Dimos Agkistri

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    • Dag 7

      Del Pireo a Agistri

      7 november 2023, Grekland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Temporada baja en la Isla, me ha costado 15 km de bici conseguir comer algo :)
      Espectacular el agua, los paisajes...en media hora cojo el ferri de vuelta a Atenas

    • Dag 8

      Skala auf der Insel Agistri

      27 juli 2023, Grekland ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Heute war ein geiler Segeltag!
      17.5 Seemeilen gesegelt (von 22,5).

      Auf Agistri ankern wir das letzte Mal in einer Bucht und fahren mit dem Dingi an Landzum Abendessen in Skala.

    • Dag 6

      Badestopp auf Metopi

      15 augusti 2019, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Am Morgen schwamm ich an Land, um ein paar Bilder vom Katamaran in der Ankerbucht zu machen. Auf der anderen Seite der Landzunge war eine Strandbar und in der Ostbucht wimmelte es von Ausflugsbooten, Badenden und ankernden Schiffen. Da lagen wir in der Westbucht doch viel besser!
      Mittags gingen wir ankerauf und motorten nach Metopi hinüber zum Baden, Muscheln sammeln, Insel erkunden und Orangensaft im Meer trinken.
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    • Dag 6

      Ankern bei Metopi

      15 september 2020, Grekland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Flott ging es an der Insel Moni vorbei und auf Metopi zu. Dort fiel der Anker und wir badeten, gesichert durch die lange Schwimmleine, an deren Ende ein Fender befestigt war. Beim Schwojen im frischen Wind drehte sich das Heck des Bootes mit ziemlicher Geschwindigkeit.
      Das Abendessen, versüßt mit Baklava aus Poros, mundete allen.
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    • Dag 17

      Metopi und Agistry

      1 maj 2019, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach einem leckeren Frühstück im Hotel von Anni und Regine verabschiedeten sie mich winkend, als ich aus dem Hafen fuhr. Ich segelte zur Insel Metopi und ankertd da auf dem sandigen Biden, der dem Wasser diesen schönen türkisen Farbton gibt. Leider kam kein Nord- wie angekündigt, sondern Südwind, so dass sich eine hohe Welle aufbaute und die Mistral stampfen ließ. Ich beschloß, woanders hin zu fahren und umsegelte Angistry südlich. In der Ferne lag Epidaurus und lockte. Sollte ich dorthin fahren? Aber noch 10 Seemeilen. Nein, ich legte am Pier der Taverne Antonios an Angistrys Westseite an. Beim Abendessen kam dann der Nordwind und ließ die Mistral auf und ab tanzen. Nee, das war auch nichts. In der Abenddämmerung motorte ich die 4 Seemeilen nach Metopi zurück. Dabei hatte ich noch einen wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang auf See. Malerisch!
      Auf Metopis Südseite ankerte ich im Schutz der Insel. Der starke Nordwind blies die ganze Nacht.
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    • Dag 197

      Greek Islands Day 6: Agistri

      16 juli 2015, Grekland ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      So, today is our last day technically. It's our last island and tomorrow we head back to Athens. The water isn't as nice as usual today and the wind has picked up a bit.

      We head to the island early as there is a pool we can use and some of the girls want to book massages. It's nice to swim in a pool, which is also salt water, but it's not as fun or less constricting then swimming in the ocean.

      It's a bit of wasted day I felt. We just had lunch then I went back up to the pool to read and have a drink while the others slept off last night's hangover. In the afternoon I walked down to the small town, which was about 20 mins walk away from us. I stopped in at a small shop and bought some olives, honey, fruit and a drink, before finding a spot on the beach and eating my olives.

      Tonight is toga night, so we grab our bed sheets and find some twigs alongside the road to dress us as our best Greek Goddesses. We have dinner up at the pool restaurant, which is another great evening of greek tapas, although not as good as our first night. The owners try to encourage us into a spot of Greek dancing, before we head up to a bar that over looks the island for some nightclub dancing.
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    • Dag 194

      Spetses, Saronic Gulf Islands, Greece

      13 juli 2015, Grekland ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Greek Islands day 3: Spetses

      Today we spent most of our time on land!!

      We were out of the bay early today at 7:30am, although I'm sure some people on our boat had only just dropped into bed. We stopped for breakfast out on the water, before continuing on and pulling into dock just before 11am. Spetses is our island today and quad bikes are its game.

      We partnered up and headed to the rental shops. Whitney and I put petrol in our bike and then headed off around the island. It took us about an hour to circle the island, with lots of little stops on the way. It was just beautiful.
      Not a cloud in sight and endless views of sea and sky combining forever.

      A highlight was stopping to look over someone's little village of a home. There were two houses, a helicopter pad, with helicopter, golf carters to get around the place, a pool area and access to the ocean. Plus what looked like a very well kept garden. Amazing!

      We had lunch on a rooftop restaurant before cruising along the coast for a swim in the ocean. We also went down to a small spot, which was alive with locals, and sat for a drink just watching the tide. It was just lovely. What a way to start a Monday!

