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    • Hari 4

      Champagne & Cathedrals, Part 2

      18 Ogos 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

      I decided to let myself sleep an extra hour and take a later train to Epernay. It was a lovely ride through historic vineyards of the finest grapes in the world. After arriving, I strolled down the splendid Avenue du Champagne! What a dream! First stop was Champagne Mercier, with their famous train ride through the caves. The tour was supposed to last two hours but instead took half the time, so I stopped in the garden at Perrier-Jouet to try the famous Belle Epoque! After finishing my glass, I made the less than two minute walk to the biggest house, Moët & Chandon. Lovely tour and net nice people from the Netherlands and a lady from just outside of Baltimore! Back up the street to Champagne Venoge. I was the only person on the tour, but my wonderful Italian guide Antonela made it a wonderful experience! She gave me lots of extra activities to do as well! Feeling pleasantly buzzed, I made a quick stop at the Museum of Champagne before strolling down to Eglise Notre Dame de Epernay. After lighting a candle and taking a quick look around it was back to the Avenue and my final stop at Champagne Boizel. I enjoyed my tasting in the company of a lovely Australian couple. By this point I’d eaten little more than a few slices of baguette so I remedied the problem with a bag of Doritos from the train station vending machine, before boarding my train back to Reims! What a day!!Baca lagi

    • Hari 8

      Exploring Épernay on foot.

      21 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      We had no commitments today, so had a lazy start to the day. I went out and purchased some baked goods from another local Boulangerie and we headed out around 10am to do a self-guided walk around the town that was recommended by the Tourist Office. Unfortunately, not long into the walk we found it difficult to ascertain some of the landmarks as the print on the map was tiny (my eyesight is pretty good but even I struggled), so decided to go a bit off piste and do our own thing.

      We went past the Hôtel De Ville (town hall), Théâtre Gabrielle Dorziat and Église Notre-Dame. At this point we found it impossible to follow the map, so we just meandered down the streets, stopping at various buildings or areas of interest. We saw the Portail Saint-Martin, Maison de La Lune (a funky Art Nouveau house) and Église St-Pierre et St-Paul. There was so much to look at and on such a lovely day it was nice to explore the town.
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    • Hari 3

      Epernay… Champagner 🤣

      25 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute früh haben wir erst mal länger geschlafen als beabsichtigt. Es war dann gestern doch später…
      Wir rutschten am Sonntag dann mal eben so durch nach Epernay. Der Blick war wunderschön. Überall Weinberge. Wir fuhren auf den kostenpflichtigen Stellplatz. Dieser ist wunderhübsch angelegt.
      Dann marschierten wir zur Avenue de Champanger und schauten uns die wirklich wunderschönen Häuser der edelsten Winzer an. Die Kirche nahmen wir auch noch mit.
      Zum Essen gingen wir in die Brasserie. Wir speisten gut und auch ein Glas Champagner gönnten wir uns.
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    • Hari 22

      Champagner Tour Epernay

      8 Oktober 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Eperney isch d‘Hauptstadt vom Champagner und de Sitz vo viellne weltbekannte Champagner Marke. Es Stadt voller Luxus trifft Luxus …. Damit mer de überblick hend chönne erhalte simmer uf de Ballon wo eus d‘ussicht rund um Epernay ufere höchi vo 150m zeigt …. Mega schöön gsi met dene Rebbärge…. Nocher hemmer aber de wörkli au es gläsli oder 2-3 vomene Champagne gnosse …. Mer hend aber de eusi La Vida ned grad welle vor die Champanger Hüser stelle… ned dasmer de no Show stähled vode Ferrraris… 🤣👌 somit en schöne Sunntigs Usflug gsi … chín chín…Baca lagi

    • Hari 4

      Moët & Chandon

      26 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Das Wetter hat, wie angekündigt, gewechselt. Nachdem wir es heute früh dann doch geschafft haben unser Duschwasser warm zu bekommen ( schon 1.000 mal gemacht 🤣) und gefrühstückt haben, laufen wir zu Moët & Chandon und besichtigen die Keller.
      Es war interessant, die Führung war auf englisch.
      Am Ende wandern natürlich 2 Flaschen ins Womo.
      Uns hat die Führung gut gefallen. Aber es gibt sicherlich spannendere Keller 😃
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    • Hari 3

      Epernay - im Herzen der Champagne

      18 Julai 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Unser Zwischenstopp auf dem Weg an die Atlantikküste ist der kleine Ort Epernay. Idyllisch gelegen am Fluss Mame, am Rande eines Naturparks.

      Das Haupthema hier ist "Champagner".
      Klar - ist der Ort doch die inoffizielle Hauptstadt der Champagne.

