Rosary Basilica

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    • Day 3

      Lourdes - Spiritual preparation

      April 15, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      After months of physical and mental preparation, today was a day of Spiritual Preparation while discovering Lourdes.
      At first, the scale of touristy memorabilia shops made me think it was going to be a tick box process.
      But once in the Sanctuary it was Peaceful, prayerful, incredibly welcoming and a Blessing to witness. The Lourdes sanctuary precinct exists because of the 18 Apparitions of our Lady to St Bernadette. The message of Lourdes is “through Mary to Jesus”.
      Our highlight was the water gesture ceremony, a private process led by a Sister determined to ensure our experience was beautiful, moving and meaningful. The water gesture is a spiritual cleansing / healing of water, from the same Spring St Bernadette was told to wash in. We attended a Gregorian Chant Mass, spent some time at the grotto, lit a candle for all those we are holding in our prayers, a wonderful walking tour, walking in the steps of St Bernadette, by one of the Sisters, who challenged us to question ourselves and reflect. We attended the Procession of the Holy Eucharist in the underground Basilica that can accommodate 20,000 people! We ended our day with the most beautiful candlelight procession, attended by 1000s, all reciting, in unity, the rosary in their own language. I had my Mum’s rosary with me and I held her in my prayers.
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    • Day 10

      Espinal-Auzperri nach Lourdes

      September 21, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Das Wetter spielte uns heute etwas in die Karten, an die Bergetappen war nicht zu denken. Wir mussten improvisieren und schlugen unser Lager in Lourdes auf.
      Lourdes ist einer der größten christlichen Wallfahrtsorte, seit im Jahr 1858 dem 14-jährigen Mädchen Bernadette Soubirous in der Grotte von Massabielle 18 mal die Muttergottes erschienen ist. Im Zusammenhang mit den Erscheinungen kam es zu ersten unerklärlichen Heilungen.
      Trotz des schlechten Wetters waren Maßen von Menschen vor Ort.
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    • Day 20

      Sanctuary of Notre Dame de Lourdes

      April 22, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      After a day of traveling on the bus, we arrived in the town of Lourdes which is only about 15,000 in population. This is considered a Holy Sanctuary because a 14 year old girl, named Bernadette, saw a series of apparitions in a cave in 1858, that told her that the apparition was the immaculate conception. The girl dug in the ground of the cave as directed by the apparition and water started flowing in a spring that has never gone dry since.
      Three Basilicas have been built here and the largest and newest one holds 25,000 people and is built underground. The other two stand in a square with religious mosaics, tall steeples and a crowned dome marking their importance.
      Walking past the Basilicas, we found the famous cave or grotto with a tower of candles in front. Crossing the river by bridge brought us to a series of huts that were called the chambers of light. Here, the faithful can buy candles and light them in the chambers as prayers for loved ones. Hundreds of candles flickered and sputtered under the large fume hoods.
      This place feels very powerful and spiritual. I'm so glad we came here.
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    • Day 21

      Mass in the Crypt, Baths and Grotto

      April 23, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      This morning we got up at 6:15 am so we could be at the 7:00 am mass in the crypt. This chapel was quite small and we were worried about getting a seat, so we arrived half an hour early, and found only one other person there!
      Slowly the chapel filled until there were about 40 people in total and then we experienced a French mass led by two priests in white robes. It has been many years since I've been at a church service with Doug and this was a nice experience for me.
      We left the crypt as the sun rose behind the crowned dome supporting a large cross. The birds were singing and it seemed that "morning has broken" just like in one of my favorite songs.
      We lined up by the Lourdes Baths, because it can take hours to enter this part of the sanctuary. We even beat the volunteers there, only to be advised that the Baths are never busy on Sunday mornings because everyone goes to the international service first. But our waiting paid off as ourselves and 2 other couples from our tour were the first ones brought in for this ceremony. This used to mean that the person disrobed and was completely immersed in the Lourdes spring water that has produced miracles for some. But, due to the pandemic, this procedure has stopped.
      Doug and I were allowed to enter the chamber together, where a stone "bathtub" stood in front of us which is where immersion used to happen. Instead, we stood with a volunteer on each side and were led through a ritual. Our volunteer guide told us that Mary had instructed Bernadette to use the spring water to wash her hands, and then she poured water from the grotto spring into our hands and we washed them.
      Next, the volunteer told us that Mary had told Bernadette to wash her face and water was again poured into our hands and we washed our faces.
      Finally, the volunteer said that Mary told Bernadette to drink the spring water and she poured more water into our hands and we drank the Holy water.
      Our Bath was completed by prayers led by the volunteer. I think it might have been "Holy mother of God", but I don't know the words to this Catholic prayer so I listened quietly.
      The whole procedure was beautiful, and meaningful and caring. It invoked deep feelings in me that brought tears to my eyes and I am glad to have shared this moment with Doug.
      As we left the Baths, a service was just finishing at the Grotto, so we got in to see the place where the spring now runs and the place where the apparition of Mary appeared.
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    • Day 7

