Municipio de Flores

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Municipio de Flores
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    • Hari 326


      27 Mei 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Monate bevor unsere derzeitige Reise überhaupt Gestalt angenommen hatte, hatten wir eine spannende Dokumentation über die Maya-Stadt Tikal geschaut. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hätten wir nicht gedacht, dass wir diese Ausgrabungsstätte selbst mal erkunden würden!! Von daher ist diese Ausgrabungsstätte irgendwie etwas ganz besonderes für uns... 😁

      Tikal ist eine der bedeutendsten Städte der klassischen Maya-Periode und eine der am besten erforschte. Tikal besiegte im 8. Jahrhundert sogar den Rivalen und mächtigen Nachbarstaat Calakmul. Diese beeindruckende Ruinenstadt hatten wir uns bereits zusammen mit Philipp und Pia in Mexiko angeschaut.

      Schon bei unserer Ankunft hatten wir das Gefühl mitten in einer Safari gelandet zu sein: Es liefen einige Pfauentruthähne auf dem Gelände herum, in der Dämmerung kletterten Klammeraffen in den Bäumen neben uns und Nachts schreckte ich immer wieder hoch, wenn das schaurige und lautstarke Gebrüll der Brüllaffen ertönte. 😄
      Beim morgendlichen Kaffee entdeckten wir Nutrias und den ersten Nasenbär. Kurz nach 6 Uhr, gleich nach Öffnung des Parks, machten wir uns auf den Weg und konnten im Baum neben dem Eingang ein paar Tukane bestaunen. Auch im Park selbst wurden wir die ganze Zeit über von Papageien, Nasenbären und Klammeraffen begleitet. 😍

      Tikal war viiiiel riesiger als wir dachten, daher waren wir froh, dass wir so früh in den Park gestürmt waren. 😄 Noch bevor die Hitze uns braten konnte, kletterten wir auf die hohen Pyramiden und Tempel und bestaunten den Ausblick. Nicht alle Pyramiden in Tikal sind so gut erhalten, dass man auf diese hinauf klettern kann, aber das macht diese Ruinenstadt authentisch. Auf die hohen Aussichtspunkte kommt man mit Hilfe von (Holz- oder Metall-)Stegen, die seitlich an den Pyramiden hinauf führen - auf "natürlichem Wege" wäre es auf Grund des Zerfalls gar nicht mehr möglich!

      Ganze 5 Stunden erkundeten wir das riesige Areal mit den vielen Pyramiden, Tempeln und den Dschungel und waren die ersten Stunden fast allein unterwegs. 😍 Als wir zu Püppi zurück stapften waren wir super KO, aber immernoch super beeindruckt... 🤗
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    • Hari 125

      Flores & Tikal

      17 Julai 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Nach paar Wuche eher im Süde vo Guatemala si mir iz no ganz im Norde vom Land ahcho. Es isch üse letscht Ort wo mir bsuecht hei bevor mir über d’Grenze uf Belize gö😄
      Flores isch ganz es härzigs, chliises Dörfli mit viune farbige Hüsli. 🏡 Süsch würkts eher chli verschlafe und es isch wieder heiss, aso mir si da definitiv wieder im tropische Gebiet 😅

      Mir hei da houptsächlech ä Stopp gmacht wäge dä bekannte Maya Ruine vo Tikal (Weltkultur- und Weltnaturerbe). Für die z gseh hei mir ä Tour buechet u hei wieder zimmli früäch uf müesse. Si am Morge am 2:15 Uhr ufgstange u si när am 3 losgfahre, damit mir der Sunneufgang im Park nid verpasse.
      Dert ahcho hei mir nid schlecht gstuunet wie wunderschöön, ihdrücklech und gross Temple vo dä Mayas si🛕 Di meischte Temple si zwüsche 800 und 600 vor Christus erbout worde. D Gründer si aus Chünige gsi us dere Zit. Rund 80% vo aune Temple vo Tikal si no ungerem dichte Jungle verdeckt und wärde o nid ufdeckt. Obwou mir sehr viu vo dene Pyramide hei chönne gseh, gäbs no viu meh z entdecke.

