Aswân Reservoir Colony

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    • Day 12

      Temple of Philae

      December 14, 2022 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      The Aswan dam had to be built to protect the temple from flooding. You can see the flood lines as black and pink demarcations pointed out by the arrow. This temple looked exactly like the temple of Horus to me. It is dedicated to Horus so that may be why they look similar.Read more

    • Day 8

      Temple of Philae

      October 20, 2022 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      This temple was relocated over a period of just about 10 years. The process finish in 1980. It was relocated because the low dam (not Nasser) left the original location flooded. The relocation happened after the temple was flooded so they built a dam around the inundated temple and went to work.Read more

    • Day 10

      Staudamm, Philae Tempel, Nubien, Souks

      April 10, 2023 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Früh am Morgen kam mein Reiseleiter um mich abzuholen. Der erste Stopp war der neue Staudamm in Assuan, gigantische Ausmaße und interessante Geschichte, dass viele Tempel vor dem Hochwasser gerettet wurden, indem man sie abtrug und an einem höheren Punkt wieder aufbaute. Weiter ging es zum Philae Tempel, den ersten ägyptischen Tempel, den ich in meinem Leben besuchen werde, ich bin gespannt und schon als ich ankommen bin, fasziniert mich der große Eingangsbereich mit seinen Verzierungen und die große Halle mit den Säulen. Mein Reiseleiter erzählt viel über die verschiedenen ägyptischen Götter, etwas, was mich auch die nächsten Tage auf eine interessante Art und Weise begleiten wird. Dann kam die Einschiffung, ich habe ein schönes Schiff namens „Alyssa“, ein schönes Zimmer mit einem tollen Panoramablick nach draußen. Nach dem Mittagessen habe ich eine Fahrt auf einer Feluke (einem kleinen Segelboot) und umrunde die Elphantine Insel und den Botanischen Garten. Weiter geht es in die nubischen Dörfer, eine ganz andere Art der ägyptischen Geschichte, welche man oft gar nicht so sehr auf dem Schirm hat, wenn man an das Land denkt. Nach dem Abendessen bin ich nach Aussuan in die Souks gegangen, am Nachmittag habe ich die Stadt u.a. die Kathedrale (wer hätte das gedacht, dass es hier Kathedralen gibt!) besucht. Auf der abendlichen Tour lerne ich bei einer Shisha mit sehr leckeren Tee ein paar Ägypter kennen, mit denen ich mich bis in die Nacht unterhalte und dabei die lebendige Souk erlebe. Ab geht es aufs Schiff, welches 4 Uhr am Morgen seine Fahrt beginnt…Read more

    • Day 4

      Temple of Philae

      April 30, 2023 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We begin the 3rd day with a visit to the temple of Phile. Located on an island after relocation, this is considered the temple of love and lovers. We reached the temple on a small boat at took a nice tour inside and outside. The site is gorgeous with amazing views of the temple surrounded by blue water. Also many cute cats around!Read more

    • Day 6

      Philae, Aswan, Egypt

      May 13, 2019 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Today, we were collected at 9am from the hotel by our guide for the next 4 days, Hany. Hany took us to the Aswan High Dam, a very important site, built in 1960s, above the low dam built in 1902. It created Lake Nasser, the source of fresh water for Egypt, and is 500km long.

      Next, we went to a marina,to catch a little ferry to the island of Philae. The was the site of another temple relocated entirely to higher ground due to the dam. It was partially under water for many years, but they built a coffee dam around it, before carving it up and raising it to a small island where it now sits.

      The Temple of Isis is interesting because there is much Greek influence here, by the columns, and some of the glyphs. The early Christians defaced much of the carvings,as you can see in some of the photos. The cartouche spells out the name of Queen Cleopatra.

      Hany then took us to our boat, the MS Amwaj where we checked in to our room. We decided, because the temperature had hit 40 degrees, that we would forego a planned trip to a Nubian Village,and relax by the swimming pool, which was lovely. We had a peaceful afternoon, catching up on some much needed sleep. This evening,we had a buffet dinner and a few drinks, before a Nubian dance show. There was lots of drumming, and dancing by males. We have noticed that there are no women working on this boat that we have seen yet, which is interesting...

