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    • Dzień 7

      Statues and other 3D art

      5 marca 2023, Niemcy

      So I really like Munich! I have so money photos I have to break them up into different chunks.

      There are LOADS of statues and decorative people or animals holding up plinths and the like. And I saw (but didn't photograph) loads more in the Bavarian National Museum Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 45

      Day 45 - Guten Tag Deutschland!

      17 września 2020, Niemcy ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Inevitably I woke shortly after 3.00am & never got back to sleep again. Perfect preparation for a long day of driving!

      We had breakfast at 8.30pm, loaded up the car only to discover a tyre inflation system error warning light & a service warning light illuminated on the dashboard. We had messed about with it the previous evening & seemed to have buggered it up. Perfect news for a long day of driving!

      We popped into the a local Spar shop for some final provisions, sweets & drinks. After, with a little bit of trepidation, we headed to the Slovenia border crossing armed with a detailed travel itinerary of exactly where we had been in the last 6 weeks.

      It was 10.00am exactly as we approached the vehicle free border & as Jackie wound down the window & raised our passports, the guard who was having a fag, just waved us through. Great, I was glad I had spent time preparing our travel itinerary! Still I’m sure it will be useful at the other border crossings.

      The SatNav was set for Lake Bled without tolls & it took us back up to Koper, then north east on the A1. The A1 is a well maintained dual carriageway & the main road through Slovenia. We followed it to the outskirts of the capital city of Ljubljana, then picked up the A2, another dual carriageway north. Slovenia is a relatively poor country & they are definitely missing a trick by not charging a toll, because this is the main land route for Germans seeking sun in Croatia & Greece.

      118 miles later & around midday we arrived in Bled with it’s fabulous lake in the Julian Alps. There were car parks signposted, but I skirted the lake seeking a spot we could stop at for free. I did, illegally on the junction of a private road. We both got out to admire the lake from the waters edge.

      Lake Bled is very picturesque, surrounded by mountains & forests. The lake is 6,960ft long, 4,530ft wide & has a maximum depth of 97ft. Bled Island sits in the middle of the lake & has several buildings including the pilgrimage church dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. Above the lake sits the impressive Bled Castle on the north shore.

      After taking sufficient photos & disabling the warning light on our dashboard, we set the SatNav for München (Munich), Germany again avoiding all tolls. It was to be a further 250 mile journey arriving about 5 & a half hours later.

      We circuited the lake once more, then instead of rejoining the A2, we followed the 452 & 201 around the northern edge of Triglav National Park. The border crossing into Austria was at the remote Wurzenpass.

      We were the only vehicle at the crossing & we showed the guard our passports & stressed we were transiting straight through to Germany. The guard asked us where we had been & we told him Croatia, to which he asked us to wait & he ran into his office. Seconds later he returned with a Self Declaration sheet of paper in which I had to write my name, sign and date it. He didn’t look at our passports to check the details or write down our vehicles index, but instead sent us on our way saying we weren’t allowed to stop in Austria. That was easy.

      We then climbed up an extremely steep road over Wurzenpass & scarily back down the other side. Our route took us towards Villach, then along Route 100, which followed the Drau river & sat in the shadow of the raised A10 toll road. Our route took us through numerous pretty Austrian villages & then Route 99, up & down near deserted skiing resorts.

      It was a very enjoyable drive until around 4.30pm, we arrived in Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart. The traffic was horrendous & we spent over an hour in a constant traffic jam. It prompted Jackie to ask the question “Would the toll road have avoided this traffic?” She then looked it up & the toll road was about 20 miles shorter & at least 3 hours quicker, BUT that’s not the point of a road trip!

      Eventually we made it out of Salzburg & reached the border crossing into Germany. The guard waved us on without even seeing our passports. WoW. We then hurtled along the toll free Autobahn 8 for 90 miles to Munich. Despite doing 80mph, a procession of BMWs, Audi’s & Mercedes sped past us as if we were hardly moving.

