Altstadt Nord

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    • Dag 6


      1. oktober 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      Holy cathedral, Batman! The arch and floor mosaic are leftover from the area's Roman past (the mosaic is still exactly where it was found, has never been moved). Really neat riverside park. Happened to get a perfect pic of a dog jumping at the giant bubbles from the bubble guy (because every park needs a bubble guy).Læs mere

    • Dag 6

      Köln for the weekend

      9. juni, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      On Saturday we arrived in the sunny Köln 🌞We enjoyed the evening atmosphere at a nice restaurant Josh and I picked out (we’ve been before). Everyone liked their traditional German meals and Kölsch! 🍻

      Because we had only one full day in the city, we got up early and Kobe, Emily, Joanna, Josh and I made our way up the Catherdral to get a nice view over the city and take in the impressive building that it is. With tired legs after 530 steps we made a stop to enjoy a big fix of Baumkuchen, Eis Schokolades and pancakes 😋😋 and spent the afternoon exploring the Altstadt and the Roman Church. We finished the day with a classic Döner to end our time in Germany 🇩🇪 I am glad we got to be here, even though a short time, it was enjoyed! Off to Copenhagen tomorrow…🚇
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    • Dag 1

      Es geht los

      11. juni 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Hallo zusammen,

      das ist der Start meines Reiseblogs ☺️.

      Möchte euch ja ein bisschen auf dem Laufenden halten, wie regelmäßig ich hier was poste kann ich euch aber noch gar nicht sagen, kommt immer drauf an wie viel ich zu tun habe und was es so neues zu erzählen gibt 😉. Nicht das ich nachher nur noch blogge und hier vor Ort gar nicht richtig präsent bin😅.

      Danke übrigens nochmal für die Überraschung vor Abflug 🥰 hat mich wirklich mega gefreut ☺️.

      PS: Bild 5 ist übrigens über Grönland.
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    • Dag 2

      Kölner Dom

      22. juli 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Die Auto Fahrt verlief sehr ruhig und angenehm.
      Um ca halb 3 entschieden wir uns vor Köln ein paar Stunden zu schlafen. Schneller als gedacht fanden wir einen kleine Raststelle.
      Am morgen gings früh weiter und so waren wir scho ca 7 schon beim Kölner Dom. Wir holten uns Kaffee und Bretzel und schauten dem langsamen erwachen der Stadt zu.
      Da waren teils echt schräge Gestalten schon oder noch unterwegs.
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    • Dag 18

      Stupendous Cathedral, & chocolate!

      17. maj, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Hi folks

      We enjoyed a late start today, lolling in bed till after 10 - a very comfortable bed too, though it squeaks with any movement!

      We had a Thai curry for lunch, and then walked over to the Cathedral, or “Dom”. I had booked a guided tour at 2pm, but we had an hour beforehand, so we spent the time wandering around the church taking photos.

      What an amazing building! Started in 1248, it took over 600 years to finish. We were both blown away by the beauty everywhere you looked. And so many different spaces - behind the high altar there are seven chapels to accommodate the Masses each priest in the Chapter had to say each day.

      The Cathedral was started to provide an appropriate home for the supposed bones of the Three Kings of the Christmas Story. These relics quickly became popular with pilgrims, who came to venerate them.

      The relics are housed in a beautiful gold casket, studded with 1000 gems- see photos.

      Come 2 o’clock, we reported for our tour, which was led by a young religious brother. He gave us a lot of additional interesting information about the Cathedral, such as the age of different elements - the oldest stained glass window dates from 1260!!

      The Cathedral is right next to Cologne’s main railway station, and close to the Rhine River’s bridges, so damage was inevitable in World War II. Fourteen bombs landed on the Cathedral, and although the lower windows and furniture had been removed for safety, the upper windows, roof and masonry suffered badly.

      Fortunately the towers (mostly) survived, and there are pictures from that time showing the Cathedral surrounded by an utter wasteland. Awful.

      As we left the church, Des caught sight of a little yellow train, and she thought that could be fun! The train turned out to be the Schoko Express, and it took us to the Chocolate Museum. This turned out to be an excellent museum about the history and development of the chocolate industry. Funded by Lindt, the museum also includes a working chocolate factory, and a chocolate fountain!!

      Another great day!

      Tomorrow, day trip to Aachen and Charlemagne.
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    • Dag 33

      Cologne walking tour.

