Département du Loir-et-Cher

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Top 10 Destinasi Perjalanan Département du Loir-et-Cher
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    • Hari 6

      Le Clos Lucé - DaVinci Ausstellung

      24 Agustus 2019, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Im Garten von Chateau Clos Lucé befindet sich eine Ausstellung zu den von Leonardo da Vinci erfundenen Maschinen und der Umsetzung. Dazu haben wir mit dem Eintritt von je 21 Euro (!) noch den Besuch einer Sonderausstellung über Leonardo da Vinci mit Zeichnungen und der Umsetzung des berühmten 'letzten Abendmahles' als Wandteppich gebucht. War interessant, aber die Sonderausstellung war nicht so ergiebig. Der Garten war insgesamt gut gemacht, wobei die Hörststationen im Text eher zu lang waren.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 34


      9 November 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nachdem wir zwei Chateau's besichtigt haben sind wir müde und gehen in der Stadt ein Restaurant suchen.
      Wie üblicherweise in Frankreich sperren die lokale gegen 15 Uhr wieder zu um abends zu öffnen.
      Eine kleine Pizzeria bzw italienisches Bistro, hat geöffnet und wir essen eine kleine Pizza und Johann Tortellini gorgonzola.
      Dann gehen wir noch entlang der Loire spazieren und beobachten Jugendliche, die einen Kanu Kurs absolvieren beim üben.
      Abends gegen 17:30 Uhr kommen wir müde in unserem Wohnmobil an, bewaffnet mit einem Baguette um abends im Auto essen zu können
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    • Hari 31

      Goodbye Sam & Carol

      20 September 2019, Perancis ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Our time in Amboise had been a highlight for all our team. The spirit of da Vinci is everywhere, especially as this year marks the 500th year since his death. Our accommodation at the historic Clos D'Amboise had also been memorable. After all it is not often that you get the chance to stay in a 400 year old mansion.

      The morning dawned crystal clear but quite chilly. Our riders began the day decked out in jackets and jumpers - a far cry from those scorching hot days that we shared together in Avignon, just three weeks previously.

      We had not gone more than a km or so before we found ourselves in the middle of the weekly market. Once again the temptation was just too great for the female members of the group and they quickly disappeared with their purses in their hands. I stayed to watch the bikes.

      About 30 minutes later Maggie reappeared. "There is a great hat shop that you should look at", she demanded. It was useless to debate the issue, so I meekly followed her like I always do. About 10 minutes later I was the reluctant owner of a newsboy cap. I suppose I should be grateful that it only cost me 25 Euro, and not the $65 Euro that Gordon and Gerry had paid for theirs. I had to admit that it was a bit of fun wearing it and I did feel a little more French than before.

      The ride soon meandered into the vineyards of the Montlouis region where we rode through a succession of vineyards and past a series of underground wine cellars. Wine is obviously a big deal in this region, but as a non drinker, the big mystery to me is why anyone would actually pay money to drink the stuff.

      We also encountered some of the biggest hills of the ride so far. Of course the ebike riders sailed up with huge smiles on their faces, while the rest of us huffed and puffed in their wake. Yvonne had decided to take up the ebike previously used by Samantha, so she had an extra reason to be enjoying herself.

      We rejoined the path along the Loire on the outskirts of Tours and then crossed the river on a bikes only bridge. It was a glorious way to be introduced to this substantial city of some 400,000 inhabitants. Our hotel is the appropriately named "Grand Hotel", situated right next to the amazingly beautiful Gare de Tours railway station.

      The Grand Hotel was once one of the city's luxury hotels and it still bears the wonderful Art Deco style that was so popular during the 20's and 30's. Although the hotel now feels like a grand old dame who is now enjoying a stately retirement, we were thrilled to find that the room was spacious and looked directly out to the front of the railway station.

      In the evening we enjoyed a "Private Soiree" at the Petite Cuisine. This was a remarkable experience as we were the special guests at what felt like the owner's house. We were all seated around a large table while the owner and her assistant cooked our dinners in the fully visible kitchen. It was another unique dining experience in our culinary odyssey.
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    • Hari 9

      Château Gaillard Amboise

      25 Maret 2023, Perancis ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Als wir um 10:31 Uhr am Schloss Gaillard ankamen, war es noch geschlossen und wir vertrieben uns die Zeit, indem wir durch das nahegelegene Wohnviertel schlenderten.
      Um Punkt 11 Uhr öffnete sich das Tor und wir waren die ersten Besucher. Uns wurde der Rundgang durch das private Château Gaillard und den Garten anhand einer Wandtafel erklärt. Zuerst gingen wir durch den ersten französischen Renaissance-Gärten, der von Pacello de Mercoliano für Charles VIII ab 1500 angelegt wurde. Er schuf die ersten Orangerie in Frankreich. Wunderbarerweise ist diese bis heute erhalten. Diese wurden ab 2012 aufwändig wie auch das gesamte Schloss durch 50 Handwerker und 300 Arbeiter renoviert. Ein paar Tage vor der Eröffnung für die Öffentlichkeit hat der kleine Bach den ganzen Garten überschwemmt. Zum Glück wurde das Schloss nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen.
      Besonders ist auch die Schlossküche, in der ein echtes Feuer brennt. Das haben wir bisher noch nie erlebt. Am meisten hat uns das Königinnenzimmer, in dem María Stuart und Françios II ihre Flitterwochen verbracht, fasziniert.
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    • Hari 34

