Arrondissement de Clamecy

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Arrondissement de Clamecy
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    • Jour 47

      Decize to Corbigny (90 km)

      3 octobre 2023, France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Our ride started at the hotel in Decize, but first we had to wait for our bikes to arrive. We were all a little nervous about what standard of bikes we would be supplied with. Would they be of the same great standard we had enjoyed on the previous 3 sections, or would they be rusty old clunkers ?

      Eventually a van arrived at around 9.30 am. The young driver introduced himself as Jean-Luc and then set about getting the bikes prepared for us. At the time we estimated JeanLuc to be around 29 years old. We were staggered to later discover that he was actually 51. I guess nature is kinder to some than others.

      When we finally had a chance to examine the bikes, we found them to be quality bikes by Velo de Ville. They were a bit more "tired" than our previous bikes but they proved to be the most popular of all the bikes we had ridden.

      After about an hour of setting up, we were finally ready to start the ride. There was some confusion as to how long the ride was going to be (varied between 45km and 85 km). We were a little concerned when we came to the conclusion that the ride would be closer to 90 km in total, To add to the fear factor, the weather also looked very threatening.
      The first part of the ride out of Decize was quite terrible. The road was narrow, and heavily trafficked by large speeding trucks. It was a big relief when we reached the Canal de Nivernais, and no longer had to ride in fear for our lives.

      Our ride then closely followed the Canal all day. Our first impressions were very favourable. The canal was narrow and regularly interspersed with numerous locks. It was quite amazing to learn that the construction of the canal began in 1784, and was not completed until 1840. It must have been a monumental engineering achievement at that time. The main purpose of the canal was to join the Loire and the Seine Rivers to allow timber rafts to be floated from the forests of Morvan all the way to Paris.

      Although we had expected the tow path to be rather rough, we were relieved to find that, for most of the ride, the path was really very smooth. This made for very pleasant riding.

      By 11.30 am we had ridden about 20 km and were looking for something to eat. We turned from the path at Cercy La Tour and finally found a boulangerie. We ate our lunches outside while the rain started. It was not a great omen, especially as at that stage we had no idea of how far we still had to ride.

      The weather deteriorated until we were all quite wet. This was only the second wet day we have had since we arrived in Europe 6 weeks ago, but we had no option other than to push on. The canal was punctuated by regular locks, each one with a small manager's cottage (It was the cottage that was small, not the manager).

      The ride went on. 45 km, 55 km, 65 km but Corbigny never seemed to get any closer. At one stage Maggie was excited when she saw an otter.

      By this stage we were all getting tired as it had been a long day. 70 km came and went. I estimated that we still had another 20 km to go, but was reluctant to share that information with the rest of the peloton.

      We then encountered a region where the canal dropped sharply in elevation, necessitating even more frequent locks. It was quite a spectacle. We were all quite surprised when we rode past one cottage which looked like it had become stuck in the mad days of the 1970s. They had even laid pieces of carpet on the road outside, along with lots of eclectic hippy paraphernalia.

      The final 10 km went on for about 20 km, so it was a quite a relief when we finally arrived in Corbigny. According to our speedos we had ridden around 90 km- an amazing achievement under the circumstances, especially for Maggie who was barely able to walk at the start of the day.

      Tomorrow is a much more modest ride of around 40 km.
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    • Jour 19

      Visiting friends

      21 octobre 2022, France ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Visiting friends on the road 🛣
      Went to visit Dédé when we drove trhough Grenoble, Annabelle and her family in Cluses, Keny, Julian & Mathilde in the Swiss Jura, and finally droped the truck in Lormes at Paul’s mum place.En savoir plus

    • Jour 76

      70. Etappe: Saint Reverin

      16 septembre 2018, France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute ist Kuh- und Schaftag 🐮🐏! Es ging an unzähligen Weiden vorbei, die so manch grasenden Viehbeiner beherbergten, so dass ich diese einfach festhalten musste. Schön wars, aber auch warm! Gut, dass ich früh gestartet bin. Ellis und Hans, die ausnahmsweise später los sind, hatten mich aber schnell eingeholt und die letzten Kilometer bewältigten wir gemeinsam. In der Herberge begrüßten uns auch zwei bekannte Gesichter, die beiden Radpilger aus Belgien, die sich gestern einen Ruhetag gegönnt hatten.
      Die vier haben die beiden Doppelzimmer bezogen, so dass ich heute meinen 6-Betten-Schlafsaal ganz für mich allein habe - es sei denn, es checkt noch ein Last-Minute-Pilger ein 😉
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    • Jour 74

