Arrondissement de Beauvais

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Arrondissement de Beauvais
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    • Day 47

      Chartres to Formerie

      November 22, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      We were both awake at 7am today. I didn’t sleep great for some reason. I had the gas fire on right up until bedtime and I think in the early hours of the morning I got too hot and started having nightmares. Then I woke up again at 6am, put the gas fire back on so when we got up at 7am it was toasty warm.
      We were ready to leave at 8am but we sat around for an extra hour and waited until after 9am to try and miss rush hour traffic.
      I’m not sure when rush hour is over here. Obviously there is the school traffic in every town and city, but most shops and businesses don’t start trading until 10am so even when we’re on the road after 9am it still seems very busy.
      We had 123 miles to cover today and I wasn’t looking forward to it. High winds had been forecast and even though we didn’t get them overnight like we were supposed to by the time we got to the motorways they had definitely arrived. I spent the first fifty miles of our journey fighting the steering wheel as the wind was giving some really heafty gusts from the left and we dropped down to 50mph for a good deal of the motorway. Once we got to Rouen however we changed direction and the wind was behind us and we started to fly but then the rain came and it absolutely threw it down. The rain doesn’t seem to leave the french roads as fast as englands and water collects on the whole surface and the spray was unbelievable. Even some of the french drivers had there fog lights on.
      At 12:30om we arrived at our airè du camping carpark in Formerie and just before we got here I asked Ellie if we had been here because it sounded familiar. She said no but as soon as we arrived in town we recognised it straight away.
      We had stayed here last year in exactly the same weather conditions and used it for the same reason. A bolt hole and half way stop to our next destination of Arras. The only difference was last time we stayed here on a Sunday and everything was closed. Today is a Tuesday and everything was open.
      We pulled into the airè, I plugged us in to the electrical supply and then we closed ourselves in away from the rain and driving winds and both had teas and coffees and then at 1:15pm the rain stopped and we decided to go into the town to look around and get some fresh bread for lunch.
      Unfortunately when we got to the town square we realised the whole town is closed from 12pm until 2pm except for the little shop we brought soup from last year.
      We just can’t get used to things closing for long periods in Europe. Spain has siesta time between 1 and 5pm so everything closes for a good 4 hours of the day. In France everyone has a 2 hour lunch break and they close all day on a Sunday. Family time over here is greatly appreciated.
      The rest of the day back at Wanda dragged a little. We both watched our phones, I put the hot water on and we both had early showers, then it was dinner time and finally it got dark, we put our pyjamas on and we put the tv on. Once the TV goes on we know it’s settling in time and we can really relax. Outside the weather is still trying to rain and it’s pretty quiet until a huge gust of wind blows over and really rocks Wanda. We’ll have to wait and see if it calms down before we can move tomorrow.
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    • Day 8


      July 15, 2020 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      30km gehad en het gaat lekkerrr! Boodschappen binnen voor vandaag en nu even op een een bankje chillen. Blijkbaar staan de volgende kilometers niet op de Garmin, dus we gaan weer volledig rijden op de routeboekjes. Met mijn richtingsgevoel moet dat helemaal goedkomen. Toch? 😬Read more

    • Day 4


      November 3, 2019 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir in Arras übernachten, aber der Stellplatz war voll und auch nicht besonders schön. Also weiter gesucht. Google hat uns dann über einen besseren Feldweg weiter geleitet... nach 1.5km hatte ich schon Schiss, dass uns jemand entgegen kommt und hab die nächste Möglichkeit genutzt zu wenden und Warlingcourt les Pas den Rücken gekehrt. Der nächste Platz war in Doullens. 3 Plätze krumm und schief an einer Straße. Also wieder weiter. Dann endlich hier gelandet. Platz okay aber kein Strom. Autark is nicht, denn am Abend hat sich die Bordbatterie verabschiedet. Restaurants alle Sonntags geschlossen, dass wir bei nem Dönerfritzen waren. Lecker geht anders und bei der Rechnung wurden wir auch beschissen. Mal schauen wie der heutige Tag wird. Zumindest kommt die Sonne ab und zu durch.Read more