      Chateau du clos Luce Leonardo da Vinci

      9 November 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Chateau du clos Luce
      Hier hat Leonardo da Vinci seine letzten 10 Jahre gelebt und viele seiner großartigen Werke und Ideen sind hier entstanden.
      Hier starb Leonardo da Vinci und wir besichtigen dieses fantastische Chateau und ergötzen uns an seinen kreativen Arbeiten und an dem wunderschönen Garten, welchen er ebenfalls entworfen hat.
      Mit König Franz I.war er sehr viel zusammen dieser hat gegenüber im großen Schloss Amboise gewohnt und in dieser Zeit die Planung für das größte Schloss von Frankreich Chambord begonnen, Leonardo war hier sehr inspirierend aktiv tätig und Franz der l. hat viele seiner Ideen verwirklicht.
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    • Hari 6

      Private Winetasting

      29 Agustus 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We had a private winetasting with a sommelier. For this event, he took us down to the tunnels that connected Clos Luce with the king's castle. Leonardo da Vinci and Francis I used to meet down here. The king affectionately called Leonardo "my father."

      The sommelier explained the process of correctly tasting a wine. Then he had us sample 4 different wines from the Loire Valley and we analyzed the characteristics of each. In France, wine is consumed with food to enhance the taste of each. There are some wines which you would never drink by themselves. The sommelier gave us different types of cheese and sausage so we could see how different the wine tasted with different foods.
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    • Hari 6

      Château Le Clos Lucé - das Schloß

      24 Agustus 2019, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Zurück nach Amboise und wir stehen vor dem Park des Clos Lucé, hier verbrachte und forschte Leonardo da Vinci von 1616-1619 die letzten 3 Jahre seines Lebens am Hofe von Franz I., der im nahen Chateau Amboise residierte.

      Durch den Park laufen wir erst Richtung Chateau, die Mittagssonne brennt und unsere Motivation/Kraft ist leider dementsprechend gering.

      Das Schloss betreten wir auf dem Rundgang durch den Wachturm und dann über die Galerie/Wachturmmauer direkt zum Zimmer von Leonardo da Vinci. Im Erdgeschoss sehen wir auch noch die ehemaligen Schreib- und Experimentierzimmer von Leonardo. Im Keller gibt es noch eine kleine Ausstellung zu den verschiedenen Maschinen Leonardos und der möglichen Umsetzbarkeit. Insgesamt ist das eher mitteljährliche Schloss/Burg interessant und den Besuch wert.
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    • Hari 30

      Rest Day in Amboise

      19 September 2019, Perancis ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      On any extended ride rest days are something to be eagerly anticipated as they approach, and enjoyed when they arrive. I had especially been looking forward to our time in Amboise, partly because I knew how much the group would enjoy visiting the beautiful Clos Luce (the final home of Leonardo da Vinci), and partly because of the opulent accommodation we would be staying in.

      Since this was my third visit to Amboise, I decided not to return to the home of Leonardo, but to visit the imposing Chateau d"Amboise instead. This towering building dominates the centre of the city and is reached via a long sloping walkway. Although the external appearance is rather uninviting, I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful it actually is when viewed from the inside.

      The Chateau d'Amboise occupies an prominent location that affords glorious views down to the city of Amboise and the River Loire. Unlike Chambord, the chateau is a much more aesthetically pleasing building and the rooms are of a more modest size. It is surrounded by spectacular lawns and gardens. If I was a king of France, I know which place I would choose to live in.

      The Chateau is only a short walk from Leonardo's home. During the time of Leonardo's three year residence at the Clos Luce, a secret tunnel was constructed to join the two buildings together. This meant that Leonardo could meet his patron Francois 1, without having to venture in the open spaces of the city. Leonardo's short sojurn in Amboise ended in 1519 when the great genius died, most probably as a result of a stroke.

      Maggie and I spent the afternoon wandering the streets of the old city and we ended up in a quaint Salon de The (coffee shop). As soon I entered the place, I had a feeling of deja vu. I remembered that I had enjoyed a cup of coffee in the same place, back in 2013. It is amazing how strong some recollections from the previous trips can be. Events that I thought I had completely forgotten come flooding back as if they were yesterday.

      Our evening meal was held at our hotel. It developed into quite a celebration as we all knew that it was the final night that Carol and Samantha would be with us. Tomorrow they will be leaving the team to make their way back to Paris, and then home to Australia. We will all be sorry to see them leave as they have been such a valued part of the group.