      24. maj, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      It’s going to rain all day. Once again a fantastic guide. So much information.
      The Cathedral is huge and has many stories to tell. Apparently there is lots of underground crypts, rooms and caves too.
      Sayings of the people of Koln, “we don’t care”, “we don’t like Bavarians”, “we don’t drink beer from Steins”, “they are all cross eyed on the other side of the river” and many many more.
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    • Dag 33

      Day 33: Cologne, Germany🍺🍺⛪️🌙

      5. august 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had a great night of sleep and decided to sleep in until about 9:00 AM as we were having a sort day of only 27 miles to Cologne. We had a nice breakfast on the back patio with Thomas. After breakfast Thomas gave us a picture show and stories about his 100-day bicycle trip from Berlin to Iran. What an amazing adventure he had! We got pedaling toward Cologne at 11:45 AM (our latest start of the trip.) The ride along the Rhine was chilly, damp, and very bumpy. We stopped for a picnic with the sandwiches we made at breakfast within 5 miles of Cologne, and also shared a sweet treat from a bakery. Cologne (1.1 million pop. Is the 4th largest city in 🇩🇪) was also crowded, especially around the Cathedral, Kölner Dom, which receives tens of thousands of visitors per day. The Cathedral is an amazing site, and I recommend you learn more about it. “The towers for its two huge spires give the cathedral the largest façade of any church in the world.” It is believed by many the remains of the three wise men are contained within the cathedral. After that Lisa and I took turns exploring the cathedral’s interior and then we navigated our way through the busyness to our Warmshower Lar’s and Sabine’s flat. They live in a car-free neighborhood which was very interesting to learn about, and experience the quietness of such a living space. No cars parked on the street, no traffic, only bicycles and walking. The evening was a beautiful walking tour with Sabine and Lars filled with talk of past adventures and future dreams of travel. We ended at a special local pub/restaurant called the Golden Cabbage. At the Golden Cabbage we had a true local experience of a Cologne Brauhus. We drank Kölsch style beer which technically can only be brewed in Cologne from the traditional .2-liter glasses which are brought to you automatically by the waitress once yours is less than 1/2 full, and as long as you don’t cover the top with your coaster. We experienced the lively atmosphere of men watch the first league soccer game on the tv, and cheers of excitement when their team scored, or almost scored, as we enjoyed local dishes of blackened pudding, and sauerbraten. One man who had been a patron of the pub for nearly 60 years practiced his English with us. He welcomed us to Cologne and wished us a wonderful trip. At the end of our adventure in the Golden Cabbage the waitress found out we had been cycling for nearly 5 weeks and we’re from America, so she gave us some gifts from the pub. The Kölsch experience was something we had never experienced in Germany, and will be a special memory forever. The evening ended with a nightcap on the terrace of Lar’s & Sabine’s flat as the time was approaching midnight. This like all days was another very special experience! 🍺🚴🏻‍♂️❤️🇩🇪Læs mere

    • Dag 16


      28. september 2022, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      El día comenzó tranquilo en Frankfurt, decidiendo que hacer fuimos al aeropuerto, porque todos los blablabla car que pedimos salían de allí. Después un chico muy amable nos llevó a Colonia, un viaje de más de dos horas que con autoestop no sé cuánto habría durado, ya que la gente de Frankfurt parecía menos animada de lo normal. Llegando a Frankfurt fuimos a un Lidl donde compramos provisiones y luego fuimos a un parque donde tuvimos un picnic, comiendo bocadillos de queso y una mezcla de cerdo y vaca. Como ya era tarde decidimos ir a visitar rápido el centro, no tuvimos mucho tiempo y vimos poco, la iglesia y alguna escultura. La ciudad es bastante comercial, con tiendas por todas partes y de todo tipo. Decidimos tomar el Tram para llegar a nuestro anfitrión de CS. Es un tipo amable, pero nos tocó volver a subir muchas escaleras. Acabando el día conocimos a otros viajeros de la aplicación que venían de Berlín.Læs mere

    • Dag 7

      From Barcelona to Cologne/Bonn

      7. november 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      On 20231107 with Ryanair flight FR2507 from Barcelona (BCN) back to Cologne/Bonn (CGN). Departure: 11:50. Arrival: 14:10. Total price for two people (hand luggage only, 8kg) 77,98€. Booked on 20230525 via Ryanair.com.

      Day 7 [Tuesday]: By taxi (31,50€) to the airport. Pass through baggage and ticket control. Arrived very early, so a long wait. Trying to get some sleep at Burger King. Anneke went to order coffee, no receipt came, but the amount had been debited. We went to pick up the order and had to laugh again because it came in a very small cup. Gate U36. After landing in Cologne/Bonn we took the train RE6 to Duisburg Central Station. Via Oberhausen with RE19 track 9 via Bochelt, Wesel to Arnhem. Due to disruption/construction work, we had to get off at Emmerich and then transfer to the train to Arnhem. Fortunately, Paul picked us up by car in Emmerich around 8 PM. Traveling by train in Germany took us a very long time.
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    • Dag 4

      Dinner and beer culture

      25. maj 2023, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      The first place was Muhlen. They served bratwurst, sauerkraut, pork, onions, potatoes and flava beans. Dessert was a malt mousse. Bill Clinton ate there.

      Second place was Paffgen. Sat with Henrik our guide.

      Third place was musical bar. Papa Joe's Biersalon. Lots of player pianos and mechanical musical instruments.
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