Canal de Caen à la Mer

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    • Day 10

      Rundgang durch Caen

      August 28, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nach unserem Besuch beim Käsehersteller in Livarot setzen wir unseren Weg nach Caen fort. Dort parken wir am Courtonne Car Park.

      Von dort aus laufen wir zuerst zur Tourist-Info, passieren dabei den Tour Guillaume Le Roy und holen uns einen kleinen Stadtplan. Danach besichtigen wir zunächst die Kirche Saint-Pierre. Von dort aus geht es die Fußgängerzone entlang zu einem Fachwerkhaus aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Eigentlich sind es 2 Häuser, die aneinander gebaut wurden. Unterwegs nehmen wir uns Macarons zum Naschen mit. Diese verschnabulieren wir auf einer Bank neben der Kirche Saint-Saveur, die wir uns als nächstes ansehen. Von dort aus folgen wir weiter der Fußgängerzone bis zum Loffel Café. Dort kehren wir auf 2 Kaffees ein, da es anfängt zu regnen und wir nicht wirklich nass werden wollen. Nachdem es aufgehört hat zu regnen, laufen wir weiter zum Justizpalast und dem dahinter liegenden Rathaus in der Abbaye aux hommes. Ein erneuter Regenguss lässt uns die Entscheidung treffen, die Abtei auch von innen zu besichtigen (siehe eigener Footprint).

      Nach unserer Besichtigung laufen wir über den Place Saint-Saveur und die Rue Pasteur zurück zur Rue froide. Und von der aus über die Fußgängerzone wieder zurück zum Port de Plaisance. Dort laufen wir noch ein Stück das Hafenbecken entlang, bevor wir wieder umkehren und zurück zum Auto gehen. Wir treten den Rückweg nach Trouville-sur-mer an.
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    • Day 30

      On To Caen

      July 23, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Well, our Paris adventure is almost over (we do have one more night when come back to Paris to catch our train to Milan) so today we are off to Caen.

      In everything we read and watched, it talked about how hard it is to do Normandy without a car. You can do a tour but that is expensive. And there isn't really any public transport from Caen to the beaches, so that leaves renting a car. And this proves to be immensely hard when you have 6 people. I had managed to book 2 different 7 passenger cars out of Rouen knowing sometimes they let you book but cancel you. This happened to one of our vehicles a couple of weeks ago. But we still had one vehicle left and they were still sending us confirmations so we felt like that would work out.

      So we rode the train from Paris to Rouen and figured out the metro that would take us from the train station to the car rental place. We arrived ahead of time, walked up to the counter to get our vehicle and...... they didn't have one.

      They say they were trying to get ahold of us to tell us, and they had one but it was in an accident.... and the dog ate our contact information.... and they called around to all the companies in the area... but.... no 7 passenger car.

      But.... they could give us 2 cars for actually less than what we were going to pay for the other one. But Jenny doesnt have an international drivers license as she had no intention of driving. But luckily, you don't need an international drivers license to drive in France so that was great. But... the cars you rent are all standard transmission. It is nearly impossible to get an automatic and Jenny don't drive no standard. But... as it turns out they did happen to have one more automatic car that was just getting cleaned up. So... 2 cars instead of 1 for cheaper than the 1 car we reserved and Jen could drive because it was an automatic. I would drive the other one that was a standard. But, that also means we would pay double the tolls so the car rental people further reduced our car fee to compensate.

      So we decided to just go for it. It meant we were split between 2 cars but it would be fine. And, as it turns out, both cars came equipped with GPS. So, we signed our life away and took the cars on the road to Caen.

      Now, I am not sure what the settings on my GPS were, but I am sure it was set to.... no tolls, middle of the country, and please seek out the narrowest and curvy roads possible. Because it didn't take long before my GPS had us off the main highway and we were going down every backroad and through every small town on a path that I guess kept us moving in the direction of Caen. Jenny was in the car behind and she had to listen to her GPS losing patience for her not following it's instructions. Jenny swears she could start to hear "tone".

      But, eventually the GPS did in fact get us here. In the end, the drive was great and exactly what we had hoped to be able to do when we thought about this trip many months ago. Get out of the city and into the country. It just took a creative GPS to get us there.

      I am not sure what I thought Caen was like but it is way bigger than I thought. We only got separated and I lost Jenny once but we eventually found our place, parked the cars, got into our place and sat on the couch to catch our breath. Jenny didn't enjoy the narrow back roads as much as I did so it was a relief to get here.

      After a little break we headed out to get some food, look around a bit and then back to our place to relax and plan our day tomorrow. The apartment is really great and we are looking forward to tomorrow.

      So, there isn't a lot to show for pictures. I had the kids in my vehicle take pictures as I drove so I will share some of those. And the step counter is under 10,000 so it felt like a pretty low key day.

      Look for more pictures and more walking tomorrow. Until then....
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    • Day 5


      September 14, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      We parked in the camping car Aire and walked the 30 minutes downhill into Caen.
      We followed a self guided walk through the old town.Considering the city was decimated it has been rebuilt really well. Lovely shopping streets , medieval parts, open plazas and more churches than you need. We went into Abbaye aux Hommes and the church founded by William the Conqueror. We stopped for a lovely pizza for lunch and then a coffee before the walk home. We have been good and not too many pastries as a shop on EVERY corner.Read more

    • Day 11

      Château de Caen

      July 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute Morgen mussten wir Levi zum Bus nach Caen bringen. Das war wirklich traurig, dass Levi wieder gefahren ist. Aber schön, dass er über eine Woche bei uns war.