      Tomorrow our reduced group ofd 14 riders will continue to Tours.
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    • Hari 29

      A New Bike and a Beaver in Blois

      18 September 2019, Perancis ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Ever since my unfortunate crash, way back in Sancerre, I had been having trouble mounting the bike. It is not easy to throw your hind leg over the seat when you have limited mobility in your knee. Each time I tried to mount the bike in the conventional way, not only was it ungainly, but I felt like I was in imminent danger of ending on the ground in another ugly tangled pile of bike and person.

      There is a very practical advantage to the low bar "unisex design" that is so popular in Europe. Not only can it be used by people of either sex, but it is much safer for anyone with a flexibility issue. I happen to qualify on both counts.

      Blois happens to be the location of the head office of Loire Valley Travel - the operator who supplied our bikes. They had already arranged for one of their bike mechanics to service all our bikes before we left the hotel. That gave me a thought.

      "Would it be possible to exchange my bike for a low bar bike ?", I asked.
      "My bike has a broken headlight because some idiot fell off it", I added.
      I was very pleased when the reply was in the affirmative.

      About 90 minutes later all the bikes had been checked, adjusted, lubricated and, best of all, I had been supplied with a replacement step through bike. I practised mounting and dismounting. It was sheer bliss. Gael had also swapped her bike for a similar step through and was also rejoicing loudly.

      It was while we were gathered by the Pont Charles de Gaulle (aka Big Bridge), that we made a wonderful observation. Down in the river there was a strange animal swimming and cavorting with the ducks. Was it a rat ? Was it a cat ? No, it was a beaver !!!! The women all squealed with delight. It was like watching Wind in the Willows. It really was a big beaver, and he even swam right over to our bank of the river to show off his swimming skills. It was magical way to start our day's ride.

      Although the weather was cooler than we had been used to, it still showed no sign of rain and the bike mechanic assured us that the freshening breeze was actually a tail wind. What a perfect start to a day's ride.

      I happily jumped on my new bike and off we went. Our destination for the day was Amboise, about 45 km downstream. Although 45 km does not sound like far, I well remembered that the previous times I had ridden this route we had been battered by the twin demons of hills and head winds. Although the hills were still there, it was amazing just how much easier life is when the wind is coming from behind you.

      The second part of the ride is across an elevated and exposed plateau and the tail wind really was a wonderful gift. Although the cycling conditions were amazing, a "domestic disagreement" between Maggie and me threatened to put an untimely end to our 45 year marriage. I guess the stresses of the last four weeks had to find an outlet sooner or later.

      Fortunately the atmosphere cleared later in the day and we were able to join the rest of the team for an absolutely divine dinner at "L'Alliance" restaurant. Everything about that place was incredible. It would have almost been worth the price of the trip, just to experience that food again. Many declared it was the best dinner they had ever had.

      Our home for the next two nights is the "Clos "D'Amboise", a magnificent 17th century mansion that has been converted to a 4 star hotel. It is a wonderful way to experience some of the style that the wealthy of that era enjoyed. I had one of my best night's sleeps since the trip began. Tomorrow is a free day to allow our team to explore this wonderful city where Leonardo da Vinci lived out his final years.
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    • Hari 29


      28 Maret, Perancis ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Das letzte Ziel unserer Reise sollte Blois sein, dort wollten wir uns gerne das benachbarte Château Chaumont anschauen, doch dann müssen wir umdisponieren, denn die Campingplätze in Blois sind alle noch geschlossen und das Wetter verschlechtert sich zunehmend. In unmittelbarer Nähe liegt Amboise, den Ort hatten wir im letzten September besucht und waren auf dem Camping municipal de l'Île d'Or untergekommen, der glücklicherweise im März bereits geöffnet hat. Nach dem Check in machen wir uns auf in den Ort, um uns nach 600 km Fahrt ein wenig die Beine zu vertreten. In der Fußgängerzone lächelt uns ein italienisches Lokal an, das haben wir uns heute verdient. Das Via Roma war eine gute Wahl, zufrieden und gesättigt treten wir den Rückweg zum Campingplatz an. Auch wenn es angefangen hat leicht zu regnen, hält uns das nicht davon ab, noch ein paar Nachtaufnahmen vom Château Royal d‘ Amboise zu machen. Auf dem Campingplatz angekommen stellen wir fest, dass wir keinen Strom mehr haben, die Rezeption ist natürlich nicht mehr besetzt, somit kommt wenigstens auch einmal unsere Powerstation zum Einsatz.
      Wir haben in den letzten vier Wochen unseren Rucksack erneut mit tollen Augenblicken, Begegnungen und Erlebnissen gepackt, für die wir sehr dankbar sind. Morgen werden wir uns auf die letzte Etappe nach Hause begeben, schön, dass du uns mal wieder einmal auf unserer Reise begleitet hast.
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