Landkreis Biberach

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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Landkreis Biberach
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    • Jour 14

      Kloster - Spaziergang

      13 mai, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      … hier ist alles grösser und weiter - der Empfang in einem Haus - die Schlafzimmer in einem weiteren - und der Speisesaal zieht sich weit ins Freie - mal schauen was das Wetter morgen beim Frühstücken zulässt … 🥹En savoir plus

    • Jour 7

      Day 7 - Josef Buffler, my saviour…………….

      5 mars, Allemagne ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

      ………the world’s most expensive parking attendant!!!

      As predicted, I struggled to get any sleep. I was still watching Top Boy, when the Italian got up to go to the loo at 2.20am. My alarm went off at 6.30am & after showering, I went to breakfast at 6.55. To my horror the 50 odd school kids were already in there, but they had doggy bags & left almost straight away for the United Nations.

      My breakfast consisted of just 2 slices of toast, 3 coffees & yoghurt & granola, but I got the proportions wrong & it had the texture of concrete. I then packed in the dark whilst my dorm companions slept and left the hostel.

      I set my SatNav at 7.57am to get to the Holiday Inn Express, Munich City West by the fastest route, but avoiding tolls. My SatNav showed that it would take 6 hours 39 minutes, a distance of 273 miles. I was due to arrive at the hotel at 2.42pm if I didn’t stop. I wanted to get to Munich in plenty of time to make the rendezvous, be totally sorted out for the next stage of the trip & not the one perceived to be unreliable.

      The weather was best described as miserable, drizzly with stormclouds on the horizon. The roads north out of Bern were uninspiring A roads following the Aare River. At 10.30am, I arrived at Koblenz, where I crossed the Rhine River into Germany. I decided that I would stop at the 1st hopefully now reasonably priced McDonalds I saw after 11.00am. Needless to say they went into hiding. I saw one about an hour later, but incredibly there were roadworks preventing me from getting to it.

      I continued onwards towards Munich, passing Lake Constance on my right. This was on a road that Jackie and I had driven the other way on our way back from Croatia a couple of years ago. It was notable for all the vineyards along this stretch of the route. Eventually I pulled into Friedrichshafen, still on Lake Constance & hunted down a McDonalds. It turned out to be a tiny one in the railway station.

      I returned to my bike & opened up the throttle to arrive at my hotel at now just after 3pm. I was speeding east along the A96 dual carriageway, when my heated handlebar grips kept turning themselves off. Next all the lights turned themselves off & I managed to turn on the a slip road, just before my bike whirred to a standstill. I turned the ignition off then tried to-restart by bike, but nothing was happening. I got off the bike & the bike toppled over , knocking me down and prone in the middle of the road with the bike on top of me. Out of sheer absolute embarrassment, I managed to out & heaved it back upright. I then pushed it up a slope to the junction at the top where it was less of a hazard to other traffic. I was in the middle of absolutely nowhere & didn’t know how to describe where I was. All I knew was that I was beside the A96 & just over 100 miles away from Munich.

      After several unsuccessful attempts to start it, I rang Jackie and gave her the good news. Jackie very helpfully provided me with some suggestions as to who to call & she did some research for me. The upshot was that I was not covered with a breakdown service outside of the UK. I rang my bike mechanic in the UK, who got me to try various things which didn’t work, but he couldn’t help without seeing the bike. I then rang the emergency number for motorway breakdowns (not dual carriageways) and they said would get the police out to me who would arrange a recovery truck.

      Several motorists stopped & one recommended I rang a local garage who might be able to help. I rang the garage, Moto Punto, and spoke to the owner who spoke only a little English. I tried to explain where I was, but he couldn’t understand & said that I was too far away. I later rang him back & asked him if I managed to get my bike to him, would he be able to look at it. He said he would. After several more phone calls of almost pleading with the garage owner, he agreed to come out when I finally was able to give him a better idea of where I was.

      Whilst waiting for him, now 3.55pm, the police showed up. They didn’t speak English, but recorded details of my bike, driving licence & passport. Whilst they were interrogating me, my saviour in his beaten up old van arrived. He was an old man with a gammy leg from a motorcycle accident 20 years ago. We managed to get the bike in the back of his van & we drove to his garage 8.5 miles away.

      Back at his garage his mechanic got to work. He connected a large battery pack & the bike fired into action. My relief was short lived when he diagnosed that the ‘reactor’ (or something) was not working. Apparently there are two parts of the bike that keep the battery charged when the engine is running.

      After looking it up, they announced that they couldn’t get the parts until the morning, but they would take me to a hotel for the night. I enquired if I could get a train to Munich. I could & could I leave the bike with them for 10 days & pick it up then. The bottom line is that I loaded up my motorbike gear in the panniers and the owner, Josef Buffler, ran me to the train station to continue my tour. He told me to ring him when I was coming back & he would pick me up.

