Abū Şīr

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    • Dag 9

      The Pyramid of Djoser

      29. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      From the Sphinx, we drove for about 45 minutes to reach the Pyramid of Djoser, aka the stepped pyramid.

      Built in the 26th century BC, this pyramid is thought to be the oldest man-made structure in the world. It is quite incredible to contemplate that thought!

      It is located in the Saqqara archaeological site, a necropolis northwest of the ruins of Memphis. The 6-tier, 4-sided structure was built during the Third Dynasty for the burial of Pharaoh Djoser.

      We were there just as the sun was beginning to fade so the light was great for photos.

      After the visit, just as we were all beginning to feel faint from hunger (it was a long time since our 7am breakfast!), we went for a delicious, if expensive, lunch!
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    • Dag 2


      25. april 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      On file direct à 25km au sud de Guizeh sur la route de Memphis 🎵 pour le site de Saqqarah, où fut érigée la toute première construction monumentale jamais réalisée par l' pyramide a degrés de Djéser conçue par Imhotep avec ses 6 plateaux et ses 60m de haut.

      Le site est immense on fait donc rapidement un plan de bataille : en plus de la balade extérieure on choisit d'ajouter des billets supplémentaires (si vous prévoyez un voyage en Égypte attention ça casque vite) pour pouvoir voir l'intérieur de la pyramide d'Ounas, et les mastabas de Mérérouka et de Kagemi.

      Dès le mur d'enceinte on en prend plein les yeux . On rentre par une colonnade où les pierres sont encore lisses et brillantes merci au mélange blanc d'œuf huile d'olive dont elles sont enduites. On arrive directemznt sur la fameuse pyramide à degrés. Juste waou!

      On joue ensuite les Tomb Raiders en descendant dans la pyramide de Ounas pour voir notre premier sarcophage et nos premiers hiéroglyphes ! Youyou

      Nous enchaînons sur 2 tombeaux superbement décorés par des scènes d'offrandres ou de pêche.

      On prend 5000 photos mais on a sacrément la dalle donc on se résout à quitter le site et à aller manger !
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    • Dag 6

      Saqqara Necropolis

      8. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Today we visited a sacred burial grounds for Egyptian royalty, the step pyramids at Saqqara. Inside the underground tomb you can see a man etched in the wall only when light is shining on the wall. They don’t know how this tomb was constructed.Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Inauguration of the Djoser Pyramid

      5. mars 2020, Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Als mir mein Guide erzählte, dass die älteste Pyramide der Welt exakt heute nach langer Zeit wiedereröffnet werden sollte, konnte ich das zunächst gar nicht glauben. Tatsächlich war aber der gesamte Parkplatz voll mit Diplomatenautos und um die Pyramide herum sah man überall Minister, Journalisten und Diplomaten. Und mittendrin war ich als so ziemlich einziger Tourist. Die neueröffnete Pyramide kann man erst seit genau diesem Tag auch von dem originalen Nordeingang besichtigen. Selbst vor dem Umbau konnte man nur von Süden aus einen einzelnen Weg gehen, der Nordeingang hingegen bietet ein großes Tunnelsystem. Ich gab mich dort als Journalist aus und konnte somit als einer der wenigen ersten Besucher die Nordseite der Pyramide besichtigen. Anschließend habe ich mir auch die etwas uninteressantere Südseite besucht. Erst als ich wieder draußen war erfuhr ich, wie stark reglementiert der Eintritt zu der Pyramide auch in zukünftigen Tagen bleiben soll. Lediglich 45 Besucher pro Tag dürfen nach heute demnach die Nordseite besuchen und daher soll es auch sehr viel Eintritt kosten (Man sagte mir etwas von 20.000 Ägyptischen Pound - umgerechnet über 1.000€). Ich hingegen konnte heute kostenlos reingehen. Was für ein Glück muss man haben, dass man als einer der ersten Besucher überhaupt einen bestimmten Teil der weltweit ältesten Pyramide besuchen kann und beim ersten Tag in der gesamten Geschichte wo dies möglich ist durch den originalen Nordeingang hineingeht. Vielleicht sollte ich mal versuchen, Lotto zu spielen 😂Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Sakkara - Seschseschet Idut

      23. mai 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Anschließend besuchten wir das Grab einer Tochter des Unas, namens Seschseschet Idut. Auch wunderschöne, zum Teil noch (original!)farbige Wandreliefs mit Szenen aus dem täglichen Leben. Danach umrundeten wir die Stufenpyramide des Netjeri-chet (besser bekannt als Djoser) und machten uns auf den Weg zu unserem nächsten Ziel.
      Ein Besuch der Pyramide lohnt nicht wirklich, da sie wohl nie als Grabstätte genutzt wurde. Der Pharao hatte andere Pläne - dazu morgen.
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    • Dag 28