      68. Etappe: Vezelay

      14 septembre 2018, France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Das nächste große Etappenziel ist erreicht 🎉
      Der Weg war heut sehr schön, es ging viel durch Wald und die Sonne kam von Stunde zu Stunde mehr durch. Trotz des späten Starts heut morgen, bin ich gut durchgekommen und habe jetzt schon mein Nachtlager aufgeschlagen. 😊 Ab jetzt gibt es auch häufiger Pilgerherbergen, in denen ich nicht alleine schlafe. Heute wird die erste Nacht im Frauenschlafsaal, da bin ich mal gespannt, wie gut ich schlafen kann 😅
      Und heute habe ich auch Hans und Ellis wieder getroffen. Die beiden sind eine Stunde vor mir angekommen und bekommen sogar ein Zimmer für Ehepaare. 😊
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    • Jour 82

      Canal du Nivernais

      7 décembre 2022, France ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Eigentlich wollte ich mittags hier eine schöne Runde drehen. Wir hätten sogar Sonne gehabt! Was wäre es schön gewesen...

      Wäre ... Denn Google Maps spinnt neuer Dings ab und zu. Man gibt ein wo man hin möchte und Land ganz wo anders. Bisher waren das so Unterschiede von 10 km, ärgerlich aber nicht dramatisch ich habe ja keinen Zeitdruck.

      Heute aber hat Maps den Vogel abgeschossen und mich an eine völlig andere Stelle geschickt. Nachdem ich angekommen war, laut Maps (roter Pfeil) musste ich noch 70km fahren um wirklich dort zu sein wo ich hin wollte (blauer Punkt) 😤🤬😤
      Da war die Sonne dann natürlich schon weg und ich gut 1 - 1 1/2 Stunden umsonst durch die Gegend gegurkt.

      Jetzt ist es schon wieder viel später als geplant und dunkel ist es auch schon.
      Damit werden wir das Ziel wohl heute nicht mehr erreichen.

      Ich bin genervt!!!!

      Dabei ist es hier wirklich nett. Ein Kanal der mit Hilfe vieler nach hintereinander befindlichen Schleusen einen großen Höhenunterschied überwindet.

      Derzeit kann nur ein Papier Schiffchen oder ein quietscheentchen den Kanal entlang schippern, denn es wird gerade fleißig repariert, was auch nötig ist, damit bald wieder die Böötchen den Kanal entlang schippern und die 16 schleusen und ihre schleusenhäuschen bewundern kann.
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    • Jour 75

      69. Etappe: Le Chemin

      15 septembre 2018, France ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Die erste Nacht im "großen" Schlafsaal gut überstanden, ging es heut morgen nicht allzu spät los. Mein Weg führte mich durch malerische Landschaften und so ging die Zeit schnell rum und ich erreichte am frühen Nachmittag mein Ziel Le Chemin, ein ganz kleines Dorf - jedoch mit einer tollen niederländisch geführten Pilgerherberge. Und deshalb ist es auch ganz klar, wer bereits im schattigen Garten sitzt und mir fröhlich zuwinkt - Ellis und Hans! 🎉
      Etwas später kommt noch eine französische Pilgerin an, die ich auch schon von gestern kenne. Es verspricht also ein netter Abend zu werden. 😊
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    • Jour 11


      6 juillet 2023, France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute ist nicht viel passiert. Rechts der Kanal, Kanal, Kanal, links die Wiese, Wiese, Wiese und dazwischen die Kanalallee. Wir radeln, radeln und radeln. Einige nette Begegnungen haben wir auch. Eine Bisamratte, zwei hübsche Iltisse, viele Reiher und last but not least einen freundlichen Briten, der am Kanal eine Fahrrad Werkstatt betreibt und mir einen Schlauch nebst Eis und Kaffee verkauft😊. Was für ein schöner Tag!En savoir plus

    • Jour 48

      Corbigny to Clamecy

      4 octobre 2023, France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The day began with a very cold start at around 5C with widespread fog, but promises of a lovely day ahead.

