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    • Day 51


      November 10, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Nach einer sehr langen Nacht am Flughafen, einem gecancelten Flug, einer Nacht im Hotel und nochmal einem Versuch den Flieger zu bekommen, sind wir nun auf der Insel Paros angekommen.
      Hier sieht man die typischen Griechenlandhäuser in blau-weiß.
      Bevor es auf die nächste Insel geht, erkunden wir die nächsten zwei Tage die Insel Paros.
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    • Day 72 - Paros, Greece

      September 19, 2023 in Greece ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Today we had breakfast at the resort before we headed off to see the centre of the island.

      We drove over to Lefkes, a small village near the centre of the island.
      Upon arriving 2 lovely young ladies couldn’t work out the road rules and were to the right of the road trying to turn left with no indication but their hands. I hardly saw their hands so proceeded to turn with another car. When we got down to park they proceeded to flip us off… I saw that! Us laughing about it probably didn’t help but it was funny!
      We walked through the village looking through a couple of local shops making our way through to the Holy Trinity Lefkes Orthodox Church. The church is mainly made out of local marble inside which is a site to behold, unfortunately no photos allowed.

      We walked around the houses in the village, this is like the other villages built to the Cycladic style with the white wash and blue roofs. We do like when we see houses with some render showing the existing brick underneath, gives it some more character.
      We ended up finding a local jewellery shop, Katie had soon found a necklace she liked and brought it.
      On the way out of the village to the parked car, we met a lot of the local cats that seemed to be well looked after and somewhat fixed which was good to see.

      We drove to a village nearby Kostas which we spotted from the main road, not a lot happening in this village. We gathered more locals live here seeing not many tourists around.

      The ancient marble quarries were a couple minute drive away. I don’t know what I was expecting but the cave in the hill was shut due to falling rock & ruins of houses with marble rocks laying around. I was expecting more of an open cut sort of quarry.

      Lunch was on Katie’s next hit list, so we drove to Paralia Krios beach. We treated ourselves to a lunch at Aroda resturant on the water. This was the best octopus I’ve had since being in Greece! (Shows you get what you pay for sometimes!)

      After lunch we got changed and headed for the beach to cool off. This beach is very sheltered from the Northerly winds, though it was more European than we bargained for… there were a couple of sites we saw along the beach for free.

      We went to the resort, I had a swim from our room. The ocean is really shallow here and there’s a sand bar further out, from there it proceeds to get deeper. After laying on the sun beds we freshened up and headed to a local tavern nearby. This food was nothing to write home about but we really stuffed the wine order up here! There’s was 1litre house wine (should of ordered that and left some) or 0.5l bottle that was fairly cheap, we opted for that. Little did we know this wine had a very strong rosemary taste along with other green herbs… well we learnt the hard way!

      We called it a night after this to get some rest for tomorrow.
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    • Day 5

      Berge, ein Bergdorf u. griechische Hitze

      August 8, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Um kurz vor 23 Uhr war ich auf Paros angekommen. Die Hotels wollen alle um die 100 Euro für eine Nacht, ein Hostel gibt's nicht - also schlafe ich am Strand. Zikaden, das Anströmen der Wellen, ab und zu nächtliche Strandgäste lassen mich die ganze Nacht nicht tief schlafen aber am Morgen bin ich frisch und tauche erst mal in die Fluten. Danach schnell ein Mofa gemietet und ab auf die höchsten Berge von Paros. Den ersten Gipfel erklimme ich zu Fuß, da die Straße etwa 100 m unter ihm endet. Toller Blick. Als ich zu meinem Vehikel zurückkehre brennt die Sonne mit ungeheurer Macht vom Himmel. Ich flüchte mich in das Bergdorf Lekhes und verbringe den Nachmittag in einer Taverne. Das griechische Essen ist traumhaft. Mein ständiger Begleiter: Alexis Sorbas. Der Roman packt mich und ich verschlinge ihn in den paar griechischen Tagen.Read more

    • Day 5


      June 10, 2023 in Greece ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      From an early morning, sleeping on the ferry. Paros consisted on hidden beaches, cocktails and a full day of quad biking around the island telling Prue "stay on the right side of the road, which was actually me saying right, right, RIGHT' I also caught up with friends all the way from Brisbane!Read more