      Näbscht dene Maya Ruine isch natürli der Jungle sehr schön gsi. Mir hei paar Tierli gseh und vorauem ghört. 🙉👂es isch würkli sehr luut am Morge am 5fi und wär denn no chli schläfrig isch gsi, isch sicher wach worde dür z Gebrüll vo dä Brüllaffe 😅

      Mir hei die Tour mit der Lucy und der Dymphy gmacht. Mir hei mit ihne abgmacht, das mir üs in Flores wieder träffe. Si hei drum wägem Hundi no ä chline Umweg müesse mache. Si hei ä Tipp übercho, das ä guatemaltekischi Familie Interesse het das Hundi ufznä. Wosi hei gseh wie schön dases bi dere Familie isch, heisi entschiedä, dä Welpe geit nid uf England sondern blibt bi dere nätte Familie 🐶
      Am Abe si mir aui zäme no mau ga ässe u när hei mir üs definitiv verabschidet😄 Si reise beidi när i verschidni richtige witers.
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    • Hari 498

      Tikal / Flores

      7 Ogos 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Um 5.30 Uhr ist Tagwach, das Reich der Maya ruft und damit eine erneut lange Busfahrt nach Flores, einer kleinen, fast kreisrunden Stadt. Friedlich, bunt und herrlich gelegen auf einer Insel inmitten des drittgrössten Sees Guatemalas, dem Lago Petén-Itza. Von hier starten wir am Folgetag (es geht auch wieder bereits um 4.30 Uhr los) mit unserem Ausflug nach Tikal, der ehemaligen Mayastadt mitten im Dschungel 🤩. Nachdem Tikal um 900 n.Chr. verlassen wurde, nahm sich der Regenwald der alten Mayastadt wieder an. Heute ist der Tikal Nationalpark Weltnaturerbe und umfasst ein Areal von sage und schreibe 576 Quadratkilometern Regenwald, der eine schier unglaubliche Artenvielfalt aufweist. Denn neben über 300 Vogelarten (ein Paradies für Kollegin Fritsche 😜) sind hier zum Beispiel auch Nasenbären, Spinnenaffen, Tarantel und Brüllaffen zu Hause. Und dann gibt es da noch Jaguare und Krokodile, die man mit viel Glück (oder Pech?) auch mal zu Gesicht bekommt. Das Highlight sind aber natürlich die vielen Pyramiden die inmitten des Dschungels auf einmal erscheinen. Auf einige davon kann man auch hochklettern und wird mit einer höchst beeindruckenden Kulisse über dem Regenwald belohnt 🤩. Der zentrale Bereich der Stätten umfasst ca. 3000 Bauten. Es wird vermutet, dass sich noch weitere 10.000 alte Gebäude in den Tiefen des Dschungels verbergen, die bisher noch nicht gefunden bzw. ausgegraben wurden. Zurück in Flores treffen wir uns noch auf ein Abschiedsbier mit Lea und Hannes, mit denen wir den Acatenango Vulkan bestiegen hatten 🍻. Wir verlassen nämlich Guatemala vorerst in Richtung Karibikküste und einem neuen Land.Baca lagi

    • Hari 135

      Guatemala me voilà

      28 November 2023, Guatemala ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Donc me voici au Guatemala ! J'ai bien profité avec tout le monde au Mexique pendant un mois ! Ça ce voit étant donné que j'ai rien posté et les filles non plus ahah promis je vais rattraper le retard.
      Début d'une nouvelle aventure, retour au voyage en solo, un objectif trouver un bateau à Rio Dulce ou à Livingston pour aller au Panama ou encore mieux Colombie. J'ai une carte bancaire qui m'attend et un vol pour Bueno Aires à prendre hehe

      Voici Flores, un jolie petite ville à l'entrée du Guatemala !
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    • Hari 112

      Flores - usually a gem of Guatemala

      23 Januari, Guatemala ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      My adventure continued in Flores with a mix of rain-soaked contemplation, a captivating visit to Tikal, even some productive moments and sporty activities as well as a hospital visit. But first things first. ☝️

      On my first day I explored the small island Petén, that is the area with the most hotels, hostels and restaurants respectively bars in Flores - also my Airbnb was on that island. 😎 I visited the „Cool Beans“ and “Maracuya” restaurants and enjoyed their relaxed atmosphere. The latter one even has a butterfly garden 🦋 to visit.
      Another surprise of the island was the big and professional basketball court, where the local youth gathered as the sun set. Intrigued, I asked if I could join in, borrowing one of their basketballs 🏀 for a few shots. I haven’t played in a long time but it felt like yesterday and really great to let it fly again - at least for one evening.
      Later in the evening, I reconvened with Paul and Harry as well as Simon and Demi (which I already knew from Bacalar and the journey to Flores) at the Skybar for drinks 🍸 with a backdrop of the picturesque town below. For dinner we went to “Tacos los Peches”, indulging in the local street food that Flores had to offer. We went to a few more bars afterwards to have some beers 🍻 and ended up in the “Los Amigos” Hostel which had its own little night club hidden in the back behind 3-4 doors. We played a really exciting and close game of foosball against each other before I left the place after midnight and went straight to bed. 🛏️

      On a rainy second day, I embraced the weather and used the time to organize my upcoming travels 🗺️ as well as delve into my private software project on GitHub 🤖Despite the persistent rain, I also walked around a bit. But other than that, not much more happened that day. 😩

