dive to an old shipwreck. It was at abput 30metres unter the waters‘ surface and I think it was the deepest dive of my life as far as I can remember, but also one of the most exciting ones. I had gone early enough to sleep the night before, I was feeling very well and everything worked out perfectly. Oh, and I also had my mask again, so that I could see and breath. After diving the guy from the restaurant next to the diving offered me a frozen moca with oreo cookies and whipped cream on top of it (for free), because he knows that I love iced coffee, since I had ordered one a few days before. But unfortunately i‘m not really into whipped cream nor can I eat oreos, so I gave this coffee shake to mirjam and ordered an iced coffee for me:) Today it was our turn to fill up the tanks and we had a lot sp it took us about 2 hours in total, but we played some vard games and chatted and then walked home together. In the afternoon we went to the beach all together and in the evening Theresa and I cooked vegetable pasta:) we also went out but I came home earlier than the others, after I had fallen asleep on a chair at Etno because I was so tired.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9

      Las Terrenas

      19. helmikuuta, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Journée tranquille. L'attrait principal de las Terrenas ce sont les plages. Elles sont , en effet, très belles.
      La ville n'a rien d'attrayant , la rue principale disparaît littéralement derrière les boutiques , les échoppes d'art haïtien et les centres commerciaux.
      C'est cosmopolite, y a du monde, ça bouge.
      Nous pratiquons la farniente à l'hôtel et sur la plage.
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    • Päivä 14

      17.08 - Las Terrenas No. 2

      17. elokuuta 2022, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Nach einem sehr kühlen und entspannten Schlaf in unserer „Suite“, ging es zu dem wohl berühmtesten Wasserfall des Landes. El Salto Limon. Und das mit vielen Verkehrsmitteln. Zuerst nahmen wir ein Guagua ca 15km in die Stadt El Limon. Dabei bleibt die Tür natürlich, um schneller ein und aussteigen zu können, offen. In der Stadt angekommen, nahmen wir ein Mototaxi für 50 pesos - 1€ zum Eingang des Nationalparks. Und ab hier ging es mit dem Caballero, mit dem Pferd ganz nah an den Wasserfall ran. Dabei ging es steil hoch und runter, durch das ein oder andere Flussbett und durch viel Schlamm!
      Am Ende hat sich das alles jedoch sehr gelohnt.
      Der Wasserfall ist über 50m hoch und stellt das Wahrzeichen der Halbinsel da. Umschlossen von einem grünen, tropischen Gürtel.
      Nach der Rückkehr in die Stadt El Limon, erholten wir und unsere Hintern uns in einem lokalen Bistro. Zu essen gab es ganz klassisch: Pollo con Arros. Also Hühnchen mit Reis. Dazu Bohnen und Salat.
      Auf der Pritsche einen umgebauten PickUps machten wir uns dann wieder auf, in Richtung Hotel. Kurz frischgemacht, liefen wir einmal die ganze Bucht entlang, um an einem nahen Riff Schnorcheln zu gehen. Ein paar Tauchgänge später ließen wir die Sonne bei einem Piña Colada am Strand untergehen. Morgen geht es ins Hostel einer alten Bekannten aus Santo Domingo. Es geht nach El Valle. Mitten ins nichts. Mitten in die Abgeschiedenheit.
      ¡Hasta mañana!
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    • Päivä 10