    • Day 51

      Paris to Formerie

      November 22, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      We did not have a great nights sleep. We were both completely exhausted, the arsehole vanlifers next to us decided to get up at 5:30am and proceeded to play there symphony of banging doors for 10 minutes before going to bed which obviously woke us up, so at 6am we were both up, bleary eyed and stocking up on coffee.
      We were going to have breakfast but as we were putting the oven on 3 classic mustang cars pulled up and started setting up a boules session, and then more classic mustangs pulled up and there was a fear of getting blocked in so at 10am we left Meudon.
      I had found a quiet little airè in a tiny village called Formerie. All of the reviews were 5 star, it had water, electric and was supposed to be quiet so that was our destination. We had opted for a lazy day as we were both tired from our 14 mile hike around Paris and decided we would hook up, pay for an airè and watch DVDs for the day.
      On route we found an open supermarket which is rare for a Sunday in France so we bought some fresh bread, cakes and non alcoholic beer and then went to get diesel. We found an intermarchè which had a laundrette so we decided we’d waste an hour there and done our final laundry wash of the trip, then we headed into Formerie.
      Our airè is beautiful, it’s small with only 6 places and there’s 2 other motorhomers here but they are both closed up with the blinds down and heaters on. It’s set at the end of dead end road next to a farm so except for the odd tractor there is no traffic noise. We explored the town which is closed on a Sunday and it is a typical French town with a square and the shops surrounding it so tomorrow we will explore that.
      This looks like a good camp, so we hooked up. Closed the blinds and put the heaters on.
      The temperature outside has rapidly been dropping the further we have pushed up and it’s currently only 7°c outside and it’s set to drop to 3°c overnight so we are in for a cold spell but I’m confident that Wanda will keep us warm.
      At 6pm we made dinner, washed up and then abused the hot water and heating by both having a shower and then settled in to watch TV for the night.
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    • Day 3

      Houston we have

      December 13, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      ... yes ... 'a problem'.
      It was a fairly noisy night, as you'd expect in a port and staying right next to the railway line but that was OK.

      The problem became clear this morning as John noticed the battery power was low, and it only just managed to raise the bed into the roof.
      By the time he realised the batteries hadn't been charging, we were in the queue for the ferry so had to rush the decision on whether to delay exit from UK and try to sort it there, or continue with the plan and try to sort it in France. We opted to get on the ferry. Quiet journey, santa was on the boat (spot santa), food was good, and a good price, plus most importantly, it was a calm crossing.
      Having discussed our predicament on route, i.e., there wasn't enough power to lower and raise the bed if we stayed on Aires as planned, we opted to find a campsite with electric hook-up. However we couldn't research this till reaching land due to expensive internet charges at sea.
      So sat in a lay by at 3.45pm, we struggled to find any campsites open, which all got very worrying as cold and dark set in.
      2 + hours drive later, we arrived at this quiet site with electric, a heated pool and friendly staff.
      It was all pretty tiring after an early start.
      Tomorrow is another day. We'll try and tackle the problem then.
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    • Day 8


      August 1, 2016 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach der gelungenen Starthilfe unserer hilfsbereiten Nachbarn aus Pegnitz, starten wir nun so langsam gen Deutschland. Wir haben noch ein ordentliches Stück Weg vor uns und wollen pünktlich zum 30. Geburtstag von Flo am Brombachsee sein und vorher noch bei Fabis Familie in Lichtenfels vorbei schauen.

      Die Fahrt gestaltet sich auch wieder sehr kurzweilig. Unsere heutige Lektüre: "Das Cafe am Rand der Welt" von John Strelecky. Ein sehr spannendes Buch, was wir auf jeden Fall jedem empfehlen können. Nachdem man es gelesen hat, wird man sich selbst und das Leben noch einmal von einem anderen Standpunkt aus beobachten. Wirklich ein tolles Buch.

