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    • Day 3–5


      April 13 in France ⋅ 🌙 68 °F

      Saturday and Sunday in Lourdes Monday we prepare to start the Camino. We went to Mass at the Grotto. The Candlelight vigil at the Cathedral was pretty impressive. There seemed to be at least a thousand people in the procession of light, all carrying candles.Read more

    • Day 24

      Day 41 Lourdes 765 km

      November 1, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      It felt like I was walking in Nanaimo today as the temperature was 8 C and it was raining. I wore every piece of my merino wool clothing and down vest to keep warm.

      I found a great grocery store and bought some salads and fruit for lunch.

      I visited a church however I cannot recall its name. It had a lot of stained glass windows. The front windows facing the altar were very unique. There were also paintings of each station of the cross. I have never seen anything like it.

      I lit a candle for Les♥️ The candle table was under the picture of Bernadette.

      I then made my way to the Grotto to collect my Holy water and touch the stone in the cave.
      It wasn't too crowded meaning there was not a long line to stand waiting. Afterwards I attended what I thought was an outdoor Mass but was a lineup to do the three things that Bernadette was led to de by Mary:
      Wash your hands with the Holy water
      Wash your face
      And finally drink the water.
      I was allowed to stay for awhile afterwards. Each person was done individually and blessed🙏

      I then went to where there are hundreds of lit candles for those to be remembered. I will post the picture of the prayer that went with it. I lit a candle for Les ♥️

      The cutest thing I heard was a child trying to blow out a candle as if it were on a cake 😃

      I walked up to the crypt at the top of the cathedral. The chapel was beautiful.

      Afterwards I walked up the side of the hill to see the stations of the Cross.

      The nicest part of Lourdes Cathedral grounds is that it is a very large property. The added size gives rise to a park like feel to it. It also helps with the throngs of people they can be spread out quite easily.

      I gave up trying to get a coffee from a bar here ( many are closed for the end of the season) so walked to the train station. It was packed with people!!!

      I was so looking forward to a hot bath/shower tonight except all the tub has is a hand held shower head you have to hold and fill the tub with. There is not a wall attachment to have a shower😓 But the biggest issue is no plug for the tub....and warm water.....not hot😭
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    • Day 31


      June 1, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      De eerste indruk die Lourdes maakt een een lange straat waar alles betaald parkeren is. Eenmaal boven en het stadje indraaiend kom je snel in een drukke winkelstraat. Aan het einde van de straat een toegangshek naar het heiligdom. We zijn vroeg maar er zijn al heel wat mensen. In de anderhalf uur dat we er geweest zijn zien we de mensenstroom toenemen. Mensen met en zonder stok of rollator, in rolstoelen of riksja's. Met of zonder begeleiding, verpleegsters in uniform met hoofdkap, busladingen met mensen van een zelfde vereniging met bijvoorbeeld allemaal een lichtblauw sjaaltje. Bezoek is gratis, kaarsje branden is dezelfde prijs als een wijntje op het Leidseplein in Amsterdam. We hebben van alles bekeken. In de rij gestaan voor de grot, heilig water gedronken en onze handen ermee gewassen, basiliek binnen geweest en tot slot de kapel van Bernadette bezocht. De laatste maakt op ons de meeste indruk.Read more

    • Day 3

      Lourdes - Spiritual preparation

      April 15, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      After months of physical and mental preparation, today was a day of Spiritual Preparation while discovering Lourdes.
      At first, the scale of touristy memorabilia shops made me think it was going to be a tick box process.
      But once in the Sanctuary it was Peaceful, prayerful, incredibly welcoming and a Blessing to witness. The Lourdes sanctuary precinct exists because of the 18 Apparitions of our Lady to St Bernadette. The message of Lourdes is “through Mary to Jesus”.
      Our highlight was the water gesture ceremony, a private process led by a Sister determined to ensure our experience was beautiful, moving and meaningful. The water gesture is a spiritual cleansing / healing of water, from the same Spring St Bernadette was told to wash in. We attended a Gregorian Chant Mass, spent some time at the grotto, lit a candle for all those we are holding in our prayers, a wonderful walking tour, walking in the steps of St Bernadette, by one of the Sisters, who challenged us to question ourselves and reflect. We attended the Procession of the Holy Eucharist in the underground Basilica that can accommodate 20,000 people! We ended our day with the most beautiful candlelight procession, attended by 1000s, all reciting, in unity, the rosary in their own language. I had my Mum’s rosary with me and I held her in my prayers.
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    • Day 10