      Las Galeras

      17. maaliskuuta, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Dopo aver fatto colazione ci spostiamo alla volta di Las Galeras. Attraversando un paesaggio folto di vegetazione e passando per piccoli villaggi che si snodano lungo la strada , arriviamo a Las Galeras. La struttura che ci accoglie si chiama Sol Azul, una meraviglia di colori e di verde ma soprattutto orchidee di tantissimi tipi e colori, anche mai viste, che crescevano direttamente sugli alberi, con radici pendule che arrivavano al terreno e radici aeree incredibili. Mi sentivo una bambina in un negozio di giocattoli a Natale. Posati i bagagli andiamo a pranzare in un ristorante al mare. Arrivati lì mi è sembrato che avessero aperto le porte del paradiso, sabbia bianca e morbida,mare turchese, una natura selvaggia che faceva da cornice, insomma una meraviglia della natura. Lì abbiamo conosciuto Miguel che ci ha servito un ottimo pranzo e ci ha preparato le sdraio all'ombra. Adesso toccava un bagno . Immergersi in quell'acqua azzurra sembrava di voluttuare e librarsi in aria. Meraviglia! Stabilito con Miguel l'itinerario del giorno dopo ,andare a vedere le balene,ci godiamo un tramonto stupendo sorseggiando una piña colada. Ceniamo in una baracca sulla strada dove abbiamo mangiato benissimo, torniamo in stanza e comincia l'avventura...entrati mi cadono gli occhi su una cosa scura in un angolo , era un grosso ragno peloso simile ad una tarantola: panico!!! Franco si prende di coraggio e comincia a colpire ripetutamente, questo scappa e si nasconde dietro la porta dei bagno dove finalmente, dopo scarpate varie ed eventuali viene ucciso. La prima cosa che abbiamo detto è stata:' e stanotti cu dormi?".Comunque ci siamo messi a letto vedremo come andrà la nottata forse ci toccherà fare i turni di guardia. Buona notte.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9

      I sing in the rain

      16. maaliskuuta, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Pioggia,pioggia e ancora pioggia! Tutto il giorno! Alle sei del mattino squilla il telefono di Franco:"Ciao Franco dormivi? posso prenotare un campo? dice la voce al telefono e Franco risponde:" si dormivo perché mi trovo ai Caraibi " e quello tranquillamente risponde:" ah vabbè sei ai Caraibi posso prenotare il campo? Secondo me non aveva capito niente. Comunque , ci alziamo e prepariamo il caffè, c'era sul tavolo della cucina un pacchetto di carta stagnola con dentro un po' di cocco ed io mi sono accorta che faceva rumore e si muoveva , non sapendo che cosa ci fosse dentro Franco prende due cucchiai e solleva il pacchetto esce una cucaracha. Dovevamo sconfiggere il nemico , ma come? Dico a Franco di afferrarla con un tovagliolo e lui mi risponde:"matu si pazza!" Avevamo solo un arma in mano... il cucchiaio! Franco comincia a dare colpi di cucchiaio come se non ci fosse un domani. Finalmente il nemico era sconfitto e potevamo goderci il nostro caffè. Comunque la giornata è iniziata all'insegna della pioggia, è piovuto tutto il giorno perciò siamo rimasti a casa , peccato ci siamo persi una bella giornata di mare. Recuperemo! Per la cena ci siamo visti con i nostri amici milandominicani e abbiamo passato l'ultima sera a Las Terrenas con loro, lasciandoci con la promessa di vederci non solo in Repubblica Dominicana. La pioggia non rovina la bellezza di questo posto ma lo rende più magico.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7


      14. maaliskuuta, Dominikaaninen tasavalta ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Viaggiare è vero che apre la mente e arricchisce lo spirito, specialmente quando vivi la quotidianità del posto in cui vai. Per noi questa è stata un'avventura iniziata già nel momento in cui l'abbiamo organizzata dalle serate passate con Francesco e Patrizia a guardare strutture, voli,macchine fino a quando , prenotato tutto, sognavamo il giorno in cui saremmo stati lì per toccare con mano tutto quello che avevamo visto solo in foto.
      I luoghi, i colori, i profumi, i sapori , l'incontro con persone belle e meno , fanno parte e hanno reso l'avventura ancora più accattivante. Noi siamo partiti in compagnia di due amici Francesco e Patrizia per la prima volta. Abbiamo condiviso con loro le sensazioni che provavamo , i problemi che si creavano, le risate per battute o situazioni, la rilassatezza e la spensieratezza di questi giorni. Il viaggio ci è servito per conoscrci meglio , per rafforzare questa amicizia che è ancora giovane ma che sarà duratura. È questione di feeling! Grazie ragazzi per essere stati con noi!
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