Arrondissement de Chinon

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    • Dag 53

      A Long Trying Tour to Tours

      12. oktober 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We knew it was always going to be a long day. With around 400 km of driving on unfamiliar roads to get back from Sarlat to Tours, I had not exactly been looking forward to the challenge, especially considering the propensity the Peugeot's GPS seems to have to keep directing us into the narrowest roads in France.

      Although we checked and rechecked the route on Google maps, the first 75 km was still rather tortuous. On the positive side of the ledger, the difficult roads rewarded us every few minutes with absolutely delightful scenery. If at all possible, the autumn colours seem to be changing by the day, and the colour palette that is displayed is amazing. Although we have often travelled in Europe at this time of the year, we have never stayed around long enough to witness the full cycle as the trees shed all their leaves for the coming winter. Maybe one year .......

      It was not until we finally hit the first toll road that we were really able to make up for some lost time. I wound the cruise control up to a little over 130 kph and was finally able to see the km start to fly by. We also started to see the first road signs pointing the way to Paris and counting down the km. In a way we felt like we were already heading home.

      The next long section of road was even better - not only did it have a 130 kph speed limit, but it was free. The GPS told me that there would be no turns for over 200 km. It was a little boring, but we needed to get to Tours before 5 pm to return the rental car.

      All was going very well until we saw a flashing light by the side of the freeway. It warned that there was a traffic accident ahead. On went the brakes (hoping that the cars behinds were equally alert). We were soon stationary in an endless line of vehicles. I was quite impressed that the GPS display on the dashboard had already turned red, indicating that there was a big delay on this road. I am not sure how it worked, but it was interesting to see technology in action.

      For the next 30 minutes we sat there. I started to have visions of us still being there at nightfall, but eventually the line of cars started to move and we were on our way again.

      It was then that another problem started to raise its ugly head - we needed fuel. Although we were still on that 200 km section of freeway, they do have "Aires" every 20 km or so. These are large rest/fuel/restaurant stops that are frequented by the huge tour buses. Every few minutes one of these awful buses pulls in to disgorge their bored passengers to make a beeline for the toilets and to buy some horrible plastic sandwiches. What a disgusting way to have a European holiday, but that is the way that millions of people get to experience France.

      It is always a confusing process to purchase petrol. We have had this problem before, when for some unknown reason, many petrol stations do not seem to recognise our VISA cards. We thought we had hit the jackpot when we discovered that this one was happy with our card. It was a pity that we could not follow the rest of the instructions. I should have felt the inner feeling of foreboding doom as I happily filled the car, but I was just relieved to hear the fuel sloshing into the tank.

      After filling the tank, I looked again at the instructions. The bowser already had our credit card details and I wondered how I was meant to tell it that the transaction was finished. I stood staring at the little images, until Maggie yelled at me from the car to "Get going". Maybe she was already needing another toilet stop. I climbed back in the car and continued the drive. It turned out to be an expensive mistake.

      The next couple of hours went by without incident (apart from several more toilet stops for Maggie), until we were on the outskirts of Tours. Since we needed to return the car with a tankful of petrol, we needed one more petrol station. We found one without much trouble, however this one would not accept our card. In such circumstances you have to resort to "Plan B".

      We noticed a friendly looking Frenchman at the next pump and indicated that we needed help. In a mixture of fractured French and sign language, we explained that our card would not work. He agreed to use his card and we immediately paid him back in cash. He seemed happy and so were we. It was another example of the fact that most human beings will treat you well if you are friendly and smile a lot.

      All that remained was to safely navigate the final few km into the centre of Tours and return the car. The rental depot was right at the train station and we happened to arrive at the same time as a major train. The streets near the station were jammed with cars trying to pick people up from the station. On top of this we had no real idea of where to return our car. The stress levels started to soar again.

      Fortunately I managed to find a blind alley and decided to leave the car there while Maggie walked to the rental car office. I figured that I had got it safely this far, they could figure out what to do next. A few minutes later a friendly young fellow came out, checkout the car to make sure we had not written it off and then bade us "Au Revoir". It was another chapter of our long adventure which had been successfully completed.

      All that remained was to catch a train to the Gare de Tours station and then find our hotel. When we emerged from the huge central station we immediately felt home. On our left was the huge Grand Hotel which had been our home about three week's earlier. The sky was clear and the temperature was in the mid 20s - it was delightful.

      A few minutes later we were searching for the nearby Hotel Linxa. We were a little underwhelmed to find that it consisted only of a door with a tiny sign. The door was firmly locked. We pushed the tiny button and eventually a middle aged guy came out to meet us.

      The listing on proudly announced "We speak your language", however this must only be true if your language is French. The guy spoke not a SINGLE word of of English. In a country where we have been told over and over that all the children learn English in school, they must all be shocking students since most of them forget everything they learn as soon as they walk out the school door.

