Département de la Vienne

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    • Dag 17

      Have a little faith in me

      28. mai, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Ja dat bijzondere woordje faith, had ik wel nodig. Voor 8 uur op de fiete ri. Saintes. Prima route met de nodige heuveltjes en tegenwind. Alleen Melle was lastig door te komen. Veel(vracht)verkeer en
      heuvelachtig. Probeerde natuurlijk wel de landweggetjes, maar Google was ook nit in vorm. De camping van 2017 was fermee vanwege wateroverlast. Camping verderop(8 km)ik, goedgelovig, na 100 km daar heen, fermee aussi. Nog 1 optie...gite achter de kerk, nog 'un lit...libre.' inchecken, stempelen en douchen en met de 5 Johnny Walkers uut eetn, pelgrimsmenu veur 12 Euri. Morgen doe ik echt rustig an, geen geintje....have a little faith in me😘🙏
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    • Dag 16

      Take it easy

      27. mai, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bietje lastig op gang komen vandaag
      Om 8 uur stond iemand van de gemeente voor de tent...pour payer. Grapjas...ik kom zo.Qua fietsen ging het niet zo geweldig. Klim,klim, klimmetje en tegenwind. Die combi heb ik 75 km volgehouden, toen waa't kloar! Zag dat er in Velay nog een kampong was, was niet ferme :) Maar ik moest me melden bij de mairie. 2 ambtenaren hebben me ingeschreven als ingezetene voor 1 jour, voor 3 euri en 70 cent. Vive le bureaucratie, eerst douchen en dan aan het bier. Weinig foto's zie maar en oordeel zelf. Ik ben mooi Portiers en die heuveltjes voorbij en die boord is van 15 dagen:)Les mer

    • Dag 15

      Got a bit ticked off!!

      9. mai, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We had some chores to do today, a little shopping. Filled up with fuel and found a washing machine and tumble dryer to get our clothes clean and dry. Washing machines at the fuel station...inspired idea!
      We had high hopes for the place we had planned for tonight as the reviews on P4N were all good. When we turned up there was one other van there, a French couple with their little boy who waved hello to us as we arrived. We immediately got out to go for a walk which we were all keen to do after feeling a bit cooped up the last couple of days because the river stops did lack decent walks. The place was very interesting with woodland paths and lots of hills and crater like holes in amongst rock formations. In rocky areas there were lots of little lizards 🦎 scurrying around our feet. Of course this was extremely exciting for Bliss who had to be put back on her lead so she didn’t try to catch them and eat them! They were pretty quick though so I’m not sure she would have been very successful.
      On returning to the van we soon regretted the lovely walk we had just had! The next two hours were spent removing the hundreds of tiny ticks that Bliss had picked up, and several on ourselves too!! Cringing 😬 we decided that as soon as we woke up in the morning we were out of there! Darren did a bit of research and discovered that we were right in the middle of the very worst area for ticks and Lyme disease 🦠 in the whole of France. Tomorrow was going to be a long drive to get as far as possible away from the area.
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    • Dag 54

      Camping Petit Trianion de Saint Ustre

      8. mai, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach Petras schlafloser Nacht ist die Entscheidung getroffen. Nicht gen Osten, nur noch nach Norden in die Heimat geht's. Untermauert wird unsere Entscheidung noch durch Kraftverlust im linken Knie. Wir erwarten Aufklärung durch Spezialisten.
      Nach einer ereignislosen Fahrt erreichen wir unseren Campingplatz " Petit Trianon". Dieser befindet sich in einem Park eines ehemaligen Herrenhauses. Hier warfen wir schon 2022 unseren Anker während der Rückfahrt aus Andalusien.
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    • Dag 35