      It was gone 7.00pm, when we arrived in Munich, parked our car in a designated underground car park & walked to our hotel, H+ Hotel München. The receptionist was extremely helpful & provided us with a map for all the things we needed to see & a recommendation for dinner. Our hotel room is bijou, but very comfortable & functional. A good example of German efficiency.

      We dumped our bags & crossed the road to Schiller Braeu, a Bavarian bar & restaurant. We walked in & a very officious serving wench (Helga) shouted at us to put on our masks. The whole restaurant looked around at us. Good start!

      We had a couple of large home brewed lagers. Jackie had the most expensive thing on the menu again, Bavarian roast beef smothered in onions & roast potatoes. I had roast pork and crackling in a dark beer sauce, 2 types of dumplings & coleslaw. It was much needed superb hearty fare.

      After a short stroll around our salubrious surroundings, we called it a night.

      Song of the Day : Border Song by Elton John.

      Bonus Songs : Bled by Every Mothers Nightmare.

      Autobahn by Kraftwerk.

      Madame Helga by The Stereophonics.
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    • Dzień 55

      Torrevieja Espagne

      16 lutego 2015, Niemcy ⋅ 🌫 -1 °C

      Arrivée ce matin et déjà 2 grandes promenades de découverte de la ville, pas terrible et touchée par la crise. Pizzerias partout.. on va devoir chercher un peu de gastronomie. Pas de Wi-Fi à l'appartement mais en ville ça va. L'appartement est rustique fluo, osé mais plaisant Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 45

      Dachau and Munich

      1 lipca 2016, Niemcy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      The Dachau Concentration Camp site was used prior to and during WWII is located just outside Munich, Germany. We were limited to a couple of hours and I could have easily spent an entire day going through the museum, buildings, memorials, and grounds. The audio tour would have been interesting, but it required at least 3 hours. Instead I took photos of much of the signage and descriptions I came across to read after the fact. It's obviously a very somber place and the scale is quite small when the volume of people housed at the camp is considered. Two prisoner bunkhouses have been restored, but there were over 30 in use during the camp's operation.

      The next morning started off with a Mike's Bike Tour of Munich. Hinx was our guide; he's Australian and quite funny. He provided a mix of historical information and funny anecdotes that kept people's attention. One of the first things he covered with us was hour to deal with people that try to join our group without paying (a common issue)... When one of our group identified an offender, we were to pass the "stranger danger" message quietly through the group and, when everyone knew, the unified group would call out "stranger danger", look at the offender, crouch down, and begin hopping in their direction. I'm sure it was quite a hilarious sight to see!

      We went through part of the Englischer Garten, which is the second largest park in Europe (Dublin has the largest). It's a huge and beautiful green space with some unusual extras: river surfing and a nude area.

      After the bike tour, a group of us headed to Marien Platz, a main square, which has the Glockenspiel (clocktower with characters that move at certain times of the day), as well as many outdoor markets that we explored. We walked Ludwig Straus for a few kilometers, explored the university area, and made out way back to the Englischer Garten, which was great, except for the fact that it was pouring rain for a good portion of the walk - I'm glad I still had the poncho that I bought on the street in Italy (I think).

      We warmed up and had a bit of dinner at a small cafe. Then we headed off to Hobrauhaus, a famous Munich beer hall, to meet some of the others. Germany was playing in the Euro Cup later that night and it was packed with people, it's the type of place where your whole group will not be able to sit together; rather, people sit wherever and get to know those around them - great time! They serve beer in one litre steins and quite a few of our group were there all afternoon; we left at 8:30pm, so you can imagine the state people were in. It was Nicola's birthday and I had the challenge of keeping her in her seat for the coach ride home
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    • Dzień 2

      מטרו בקופנהגן

      17 września 2016, Niemcy ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      אז לא סתם ידוע שאנשים בקופנהגן ממש שמחים ומאושרים יחסית. ישלהם מטרו ממש מגניב ומסודר שעושה כיף בלב למבקרים ופועל 24\7. כן. לוקח 20 דק' להגיע משדה התעופה למרכז העיר וצריך להחליף בין הקו הצהוב לרכבת S. אפילו כשקצת התבלבלנו שאלנו דני חביב שלא ידע אבל עצר הכל והתחיל לחפש בפלאפון. אני מאוהבת (בדנמרק 😇) Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 55