      Lourdes part 1

      July 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We took the fast train from Paris to Lourdes to spend two nights there. We celebrated Holy Mass in a side chapel as soon as we arrived in the afternoon. We also went to the little farm where Bernadette stayed for some time due to poor health.Read more

    • Day 7

      Lourdes part 2 (the Basilicas)

      July 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Three basilicas, all within five minutes of each other! First, the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, built right over the grotto where the apparitions of Our Lady happened. Second, the Rosary Basilica, which features mosaics of all the mysteries of the Rosary. Finally, the Basilica of St Pius X which built underground because the other two basilicas were not large enough to fit all the pilgrims for the centenary.Read more

    • Day 8


      August 1, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      En vandaag is er het hoogtepunt van onze reis. Jaarlijks komen miljoenen mensen deze richting uit louter en alleen in de hoop van een wonder. Aangezien we dit wonder al gehad hebben, kiezen we een regenachtige dag uit om Lourdes te bezoeken. Maar zie, wonders zijn oneindig dus bezoeken we de heiligdommen onder een stralende zon. Reden te meer om te beslissen om op tijd op te kramen om nog even in het zwembad te duiken ipv deel te nemen aan de kaarsjesprocessie. En zie, zodra aan de rand van het zwembad betrekt de hemel. We eten aan de tent onder een loodzware, grijze maar gelukkig droge hemel.Read more

    • Day 18

      Heile heile Segen

      April 27, 2019 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nach dem der gestrige Tag eher im Zeichen des kämpferisches Stiers stand, waren wir heute eher in Glaubensfragen unterwegs. Zunächst hieß es aber Spanien adios sagen und einen Weg an den Pyrenäen vorbei zu finden. Viele Höhenmeter & Kurven später, vorbei am Startpunkt des berühmten franzözischen Jakobsweges, erreichten wir am Nachmittag Lourdes in Frankreich, nach Rom der weltweit zweitgrößte Wallfahrtsort bzw. Pilgerstätte der katholischen Kirche.
      Berühmt durch mehrere Erscheinungen der Jungfrau Maria gegenüber Bernadette Soubirous zwischen dem 11. Februar und dem 16. Juli 1858. Heute ziehen die heiligen Stätten am Flussufer des Gave de Pau jährlich Millionen von Besuchern und Pilgern an. An der berühmten Grotte, an der die Jungfrau 18-mal erschienen sein soll, entstand darauf der heilige Bezirk mit der Basilika Notre-Dame im neu-byzantinischen Stil, der Krypta und der Basilika der unbefleckten Empfängnis.
      Auch wir rüsteten uns für den Besuch dieser heiligen Stätte mit einem kleinen Kanister und Kerzen. Vor der Grotte mussten wir aber erst einmal warten, da gerade eine Messe gehalten wurde, Henri nutze den Messgesang für eine kleine Tanzeinlage. Danach ging es in die Grotte, wo wir alle Vier das kalte & nasse Gestein anfassten. Im Anschluss hieß es unseren Kanisters mit heiligem Wasser zu befüllen sowie die gekauften Kerzen anzuzünden. Mal sehen inwieweit uns das Wasser Gutes tun wird, immerhin sind über 6000 auffällige Heilungen dokumentiert, 2000 davon medizinisch nicht erklärbar. Mit gestärkten Selbstbewußtsein und einigen Souveniers ging es zurück zum Wohnmobil, wo wir uns noch einen kleinen Schluck des heiligen Wasser genehmigten ;-).
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Basilique Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, Rosary Basilica

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