      21.10 Day 35 . . . It’s Happened Again

      21. oktober 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      So today was a viewing day - two lined up, one in Hanc (pronounced Honk) and the other Clussais-La-Ponneraie (a lot more difficult to spell).
      Up and out we were in Hanc at 1030 to meet Natalie. Wd seen this place by photo and a video so had a good idea, or so we thought, of what was on offer. I had liked this place. On arrival the house was on a small hill, last house up a road which ended as you drove into the garden.
      First thoughts - still liked it, big barn still looking good, house with garage with some renovations - but needs a good deal of work, still looking good, lovely sized plot of land/garden with fruit trees and the most amazing unspoilt views for miles - loved it!
      The house was three bed with a lounge and kitchen effectively - all good size, but nothing grand. The work needed inside would primarily be tidying up certain bits and decor, plus install of kitchen units etc. Nothing that phased us.
      One neighbour with the most lovely dog ‘Charlie’ (pronounced shar’lee - sounds so much better especially if you add an outlandish French accent) and two horses in an adjoining field.
      Natalie left and said we could stay looking at the outside of the property if we wished. We then suddenly realised the time and did mercy dash to Clussais-La-Ponneraie to meet Karine and her partner Jason (Jason being as British as you like). The property was two houses joined together which had been renovated and done really quite well although not to mine or Tre’s style. We both want something we can do up - not move into something already finished to someone’s else’s ideas.
      The property was lovely but it was a no from us.
      Jason then suggested we look at a Longère they were also acting as agents for. The building was really quite large with lots of possibilities on room use and converting a loft. That said it really was a lot of work, more than we would want and so again it was a no from us.
      If nothing more we found out Jason works with/on renovations - so handy to know.
      We drove to Chef Boutonne and popped into the little SuperU to buy a sandwich and a drink. The cash till lady on realising we were English, decided to tell me how the credit card machine worked - then realised, probably quite rightly, that I was that stupid that I couldn’t put a card against the top of a reader! Smiles and laughter ensued and we left - walking across the road to one of our now favoured coffee shops.
      Whilst having a coffee we decided to pop back to Hanc, to have another nosey at the house and the hamlet itself.
      On arrival we met the neighbour and had a chat, a lovely old fella who spoke no English, so Tre had to rescue me I. Parts of the conversation, also we said hello to Shar’lee again . . . Love this dog already!
      We spent about 15 mins looking at the outside of the house just to see if there was anything we had missed and that cause us concerns.
      We then had a spin around Hanc which has a church but not much else. It is however really well kept and a pretty little place.
      We then returned to Chef Boutonne and back to the SuperU. We had earlier decided to go to Melle for a ‘Big Shop’ but now couldn’t face it so had decided to go back to Chef and grab some bits to make a home made soup.
      On exiting the SuperU our favourite newly befriended cash till lady was still on point. I asked her politely how the card reader worked - I think she got the idea of the polite joke.
      We then trundled home in Roxvanne, and I started on the home made soup - which according to Tre was the best I’d made and I agreed. To be fair there have been a few disasters in the past.
      We decided to have an early-ish night, as an early start in the morning to collect Lissy from Bordeaux Airport.
      Soup Recipe below!

      Sexy Soups! #01
      1x Onion
      4x Carrots
      1x Chorizo Sausage (Strong/Spicy)
      3x Cloves of Garlic
      2x teaspoons of Sea Salt
      Couple of splashes of Chilli Olive Oil
      Couple of splashes plain Olive Oil
      3x large fresh tomatoes
      1/3 tube of Tomato Purée
      Jar of Tomato Passata
      Tin of Lentils
      1x Soup Maker Machine!!

      Squash and chop the garlic.
      Peel and thinly slice the carrots.
      Thinly slice the onion.
      De-skin and chop the Chorizo into small pieces.
      All into a frying pan with the chilli olive oil and then the plain olive oil. Fry for about 15 mins until the chorizo is leaking its own oil, the onion is browned and the carrots starting to slightly char.
      Put the chopped fresh tomatoes and half the passata into the soup maker, add the contents of the frying pan and then add the remainder passata.
      Cook on high heat for 25 mins stirring once every so often.
      Pulse to a thick consultancy and then add the lentils.
      Leave to cook for a further 5 mins.
      Add a little water if constancy is too thick.
      Serve and devour with lots of French bread
      - Deeelish!
      Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Campingplatz direkt am Fluss Venant

      6. september 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Sehr schön gelegener preiswerter Platz mit Blick auf den Fluss und das am anderen Ufer gelegen Dorf Availles-Limouzine. Hier sind nur eine Handvoll Plätze belegt. Wie bisher fast immer, sind wir die einzigen Deutschen.Les mer