      Espinal-Auzperri nach Lourdes

      September 21, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Das Wetter spielte uns heute etwas in die Karten, an die Bergetappen war nicht zu denken. Wir mussten improvisieren und schlugen unser Lager in Lourdes auf.
      Lourdes ist einer der größten christlichen Wallfahrtsorte, seit im Jahr 1858 dem 14-jährigen Mädchen Bernadette Soubirous in der Grotte von Massabielle 18 mal die Muttergottes erschienen ist. Im Zusammenhang mit den Erscheinungen kam es zu ersten unerklärlichen Heilungen.
      Trotz des schlechten Wetters waren Maßen von Menschen vor Ort.
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    • Day 47


      April 30, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Wir überqueren die Pyrenäen und erreichen Lourdes in Frankreich. Hier soll 1858 das vierzehnjährige Mädchen Bernadette Soubirous Marienerscheinungen in der Grotte Massabielle gehabt haben. Bald darauf entwickelte sich der kleine Ort in den Pyrenäen zu einem der wichtigsten Wallfahrtsorte der katholischen Kirche. Wir glaubten, da es schon abend geworden war und es regnete, diese Stätte in Ruhe betrachten zu können. Pustekuchen🥴
      Tausende von Menschen liefen hier noch herum, hunderte Busse standen auf dafür vorgesehenen Parkplätzen. Jede Menge behinderter Menschen wurden in Rollstühlen dahin geschoben in der Hoffnung, geheilt zu werden. Darauf hatten wir keine Lust und ergriffen die Flucht. 🤭🤔😟
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    • Day 20

      Lourdes, France

      April 22, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      The town of Lourdes is completely devoted to the Sanctuary and the streets are lined with hotels and souvenir shops selling all manner of religious items. We bought some small bottles to collect Holy water in, and a couple of rosaries, as well as our candles for the procession later tonight.
      Our hotel, Gallia Lourdes, could have stepped right out of a set for Downton Abbey as it was furnished with vintage two seat conversation settees to the round multi seat settee. The dining room sported crystal chandeliers and vintage cornices and mouldings that really appealed to my decorating tastes. Near the Basilica, statues abound usually featuring Mary or Bernadette, and there were several areas where we could collect Holy Spring water. I'm glad we're not here in high season, as there were big enough crowds now!
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    • Day 7

      Lourdes part 2 (the Basilicas)

      July 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Three basilicas, all within five minutes of each other! First, the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, built right over the grotto where the apparitions of Our Lady happened. Second, the Rosary Basilica, which features mosaics of all the mysteries of the Rosary. Finally, the Basilica of St Pius X which built underground because the other two basilicas were not large enough to fit all the pilgrims for the centenary.Read more

    • Day 20


      October 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Heute auf dem Weg nach Lourdes haben wir die Autobahn größtenteils gemieden und sind eher die kleinen bis ganz kleinen 😅 Nebenstraßen gefahren und haben dabei das Panorama genossen.

      In Lourdes ist uns aufgefallen, dass man sich vielleicht doch etwas mehr mit dem Reiseziel hätte beschäftigen müssen .... 🤨. Dass der Ort der weltweit meistbesuchte Wallfahrtsort ist und somit nur aus Souvenir- und "religöse-Artikel-Läden" besteht - war ein kleiner Kulturschock!!!
      Aber zumindest gibts die Läden schön sortiert nach asiatischer, indischer, italienischer etc. Ecke 🤣.
      Also, kurz gesammelt und dann haben wir uns auch die Kathedrale, die Grotte de Massabielle und die Quelle des "heiligen" Wassers angeschaut. Zum Abend sind wir nochmal auf ein kurzes Abendessen in die Stadt und haben erfahren, dass es um 21 Uhr eine Kerzen-Prozession gibt. Das mussten wir uns dann doch anschauen, wenn man schonmal vor Ort ist. War beeindruckend die vielen Gläubigen in der Prozession aus den verschiedensten Ländern zu sehen.
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    • Day 3


      August 1, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Visitiamo il santuario della Nostra Signora di Lourdes sia quella inferiore che superiore e la basilica di Pio X. Dopo aver fatto scorte di acqua santa, siamo entrati nelle piscine per compiere i gesti di Bernardette, Non è ancora possibile fare il bagno completo nelle vasche...Read more

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