      My train ticket cost just €26 & arrived in Munich main station at 19.42pm. It was a 2.1 mile walk to my hotel. I could have got another train but I chose to route march to the Holiday Inn Express, Munich City West. I arrived at 8.30pm. It was a 4 minute walk back to the venue, Backstage, so I treated myself to a shower and fresh clothes.

      I arrived at the gig at 9.00pm & it was heaving with people. It was the biggest venue so far. I decided there was no way I would or could find the others from the Magic Bus Tour, so I WhatsApp’d Jack Cheung, the tour organiser and driver to let him know that I had arrived and would catch up with everyone in the morning.

      Another excellent concert seen from a totally different perspective. During the song, ‘If I Am Still Me’ Jack rose up out of the crowd near the front and was stood on the shoulders of others for his usual dance. He did the same for ‘Green and Grey’ and ‘High. The encores were ‘Bittersweet’ their 1st single and was dedicated to the original manager, Nigel Morton aged just 70 & ‘High’ & ‘Get Me Out’.

      At the end I rushed back to the hotel & my bed. The following morning I discovered that I missed a 2nd encore of ‘No Rest’ and ‘Poison Street’.

      I am just very relieved that my tour is still on course. The mechanical failure could not have been foreseen & hopefully won’t cost me a fortune. I rightly or wrongly trust Josef. Either way things could have been a lot worse.

      Song of the Day - Breakdown by The Buzzcocks.

      NMA Song of the Day - Stormclouds by New Model Army.
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    • Jour 43


      21 juillet 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Day 42:
      Distance: 29.06 km (1,384.51 km)
      Steps: 42,297 (1,976,613)
      Move time: 7h00 (306h21)
      Spend: £21.90 (£656.60)

      🇩🇪 Gammertingen to Riedlingen. 🇩🇪

      The challenges of each day are always ever so slightly unique. The lay of the land and how it chooses to find me means that no two days are ever the same. But today, I was running on empty in pretty much every sense; out of food, water, gas, sleep, and pretty much anything else you can think of. And so, nature decided to cheer me up and send one of the most disgusting storms I've ever encountered. It's not all bad though, as I did eventually manage to find food and a place to rest, where it's probably no surprise that I've slept for 14 hours straight🥴En savoir plus

    • Jour 14

      … Dusche … 🚿

      13 mai, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      … nach der FindPenguins-Aktualisierung dusche ich jetzt …
      … auch hier haben findige Leute eine gute Lösung für diese alten Gemäuer gefunden - mehrere frühere Mönchszimmer wurden in Nasszellen umgebaut - sieh dir das Ergebnis an …

      … und zu dem gibt es nebst mehreren Tüchern auch noch ein Bademantel … 👍
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    • Jour 185

      Spazieren an der Iller.

      18 avril 2020, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Das wichtigste in diesen Tagen: Uns geht es gut. 😎
      Wir verbringen ein paar Tage in der Nähe von Briel Kreis Ehingen und cachen fleißig. Dann ist uns mal nach einen Ortswechsel und nun stehen wir an der Iller. Hier kann man super gut spazieren gehen oder Rad fahren. Ach ja, unsere Räder sind zur Zeit in der Werkstatt. Die Bremsen waren runter und mussten dringend erneuert werden. Wir hoffen sie bald wieder zu bekommen.
      Die große Ausnahme: Es regnet gerade. Trotzdem sehr gemütlich im WoMo.
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    • Jour 2

      Erster Regentag

      25 août 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach Abendlichen Käsespätzle und 3 Bier waren die Batterien von Papa Moll und Mäusele wieder gefüllt. Wir mussten dann die Gartenterrasse schnell räumen, da ein Unwetter über Mühlheim hereinbrach. Schlafen konnte Papa Moll aber lange nicht, da die Schwäble geselligten, wie wenn es kein Morgen mehr gäbe. Nach einem bescheidenen Frühstück liessen wir wieder unsere Beinchen strampeln. Auf all den Radwegen waren die Auswirkungen des gestrige Unwetter zu sehen. Erstaunlicherweise waren die meisten Naturhindernisse wie Bäume und Äste bereits auf die Seite geschoben worden, sodass wir in den vielen Waldpartien nur noch um die kleineren Hindernisse zirkeln musste. Zusammen mit den unendlichen Gravelstrecken, liess das kein hohes Tempo zu. Zwischendurch begann es auch noch zu Regnen, das hielt uns aber nicht davon ab, unserem Reiseziel weiter entgegen zu strampeln. In Sigmaringendorf war in der Pizzeria La Penisola (was für ein Name) dann Mittagspause angesagt.
      Mit frischen Kräften und Rückenwind strampelten wir anschliessend den Rest unserer 115 km ab. Chapeau Mäusele👍
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    • Jour 192