      On the third day I got up at 4:00 am for my early bird tour to Tikal. Unfortunately it was still shrouded in morning rain 🌧️ and clouds for the most part so that our view was obscured when we climbed the highest pyramid. However, as the day progressed, the fog lifted, revealing glimpses of the ancient wonders below. The sun ☀️ finally graced us with its presence as we returned to Flores. Despite the weather, Tikal offered an immersive experience with lots of wildlife – for example from the calls of birds 🦅 to the playful antics of howler monkeys and spider monkeys as well as raccoon-like creatures. I also have to admit though that seeing the ruins in Tikkal was not that impressive for me anymore. After visiting 5 maya sights in the past couple of weeks, everything just looks more and more to me like random stones 🪨 in the forest. 😂 Indeed, I found it very interesting that in Tikkal many buildings were deliberately NOT restored and instead were left as is - covered by nature. The reasons for this are two-fold: on one hand it is a very difficult and time-consuming process due to the roots of many trees that have intermingled with the ruins over the past millennia. On the other hand, Tikkal was a huge city with more than a million inhabitants. It is believed that the Mayas cut so much rain forest to build Tikkal that they eventually had to abandon the city and move to the highlands ⛰️because they were otherwise running out of natural resources to support themselves.
      Does this sound somehow familiar to you? (our civilisation seems to make similar mistakes just now🤦‍♂️)
      So, restoring the city would mean cutting a lot of rain forests again. Thus, the Guatemalans have abandoned these plans and instead focus on the preservation of what is there. 😌
      During the tour I met Rene (from Munich), Patrick (from Berlin) as well as a few more travellers. In the evening, I joined Rene, Patrick and Eve (from Düsseldorf) - who were all staying at the same hostel. We wanted to watch the sunset from the Skybar. The view from this elevated vantage point provided a nice panorama of Flores and its surroundings. 🌅 For dinner, we eventually went to “Las Terrazzas” - our initial destination (the „Bistro Puertas del Cielo“) already ran out of ingredients to serve their dishes. But our alternative was really good as well! Naturally, we ended our night again in the “Los Amigos” Hostel - playing foosball and beer pong. 😊

      On my last day in Flores, the weather was great again. So I rented a kayak 🛶 for the day to explore the area by myself. My first (and unfortunately also last) stop with the kayak was the 30 min. away “Jorge’s Rope Swing” - a well known and super relaxed family run place at the lake. As the name suggests you can use a rope swing to jump into the water. I gave it a few shots and found it really easy. 😎 Mikkel (form Denmark) and Jochen (from Frankfurt) also joined in one the fun but my first attempts felt quite lame. I let go of the rope a bit to early and therefore was almost less then a meter above the water when I fell into it. I wanted to do better and thus I tried experimenting a bit with different ways of holding the rope and taking run-ups. 🏃‍♂️ During my last attempt for the day, something went horribly wrong with the jump. It felt like I slipped and then pre-maturely fell backwards into the water. 💦 I also remember landing on my back but it didn’t hurt. I didn't feel anything at first but I was just totally shocked when I saw the result: I dislocated my right middle finger when I slipped from the rope (I spare you the photos) 😳
      Mikkel and his girlfriend Johanne as well as Jochen have been super helpful and gave me a ride on the water taxi they had already called before the accident to go back to Isla Pepén. The motor taxi driver called an ambulance 🚑 for me and made sure I was picked up immediately. We took the kayak on board of the water taxi so that it could be returned by Mikkel and his girlfriend as well as Johannes while I was on my way to the hospital. 🏥 In the hospital, I was treated immediately: they took blood samples, did an x-ray and injected some pain killers. Then I had to wait. 🕘 … and wait. 🕠 … and wait. 🕘 The problem was that the doctor who had experience with fixing dislocated joints was neither onsite nor could be convinced to come to the hospital. 🤬 It’s apparently an easy fix. So he suggested one of the nurses onsite would do it. The nurse told me straight away that that kind of procedure was quite painful and he had never done it before. 😱 It was kind of funny. I guess we both were almost equally scared. 😅 Nevertheless, after hours of waiting and hoping for the doctor to show up, I agreed to let the nurse try fixing my finger. Before he started, I got two anaesthetic shots 💉 in my finger - one for each side. Then it got serious: I expected the worst but surprisingly I felt almost nothing. Thank god, my finger was completely numb from anaesthetics …. and now fixed. The nurse and I were both quite happy. 😊 Of course the finger was still swollen - much like a sprained finger - but it looked already so much better than in the afternoon. Afterwards the nurse gave me some instructions and prescriptions for the pharmacy. And that was it. I was free to go.
      I didn't have to pay anything - neither for the ambulance that picked me up nor the treatment in the hospital. Shout out to the Guatemalan health care system! 🥳 Anywhere else this would have cost probably 100s of EURs.
      So, I went back to Isla Pepén with a tuk-tuk for laughable 15 QZT (approximately 2 EURs) . The price was even negotiated on my behalf by one of the security guards of the hospital who walked me over to the tuk-tuks 🛺
      On the island I ran even ran into Hyesun (from South Korea) who I already knew from Valladolid - to my surprise she was sitting there in front of the “Tacos los Peches” street food stand. She was supposed to be in the U.S. but was bored there. Do, she went to Guatemala 😅 The world is so small sometimes. I was really happy to see a familiar face after that day. 😊 Over some burritos, we brought ourselves up to speed about the past weeks of travelling and our future travel plans. This is also how we realised that we would be on the same bus to Guatemala City and then Antigua that night.
      Before my night bus I briefly met with Mikkel, Johanne as well as Jochen. They still had my drivers license which I had left as a deposit for the kayak earlier in the day and handed it back over to me again. 🙏
      It is unbelievable how much help I had received from so many people in my moments of weakness that afternoon. I am nothing but grateful that I had so many good-hearted people around me that day. 🥰