      Even more daunting that his lack of English was the fact that hotel had no lift, only a very narrow and very steep staircase leading to our room on the second floor. We were both tired and this was almost enough to break us. We dragged, pulled, heaved and lifted our luggage and then both collapsed onto the bed. This type of holiday is hard work.

      A little while later, when my breath had returned, I decided to check the on line banking to see that the day's transaction had been processed correctly. To my horror I found that the petrol station had charged me over $200 for the petrol I had used. Since the car could not hold a fraction of that quantity of fuel, I have to assume that whoever used the pump next was able to fill up on my account. It was another example of the perils of petrol purchasing in a foreign country.

      Although it was a rather unpleasant discovery, it was not the end of the world. We had survived the long drive, we had enjoyed a wonderful holiday and we were back in Tours. Tomorrow we will be in Paris. In the overall scheme of things, losing a $100 or so is a rather trivial matter. Perhaps we will regard it as a learning experience, in the meantime I can gain many brownie points by continually reminding Maggie that it was her fault, and that she will have to greatly reduce her spending for the rest of the trip.
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    • Dag 31

      Goodbye Sam & Carol

      20. september 2019, Frankrike ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Our time in Amboise had been a highlight for all our team. The spirit of da Vinci is everywhere, especially as this year marks the 500th year since his death. Our accommodation at the historic Clos D'Amboise had also been memorable. After all it is not often that you get the chance to stay in a 400 year old mansion.

      The morning dawned crystal clear but quite chilly. Our riders began the day decked out in jackets and jumpers - a far cry from those scorching hot days that we shared together in Avignon, just three weeks previously.

      We had not gone more than a km or so before we found ourselves in the middle of the weekly market. Once again the temptation was just too great for the female members of the group and they quickly disappeared with their purses in their hands. I stayed to watch the bikes.

      About 30 minutes later Maggie reappeared. "There is a great hat shop that you should look at", she demanded. It was useless to debate the issue, so I meekly followed her like I always do. About 10 minutes later I was the reluctant owner of a newsboy cap. I suppose I should be grateful that it only cost me 25 Euro, and not the $65 Euro that Gordon and Gerry had paid for theirs. I had to admit that it was a bit of fun wearing it and I did feel a little more French than before.

      The ride soon meandered into the vineyards of the Montlouis region where we rode through a succession of vineyards and past a series of underground wine cellars. Wine is obviously a big deal in this region, but as a non drinker, the big mystery to me is why anyone would actually pay money to drink the stuff.

      We also encountered some of the biggest hills of the ride so far. Of course the ebike riders sailed up with huge smiles on their faces, while the rest of us huffed and puffed in their wake. Yvonne had decided to take up the ebike previously used by Samantha, so she had an extra reason to be enjoying herself.

      We rejoined the path along the Loire on the outskirts of Tours and then crossed the river on a bikes only bridge. It was a glorious way to be introduced to this substantial city of some 400,000 inhabitants. Our hotel is the appropriately named "Grand Hotel", situated right next to the amazingly beautiful Gare de Tours railway station.

      The Grand Hotel was once one of the city's luxury hotels and it still bears the wonderful Art Deco style that was so popular during the 20's and 30's. Although the hotel now feels like a grand old dame who is now enjoying a stately retirement, we were thrilled to find that the room was spacious and looked directly out to the front of the railway station.

      In the evening we enjoyed a "Private Soiree" at the Petite Cuisine. This was a remarkable experience as we were the special guests at what felt like the owner's house. We were all seated around a large table while the owner and her assistant cooked our dinners in the fully visible kitchen. It was another unique dining experience in our culinary odyssey.
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    • Dag 15

      Day 14 Chinon

      6. juni, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today we chose to stay local.
      The sun shone, hats and sunscreen were needed.
      We drive to Chinon, the closest town to Ligré where we are staying. It was market day so we parked up the hill behind the fortress. Easy walk down to the town or there is a free elevator! Many cafes and restaurants as well as post office, banks etc. La Vienne flows past and was lovely to walk along. The markets were fun but similar to home.
      Lunch in the main square then a leisurely meander past some beautiful flowers back up to the car.
      Restful afternoon before we walked about 30mins to an outdoor 'pop up' summer drinks and food. Lots of tables and chairs under the trees. Dinner was pocket bread with fillings or charcuterie board. Lots of fun and not on the tourist trail.
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    • Dag 5


      28. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Yay! We arrived in Chinon for a late lunch and I enjoyed a local rosé with quiche. Chinon is charming --- buildings dating from the 15th century and cobbled streets. It is also historically significant. It is the home of the Plantegent line of kings who also ruled over England. Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine lived here. Richard the Lionhearted was born here. Joan of Arc met King Charles VII in March, 1429.Les mer

    • Dag 58

      Loire Valley - Chateau d'Azay-le-Rideau

      29. juni 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      This 16th-century chateau is on an island in the Indre River. With no defensive purpose, it was built between 1518 and 1527 simply for luxurious living in a luxurious setting by the treasurer to the king of France.