      25 avril 2020, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Nach einer Woche könnten wir unsere Fahrräder wieder abholen und starten heute zu einer Cacher/Radrunde in Aalen. Hier haben wir einige Rätsel des Spieles gelöst und wollten uns jetzt in die Logbücher eintragen. Wir sind kaum 30 m gefahren, schrabbt etwas an meinem Hinterrad und es schaut ein Metallstück aus meiner Bremsanlage. Schitt! 😟 Also Fahrräder wieder aufs Auto und zurück nach Senden in die Werkstatt. Heute kann das natürlich nicht mehr repariert werden, wir erhalten einen Anruf wenn die Räder fertig sind. Jetzt stehen wir in der Nähe auf dem Parkplatz eines Badesees. 😳 Ihrgendwann fährt ein Polizeiwagen vorbei und prompt sind wir im Fokus. 👮‍♂️Auf die Frage was wir hier machen, erzählen wir unsere Geschichte: Überwintert auf Szilien, Zuhause WG mit 2 Pflegekräften und jetzt Fahrrad in Senden in der Werkstatt auf dessen Reparatur wir hier warten möchten. Der Polizist nickt, wünscht uns einen schönen Tag und verschwindet wieder. Puhh! 😁 Also alles ok.En savoir plus

    • Jour 26


      3 mai, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      We started the day with our coffee fix, passed the Zeppelin Museum, and then boarded a train to lindau.This is the historic the picturesque island on Lake constance,a 30 mins a train journey from Friedrichshafen At the entrance of the by boat, you will see the Bavarian statue. Along the pormanade, you can enjoy a good cup of coffee or lunch, even dinner in front of the hobour. We enjoyed the morning breeze and returned to friedrichshafen stadt at 16 hr 34. It started to drizzle a bit.We had supper with our Holland friends and said our good byes to them.En savoir plus

    • Jour 35

      Fridingen to Scheer

      21 septembre 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      If yesterday's ride was rated 10/10, then today would have to up the ante to the proverbial 11/10. Not only did the run of perfect weather continue unabated, but the scenery was probably even more beautiful than what we experienced yesterday. It is little wonder that this section is often regarded as the most amazing on the entire Danube Bike Path.

      The first section from Fridingen to Beuron runs through a wide, flat bottomed valley, bordered by towering stone cliffs. We were never far from the river we had seen start in Donaueschingen yesterday. although with each passing km, it gets a little bigger.

      Beuron is dominated by a huge abbey. There are also signs everywhere that remind us that we are on a pilgrim route. This is part of the huge network of Camino trails that originate from all over Europe, and terminate in Santiago de Compostela in Spain. There are many small shrines and chapels along the path, that invite the cyclist to stop for a while and ponder.

      Unfortunately we are now down to only 7 riders. Carol has been suffering from a cold for the past couple of days and elected to catch the train instead of ride. She met us later along the way at Sigmaringen. Maggie was also a doubtful starter, having strained her back early in the morning at the hotel. She managed to complete the 50 km ride with difficulty, and only time will tell if she is able to ride tomorrow.

      You might think that by following a river downstream, the path would be all downhill. You might think that, but you would be completely wrong. Today's route was actually quite "lumpy", with some significant sharp climbs. In fact during the day, the GPS told me that we had a total ascent of over 800 metres. I guess that is why we all felt quite tired at the end of the ride.

      The town of Sigmaringen is dominated by a huge palace structure. While it certainly is impressive, to me it is just another reminder of the disparity of wealth and power between the royalty and the rest of the population. Four of us decided to have a quick wander through some of the buildings, but after about 30 mins we were keen to get to our hotel in Scheer.

      Carol joined us the final 10 km or so, and soon we were riding into the grounds of the lovely Donaublick Hotel. This hotel was a favourite on our 2016 ride, and it was a great feeling to be back again. It was even nicer when we were welcomed with a free cup of coffee and cake.
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    • Jour 44

      Biberach an der Riß

      22 juillet 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Day 43:
      Distance: 28.95 km (1,413.46 km)
      Steps: 40,878 (2,017,491)
      Move time: 6h20 (312h41)
      Spend: £13.46 (£670.06)

      🇩🇪 Riedlingen to Biberach an der Riß. 🇩🇪

      Today, I was riding a crest. I don't know why, but after taking a slow morning, I was just really feeling it. And following some easy miles, I've stumbled upon highlight of the day; Schützenfest in Biberach. Now, I did know of this festival's existence, but after rolling into town at 19:30, I expected to have missed whatever celebrations might have been going on. But how wrong was I; I could barely believe the scale of the festivities here. There's everything you imagine when you picture a German folk festival: pretzels, rides, even the Lederhosen-wearing waitresses to carry the monster-sized beers. Most of my time has been spent enjoying the free concert; they've gone from playing Blur, to Robbie Williams to "Will Grigg's on fire, your defence is terrified" (no, really). Honestly, England must live rent-free in Germans' heads, because everyone here's been absolutely vibing to it. And as have I, tbf, there's something very amusing to me about being probably the only English person in an environment like this.En savoir plus

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    Landkreis Biberach


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