      The ship departs Aswan in the early hours, and we are meeting our guide Hany at 6am for a tour to a temple, then back for breakfast. We feel fortunate, in that we have Hany to ourselves. There is a big group of 40 or more people (Americans and Brits), and we are glad not to be with them. We did meet a young lady who was so excited to hear our accent - she was in one of the big groups with all older Americans, so she was very happy to talk to us!
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    • Day 4


      November 29, 2018 in Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Der Legende nach ist Philae der Platz, an dem Isis das Herz ihres Mannes Osiris fand, nachdem – gemäß dem Osirismythos – sein Bruder Seth ihn umgebracht, zerstückelt und die Körperteile im ganzen Land versteckt hatte. Letztlich fanden Isis und ihre Schwester Nephthys alle verstreuten Teile des Osiris und setzten seinen Leichnam wieder zusammen. Doch Osiris wollte nicht mehr im Diesseits bleiben und entschied sich fürs Jenseits. Sozusagen im göttlichen Austausch wurde Isis schwanger und brachte den Gott Horuszur Welt. Die Reliefs im Inneren des Mammisi(Geburtshaus) schildern die Geburt der Gottheit Horus, das Kind und seine Kindheit in den Deltasümpfen.Read more

    • Day 7

      Philae Tempel

      April 6, 2018 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Philae (arabisch أنس الوجود, DMG Ânas el woǵud, ehemals auch Bilaq; koptisch Pilak oder Pelak; auch Hut-chenti, Haus des Anfangs) ist eine durch den Stausee der alten Assuan-Staumauer überflutete Insel im ägyptischen Niltal. Sie befand sich etwa acht Kilometer südlich der oberägyptischen Stadt Assuan. Bekannt war Philae für die dort errichteten Tempelanlagen (Tempel von Philae) des Isis-Heiligtums, die wegen der Überflutung der Insel durch den Stausee auf die benachbarte Insel Agilkia versetzt wurden.Read more

    • Day 5

      Philae Temple

      April 13, 2021 in Egypt ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      One of the dozens of temples relocated to preserve them after the building of the Aswan High Dam (see another post) and the subsequent flooding of Lake Nasser. The temple is on an island between the older British built low dam and the newer high dam. It is primarily Greco-Roman in style, linking it most closely with the Ptolemaic dynasty.
      The temple was dedicated to the worship of Isis. The 1st 4 pictures are of the temple and some details of the carvings.
      After the 4th century and Christianity became the religion of the Roman empire, the building was repurposed as a Greek Orthodox Church. The 5th picture is the stone altar for the church.
      Lastly, this was the site of the upstream "nileometer" used to guage the annual floods (see another post coming later, I hope). The last picture is that gauge. It is a series of steps, each one is one Egyptian Arm, their unit of measurement.
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    • Day 21


      October 21, 2021 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Up early for a busy morning...breakfast at 5:15.
      Docked in Aswan still.
      Boarded our bus for a stop at Kitchener's Island for which we boarded a power felucca boat. On the island we toured the monument temple of Philae.

      Afterwards we stopped at an Egyptian aroma therapy shop...impressed so much I bought some oils And a set of oil burners.

      Oh..oh..Celina came up lame on her trip to Philae. Blew her knee. I think she is spent...good it happened almost at the end of our Tour. We' ll see if she is better tomorrow..maybe just riding the bus for her.

      Next a stop at the Aswan granite quarries. View an abandoned 300 ton obelisk ordered by Queen Hatshepsut's

      Back for Lunch then afterwards a Nubian Village excursion for me...solo...Celina and Fam to chill on the boats sundeck.

      The tour started out just 100 yards from our boat, we boarded a Faluca boat and headed towards Nubia. Then we were met mid stream from a Nubian boat, which we crossed on . Then onto a Nubian Village of no particular name. What a surprise this optional excursion was...the Nubian waters and land was eye candy. The people, the locale the hospitality was unique and refreshing. A delightful beverage was served with a condiment tray. Then an exhibition of a live crocodile was fun. It capped our trip!

      Back in time to relax on the sun deck then to dinner.
      Picked up the jewelry I custom ordered for Alex.
      Paid our bill and last minute shopping and finished the evening with 2 cigars.
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    • Day 5

      Philae Temple Isis Tempel

      October 4, 2017 in Egypt ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Philae ist eine durch den Stausee der alten Assuan-Staumauer überflutete Insel im ägyptischen Niltal. Sie befand sich etwa acht Kilometer südlich der oberägyptischen Stadt Assuan. Bekannt war Philae für die dort errichteten Tempelanlagen (Tempel von Philae) des Isis-Heiligtums, die wegen der Überflutung der Insel durch den Stausee auf die benachbarte Insel Agilkia versetzt wurden.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Aswân Reservoir Colony, Aswan Reservoir Colony

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