      Now I leave Flores behind me - with some mixed feelings. Due to the circumstances I cannot count it to my (personal) favourite spots in Central America. In Antigua I want to go on a popular volcano hike. I hope that is still possible with my little (newly acquired) handicap. 🙏
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    • Hari 48

      Petén, Flores

      17 Februari, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      So we are staying in Flores and more specifically on the island of Petén as our first stop in Guatemala. This is a quiet cobbled town with the main transport being small Tuktuks and water taxi boats.

      Our main reason for being here is that it provides access to Tikal but we are also doing all the new country things (getting cash, working out exchange rate, working out cost of things, getting local SIM for phone) etc. it seems here it is cheaper to eat out (£2-4 for a meal) than to cook yourself.

      We are actually going back to Tikal tomorrow for some birdwatching so another 4am start.
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    • Hari 15

      Evening in Flores

      6 Mac, Guatemala ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      At around 6:30pm we arrived into the colourful island of Flores! The sun was setting and it was soon dark, but this didn't stop the sweat dripping off us in the extreme humidity.

      Dan outdid himself once again with a salmon and vegetable dish with homemade sauce.

      After enjoying this delicacy we headed with our new Canadian friend to a rooftop bar overlooking the square that would only serve us beer (no other alcoholic drinks and not even water) at £1.50 a pop.

      After this we encountered a band rehearsing for all to here so bought some beers and pre mixed drinks from the local shop (60p per can) and sat on the curb enjoying the ambience.

      A great start to proceedings in Guatemala and hopefully a sign of things to come!
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    • Hari 16

      Tikal - By Day

      7 Mac, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      This afternoon we headed to Tikal for the sunset tour!

      Tikal used to be the capital of the Mayan empire, home to 150,000 people and covering 575 square kilometres. There are approximately 10,000 structures on the site however only 3,500 of these have been excavated whilst the remainder remain covered by jungle. It's a huge task to uncover the entire site and something that the Guatemalan's don't yet have the money for!Baca lagi

    • Hari 16

      Sunset at Tikal

      7 Mac, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Just before 6pm we headed up a smaller pyramid for a view of the sunset over Tikal which was stunning!

      There were a few dozen people at the top but everyone remained silent for about 20 minutes watching the sun set and listening to the noises of the surrounding wildlife.

      Once the sun had safely disappeared behind the hills at around 6:15pm we headed down and out of the jungle in the increasing darkness!
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    • Hari 52


      20 Mac, Guatemala ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We had an early start to meet the Queensland gang in the hotel reception (the kids were so excited to see their cousins). We grabbed two Ubers and headed for the airport. We arrived but no sign of the others...their uber was stuck in heavy traffic, they barely made check in ....a very tense start to the day!
      We arrived in Flores, picked up our rental car and headed to Tikal. The Lodge is incredible!! It was built for the national geographic team when they excavated Tikal and is full of history. The kids enjoyed some time cooling off in the pool before we headed into the ruins for the afternoon. Johnathan was our guide and led us through the ruins which are huge (16m2). It had been thought 20% of Tikal ruins had been uncovered but an aerial survey with advanced detection technology discovered the ruins are far more extensive than previously thought and they have only uncovered 5%. We climbed temple IV and looking out over the jungle was incredible,it stretched to the horizon in every direction and it was easy to imagine all the ruins that were out there still undiscovered. There was so much wildlife to see, the jungle was filled with monkeys, toucans, eagles and coati. Dinner was delicious and we had a lovely relaxing evening.
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