Département des Ardennes

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    • Dag 3

      Champagne & Cathedrals, Part 1

      17. august 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      Last night’s arrival into Reims felt quite late. Finally arrived at my rented apartment around 10pm. I pretty much collapsed at that point after about 36 hours of travel. But today was spent indulging in the finest Reims has to offer! My first stop was Champagne Ruinart - a wonderful tour les by Amandine. Smart, funny, a fantastic guide. Amazingly, and for the only time on this trip, the group was all Americans. After leaving Ruinart, I grabbed a quick lunch - the French can make a sandwich! Baguette, lettuce, tomato, a bit of tuna, and sliced hard boiled egg! Amazing! I toured the St Remi Basilica. Massive and beautiful! From there I visited Veuve Clicquot! Is there anything more inviting that that beautiful yellow?? I bought a stupid and heavy souvenir, but I love it. I had planned to visit Pommery, but the champagne was too heavy, so I returned to the apartment before making my 2mile walk to GH Mumm (pronounced Moom). Good tour, but excellent tasting! The Mumm RSRV is fantastic! I quickly made my way down to Notre Dame de Reims - a cathedral larger than Notre Dame de Paris and where many of France’s king were coronated. I collapsed back at the apartment after a quick run to the grocery store! More tomorrow!Les mer

    • Dag 8

      REIMS here we come!

      11. september 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Early French breakfast today and off to the train station. Our lives were in the hands of the Uber driver, and man did he work at trying to keep us alive. Traffic galore, horns a beeping, cursing going on all over the place. Almost as bad as the Arc de Triumph roundabout!!!
      We arrived at Gare de L’est and had a leisurely drink before running to find where the hell we get on the train…the platform number only came up 1 sec before we had to get on….humped 4 large bags + 3 carryon’s onto the train, and found our lush seats…. Loulou got into conversation with her fellow passenger and found out she can go from Reims straight to Charles De Gualle airport when we leave here so happy chappy she is. Her parlez vous Francais is very handy to have…I have google translate 😆 for when she is no longer travelling with us…see how that goes shall we!
      Arrived in a very timely fashion to Reims train station and waited while Loulou changed yet another ticket 😵‍💫 she had purchased…
      Got a taxi, pissed a taxi driver off in the meantime so gave him 💶 10 and that shut him up. Mind you the nutty woman who drove us, kept going on like a mad chook in french and I’m sitting in the front seat and shrugging my shoulders furiously cos I don’t know what the hell she is asking for 🥴. Arrived at our accommodation, its is fantastico…4 large bedrooms, large living room kitchen and dining, 2 bathrooms, one toilet though which with 5 women could be a challenge. One little problem….. the goddamn air-conditioning isn’t going… apparently it broke after the last people. FM! So we have contacted the man and he has bought more fans. Loulou has had a go at him when he bought them around, and was very vehement that we haven’t got what we paid for., so he needs to come to the party on compensation.
      Believe it or not we had sushi for lunch, and they ran out of rose after we had one bottle! so off to the supermarket to do a stock up. Loulou found a great deal on local Champagne, and buy one get 50% off the other bottle. Quite a nice drop too.
      Decided to have a ‘at home’ platters and wine instead of going out for dinner. and I was on washing duty.
      PS the owner dropped off 2 fans, and 2 brand new air condition units (free standing).
      Beth and I had to do another wine and food run to the local Mono Prix for supplies…
      End of a great day, looking forward to tomorrow
      Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Last day in France - temps cool YAY

      13. september 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Early morning for me and Beth today… just can’t sleep in at the moment.
      We had a leisurely breakfast (some of us) and then off to town for cafe au lait and brekkie for Kel and Lou. Afterwards I opted to return to the apartment for some relax time, get my feet right and just have some time to myself. So the rest of this post is by Kelly…

      Much cooler today, yipee! Wandered the elegant streets of Reims, it really is beautiful, clean, scented roses blooming. Traffic still a little crazy and of course we always look the wrong way, risky! We have disappointed ourselves for the lack of shopping, me not so much but I am traveling with 3 black belts so a little surprising. Visited the Reims cathedral which is incredible, 34 French kings and queens have been crowned there. Reims looks totally original to me but it was bombed badly during the 2nd world war but has been beautifully restored, so you wouldn’t even know. We visited Maison Mumm, very simple in comparison to Pommery, like Burger King to French Cafe, you could say the product is the same? We had a lunch after being turned away from a couple as they closed for food at 1.30!! It was ok but have to say the food and service is not as good as Paris. The gorgeous young things are a little scathing of us old birds. No tips for them! We had done enough for the day, we have food at home and have a V early start, so home dinner, just a platter (gourmet of course) and plenty of champagne. Tomorrow is a travelling day, we arrive in Roma late afternoon and of course the priority is finding a bar with the rugby on, we are hoping the boys will manage against Namibia, God willing. I know Roma will be 4 crazy days, a new experience for Disey who of course wants to do everything! Then to Valencia for a pool/beach holiday, relaxing, woohoo, over and out xxxxxx

      Me again…some more photos of our neighbourhood. We have had some hilarious moments here…Louise doesn’t fail to surprise and gobsmack me at time, from her fantastic communications in french, to her Keilyisms of words that seem to rise up in bubbles above her head for me… Frencharony, there seems to be a ‘arony’ added to many things. Makes me laugh often.