      Nach Levis Abfahrt erkundeten wir die Burg von Willem dem Eroberer. Die Anlage ist wirklich riesig. Allerdings auch eine riesige Baustelle. Nach der französischen Revolution sollte die Burg geschliffen werden, allerdings wurde der Versuch wieder abgebrochen. Doch Napoleon vollendete das Werk der Zerstörung mit Dynamit. Nun will man die aten Mauern wieder aufbauen. Der Umgang mit der eigenen Geschichte ist eben stets dem Zeitgeist unterworfen. Immerhin war der Ausblick über die Dächer von Caen zu genießen.

      Es folgte ein kleiner Abstecher über das Fachwerkhäuserviertel Vaugueux, welches nur aus drei Straßen bestand, zum Yachthafen. Der war allerdings auch nur klein und wenig spektakulär. Irgendwie hatten wir uns etwas mehr von Caen versprochen.
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    • Day 4


      September 21, 2018 in France ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Nachdem wir uns als große Gruppe aufgetrennt hatten, bin ich mit den Menschen, die gerne den Ton angeben zum Schloss gelaufen. Vorher haben wir uns etwas zu Essen gekauft. Den Nachtisch haben wir in dem Café in dem Schloss gegessen und dabei Kaukau getrunken - okay manche hatten auch Kaffee.
      Nach dem Essen sind wir auf dem Schloss, was beim genaueren Hingucken doch eher aussieht wie eine Burg, rumgelaufen und haben den Wind und die Sonne genossen.
      Den Rest der freien Zeit haben wir dann mit Bummeln und Einkaufen verbracht. Caen ist eine nette Stadt mit schönen Geschäften.
      Ganz am Ende, kurz bevor wir wieder zum Bahnhof laufen mussten, hat Mama für alle eine Fahrt auf einem Karussell gekauft. Alle hatten da echt Spaß. Es war nicht schnell aber sehr lustig!
      Vom Karussell war es keine schwere Reise zum Bahnhof und von da aus zurück war es erst recht nicht schwer wieder nach Hause zu kommen. Mit Estelle und Mama hab ich ‚geholfen‘ Menschen nach Hause zu bringen und jetzt bin ich wieder hier und höre Menschen im Fernsehen beim singen zu und lese gleich bis es essen gibt.
      Ich hoffe ihr hattet einen schönen Tag und könnt euch auf euer Wochenende freuen! Ich freu mich auf jeden Fall!
      Bis morgen!
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    • Caën

      August 20, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Pronounced 'ken' in case you were worried about the diacritical, (though its use seems to have fallen out of favour nowadays,) was one of the first ventures by the UK into the European Union. Alas, unsuccessful thanks to those perfidious froggies as ever.
      Not many people are aware that the bastard William, he who wrested the crown from the Anglo-Saxon monarchs in 1066, had a bit of a problem with the incumbent pope. The old pontiff, ever seeking a pressure point on his Royal rivals, refused to sanction the Dukes marriage with his 8th cousin twice removed (or something like that,) on the grounds of co-sanguinity. Well, Willie tumbled the ruse and countered with an offer too good too refuse: two monasteries, one for males and the other for females, and two abbey churches to be built and endowed.
      + And here is the male one, now taken over by the council chambers buttressing the church.
      + The nave.
      + With an interesting and rather devine wooden carving - underneath a choir stall seat lest it distract the brothers from their devine office.
      + Why a boat? I have no idea.
      +The small city has a few old houses in a couple of streets but is really a modern, working place with parking meters everywhere - usually pay by phone only! Not a very inviting place and well worth by-passing.
      + The old castle, that which seeded the town, was knocked down during the revolution and has been ransacked for building materials since then. Archaeologists are having fun working out what went were, and the town tourist officers are busy trying to make it something worth stopping over for. Hence these statues. Familiar? Can't help thinking of a Snark - sure I've seen engravings of them.
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    • Day 20

      GIORNO 20 : Caen

      August 18, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      V : stanchi di viaggiare facciamo tappa forzata a Caen. Un po’ stanchi ci concediamo una cenetta giapponese ma usciti dal ristorante non ci sentiamo soddisfatti quindi entriamo in un Libanese.....ottimo!Read more

    • Day 2

      Chateau de Caen

      October 4, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Die Burg Chateau de Caen, das Wahrzeichen der Stadt von Wilhelm der Eroberer.
      Leider zum Großteil 1944 zerstört.

    • Day 21


      May 15, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Départ à l'arrache pour un weekend improvisé avec une amie du boulot et hop ! Direction la Normandie pour squatter chez des amies à Caen. Après 3h30 de route, super soirée bbq avec les filles ! Samedi, cauchemar, je vomis toute la journée, impossible de boire un verre d'eau sans le recracher donc je reste clouée au lit et dodo... Dimanche sortie solo pendant que les filles décuvent. Visite du marché, promenade en centre ville (sous la pluie) et petite séance de ciné ;P Retour à la maison toujours sous la pluie mais bon, j'aurais vu Caen, ou presque :/Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Canal de Caen à la Mer, Canal de Caen a la Mer

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