Catching Up...

It's been a fast and furious last few days! Saturday in Vienna I skipped the first day of my meeting (theoretically the reason we're here 😉). Went to Hofburg in the center of the city. A hugeRead more
It's been a fast and furious last few days! Saturday in Vienna I skipped the first day of my meeting (theoretically the reason we're here 😉). Went to Hofburg in the center of the city. A hugeRead more
Heute habe ich einen Ausflug nach Freiburg im Breisgau geplant. Hier treffe ich auch zum ersten Mal Kai!
Und wie auch das für gute Schwaben gehört, haben wir am Schwabentor geparkt!
Am MünsterRead more
Well, we've made it to Nurburg, but that's for another post! Beth and I spent Thursday and Friday in Freiburg im Breisgau. In the heart of the Black Forest, this is a delightful city. In contrast toRead more
Alsacia cambió hasta ocho veces de nacionalidad, y de ahí salió el alsaciano, una mezcla rara entre alemán y francés. Los sitios fronterizos siempre tienen algo de especial, y si no, que se loRead more
🌍Freiburg i. Br. & Umgebung
📈7km, 100Hm
🗒Am Sonntag dann etwas planen, lecker bekochen lassen (Essen retten 😘), Freunde treffen in Zähringen und ein weiteres Mal im Bett schlafen, dankeRead more
Die letzten Tage in Freiburg sind angebrochen, viel am packen und letzte Besorgungen machen bevor es dann mit dem Bus nach Frankfurt zu meinem Freund geht. Dort bleiben wir noch über das WochenendeRead more
🌍Riehen - Schliengen - Bad Krozingen - Freiburg i. Br.
📈72km, 400Hm
🗒️Nach gemeinsamem Frühstück Verabschiedung in Riehen, dort gleich noch einen zweiten, kurzen Besuch & danach flachRead more
This morning, we are going by bus to Frieburg. A German town at the foot of the Black Forest. This city of around 250 000 is newer than others we've visited. It began around the late 9th C andRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Freiburg St. Martin
Nestor Perea Great recap and pictures. I know I would have like hearing the seminar topics especially any on viruses. Glad you are enjoying the use of FindPenguins. Keep them coming.
Traveler Yes, and thanks for turning us on to it. Actually there is one TBD we don't have, Tick Borne Encephalitis (TBE). It's widespread, and has ~= 1% mortality. Also leaves people with cognitive impairment often too. Much like our mosquito-borne encephalitis viruses, Eastern Equine, St. Louis, etc. Fortunately there is an effective vaccine (and apparently not many anti-vaxxer nut jobs either.)