Département de la Loire

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Département de la Loire
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    • Día 12–13

      Day 11/12 - St Haon le Chatel to Saint J

      3 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Before we get started just a little matter about socks - too many socks garrotte your ankles - our good friend Nick in Japan has caught onto this from personal experience! And he’s now launching himself into this very important project, sitting at his designing desk as we speak mulling the problem 🙌🧦🤞.
      We enjoyed a relaxing day yesterday around St Haon le Chatel and its neighbouring town Renaisance. Having gone through the now familiar experience of being watched and scrutinised through a 3 course dinner, attempting pigeon French on the first evening, we took ourselves out to eat and had a boozy lunch. We went shopping in Carrefour for anyone of Walmley background. Thought better of going to the Caberet due to the expense!!
      Simon managed to get key stuck in lock once back and Valerie the host suddenly loomed out of nowhere and also spent 10 mins huffing and puffing over said key, whilst flooring Simon with her rapid French 😂 fortunately I had escaped to the loo!!
      Today has been a beautiful sunny day - until I tried hanging laundry out 🙄
      And a long but pleasant walk through hills, meadows, quaint towns, acres of vineyards and plenty of the usual wildlife. As ever most things shut - apart from the hair dressers- these must be key to French life!! Ended up getting a coffee in the post office- and used their loo!
      Arrived at our destination after a 6 hour walk in blistering Sun 🌞
      Now waiting for the 7.00 opening time of local restaurant for a rejuvenating meal and a glass of local plonk 🍷
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    • Día 64

      Begegnungen am Wegesrand - Teil 7

      3 de mayo de 2023, Francia

      Ein Mann mit Hut, Rucksack und Wanderstöcken bleibt am Straßenrand neben dem Rastplatz stehen, wo Andrea, Martin und ich es uns gerade für die Mittagspause bequem gemacht haben. Eindeutig ein Pilger - aber er ist aus der falschen Richtung gekommen.
      "Bonjour", sage ich.
      "Griaß eich, geht's ihr nach Santiago?", kommt im feinsten Kärntner Dialekt zurück.
      "Ja, und wo gehst du hin?", fragt Andrea.
      "Nach Jerusalem", sagt der Mann leichthin. "Von Finisterre bin ich vor zwei Monaten los, Ende des Jahres sollte ich ankommen."
      Wir staunen nicht schlecht, während uns Gustav, wie der Kärntner heißt, ein wenig über seine Pläne erzählt. Vor uns steht ein echter Jerusalempilger und dann auch noch aus Österreich!
      Wie es der Zufall will, bin ich Gustav sogar schon bei seiner letzten langen Pilgerreise, von Klagenfurt über Wien nach Santiago vor fünf Jahren, auf Social Media gefolgt.
      Bevor er sich verabschiedet, gibt uns der Jerusalempilger noch ein paar Unterkunftstipps für die kommenden Tage und wir legen ihm Freds Gîte wärmstens ans Herz.
      "Euch eine schöne Zeit noch", sagt er, als er sich zum Gehen wendet.
      "Und dir einen guten Weg!", wünsche ich ihm. Dann setzt er seine Reise fort, in die Richtung, aus der wir gekommen sind, während ich mich im Angesicht eines solch gewaltigen Vorhabens wie dem des Jerusalempilgers ganz klein fühle.
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    • Día 37

      tour de france

      29 de agosto de 2019, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      1. etappe: querfeldein rennen über schotterstrasse und gehpfad mit hindernissüberquerungen.
      2. etappe: wie bei jeder tour de france, kommt irgend einmal einen bergetappe dazwischen. eigentlich wollten wir die kürzeste route nehmen; aber unser gps hat uns nicht vor der bergetappe gewarnt. bergpreis haben die kinder gewonnen (leider gibt es vom zieleinlauf keine fotos, da der fotograf zu hinterst war; er wartete vergeblich auf den besenwagen).
      3. etappe: abfahrt in tal. die bremsen von niks fahrrad sowie der carla mussten mehrfach mit wasser gekühlt werden; das zischen und dampfen der bremsen war wie in einem türkischen dampfbad.
      die abkühlung von der crew gab es dann im pool beim campingplatz in saint-pierre-de-boeuf.
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    • Día 57

      Saint Victor sur Loire stroll

      13 de noviembre de 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Sue and I went for a quick stroll around the tiny hilltop village where Jeanne-Marie lives.

      A small stone church built in the 11th century, The church was open, so we have some photos. The adjacent Château was closed. Both have s great view of the reservoir down the bottom of the Loire River Gorge.

      We met one cranky looking cat in the street, but it ignored us!
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    • Día 57

      Musée des Confluences

      13 de noviembre de 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      An afternoon trip to Lyon to visit the museum situated on the point where the Rhône and Saône rivers meet.

      An excellent afternoon with Jeanne-Marie, Jean-Francois and Philip.

      Sadly we are ending our weekend visit with our Saint-Étienne friends.

      Tomorrow we are taking the train to Burgundy.
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    • Día 56

      Strolling along the Loire

      12 de noviembre de 2022, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We made it to Saint-Étienne yesterday. Dinner with Jeanne-Marie, Jean-Francois and Philip. Great to be visiting with old friends

      Today we went out for several short walks, with Jeanne-Marie, near the Loire river, first up near the Loire Gorge dam, the lower down in the valley. With a short stroll through Saint Rambert old village.Leer más

    • Día 21


      12 de agosto de 2023, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      We left Allouis and didn’t make any stops on our way to Dargoire except for our lunch. We got to this small town around 5:00 and we were greeted by an old lady who showed us around and how to work everything. Then we drove around the town looking at things and getting dinner from the supermarket.