    • Dag 14


      5. mai 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Vanochtend regende het toen ik wakker werd, ik dacht balen als ik zou moet starten met regenkleding aan maar eerst maar eens ontbijten. Daar stond zowaar een pot koffie klaar! Geen machine dus! Enfin na het uitchecken liep ik even naar buiten om de startuitrusting te beoordelen. Zonder regenkleding dus en ook geen windjack aan. Het ging lekker. Voor de insider, ik had mijn geïrriteerde spot voorzien van een pleister en die heeft me door de hele dag geholpen, morgen dus weer!!
      Onderweg een paar mooie plaatjes geschoten van een mooi viaduct, een straatje, maar ook een chateau..... mocht er nog een dame 'gevangen' zitten. Met de roeiboot in de gracht gaat er niemand gered worden... 😀 😀. En dan die enorme bomen aan de kant van de weg, dit is maar een voorbeeld maar wat staan er veel, te mooi. Er wordt ook veel gekapt. De restanten liggen dan langs de weg, veelal aan de binnenkant rot.... Trouwens er liggen nog zoveel stapels brandhout bij huizen, voor jaren, dus dat stookt er nog jaren op los..... dat probleem duurt dus nog wel even voort... voordat ik Poitiers binnen fietste zag ik dit mooie blauwe veld in groei/bloei.......
      En dan kom ik in Poitiers aan....... ik zie een grafitti-artiest aan het werk en ik vraag of ik een foto mocht nemen, hij knikte en even later passeerde ik de Notre Dame. Even een foto genomen van een onderdeel. Na een stempel op mijn credential reed ik wat rond om een leuk brasserietje te vinden om wat te eten en om na te denken over de vervolgroute. Ik heb gekozen voor een kleine verandering omdat dit navigatie-technisch beter uitkwam. Vanaf mijn plaatsje bij de brasserie keek ik op een uithangbord 'maison de peuple', ik moest meteen aan gepeupel denken en las verder confederation generale du travail, vereniging van arbeiders dus. 1939 - 2021, 90 jarig bestaan. En voor de goede kijker....binnen in het raam een rode vlag met hamer en sikkel. Tot slot nog Jeanne D'arc, ook een verleden in Poitiers...
      Het ging lekker met fietsen, geen vervelende wind, nee lekker tempo erin en op naar Gençay. Ik had een overnachtingsadres gevonden vandaar dat ik het nog de moeite waard vond om vandaag verder door te rijden dan Poitiers. In Gençay aangekomen bleek het adres permanent gesloten... een geïnteresseerde voorbijganger zei dat er verder geen overnachtings mogelijkheden waren en verwees mij naar de Mairie (burgemeester) en dus naar het gemeentehuis, dat was gesloten en ik was bezig om mijn telefoon maar eens te raadplegen want ik vreesde voor een herhalin van een doemscenario toen een man van de zijkant van het gemeentehuis kwam gelopen. We raakten in gesprek en hij vertelde dat er geen overnachtingsmogelijkheden waren. Hij zag mijn schelp en hij bood me aan om een hotel te zoeken. Hij ging een andere auto halen en alles werd ingeladen. Uiteindelijk kwamen we ongeveer 20 kilometer verder terecht, in Civray dus, bij een Gite. Nota bene gerund door een vlaamstalige mevrouw en haar Nederlandse vriend, wat wil je nog meer. En zo belandden we aan de keukentafel en uiteindelijk aan een warme maaltijd. Wat een voltreffer.... en nu zit ik op mijn kamer dit verslag bij te werken. Morgen maak ik nog een foto want voor vandaag had ik mijn quotum bereikt. Ik ga zo lekker slapen. Wat een dag....
      Les mer

    • Dag 4

      20.09 - Day 04. First Little Explore

      20. september 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      We needed to get up this morning as the chimney sweep was visiting to clean and service the burner.
      We also decided we needed to do a ‘Big Shop’ as we couldn’t survive on crisps and snacks any longer.
      So having given Hannah a bottle of fizz for being so helpful when we needed it, we headed out in Roxvanne. We decided to head to Lezay, about 15 minutes away to visit the market.
      Lezay was busy and the market full of stalls, which took over a fair part of the village - there seemed to be more stalls around every corner. We bought a few bits and pieces, Tre making a very quick impulse buy of a jumper, probably made that quick to avoid me giving her any reason to doubt the purchase. We haggled with a basket seller and now have our ‘Market Day’ basket, fit for all purchase eventualities, including jumpers!
      After a couple of coffees in the sunshine we made tracks, me suggesting Tre could have another practice drive which she took up without hesitation. Thinking back, getting Roxvanne out of a heavily populated, road closured village was possibly not the best idea for a second stint, to be then followed by the Gendarmerie for a few roads also didn’t help matters. I think Tre was more than happy to pull up and hand brake on in the SuperU supermarket ten minutes further down the road. I only surmised this as we parked about 10 metres into the car park and about 200 metres from the front doors of the supermarket.
      We wandered around supposedly working to a list we (Tre) had devised, but actually just grabbed what we fancied, headed to the tills and then trundled home again in Roxvanne.
      Bread and cheese for lunch obviously and then the afternoon by the pool finished the day off nicely.
      A relaxed evening in the gite and a relatively early night finished off our first full day here - not so bad really 😎
      Les mer