      The castle was so lavish that the king, Francois I, seized it for himself. The French government purchased it in 1905.

      It has 8 hectares of grounds and the gardens were developed in the 19th century.
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    • Dag 20


      4. juli 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Gemütlich war der Ruhetag im Château Gerfaut - quasi als Schlossherren😉 Ausschlafen, gemütliches Frühstück, Zeitung lesen, Weiterfahrt bzw. Schlussspurt bis zum Atlantik noch planen - auch so vergeht die Zeit im Fluge.
      Am späten Nachmittag nehmen wir ein Taxi ins Städtchen, Regen ist angesagt. Und prompt: kaum sind wir aus dem Taxi ausgestiegen, begrüsst uns ein Platzregen. Das ist doch die Gelegenheit für Christian, in die nächstgelegene Gelateria zu flüchten und sich ein Glace zu gönnen. Gestärkt geht's los zur nächsten Schlossbesichtigung. Ein wunderschönes Wasserschloss mit vielen kleinen Geschichten wartet darauf, von uns erkundet zu werden. Ein feines Gourmetmenu rundet diesen velofreien Tag ab.
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    • Dag 15

      Langeais 🏰

      9. juni, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Sehr schöner kleiner Ort mit alten Häusern, tollen Cafe’s und mittendrin das Schloss Langeais ☀️
      Zum Schloss: Das neue Schloss entstand von 1465 an. 15 Räume des Schlosses sind komplett möbliert. Originale Sitzmöbel, Tische, Schränke, Truhen und Betten im gotischen-Stil des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts wurden unter sachkundiger Anleitung von Fachleuten erworben. Die Fußbodenfliesen sind sooo toll 🤩
      Zur bemerkenswerten festen Ausstattung des Schlosses gehören etliche offene Kamine.
      Schönes kleines Schloss, sehr gemütlich 🤩 Eintritt frei, aber leider durfte man innen keine Fotos machen 😬 (eins heimlich 🤭)
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    • Dag 16


      8. oktober 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Unsere letzte Woche ist eingeläutet.
      Wir machen noch mal einen Spaziergang durch Turquant. Wenn es hier wenigstens einen Bäcker und ein bezahlbares Restaurant gebe könnten wir uns in dieses Dorf glatt verlieben…
      Heute steht noch ein Schloss auf unserer Liste… Langeais. Das Schloss ist in Privathand. Hier hat Karl VIII und Anne von der Bretangne irgendwas um 1491 geheiratet .
      Die Hochzeit wird mit Wachsfiguren nachgestellt.
      Eigentlich enttäuscht uns die Ausstellung.
      Aber das Schloss ist schon der Mittelpunkt des Ortes.
      Im Garten stehen 5 Sequia Bäume. Wir würden sagen das sie gerade im Teenager Alter
      angekommen sind. 🤣
      Der Kuchen danach war lecker.
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    • Dag 6

      Chateau Villandry

      11. august 2019, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      This was our first chateau that we visited and it is famous for its spectacular gardens. It is still privately owned and they have restored the gardens to how they were in the height of the Renaissance periodLes mer