    • Day 5

      La dolce vita

      September 26, 2022 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Journée typique à Paros : visite des villages et monastères et surtout plage, celle d’aujourd’hui à la particularité d’avoir un filon d’argile donc la tradition est de se faire un bain de boue

    • Day 10

      Lefkes & Baden in Piso Livadi

      June 29, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Heute ist mein letzter Tag auf Paros. Am Vormittag besuche ich das charmante Dorf Lefkes und anschließend gehts an den Strand in Piso Livadi, wo ich den Nachmittag verbringe.
      Am Abend schlendere ich nochmal durch Parikia,entdecke noch Gässchen, die ich noch nicht kenne und gegen 20.00 treffe ich mich noch mit Vicky und Phil, dem englischen Paar, dass ich bei der geführten Tour am Dienstag kennenlernte. Wir gehen gemeinsam Essen und lassen den letzten Tag auf Paros bei netten Gesprächen ausklingen. Für die beiden gehts morgen weiter nach Naxos,für mich nach Mykonos.Read more

    • Day 2

      Lefkes 🌿

      October 16, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nach Maripissa fuhren wir wieder etwas auf den Hügel ⛰️ nach Lefkes. Auch dieses Dorf hat seine ursprüngliche Art erhalten. Hier fiel uns jedoch die üppigere Vegetation 🌿🌺🌳 auf. Bei einem Wasser 💧 in einem Café leistete uns dann eine Katze 🐈 Gesellschaft. Das Wasser 💧hatten wir dringend nötig, denn die fast 30 Grad machten uns schon etwas warm 🥵. Bevor es weiter ging sahen wir noch unsere erste Windmühle.Read more

    • Day 92


      August 18, 2021 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Schönen vorletzten Sonnenuntergang auf dem höchsten Berg von Paros angeschaut. Man kann von dort aus Antiparos überblicken. Davor waren wir faul am Strand gelegen und sind abends in Aliki beim Essen gewesen…Read more

    • Day 6

      Byzantinische Wanderung und Strand

      July 29, 2021 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Gestern sind wir ganz touristisch den byzantinischen Heeresweg von Lefkes bis Prodromos gelaufen. Inmitten von Olivenbäumen und Feigen kamen wir urplötzlich in einem Hauch von Asche raus. Hier gab es vor einigen Wochen einen schlimmen Waldbrand. 🔥 Nach der Rückkehr in Parikia sind wir direkt zum Strand und ergatterten uns in der ersten Reihe 2 Liegen und leckere Getränke gab auch dazu. 🍹🥰 Abends sind wir dann mit unserem Essen kulinarisch geworden und sind im Apollon Garden Restaurant fündig geworden. 😇Read more

    • Day 11

      Greek night and Lefkes

      October 30, 2018 in Greece ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Greek night featured many dishes to sample in a buffet dinner. We sat with a couple from Boston, David and Sarah, who we had met the night before, and a couple from NY City living in Barcelona. Some expats were there too who we had met at the cooking class. The music was interesting, guitar and violin, that sometimes sounded like Nova Scotian Celtic music. Dave did not get into breaking plates, thankfully. However, my dance partner and I seem to have broken a glass at one point. Fergus, from northern Scotland, got me up dancing, but unfortunately we didn't learn any Greek dances. It was fun and the locals were very welcoming.
      Today we toured round, to a town on the coast, called Piso Livadi. Then I had the bright idea that we should go up to a monastery high in the rugged interior. The road was steep and primitive and a very large and vocal dog up there kept us from roaming around too much. Coming back down tired out my right leg, as I felt the need to break constantly, even though I wasn't driving. Next time I'll keep my suggestions to myself.
      We went back to Lefkes to take some pictures. It is steep in the village with narrow alleys that are covered in paving stones. So pretty!
      I would love to have a fruit orchard here, not just olives, but oranges, apples, pomegranates, lemons, even prickly pear cactus sometimes. The climate can handle anything as long as you have water to irrigate.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lefkes, Λεύκες

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