    • Dag 1–2

      18.05 Day 1 . . . Here We Go

      18. mai, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      So today’s is the day we set off, possibly for about three weeks in total.
      The plan - from home to the UK. Visit family and friends for a few days. Then to The Stone Valley Festival from Thursday night until Bank Holiday Monday morning with Simon Jax Jonathan and Emma Annals. Drive back to France. Then south through France, into the top of Switzerland. Across Switzerland and pop out the bottom side into Italy. Meet with Simon & Jax again and have a few days exploring the lakes area, visiting a few Italian beauty spots and villages and hopefully chilling.
      That plan is very dependant on Loup 🙄🐾
      Packing up and getting ready to leave was quite tough as the weather at home was glorious sunshine, so after the last week or so of mixed weather it seemed a wrench to be leaving. Plus we love this place so much and have so much to do, we wanted to stay and crack in with everything.
      So the day passed along with many trips back and forth to Roxvanne, now being accompanied by Loup on every round trip.
      We had aimed to leave by 2.30, but it was nearer 4.30 by the time we locked all the shutters and the front gate - setting off to join the main road out to the N10.
      As always we headed due north on the N10 and took our normal route up towards Poitier, then Tours, on to Le Mans and with an aim to get the far side of Rouen before bedding down for the evening.
      We had spells of glorious sunshine but also heavy showers on the journey - throughout which Loup was brilliant, not a peep - we stopped briefly a couple of times for him to have a leg stretch and a call of nature. We also listened to an hour long interview with Paul Weller talking about his life and music and plugging the new album ‘66’ . . . Obviously!!
      We finally cleared Rouen and stopped at services we had stopped overnight at previously, on our first ever drive to the UK back in November 2022.
      After a fairly lengthy walk with Loup we huddled down in Roxvanne, Tre immediately going to sleep leaving me trying to get the Tyson Fury fight streamed to my phone - without success!!
      So that was Day 1 done - let’s hope the rest of the trip is as painless as today.

      Paul Weller - Soul Wandering
      Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Village Hopping - Day 02