      Tonight we were conned into having dinner with the other boats at an italian restaurant. It was a poor choice and one that everyone on our boat regretted. It was definitely no!
      It was not one of the better places Medsailors recommended.

      After dinner most people headed to an Irish pub for dancing and drinking. I took a wander around the island before heading back to the boat to call it a night.
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    • Dag 193

      Greek Islands Day 2: Ermioni

      12 juli 2015, Grekland ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      With several people waking with sore heads this morning, we coffee and head out at around 9am headed for island number 2 – Ermioni. Or as Alex says, it's like Hermione from Harry Potter but without the H.

      We are one of the first boats to head out and get to the rock area for the first swim of the day. Our token male, Paul, is really keen on rock jumping, and is first in the water to try it out.

      Once they are all back in we sail more towards an enclosed area for more swimming and lunch. Breakfast and lunch are provided each day. Break is cereal, breads, jams and eggs. Lunch varies between different salads, tuna and pasta dishes.

      You can see the bottom of the ocean in this area, the water is that clear. We swim around for a bit before enjoying our first lunch. This is our biggest day of sailing with almost 4-5 hours I think. We pack up and head for Ermioni, we have another 3 hours to go.

      Ermioni was responsible for creating the red dye in Alexander the Great’s capes. It was also used for anyone in parliament or a high-ranking official I think.

      We dock at 3:30pm, right in the middle of siesta time, so the town is really quiet. We walk through the village to the other port and check out the area there. On our way back Whitney and I discover that one of the bars / cafes is playing Wimbledon’s men singles finals. So we settle in for an afternoon of tennis and Greek beer.

      Tonight, after enjoying punch up on a hill, we fest on delicious E1.50 gyros, they are amazing! And turn out to be the best that I’ll have in Greece. As everyone else heads off to party I head to the other side of the island and try one of the restaurants out. They are serving rice pudding on their menu. It is too sweet for me, but still good. Gran, yours is still the best!
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    • Dag 192

      Greek island day 1: Agistri

      11 juli 2015, Grekland ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      All aboard the yacht week express, also known as Medsailors Greek Sailing Week

      Today I begin a week long sailing your around 6 of the Greek Islands. I arrived into Athens late last night and enjoyed a wonderful meal of Greek salad (which are enormous portions here) and calamari under the Acropolis. After frantically running around Athens this morning, fixing up life before the Internet becomes non-existent for a week, I arrived at the pier for check-in.

      My boat is called … , the skipper's name is Alex, we have 7 girls on board and 1 guy and 5 Australians, 2 New Zealanders and 1 South African make up our crew. We are one of 14 boats headed out for the week, it’s apparently their second biggest week of the season.

      I'm bunking with the lovely South African, Whitney, our room is the size of Harry Potter’s bedroom under the stairs, and my bed only twice the size of me. I can’t sit up in bed and I have to crouch and crawl to get into it - definitely not one for one with claustrophobia.

      We have two bathrooms and showers on board, a kitchen and small eating area, although we do all of our eating on the deck. At 3pm, with our drinks and snacks safely in the cooler box we head out to our first island, Agistri, it's a three-hour sail.

      The water is rather smooth, although probably not smooth enough for day 1 of sailing haha.

      Alex tells us that Agistri is famous for pistachios, so of course that’s the first thing I buy when we arrive. They were not as salty as the ones at home and I paid around 2-3 euros for a decent sized packet.

      Our first action of the day, once we'd docked, was a swim. Alex pointed out an area where we would avoid poo from docked boats – always a winner – and off we went. The water was so salty! I don’t think it’s that salt at home, but it felt like you were left with a layer of salt in your mouth if you swallowed any.

      We were having a great time lounging in the beautiful salty seawater, until we saw a violent murder take place! The local family who were swimming near us had decided to catch dinner I think. With about 15 of us bobbing in the water we watched as the mother emerged from the sea with an octopus wrapped around her hand.

      As she tried to pull it off, the octopus latched on as hard and fast as it could, leaving big red welts in its path. When she finally managed to pull off the sea creature she grabbed it by it’s head and stacked violently throwing it into the concrete. Again and again and again!

      Cries of shock and horror were coming uncontrollably from our group, wading in the water, unable to look away. After what felt like an eternity the grandma picked it up and washed it in the ocean before pulling apart its head and washing the ink and internal organs in the ocean. We made a quick exit at this point!

      Needless to say we were all put off octopus for the rest of our trip haha.

      Afterwards I went for a walk around the island. Alex had pointed out some old German bunkers as we sailed in, so I went to explore those and see the area. The environment reminds me of Pallarenda in a way. It’s bush like, but the ocean is right there.

      I wandered around for a bit before returning in time for dinner. Tonight we are having a group dinner of sorts, and it’s tapas style. Lots of different plates of local cuisine comes out at us at a rapid pace. We head cheeses, vegetables, seafood (but no octopus), meats and so on. Dessert was fruit.

      Tonight we party in an open-air nightclub. I try ouzo for the first time and decide it’s not for me. Right now life feels amazing. It feels like everything that went wrong last year is currently being made up for on my Greek sailing tour! Roll on tomorrow.
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    Dimos Agkistri, Agkistri, Αγκιστρίου

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