      Day 7 on the Meseta

      27 września 2016, Niemcy ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Sept 27: Been walking across the Meseta now for one week! Today was a very short 11+ km into Leon where we checked into hotel rooms and are kicking back a little.
      Another beautiful city, cathedral and lots of cafes/restaurants. Will be saying goodbye to a couple of folks here after today so may be out celebrating a bit later tonight. Some of us may stay in Leon for one more day . . .

      We've been starting out walks each day between 6:30-7:00am when it's still dark out, but one morning we started at 5:30am to get a little more time in under the stars. Below here and in the next post are some pics from along the way (Sept 22-26). Will create new post tomorrow for today's walk into Leon along with a few pics from tonight's celebration (possibly).

      Pic #1 a morning mist, leaving
      Pic #2 chilling in a great tree at the albergue in Boadilla
      Pic #3 passing through Fromista after leaving Boadilla, we cross the lock gates (esclusa) of the Canal de Castillo
      Pic #4 sweet dawg friend on the Camino
      Pic #5 going through a village after a night in Terradillos, we walked through a courtyard where the trees had been decorated with knitting; definitely reminded me of Portland
      Pic #6 a morning sunrise
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    • Dzień 17


      16 lutego 2015, Niemcy ⋅ 🌫 -2 °C

      Vi var fremme i "Quime" Kl 21, på veien dit så lynte det og tornet det veldig, prøvde å ta bilde men det ble ikke så bra. Vi tokk oss en liten tur rundt i området før vi gikk og la oss ? Quime er da en liten landsby, fikk ikke sett så mye i dag siden det var så mørkt men det er en liten landsby der alle kjenner alle ? Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 9


      21 sierpnia 2021, Niemcy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Munich is the 3rd largest city in Germany and capital of the state of Bavaria. It is also known for the Oktoberfest that has been canceled for the 2nd year in a row. (Although I can attest that the beer is still good.)
      Until after world war 1, Bavaria was ruled by kings. The 1st picture is of the summer palace. I don't have a wide angle lens. So I ask you to add about 300% to what you see to get a sense of scale. The 2nd picture is of the Residence Palace near the center of Munich. The 3rd picture is a city gate of the same design as the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The 4th picture is the main shopping street.
      The last 2 pictures were taken from the bus. The 5th picture is of one of the facilities for the Olympics of 1972. You may recall that this was the Olympic games with the terrorist attacks. The last picture is a glimpse of the Löwenbräu beer hall.
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    • Dzień 2

      München, Deutschland

      17 lipca 2017, Niemcy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Am unverhofften Aufenthalt in München traf ich mich nach dem Frühstück mit einer guten Bekannten für einen kurzen Plausch. Da ich ja bisher noch kaum Geld ausgegeben hatte sah ich mich nach einer Kamera um, mit der ich tolle Urlaubsbilder schießen kann - nochmals 350€. Um kurz vor Mittag dann die obligatorische Weißwurst und ein Helles im Augustiner-Keller am Stachus. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 9

      London to Munich

      12 września 2019, Niemcy ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      We started our day very early and caught the first tube to Heathrow, Terminal 5 for our flight to Munich. Flight was on time and arrived a little early. We got through passport control quite quickly but then had to wait well over 30 minutes for our luggage - so much for German efficiency!

      We caught the train to the central station, which is only about a 5 minute walk from our apartment. It is a very multicultural area - a real melting pot. We grabbed some lunch, a donner kebab from a Turkish place and then found our apartment. I seem to have caught Ian’s cold, so feeling a bit crappy. After accessing our apartment we went and did a shop, we first went to Aldi but the smell on entering the store was disgusting- like meat that had gone off so we left and went to LIDL instead.

      We decided on cold meat and cheese for dinner which was a nice change after eating out so much in London, also good financially, as it is very expensive to eat out.
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