      Pyramid of Djoser

      30. oktober 2022, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      This is the star attraction within the Saqqara site. Also known as the Step Pyramid, it was the first of the pyramids and is the oldest stone structure in the world and was built 2670 BC. Originally the tomb had just the first level as the entry to a network of underground burial chambers. The other 5 levels were added in stages. The completed structure represents a staircase by which King Djoser could ascend to join the god Ra.

      I walked up to the base to appreciate the size again. Even the first level is so tall, I think over 8m. The entire complex consists of the colonnaded entrance with columns in the shape of bundles of papyrus reeds, a huge front courtyard and a variety of tomb structures around it.
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    • Saqqara

      13. desember 2022, Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      We were up at 7 a.m. to prepare ourselves for our first sightseeing day trip with a driver and guide. We could hardly believe that we were going to see structures that we had only read about - the Egyptian pyramids!

      Our hostel breakfast consisted of eggs, bread, a banana, a tomato and cheese salad and a bland instant Nescafé coffee. :( Tomorrow we will just ask for hot water as we brought some good coffee from home. Egyptians don’t usually eat breakfast until 2 p.m.!

      At 8:30 am, our driver, Ahmed, arrived. He was excellent. No worries about driving with him in manic Cairo! We then picked up our guide who had a heavy duty day planned for us. We were going out to visit 4 different burial sites that were spread out in the desert on the Giza Plateau.

      We started out by visiting the Saqqara site that only had a handful of tourists visiting it even though it is Egypts largest archaeological site. It was an active burial ground for Memphis, one of the greatest cities in the ancient world, for more than 3500 years. Actually, Netflix made a documentary called Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb.

      Saqqara is best known for the Step Pyramid of Zoser that looks like a giant 6-layer wedding cake, but there are 10 other pyramids in the area.

      We went into the Pyramid of Unas which doesn’t look like much on the outside but after going through tunnels, bent over as they were only 1 meter high, we ended up in a beautiful burial chamber. It’s ceiling was covered with stars and the white alabaster-lined walls were inscribed with beautiful blue hieroglyphs. These hieroglyphs are ‘spells’ to protect the soul of the deceased.

      In this area there were also several very deep shaft tombs and a pyramid called Serapeum that was dedicated to the sacred Apis bull. When the bull died, it was mummified in Memphis, then carried in a procession to this pyramid and place in a huge sarcophagus.

      These pyramids gave us a good introduction to how and why pyramids were built and what they looked like inside.

      From Saqqara, we drove to pyramid site #2, Dashur.
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    • Dag 8

      Saqqara. Le mie visite private

      11. mars 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Camminando per la necropoli di Saqqara ho visto l’indicazione per una tomba minore la tomba di Irukapta e Neferemptah. La foto dell’interno era bellissima ma la tomba era chiusa. Con una piccola mancia ho ottenuto dal mio amico Said che mi aprisse quella tomba ed un’altra vicina che ospitava due fratelli. Non riesco a. Descrivere con parole l’emozione di entrare da solo in queste due tombe bellissime. Le immagini e il video parlano da sè.Les mer

    • Dag 14

      Final day - met a friend on tour!

      2. januar, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Went to Saqqara, Memphis (one of the many former capitals of ancient Egypt), and Dashour. My tour guide was Magda, and we instantly hit it off. She's my new Egyptian sister! She took me out in downtown Cairo on my last night and we ate our way through downtown! Thanks for making it epic my friend :)Les mer

    • Dag 51


      30. august 2023, Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      The Great Pyramid of Giza is a wonder of the ancient world, last of the seven standing.

      Hundreds of years before it was built, they built the Step Pyramid at Saqqara.

      I found it more impressive in some ways as the site is further from honking horns and the hustle and bustle of modern Egypt.

      The remaining walls are a marvel of construction, nearly seamless.

      The pyramid is in shambles, but... It is the oldest monumental stone structure *in the world*. Maybe it's allowed to look a little worn down.

      Someone mentioned to me that Cleopatra (30 BC) lived closer to the advent of cellphones (1980?) than to the building of this pyramid (2,650 BC). Mind: blown

      The murals and hieroglyphs that are on some tomb walls are remarkably well preserved.

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    Abū Şīr, Abu Sir, Абу Сир

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