      We all decided to buy baguette sandwiches for lunch from the boulangerie in Corbigny. These were carefully packed in our panniers for enjoying later.

      First couple of km out of town were a bit scary, until we reached the peace and safety of the Canal du Nivernais. We were soon battling freezing fingers and dripping noses, but the scenery along the canal made up for the hardship. The fog was slowly lifting as the cows in the paddocks peacefully lifted their heads to watch us pass them by.

      Yesterday we had a lot of km to cover, and therefore we were more concentrated on moving along than in savoring the beauty that was around us. Today we had plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy every part of the ride. The succession of old houses, deserted lock keepers' homes and quiet villages was absolutely what we have all come to love about France.

      The only thing missing was an open café selling hot drinks. The GPS led us to a couple of possibilities, but they were all shut. In one village we saw a very likely looking place, but, once again, the place was firmly shut. The sign on the window explained that the café was closed “for leave”.

      While we were feeling sorry for ourselves outside the locked café, a lady came from the house opposite and started chatting. She was carrying a rather bemused young child. The lady was obviously pleased to see us, in fact I suspected our arrival was the most exciting thing the village had seen for a long time. She was even more excited when Carol presented her with one of the small toy koalas she had brought from Australia.

      We eventually found a TABAC in Tannay. This necessitated a detour from the hotel, and the town was situated at the top of a hill. Thank goodness for ebikes. After coffees and hot chocolates, we were on our way again.

      A short distance further along we stopped alongside a lock for our picnic lunch. The baguettes and cakes were just as good as we had hoped they would be. It was a lovely way to spend time, just soaking up the amazing atmosphere.

      In a nearby location we stumbled upon a deserted lock keepers house. It was in a rundown state, but Maggie fell in love with what it could become in the right hands. It certainly was interesting to wander around inside and picture what life would have been like here when it was inhabited.

      At another lock we watched a Dutch couple manoeuvre their beautiful and quite huge boat through the gates. They explained that the boat was built in 1896 and was still fully original. When I asked the lady how she came be living on a boat, she simply answered “I met an idiot”. Enough said.

      We rolled into the beautiful hamlet of Clamecy about 2 pm, and found that our luggage had not arrived yet. That gave some time to explore the town before checking into the rooms.

      This had been one of the finest days of our entire trip. We now have only two cycling days left, before we say goodbye to our bikes for the final time.
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    • Jour 77

      71. Etappe: Premery

      17 septembre 2018, France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Eine kleine Etappe brachte mich schnell ans Ziel, begleitet wurde ich von Ellis und Hans.
      Da es in Premery leider keine Pilgerherberge gibt, wird heute gecampt! Für unschlagbare 2,60 Euro steht für Pilger ein kleiner Caravan mit Strom bereit, der heute unser Schlafgemach sein wird. Und da wir uns heute Mittag eine Plat du jour gegönnt haben, wird es abends ein gemütliches Abendessen mit Wein, Baguette, Käse und Melone. 😋En savoir plus

    • Jour 8

      Tour de Bourgogne

      1 septembre 2023, France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Wir verlassen Pontigny nicht ohne der berühmten Zisterzienserabtei mit ihrer wunderschönen Basilika einen Besuch abgestattet zu haben. Weiter geht es nach Auxerre, wo wir gemütlich durch die Altstadt schlendern und natürlich auch die Besichtigung der Kathedrale nicht vergessen. Unser Weg führt uns nach Vézelay. Auch dort wartet ein pittoreskes Städtchen auf uns, gekrönt von einer eindruckvollen Kathedrale, einem Anlaufpunkt für Pilger des Jakobsweges. Am Ende des Tages erreichen wir den gemütlichen Camping municipal von Prémery, Zeit auszuruhen.En savoir plus

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    Arrondissement de Clamecy


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