      Beth has got us on Vodka and Water - good for the waistline and I like it.
      See ya in Rome, I cannot wait!
      Les mer

    • Dag 18

      Reims 22 miles

      30. juli 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      I have briefly mentioned before my two mates who are travelling with me. We are inseparable. Before the trip we got on fine but over the past couple of weeks I have not been getting on too well with one of them. We start each day on good terms, and over breakfast, on those days I get such a thing, nothing is said but as soon as we get going the grumbling starts and it just seems to get louder as the day wears on. On the long days we are pretty much shouting at each other by the time we finish. However today, for the first time, we were all quite chummy for ages. I think, and hope, that our relationship may just have turned a corner. It was a 22-miler so plenty of time to fall out. Only 15 miles tomorrow. Surely we can stay civil to each other for that long. I feel that I have done my best, always smear on Compeed anti-blister stick before we set off and slather on plenty of CCS cream after the night-time shower. He has two main complaints. The wee blister on the end of my second toe has not changed much but isn’t so painful nowadays. The large blister which was on the ball of my foot in line with the second toe seems to have moved along a little each day leaving fairly robust, or numb, skin behind. Just thought you would like to know.

      The bearded pilgrim, who I met in Canterbury, still the only other pilgrim I have met, was very vocal in declaring that the French were very rude to him. He had been swore at, shouted at and even spat on. He thought it was a Brexit thing. “They hate the British now.” It seemed to be his abiding memory of travelling across France. Made me a little nervous as I was about to spent 6 weeks doing just that. I am still less than half way across France but I haven’t come across any bad feeling at all. In fact it is remarkable how almost everyone I pass acknowledges me with a “Bonjour” and/or a wave. Possibly a haircut and a shave might have been a good idea for him.

      A very curious coincidence occurred as I wandered into Reims. I spend most of my walking time listening to Desert Island Discs as I have mentioned before. Got through nearly 300 of them. This one was Christina Lamb, journalist, who told a story about meeting a politician from Pakistan called Benazir Bhutto and I noticed that I was walking through a park dedicated to the same person. What are the odds on that I wonder?

      In a sort of Travelodge hotel tonight and the only practical eatery nearby was a Buffalo Grill. Didn’t manage to finish my burger dinner but they did give me a litre carafe of chilled tap water that was lovely.
      Les mer

    • Dag 51

      Heute mal Sonne!

      30. mars, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Früh um 8 Uhr gestartet, Frühstück mit frischen Croissant erst nach 2 Std Fahrt. Heute mal zu Glück fast den ganzen Tag Sonne, kaum LKW'S auf der Piste und super Auobahnen! Dafür kostet es ja auch ordentlich Maut! Auch der Diesel ist nicht preiswert(2..02 ) Zum Nachmittag ein Platz für die Nacht gesucht, toller Platz an einer kleinen Schleuse rausgesucht. Dort angekommen, toller Spot, ABER alles vom Regen aufgeweicht. Na ja,mal probieren ob wir zu dem Platz kommen.....
      Nach 20m war dann Schluß🤪.
      Beide Vorderräder drehten im Lehm und nicht's ging mehr. Also Traktionskontrolle eingeschaltet und gaaaaaanz lagsam zurück. Nach dem 2ten Anlauf zum Glück geglückt. Also nächsten Platz rausgesucht, Nach kurzen Rundgang nicht für gut befunden.Also 3 ter Versuch. Und dort waren wir schon eimal vor 2 Jahren. Der Platz ist sehr gut und nur 5 Euro. Morgen geht's über Belgien und Holland nach Hause. Vieleicht aber nur bis Bremem..Mal sehen wie ich durchkomme.
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    • Dag 16

      Haybes - Remilly Allicourt

      27. mai, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Another classic day along the Meuse. The river getting a bit more tranquil now, with frequent weirs and dams. Quite a view boats navigating the locks. As ever, wild flowers and birdsong the whole way.

      The landscape opened out a bit from steeply wooded hillside shortly after Haybes to more open countryside.

      Again we were caught in a period of heavy thundery rain; but the warm wind soon started to dry us out.
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    • Dag 61

      Parfondeval, Aisne

      2. juni, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We started our day with a visit to the Beau Village of Parfondeval, possibly one of the most interesting villages we have visited in terms of its retained history. Saint-Médard Church was absolutely beautiful having undergone numerous restorations over the centuries.
      The beautifully restored lavoire (wash house) known as the 'Parliament of Women" made us smile!
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    • Dag 7

      Kostenloser Dichtigkeitsprüfung

      27. juli 2023, Belgia ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      die gab es heute an der Semois, den es regnet quasi ohne Unterlass. Da gibt es dann halt mal die Dichtigkeitsprüfung umsonst. Ansonsten bleibt Zeit das zweite Video zur Vorstellung von "The Beast" fertig zu produzieren und na klar, auch noch ein wenig die Gegend rund um unseren Stellplatz zu erkunden, denn hier gibt es auch noch eine Burgruine oberhalb der Semoisschleifen zu besichtigen.Les mer

    • Dag 1

      Aire de camping ; Charleville-Mezieres

      12. juni, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Weiter ging’s erst noch ein Stück durch Belgien durch die Ardennen, bevor es dann nach Frankreich ging. Der erste Stellplatz in Serdan war leider komplett belegt. So mussten wir rund 25 km weiter fahren bis wir in Charleville-Mezieres noch einen Platz bekommen haben.Les mer

    • Dag 89

      Belgium: Bouillon and Dinant

      8. oktober 2023, Belgia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      The abovementioned towns are 2 towns I'd been to before and they were so lovely I wanted to show them off to Emma and revisit them. They didn't disappoint! Bouillon was one of the prettiest towns we visited on our travels! Especially with the start of the Autumn colours. It has just about everything...a quaint town by a river, nice hikes nearby, a castle and lovely little restaurants along the river. Dinant is a similar town and also is filled with charm. That evening we had a lovely meal at a small little restaurant where we had a red wine fondue which was a first for both of us. This is where a wine stock is used in the fondue instead of the more conventional cheese or oil.Les mer

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