      In Beauvais angekommen parken wir unseren Kirby auf dem gratis Stellplatz und schnallen die Bikes ab, um uns die Altstadt anzuschauen und noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten einzukaufen. In der Altstadt sind wir auf der Suche nach einem günstigen Lokal um etwas zu trinken, was wir dann schliesslich aufgegeben haben.
      Wir entschliessen uns für die günstigere, dennoch teure Variante und holen uns ein Bierchen im Supermarkt und setzten uns an den Kanal.
      Während wir unser kühles Bierchen schlürfen telefonieren wir noch mit unseren Familien und geben durch, dass es uns gut geht. Den Abend lassen wir gemütlich mit Lesen ausklingen.
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    • Day 51

      A night in Formerie and well needed rest

      November 22, 2021 in France ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      We had a lovely nights sleep. It got down to just 2°c outside and 7°c in Wanda but as soon as I woke up at 8:30 I out the diesel heater on and it was up to 20°c in a matter of minutes.
      At 11am we went for a walk around the town and bought some fresh bread and mushroom soup from the little shop and then came back to Wanda and had lunch.
      Then I refilled the water and put the heaters back on low and we just chilled for the afternoon watching Dexter on DVD until dinner time and then Ben called on facetime so we spent 30 minutes talking to him and catching up. Then with the washing up done we went back to Dexter and just as we did, what turned up? A VW transporter Camper...... I quickly jumped up and ran outside, undone the side box and started pulling stuff out onto the floor so it looked like we had just got there and if I was out they wouldn’t park next to us.
      The van pulled in, I gave a wave a luckily they parked the other side of the airè so I put the stuff away and went back inside to another symphony of sliding and banging doors for the next couple of hours until finally they decided to stay in, keep the doors shut and go to sleep.
      Once it was safe that’s what we did to. We’d had a very lazy day but it was needed and tomorrow we’re going to push up a little bit further.
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    • Day 30


      September 6, 2018 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Beauvais Is a smaller city, generally to the north of Paris. The main claim to fame seems to be the cathedral which is the subject of another post. The first pic here is of an old city gate and bridge. Then the oldest house in Beauvais (16th century). Then the facade of a pottery workshop and St Joseph's chapel. The 5th is of what was the Office of the Poor, the only place like this I've heard of. It is currently a school. Last is of one of the remains of buildings (this was the chapel) of the Maladarie St. Lazare, a medieval leper hospital.Read more

    • Day 9

      Uitgebreide lunch

      May 28, 2019 in France ⋅ 13 °C

      Redelijk opgedroogd rijden we Meru uit, richting Hénonville. 'Route barrée à 900 m', hmmm, de afgelopen week hebben we geleerd deze afsluitingen te negeren zijn omdat we als fietsers er eigenlijk altijd doorkomen op de een af andere manier. Als we die 900 m de heuvel afsuizen hopen we dat dat nu weer is, want nu zo naar beneden rijden is bij terugrijden een hele klim. De werkzaamheden houden in dat in heel Hénonville straten worden opengebroken om iets met de leidingen en/of afvoer te doen. Gaten in de weg, kiezels en dan de actieve werkzaamheden. Even duimen of we er door mogen. Even oogcontact en handgebaren, ze stoppen even en wij mogen door, ze zijn allemaal even aardig en behulpzaam. Als we net op het punt staan om de opgebroken stad te verlaten moet Mario stoppen. Zijn trapper is (weer) los, reparatietas tevoorschijn halen. Het schroefdraad van het crankstel lijkt uitgesleten en de trapper wil er niet meer recht in. Na vele pogingen dan maar scheef, we moeten toch verder.
      Nog een km of 12 naar Marines, een wat groter stadje, daar is misschien wel een fietsenmaker. Onderweg krijgen we, met links en rechts graanvelden, weer een gigabui die overgaat in een behoorlijke hagelbui met hagelstenen van zo'n 3-4 mm. Die komen best aan, gelukkig beschermt onze helm ons hoofd. Na de bui worden we door de wind grotendeels drooggeblazen en even over twaalven bereiken we Marines. Op het plein in het centrum vinden we een gezellig tentje waar we heerlijk lunchen. Zo hoeven we vanavond niet te koken.
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