      12. juni 2022, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      So - the whole point for today was to investigate as many of the villages (and small towns) that surround Chateau Garnier. Something we hadn’t done until now. We also knew there was a get together in Chateau Garnier starting at lunchtime - a sort of jumble sale, car boot, local artisan seller and general village get together with lots of food and drink thrown in. So we had decided we needed to drop in on this amongst the days travels.
      We kicked off the day heading south east to Charroux which would be our breakfast spot as well we hoped. As we drove we were surrounded by field of sun flowers still developing their height and fields of whispy topped barley.
      Well - Charroux didn’t disappoint, with a lovely covered market area, a small parade of premises including a large fronted bar, already well in use by the locals, a lovely boulangerie which we dived into for croissants and coffee, and a small but well stocked supermarket.
      To top it off, as we sat having our breakfast at an outside table of the boulangerie we marvelled at the Benedictine Abbey of Charroux ruins which was formed around 783 and takes centre stage within the village. After breakfast we took some time to explore the Abbey grounds - well worth a visit.
      We then drove slightly south east to Pressac. Although Pressac looks a decent size on the maps we weren’t inspired at all so grabbed a couple of quick photos and continued our journey.
      Driving north we came to Saint Martin l’Ars, which nestles both sides of a small river and has a large lake as it’s focal point - used for camping and recreation. There was also a small cafe/bar/restaurant overlooking the river.
      We didn’t stay long before continuing north to Usson du Poitou passing the ever present wind turbines that are in this part of France. Usson looked to be a busier village with plenty of shops and bars (one bar obviously had a strong link with the local chasse and fishing fraternity) and a church at its centre.
      By this time we needed to get across to Chateau Garnier for our lunchtime appointment.
      Heading slightly south west we arrived in Chateau Garnier and found the festivities under way in the village green.
      Nearly all of the stalls were bric-a-brac type and it was all I could do to stop Tre from buying very French styled cups, glasses and plates amongst other things. We reminded ourselves of how small our luggage bags had been for the flight. We settled for two lovely hand painted prints from a local artisan lady and a key ring which apparently I WILL use 🤔
      We decided against food and drink on the green but instead to go visit the local bar which has only recently re-opened. The owners being as we now know Dominic and Veronique. Sitting outside watching the world go by with drinks in hand, Tre heard a couple walking down the road who were speaking English. When they chirped up with the usual Bonjour as they passed, Tre quickly asked ‘Are you English?’
      So we now know that Angela and Roger have been coming to France to their place in Sommiers for about twenty years, they normally drive from Caen on the over night, normally stay a month about France and UK. Pissed off with Brexit. That there are quite a few Brits in Chateau Garnier who have integrated and get on well with the locals. There was a choir to join and a theatre company in the village - I saw Tre’s eyes light up! Roger also lives in Los Angeles as well as Kent. They told us we needed to speak to a couple called Annie and Steve who were currently going through the visa application process. That they were doing up the house opposite the bar we were in, but that they also had bought a smaller house down the hill which Annie and Steve referred to as their dog kennel.
      20 mins later Angela and Roger said their goodbyes and left us still sipping our drinks in the sunshine.
      Five minutes had passed when a lady came out of the house opposite the bar, and as she chirped up with the usual ‘Bonjour’ as she approached us, Tre said ‘Do you live in a dog kennel down the road?’
      So we now know that Annie and Steve are doing up the house opposite the bar which they had bought for a snip. They had also bought a smaller place down the road ‘The dog kennel’ which they had just finished making livable for themselves. The place opposite the bar is for some income as a Gite. After ten mins of chatting about the visa process, the bar, locals in the area and get togethers - we asked with Annie to meet Steve and have a show round of their very well renovated house. It really was lovely and very well done. I think Tre and I were more than a little jealous - but in a good way.
      So after an hour or so at the house showing and discussing all there was to discuss about visas, where to buy stuff, what to charge for a Gite etc etc we finally left Annie & Steve’s to continue our journey.
      We travelled north to Gencay, which was predominantly a square with a number of small shops and boutiques around it. The place promised much but as with our normal timing most was shut.
      We then travelled south west towards Champagne Saint Hilaire and on route came across a quite stunning Chateau. We have no idea what it was called but was situated along the Route de Magne. If only I had a few hundred grand to throw at something.
      Champagne Saint Hilaire didn’t do too much for us and so we quickly moved onto Sommièred du Clain, which we did like a lot. A river run past the back of a lovely church and a chateau perched high On a hillside over looking the main square. We spent some time walking around the area - still in glorious sunshine at 33 degrees.
      Tre always likes a church and so we entered Église Saint Gaudent for a short period - Tre lighting a candle for both her mum and dad . . . Seemed very appropriate 🙁
      We then travelled west to Couhe where we found a double steepled church and another gorgeous covered market square. More photos and a wander followed.
      Now on the hunt for an evening meal we drove south to Chaunay which we pretty much just drive through and onto Sauzé-Vaussais.
      Sauzé-Vaussais again seemed like it had a lot to offer but it being Sunday late afternoon/evening everything was shut. A tower hogs the attention in the village centre, so once we had got a photo we pressed on in search of a meal.
      We drove to Chef Boutonné as we knew there was a pizza restaurant we had visited before - but again the village was asleep and not a single shop open.
      Note to self - never plan to eat out on a Sunday evening.
      We resigned ourselves to a quick check of Civray once again as we had been there last night. On arrival the only place open was the same bar that we had been in the night before - but when needs must . . . A beer and a glass of rose were ordered up and consumed still in the evening sunshine.
      It was at this point that Teresa mentioned the choir in Chateau Garnier and that she fancied joining it. I reminded her of her singing on the in car video from a previous trip and that she may cause the choir at Chateau Garnier to disband if she joined. She mentioned they may let her use the tambourine and just accompany the choir with that. She then uttered the immortal words - ‘my teacher at school said I was a bit of a growler’ - now I burst into laughter but probably not for the reason Tre thought.
      We scampered home to our farmhouse, sprayed the place top to bottom with fly spray, ate the rest of our bread and cheese, drank the remaining beers and some rose from the fridge and watched a movie on Netflix before jumping into bed.
      What a day - a fab day - a day we needed to do - a day we totally enjoyed. Couldn’t ask for a better day.
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