      Die "Avenue de Champagne" - eine etwas andere Kellergasse!
      Hier sind alle großen Champagnermarken zuhause.
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    • Hari 4

      Épernay - Champagner Verkostung

      19 Julai 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      41° Grad im Schatten!
      Der beste Platz um das hier auszuhalten ist in einem kühlen Weinkeller! :-)
      Und wenn nicht hier im Herzen der Champagne, wo dann!?

      Kilometerlange unterirdische Gänge und Millionen Champagnerflaschen, die hier, geschützt vor Licht und Wärme, sorgfältig aufbewahrt werden – den Besuch eines der vielen Champagnerhäuser der Region sollte man sich nicht entgehen lassen.

      Wir entscheiden uns am Vormittag für das kleine Familienunternehmen von Charles Mignon, das uns durch seine Qualität überzeugt.

      Und später noch für eine Führung durch die berühmten Caves von Mercier.

      Die Fahrt im kleinen Zug ist eine originelle und angenehme Art, einen Teil der 18 Kilometer langen Kellerei des Hauses Mercier, 30 Meter unter dem Kreideboden von Épernay, zu besichtigen. Eugène Mercier ließ das größte Fass der Welt im 19. Jahrhundert bauen, um es zur Weltausstellung im Jahr 1889 in Paris zu präsentieren. Das Fass von Mercier erhielt den zweiten Preis nach dem Eiffelturm!

      Auf beiden Weingütern bekommen wir natürlich auch eine Verkostung, sodass wir gut entspannt dem Abend am Campingplatz beschließen. ;-)
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    • Hari 1

      Geretsried - Champagne

      21 Ogos 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute sind wir ganz in der Früh um 6:00 Uhr losgefahren. Erstes Ziel ist die Champagne, wo wir in der Nähe von Epernay 2 Nächte in einem Champagnerweingut gebucht haben. Den Haustropfem mussten wir natürlich gleich probieren. Schmeckt hervorragend und kostet hier nicht viel. Wir werden jedenfalls ein paar Tropfen mitnehmenBaca lagi

    • Hari 12

      Rainy touring.

      2 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      It very overcast this morning and after a quick coffee we are off to have a look at a couple of nearby villages. Hautvillers was the first stop. A very picturesque village only a few ks away. So many champagne houses there as well. Lots of names I’ve never heard of, guess they don’t have to export to Australia. There are grapes vines everywhere, no grapes on them yet and it must be pruning time because they are all regulation back and sides.

      On then to Ay-Champagne, a bigger city, with lots of nice old buildings It had started to rain by the time we got there so we found a coffee shop and a chocolate eclair. The couple at the next table started talking to us, he could speak a few words in English, not much but we managed to understand most of what he was saying with google translate.
      He was fascinated we’d come all the way from Australia, gave us some of their biscuits they’d just bought at the bakery, and recommended a nice restaurant for dinner.
      Turns out he works for Moët, said he was in the labelling department. He insisted on taking Graham to show him where the restaurant was, probably thought we were hopeless and would never find it. He had a flash Moët company car so don’t think he was on the production line. Wish we had hit him up for a tour.

      The rain wasn’t letting up so we headed home, stopping at Hautvillers again to pick up some things from a cute little bakery we’d seen.

      After a lazy afternoon we headed out again for dinner. Stopped at a little bar for a drink on the way, there were a group of kids playing darts, 3 guys and 1 girls, the girl was killing it. The restaurant was quite busy and well worth the recommendation . Chef came out to double check how Graham wanted his steak, the waitress was always checking if everything was ok. The head lady came out to help us interpret the menu. Lovely evening.
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    • Hari 11

      Dieppe and on to Epernay.

      1 Mei, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We finally got to Dieppe at about 7 o’clock and we were both starving. Tried a few restaurants but they were booked out. Seems like everyone was out having dinner.

      There are lots of restaurants along the water and we found one with Coquilles Saint Jacques on the menu. So delicious.
      We started chatting to the couple at the next table who were helping us read the menu. They were travelling in their little van for a couple of weeks but were sick of the cold so going to Belguim.

      We still hadn’t found anywhere to stay, and after searching for a few minutes I found a little apartment just half a block away. Great, got a backpack out of the car and we were set. Well after climbing up 5 flights of stairs we were! 😂😂

      We are setting off early for Epernay today. It’s a three or four hour drive depending on which way we go. We took the fastest route for the first couple of hours and then got off at Laon to enjoy the countryside a bit more. Driving into Laon we saw a high Cathedral up on the only hill for miles so of course we headed for that.

      So many beautiful churches in France. Build a Cathedral must have been first on the list for a new settlement. The bigger and higher the better. This one was no exception, amazing gothic architecture and stunning windows

      Arrived in Epernay and found our accomodation. It’s right in the middle of town but a surprisingly roomy one bedroom apartment. It too is up three flights of stairs. We’ll be wearing off all the cheese, beer and wine climbing up and down them for the next few days.
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