      The next day we walked in the main part of the town with a small church and a bakery. It was pretty hot walk but worth it because we got to see the amazing scenery which I thought gave a Mexican vibe but no one agreed with me. It was good to see the difference between our country and their country because there were a few differences in architecture and there wasn’t a beach down the road. For the rest of the day we did the usual routine reading, writing and drawing. And then played 500 to finish off.

      It went exactly like that the next day, but the 4th day we did something. We went to Lyon. The second biggest city in France next to ParisWe went through all the nice streets and went into a couple of churches. In one of them we saw a old astrological clock. We got a ice cream a saw a big old Roman amphitheatre, which we think was a couple of centuries old. It was cool to see the difference between Paris and Lyon, Lyon seemed to be a-bit more modern, and I noticed the rivers in Lyon seemed much cleaner.

      On our 5th day we wanted to get our rest up for our early start on Friday, because on our 6th day we went for a drive up to the tallest mountain in all of Europe. It was a very nice drive because 1 we got to see the sunrise and 2 because we could see all the mountains around us. I also learned that the mountain were going up in a gondola was around 6 times taller than mount Oberon at the Prom. The gondola was pretty big and could fit around 25 people and the way up was one of the scariest things I’ve done in a long time. But the way up the other half and down again wasn’t nearly as scary as the first one. Up on the mountain the air was really thin which I had never felt before, so after you went up like 10 stairs you had to catch your breath again like you just did the 100 meter sprint. The views where amazing and even though in was 30 degree weather down the mountain,it was 2 degrees Celsius on the top. From the mountain we could see all the other mountains(obviously) a few parasailers who were doing a bunch of tricks in the sky, and Italy( which we nearly crossed the border to by accident and nearly got charged 80 euro.)
      We got down the mountain,ate lunch and went on this cool red train that took us back up the mountain so then we could go into a glacier. It was worth the big walk to it, because there was a few carvings within it, and the ice was so thick and solid and cold, I felt like a beer in a esky(and that was the most Aussie thing I’ve ever said) but in my opinion it was a good way to wrap up our time in Dargoire.
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    • Día 15–16

      Day 15 - Montverden to Montbrison

      6 de mayo, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We slept well in our spooky Priory. We were let out at 8 as planned 🙌
      We had dried everything out. However today it rained a lot. We marched down the hill to the Boulangerie that provided us with breakfast then set off on the path to Montbrison.
      We coped well with the muddy wood path but then we hit the bog path and feet got saturated again 😭.
      We trudged through the rain as the moody cows looked on. The path takes you on crazy tours of villages and we are sure just for the sake of it!!
      We couldn’t sit to rest and have lunch as nothing open on a Monday so had our saved croissants on the hop.
      We have been togged up in our Batman capes all day trudging along like medieval monks. Simon refused to wear his as we came into Montbrison - he still has his standards.
      We had to wait for 3 hours for Airbnb to send us the key code for our apartment in a cafe as Simon makes us walk so fast 😂
      We are staying in an apartment above the local theatre. We have shopped, laundered, cooked dinner and now having a bottle of red to chill before retiring to our anti bug bed pods as this place doesn’t provide linens!
      Tomorrow we move to second stage of our walk in Le Puy de Velay.
      Very few pics of the day due to weather!!
      210km completed 👣👣👏
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    • Día 5

      Von Reifenpannen und Waldarbeiten

      17 de mayo de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Shiggys Hinterrad hat sich des spontanen Luftverlustes hingegeben und meinte auch, sich trotz des Slime Einsatzes, nicht mehr aufblasen zu lassen ohne gleich wieder die Puste zu verlieren. Aber wir sind dennoch ein gutes Stück weiter gekommen und mussten einen umgefallenen Baum zum sich verpissen überreden.

      Trotz des Slimes verlor Shiggy weiterhin Luft am Hinterrad und wir sind in Ambérieu-en-Bugey fündig geworden und haben eine willige Werkstatt gefunden die am nächsten Tag früh gleich den Schlauch tauscht. Auch wenn der Weg dorthin beschwerlicher war als erwünscht, da Shiggy die letzten 1,2km das Motorrad schieben musste und, NATÜRLICH, an der einzigen Möglichkeit die unbedingt zu überquerende Brücke zu überqueren, ein Unfall war.

      Abends haben wir auf einem Campingplatz zwei Bungalows gemietet um unsere Klamotten mal ordentlich durchtrocknen zu lassen.

      Bonne Nuit!
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    • Día 5

      Schöne und getrennte Wege

      17 de mayo de 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Nach einer erholsamen Nacht und der Rückführung der GasGas ging es auch direkt los zurück in den TET.

      Was heute auf uns zu kam waren unfassbar schöne Wege durch Getreidefelder, Wiesen, Weinfelder und verschlafene Örtchen bis hin zu alten Wäldern, zwischen kleinen Seen hindurch und putzigen Bächen entlang. Die Wege boten von leichtem Matsch, über grobes Geröll und Schotter bis hin zu nahezu unbefahrenen Wiesen alle Untergründe. Auf letzterem ist leider ein gröberer Unfall passiert.

      Zeljikos Vorderrad verfing sich in einer tieferen Furche und er verabschiedete sich über den Lenker. Der Fuß musste unter der Aktion etwas leiden und beendete den Tagesritt leider für ihn in einem Hotel in Lyon.

      An dieser Stelle wünschen wir ihm alles alles gute und dass es nicht so schlimm ist wie im ersten Moment gedacht.
      Hoffentlich stößt du bald wieder zu uns, so dass wir das große Ziel, den Jafferau, noch zusammen erklimmen können.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Département de la Loire, Departement de la Loire, Loire, Loira

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