    • Dag 20


      14. juli 2023, Frankrike ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Nach über einer Woche Atlantikküste mussten wir leider wieder fahren. Die Zeit, das Wetter und der Campingplatz waren super schön. Aber wir wollten ja noch mehr sehen und so hieß das nächste Ziel Saint-Jean-d‘Angely, was auf der halben Strecke nach Tours lag. Dort wollten wir eine Nacht bleiben. Tilda schlief gut ein und dann ging es los. Vorbei an der Dune du Pyla, wo wir vor 9 Jahren schon einmal waren. Gigantisch diese Sandmassen. Wir nahmen uns vor, sie das nächste Mal, wenn wir wieder in der Ecke sind, erneut zu besichtigen. Die Fahrt verlief gut und Tilda schlief 2 Stunden. Am Campingplatz angekommen, stellten wir fest, dass wir ohne Baby und Strom gebucht hatten😄. War aber kein Problem, der Platz war recht leer. Den zugewiesenen Stellplatz fanden wir auch gar nicht so praktisch zum Einparken und fragten kurzerhand, ob wir den daneben haben könnten. Kein Problem hieß es in der Rezeption, wobei wir nicht wussten, warum das Ändern des Platzes so lange dauern konnte😄. Wir packten die nötigsten Sachen aus, bereiteten alles vor und machten Tilda etwas zu essen. Da wir langsam auch Hunger bekamen, entschieden wir, das kleine Städtchen zu erkunden und nach Essen Ausschau zu halten. Das Städtchen war fußläufig zu erreichen und echt typisch alt französisch. Die Bordsteine waren nichts für den Kinderwagen, so wechselten wir mindestens vier mal die Straßenseite. Irgendwann fanden wir mit Hilfe von Google auch etwas zu essen in einem kleinen Restaurant. Zum Nachtisch gab es ein Éclaire auf die Hand und dann schlenderten wir noch etwas durch die Stadt bis wir auf ein Radrennen stoßten. Wir dachten kurz, Tour de France auch hier, aber das war natürlich Quatsch. Den Abend verbrachten wir auf dem Campingplatz, der uns für den Preis, als aus der Dusche nur kaltes Wasser kam, dann doch nicht mehr so gut gefiel. Außerdem grenzte direkt eine Straße abgegrenzt durch eine Hecke an unseren Platz. Eigentlich durfte dort nur 30 gefahren werden, aber Franzosen halt…
      Heute Morgen ging es weiter mit dem Ziel Tours. Wir hatten uns einen Campingplatz rausgesucht, aber nicht reserviert. Die Fahrt klappte wieder super, nachdem wir nach 3 km anhalten mussten, weil Tilda ihr Geschäft erledigt hatte. Danach konnte sie aber super gut einschlafen. Der Tag sollte heiß werden. So waren wir froh, dass wir ohne Probleme einen Stellplatz in Tours bekamen, weil uns der Gedanke einer Abkühlung im Pool gut gefiel. Wir durften uns unseren Platz selbst aussuchen. Schön schattig sollte er sein. Nach einem schnellen Mittagessen ging es in den Pool. Anfänglich war Tilda nicht so begeistert, was sich aber schnell legte. 14. Juli heißt hier Nationalfeiertag und wir wollten noch in die Stadt mit der Hoffnung auf ein Feuerwerk. Tilda bekam nach ihrem Schläfchen ihr Abendbrei und dann ging es los Richtung Tours Centre. Wir suchten einen Parkplatz. Einige Straßen waren wegen der Feierlichkeiten gesperrt. Wir schauten uns das Centre de Ville an und gingen die Haupteinkaufsmeile ab, mit dem Wunsch nach einem netten Restaurant, Tilda war wie immer happy, sie fand die Springbrunnen super interessant und die ganzen Menschen natürlich. Ein Riesenrad in der Ferne führte uns direkt zur Loire. Es war sehr schön dort. Aber der Hunger machte uns weiter auf die Suche nach was Essbaren. Wir fanden eine Brasserie, die sehr einladend wirkte. Es war eine gute Wahl - das Essen war sehr lecker und Tilda freundete sich direkt mit unserer Nachbarin an und zeigte ihr immer stolz, was sie zu Essen bekam. Bei der Nachbarin stellte sich schnell heraus, dass sie Deutsch konnte und 10 Jahre in Berlin gewohnt hat.
      Unsere Hoffnung auf Feuerwerk wurde dann aber leider vom Kellner zerstört, weil es wegen der Vögel in Tours nicht stattfindet. Naja der Besuch in der Stadt war trotzdem sehenswert und mal schauen, was wir morgen noch so erkunden werden.
      Am nächsten Tag war das Wetter nicht so sonnig und wir haben erst einmal gechillt und ein Rundumschlag gemacht. Den Wohnwagen versucht etwas vom Sand zu befreien und Wäsche gewachsen. Nachmittags waren wir ein bisschen shoppen und abends haben wir einen Spaziergang zu einem nahegelegenen See gemacht. Gestern stand etwas Kultur auf dem Programm und wir haben ein nahegelegenes Schloss (Tours liegt an der Loire, an den viele Schlösser Frankreichs liegen) gegoogelt. 9 km sagte Google und so haben wir uns auf unsere Fahrräder geschwungen und los ging es. Es gab zwei Radrouten. Unsere gewählte Route führte durch kleine Dörfchen, das war eigentlich ganz nett, Tilda schlief bald ein. Das E-Bike vermissten wir dann aber doch nach einigen Bergetappen😄. Kurz vorm Schloss ging es 1 km bergab, sodass wir auf dem Rückweg auf jeden Fall die andere Route nehmen wollten. Das Schloss war wirklich sehenswert, besonders die schönen Gärten und das Labyrinth gefielen uns. Wir schauten uns alles in Ruhe an und aßen im Anschluss etwas im Bistro. Danach ging es wieder auf die Fahrräder, aber diesmal die andere Route, die sich sogar als die noch schönere herausstellte. Sie führte direkt an der Cher - einen Nebenfluss der Loire- entlang. Tilda schlief erneut ein und wir fuhren entspannt mit weniger Bergetappen zum Campingplatz zurück.
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